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great article on "Girls and Software" - Printable Version

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great article on "Girls and Software" - puckerman - 06-15-2014

This is a great article written by a woman. I suspect she's mid 30's. Here are some excerpts:

"...If someone of any gender does something that violates my boundaries, I assume it was a misunderstanding. I calmly and specifically explain what bothered me and how to avoid crossing that boundary, making it a point to let the person know that I am not upset with them, I just want to make sure they're aware so it doesn't happen again. This is what adults do, and it works. Adults don't look for ways to take offense, silently hand out "creeper cards" or expect anyone to read their minds. I'm not a child, I'm an adult, and I act like one...."

"...Unfortunately, our society has set girls up to be anything but technologists. My son is in elementary school. Last year, his school offered a robotics class for girls only. When my son asked why he couldn't join, it was explained to him that girls need special help to become interested in technology, and that if there are boys around, the girls will be too scared to try.... "

great article on "Girls and Software" - Basil Ransom - 06-15-2014

"My son"

Most of the Western women who express sympathy with men do so not out of some intellectual epiphany, but because they have multiple brothers or a son, and thus a strong stake in their success.

Classic example: feminist recants feminism when her son gets falsely accused of rape.

great article on "Girls and Software" - Faust - 06-15-2014

"...Unfortunately, our society has set girls up to be anything but technologists. My son is in elementary school. Last year, his school offered a robotics class for girls only. When my son asked why he couldn't join, it was explained to him that girls need special help to become interested in technology, and that if there are boys around, the girls will be too scared to try.... "

How on Earth is this legal? Title IX should ban this shit.

Of course, we all know the answer. It's not legal, but no one will do anything about it. There is no legal apparatus set up to protect men or boys. And the federal government certainly isn't going to step in and stop it. Hell, there's decent odds its being funded by the federal government.

great article on "Girls and Software" - monster - 06-15-2014

how does society not setup girls to be technologists as the author says? I think it goes without needed explanation that Girls are the biggest consumers of personal technology like smartphones. If they're not interested in behind-the-scenes of 0s and 1s that's on the individual's personal interests, not on society scaring girls from being anything more than consumers.

great article on "Girls and Software" - monster - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:37 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"My son"

Most of the Western women who express sympathy with men do so not out of some intellectual epiphany, but because they have multiple brothers or a son, and thus a strong stake in their success.

Classic example: feminist recants feminism when her son gets falsely accused of rape.

Yes, but that's not a bad thing. If having brothers or sons is what it takes to reverse a woman's feminist ideology, then so be it. It's better than nothing.

great article on "Girls and Software" - AnonymousBosch - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:55 PM)monster Wrote:  

how does society not setup girls to be technologists as the author says? I think it goes without needed explanation that Girls are the biggest consumers of personal technology like smartphones. If they're not interested in behind-the-scenes of 0s and 1s that's on the individual's personal interests, not on society scaring girls from being anything more than consumers.

Women usually lack drive, resilience, energy and agency.

Women cannot be honest about their personal flaws.

Cue hamster.

"I could totally do that if evil men weren't holding me back."

The ones who don't lack these qualities are too busy achieving their goals to blame men.

great article on "Girls and Software" - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-15-2014

I left a comment. Great article.

My ex used to run an IBM mainframe. All these people cared about was who wrote the best programs. If you knew your stuff, you were getting calls at all hours because you were good. My ex wasn't the only woman in the group, either. Gender never factored into it -- neither she nor her female colleagues ever had any problems.

In fact, not only wasn't she denied opportunity, but she was so sought-after that she ended up on disability because of overwork (something I've previously mentioned in my comments here).

The women whining about women being denied opportunities in technology are inventing stories to get government grants for "studies" or to boost their feminist credentials or online fame. They're the white female version of the race hustlers who invent racial problems where there are none so they can get on the news. But these women are less forgivable because the demographic they seek to enrich is already upper middle class.

The reality of the situation is as this writer says: if you're good, they want you and if you're not they don't.

American business does not deny people with money-making talent opportunity. Rather, it exploits them. Male or female.

great article on "Girls and Software" - All or Nothing - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:29 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

"...Unfortunately, our society has set girls up to be anything but technologists. My son is in elementary school. Last year, his school offered a robotics class for girls only. When my son asked why he couldn't join, it was explained to him that girls need special help to become interested in technology, and that if there are boys around, the girls will be too scared to try.... "

Men are superior at spatial reasoning. Along with this, the male mind is formed in a way where a small but significant amount of men have the level of intelligence to succeed in STEM.

Even if the girls do end up getting into a STEM degree in college, the vast majority of them do not perform as well as the men. I know this from experience.

Point-blank, there is nothing feminism can do to solve the "problem" that women are not as successful as men in technical fields. If anything, they are just slowing down and creating obstacles for people (read: boys) who have the capacity to create economic growth.

great article on "Girls and Software" - polymath - 06-15-2014

I once ended a friendship with someone because she was bitching about her life, and when I asked what she was going to do to fix it, she said something like, "I can't do anything because I live in a patriarchy that doesn't give me opportunities."

My next words were, "well, why did you choose to study art in college?" The girl took advanced calculus with me in high school. She could have studied pretty much anything, but she sold herself short and yet she can't accept that it was her fault.

The sad irony here is that without accepting responsibility for her life decisions, she will never be empowered to make better ones. Her mindset does not allow her to say, "I chose to damage my life, so now I resolve to make good choices that build it back up."

I'm not going to make any generalizations about women here, because some men I know are lazy fucks too, and some women work twice as hard as the average man in their chosen profession. It's foolish to take a black-and-white stance either way. But it pisses me off when someone who wants to learn is held back from doing so, because maybe that kid would grow up to study mechanical engineering at MIT if given the proper stimulation for his intellectual interests. Meanwhile, there's probably a girl sitting in that program just because it's for girls and it sounds like a smart-people thing, not because she actually cares about building robots and writing code.

great article on "Girls and Software" - cooledcannon - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 04:25 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:55 PM)monster Wrote:  

how does society not setup girls to be technologists as the author says? I think it goes without needed explanation that Girls are the biggest consumers of personal technology like smartphones. If they're not interested in behind-the-scenes of 0s and 1s that's on the individual's personal interests, not on society scaring girls from being anything more than consumers.

Women usually lack drive, resilience, energy and agency.

Women cannot be honest about their personal flaws.

Cue hamster.

"I could totally do that if evil men weren't holding me back."

The ones who don't lack these qualities are too busy achieving their goals to blame men.

I am probably going to go out and seem highly misogynistic even for RVF but I do think the vast majority of women should just pick a guy that they like and make babies a bunch of times and stay home looking after the children, homeschooling them while the guy works. It seems like such a waste of a chick when you see them working.

great article on "Girls and Software" - puckerman - 06-16-2014

Actually, my favorite comment in the article was this one:

"...Adults don't look for ways to take offense, silently hand out 'creeper cards' or expect anyone to read their minds. I'm not a child, I'm an adult, and I act like one...."

great article on "Girls and Software" - Blackhawk - 06-16-2014

The original "computers" were women. Large calculations in the Manhattan Project involving specific factors in triggering an atomic explosion took weeks at a time for rooms full of women to do. The entire calculation was broken out so each girl would do her part of the iterative calculation at her desk and then pass it to the next girl in the sequence. They ran every calculation between two independent groups to check that the numbers agreed. Famously Stainislaw Ulam came up with his successful thermonuclear weapon design after feedback from his wife Françoise Ulam, who worked in the computer room doing the actual calculations of a previous attempt.

[Image: computer_wide.jpeg]

It's not that women are disinclined to mathematics, it's that the parts of mathematics the average woman is inclined to, like working in structured groups through consensus and cooperation to solve large calculations have been made obsolete by computer technology.

Likewise, corporate billing in the past was done with a an office pool of predominately women pulling account files from filing cabinets, updating with purchases, expenses, and payments received, manually calculating the monthly balance, then typing up the account statement and mailing envelope to get it to the customer. These previous office pools of predominately women managing the monthly business cycle have since been replaced by computer automation.

[Image: nwhm5.jpg]
[Image: Office_in_California.jpg]

But not always --go to any medical billing office, and who is pulling, updating and managing the patient files, doing the day to day math calculations, filing out insurance forms to file for reimbursement, and doing accounts billing? It remains an overwhelmingly female profession. Medical billing and coding is predominately females doing math.

[Image: 378_medical_billing_and_coding-300x244.jpg]

Likewise women have been early adopters of technology where it intersected their interests. Telephone switchboard operators were predominately female --getting paid to sit and talk all day was very popular with women. These position were rendered obsolete by automation technology.

[Image: med_res]

great article on "Girls and Software" - soup - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:37 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"My son"

Most of the Western women who express sympathy with men do so not out of some intellectual epiphany, but because they have multiple brothers or a son, and thus a strong stake in their success.

Classic example: feminist recants feminism when her son gets falsely accused of rape.

I believe this is the case with GirlWritesWhat.

great article on "Girls and Software" - soup - 06-16-2014

I do believe that girls will get anxious around boys.. that's a good point. If girls are going to learn, they'd probably do better in an environment with less adversity in that regard (I think boys need to experience adversity).

However, the answer isn't all girls schools, because, as most of us here know.. girls are girls' worst enemy.. they are worse than boys.

Women treat women like shit more than any man ever treats them that way.

Most men want to support a woman in exchange for loyalty, sex, children.

Women despise other women and want to tear them apart. They are savagely competitive for alpha males.

great article on "Girls and Software" - All or Nothing - 06-16-2014

Also, I want to make this clear. I do not think it is bad when women enter the technological field.

It is bad when culture attempts to stunt boys interest in science and math and force girls into the foray even when they never wanted to be there in the first place.

great article on "Girls and Software" - StrikeBack - 06-16-2014

Interesting original article.

I met only one woman in the tech world (works for IBM) who's very much like the author, and she also grew up on a farm.

The rest are busy bodies hired to fill quotas and waste my and my clients' time.

great article on "Girls and Software" - Foolsgo1d - 06-16-2014

Funny how its always men who invent the next big gizmo women buy in droves.

It is like the drive (sex biased) to get women interested in construction. They can do real estate, land law and surveying but put them on a site and tell them to haul ass and you're looking at a whole new set of problems.

The environment just isn't tailored for them.

great article on "Girls and Software" - catoblepa - 06-16-2014

from my experience as a high school teacher I noticed that girls have slightly better grades in maths and science just like in everything else but when they opt to further their education to college they choose humanities over STEM fields. it's also because they know they have the option of just being stay at home moms rather than having the obligation of following a career like guys have and STEM degrees offer better job opportunities. if you're a guy you don't have the chance of finding a woman who provides for you. at least I've never seen that happening.

great article on "Girls and Software" - Parlay44 - 06-16-2014

I know a few girls in tech and engineering. They can do the work but honestly I don't see the deep interest there like guys have. They have many facets to their lives. Work is just one of them. For men work is their primary focus. We tend to take it more seriously. Women can fall back on their pussy pass to pay the bills ...and often do. We don't have that luxury.

great article on "Girls and Software" - player - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 11:51 PM)cooledcannon Wrote:  

I am probably going to go out and seem highly misogynistic even for RVF but I do think the vast majority of women should just pick a guy that they like and make babies a bunch of times and stay home looking after the children, homeschooling them while the guy works. It seems like such a waste of a chick when you see them working.
I agree, but don't consider it misogynistic. We love women and want what's best for them: fulfilling their biological purpose.

To me, the real misogynists are those who encourage women to pursue things which will not make them happy or fulfilled: careers, consumerism and casual sex. Feminism is responsible for untold female misery and depression. Young Western women are set to be the largest percentage in history to fail to get married and reproduce, thereby failing to have any real purpose to their lives.

Promoting masculine men, feminine women and traditional gender roles is the opposite of woman-hating.