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Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Roosh - 06-29-2014

You can forward to 0:58

She clearly resists arrests: "Don't talk to me like this... you have a lack of respect for me." Her tone seemed to be a mix of don't you know who I am and telling off a guy that she's about to break up with.

She may be right that the cop was hassling her, but once a cop decides to arrest you, you're a fool to fight. Save it for the court.

[Image: UwggIiz.png]

The twist is that her lawyer is insinuating the officer sexually assaulted her (2:26). The lawyer adds... "She's a very intelligent woman... she's very educated... her life's work is in communication."

Yeah, it shows. [Image: lol.gif]

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - rekruler - 06-29-2014

A professor of "Cultural Studies" and "Communications." Another social parasite, basically.

With that said, it's pretty fucked you can get arrested for not showing an ID. Since when was it a law you had to have an ID on you at all times? The bitch wasn't driving, either.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Col. Tigh - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 04:45 PM)rekruler Wrote:  

A professor of "Cultural Studies" and "Communications." Another social parasite, basically.

With that said, it's pretty fucked you can get arrested for not showing an ID. Since when was it a law you had to have an ID on you at all times? The bitch wasn't driving, either.

I agree it stinks, but the Supreme Court came down on the side of law enforcement in this regard a number of years ago. It's not a violation of constitutional rights for the states (and their minions) to demand you identify yourself.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - MikeCF - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 04:45 PM)rekruler Wrote:  

A professor of "Cultural Studies" and "Communications." Another social parasite, basically.

With that said, it's pretty fucked you can get arrested for not showing an ID. Since when was it a law you had to have an ID on you at all times? The bitch wasn't driving, either.

Walking on the road (called "jaywalking" in the U.S.) is an offense that can get you a citation.

When you're detained for a citation, you can be ordered to shown ID. (How else would they know you're not using someone else's name for the ticket?)

This wasn't a case of a jack booted thug demanding, "Show me your papers."

This was the case where a person was jaywalking. The cop had the right to stop her.

Be polite, have a normal conversation with the cop, and everything would have been alright.

Now....Should she have been stopped for jaywalking if no cars were coming?

Sure, there are a lot of issues about the overcriminalization of daily life in the U.S.

But if you break the law, they can demand that you show ID.

It's then up to you to communicate your way out of a ticket.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Slick Shimmer - 06-29-2014

lol he probably thought she was a hooker, what with wearing a short skirt and no panties.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Dr. Howard - 06-29-2014

She should be playing the race card, not the sexual assault card to get out of this one, keep your pussy pass for another day ma'am.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - speakeasy - 06-29-2014

I really see no point in getting dramatic with a cop over some small infraction. It's a fight that you'll never win.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Veloce - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 05:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (06-29-2014 04:45 PM)rekruler Wrote:  

A professor of "Cultural Studies" and "Communications." Another social parasite, basically.

With that said, it's pretty fucked you can get arrested for not showing an ID. Since when was it a law you had to have an ID on you at all times? The bitch wasn't driving, either.

Walking on the road (called "jaywalking" in the U.S.) is an offense that can get you a citation.

When you're detained for a citation, you can be ordered to shown ID. (How else would they know you're not using someone else's name for the ticket?)

This wasn't a case of a jack booted thug demanding, "Show me your papers."

This was the case where a person was jaywalking. The cop had the right to stop her.

Be polite, have a normal conversation with the cop, and everything would have been alright.

Now....Should she have been stopped for jaywalking if no cars were coming?

Sure, there are a lot of issues about the overcriminalization of daily life in the U.S.

But if you break the law, they can demand that you show ID.

It's then up to you to communicate your way out of a ticket.

Absolutely correct. There should be more education out there on how to deal with police.

If they don't have any reason to suspect you've committed a crime or traffic violation then you are under no obligation to provide I.D.

But if a cop witnesses you jaywalking, speeding, running a light, etc, you're best off by complying with them, saying as little as possible, and disputing the citation later, if you get one.

Seems like this woman was less concerned with her legal rights and more concerned with her gender entitlements.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - turkishcandy - 06-29-2014

It gives me satisfaction to watch yet another self-entitled delusional woman get physically beaten for good reasons. Don't get me wrong, I hate cops because I think they serve for 10% public order and 90% for government tightening its authoritarian control on the people, but this video is so satisfying. She should be arrested anyway for being stupid enough to fight off and talk back to a cop asking her only for her ID.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - MikeCF - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 05:17 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Absolutely correct. There should be more education out there on how to deal with police.

If they don't have any reason to suspect you've committed a crime or traffic violation then you are under no obligation to provide I.D.


"Hi officer, what is the problem?"

You were walking in the middle of the road.

"Yeah, do you see that construction over there? The sidewalks are obstructed. There's no walkway. I was being careful of oncoming cars, though"

OK, we're just going to need your ID.

"Sure, go ahead and run it. I don't have any warrants. [Image: wink.gif] "

Looks like you're all clear. Have a nice day.

[No ticket is issued.]


Real simple.

Give them respect and they will give you respect.


Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Sombro - 06-29-2014

Is it beyond irony that "Communications experts" are the worst at giving/understanding communications?

Or that "Cultural Studies" types are that last ones to observe the "When in Rome" maxim?

[Image: 47403654.jpg]

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Hotwheels - 06-29-2014

I'm no fan of cops, but after watching the video I have to say she got a lot more leeway than a guy would have in that situation before finally being thrown down.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Roosh - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 05:43 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (06-29-2014 05:17 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Absolutely correct. There should be more education out there on how to deal with police.

If they don't have any reason to suspect you've committed a crime or traffic violation then you are under no obligation to provide I.D.


"Hi officer, what is the problem?"

You were walking in the middle of the road.

"Yeah, do you see that construction over there? The sidewalks are obstructed. There's no walkway. I was being careful of oncoming cars, though"

OK, we're just going to need your ID.

"Sure, go ahead and run it. I don't have any warrants. [Image: wink.gif] "

Looks like you're all clear. Have a nice day.

[No ticket is issued.]


Real simple.

Give them respect and they will give you respect.


But by doing this you have to be the type of person that:

-doesn't have a chip on his/her shoulder
-doesn't always have to get his/her way
-doesn't have a persecution complex
-doesn't search for opportunities to "teach someone a lesson"
-respects authority (even if you disagree with them)

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - JohnKreese - 06-29-2014

So, let me get this straight, she is a "communications" professor...yet she doesn't know how to communicate (maybe doesn't even know the proper name) the name of her institution?

Skip to 1:15 "as a professor...of the University of Arizona State"

tldr: she should know that the school is called "Arizona State University"

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Veloce - 06-29-2014

There's a beautiful Meme in there somewhere.

<photo of her in handcuffs>

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - xpatplayer - 06-29-2014

This whole incident is very simple to analyze.

There are three types of people, those who happily accept authority (the masses, the 'sheeple'), those who want authority over others (totalitarians, professional crybabies) and those who reject authority and wish to be left alone (libertarians, tea-party members).

Most people belong to the first type, fewer belong to the second and even fewer belong to the third. There is negligible crossover between types.

People like this woman belong to the second. They enjoy advocating for oppressive and unjust laws which give them power so much that they have made careers out of it.

Unfortunately, when laws similar to those they have advocated for backfire and hurt them, they fight the authority they have advocated for. After all, they believe they are above the laws they have advocated for. Think of Communist leaders' opulence. They executed people for enjoying a lower level of opulence than they did.

This woman deserved her punishment, especially since it was somewhat just (jaywalkers are annoying shitbags).

Also agree with Dr. Howard. Every guy in America is so used to being called a rapist for just having a dick that they don't care about sexual harassment allegations from strangers, much less criminals. The race card though would be much more effective. After all, no man wants to be called a racist.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Carlos100 - 06-29-2014

It's that last kick to the shins that's going to do her in. Completely unnecessary.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Sumanguru - 06-29-2014

I jaywalk all the time. Especially when there's construction across the street where I want to go, and there's no/few cars coming. She was probably just looking for the most efficient way to cross the street.

Cop probably saw a black woman with a weird haircut and in a mini-skirt walking in the middle of the street at night and thought she was a hooker.

It's a bullshit excuse for a cop to stop someone. But once you're stopped, it's much easier to just accept the unfairness of it, show your government issue ID, maybe take a ticket, and move on. (This is the kind of hard reality that men deal with all the time that women are often sheltered from).

Save the social justice warrior bullshit for later. This isn't Tumblr.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Tuthmosis - 06-29-2014

Another episode of "When Being a Strong, Independent Woman Goes Wrong."

It's easy to be all:

[Image: attachment.jpg19499]   

All up at the "University of Arizona State." But it's more like this in real life:

[Image: main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=205320]

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - soup - 06-29-2014

I noticed cops taking the ID thing very seriously to the point of throwing you in jail if you don't have one after 9/11. I think it has something to with being able to run a quick scan to see if you have connection terrorists.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Collide - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 04:33 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

her life's work is in communication."

I must axe the question, what was she trying to communicate around 1:52 of the video?

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - speakeasy - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 07:05 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

All up at the "University of Arizona State." But it's more like this in real life:

[Image: main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=205320]

Not to derail, but our friend Anna Kasparian weighed in on that video alongside the most beta Asian guy I've ever seen(lol at 5:32). Thank God for the manophere. There is a time in my life when I'd have completely agreed with the Asian dude.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Checkmat - 06-29-2014

Not to derail I wonder if anyone can chime in on how skilled his restraint technique was. It looked piss-poor but I'm not in law enforcement.

My point being that by wildly throwing her around and being unable to subdue her (it looked like he had a figure-four grip and was trying to pull her arm into a hammerlock) it hurts his credibility and makes the video more shocking and appeal to the plaintiff. Unable to secure the arm behind her back he has to resort to throwing her via the arm and then a headlock.

If he was able to calmly restrain her against the car while she is yelling at him this video would look a lot different.

Lastly for the officer's own personal safety he probably should start training in some grappling art (BJJ/Judo) immediately. If this woman could resist his arrest by just basically shrugging him off and running in a circle I'd hate to see him against her male counterpart.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - RawGod - 06-29-2014

I hate the way the word "professor" has been so devalued. It used to be hard-earned and meant you were truly a member of the academic and intellectual elite.

Black female professor gets tackled by officer for refusing his orders - Sombro - 06-29-2014

Quote: (06-29-2014 07:50 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Not to derail I wonder if anyone can chime in on how skilled his restraint technique was. It looked piss-poor but I'm not in law enforcement.

Apparently, it was university police. Campus cops all over have more of a tendency to go "Barney Fife."