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Nasa civilisation collapse study - Pepini - 06-14-2014

Nasa civilisation collapse study - The Lizard of Oz - 06-14-2014

File under "stale peace research", LOL.

This is a great example of the kind of trivia and nonsense that an organization like NASA becomes reduced to as the extended peacetime rolls on.

One thing I did not mention on that thread, but might have, is that a major war will obliterate the current idiotic preoccupation with "climate change" and other imagined "risks" -- just as overcoming a bout of real serious sickness can cure years of debilitating hypochondria.

Nasa civilisation collapse study - Faust - 06-14-2014

What the fuck would NASA know about civilizational collapse?
They ARE civilizational collapse. Back in the 60s they were taking us to the moon. In the 90s they were ready to take us to Mars. Now their top priority is shit like Muslim Outreach.

Anyway, if you read the thing you'll find it's more of the usual call for taking money away from people the government doesn't like and giving it to people they do like. Here's a quote from the article:

"Collapse can be avoided and population can reach equilibrium if the per capita rate of depletion of nature is reduced to a sustainable level, and if resources are distributed in a reasonably equitable fashion."

So nothing new here, except that another government agency has started spouting propaganda instead of doing its job.

Nasa civilisation collapse study - Glock - 06-14-2014

This old song about resource exhaustion has been playing for centuries, and it's always wrong. You can relax. The prices of almost all natural resources has been going down in inflation-adjusted terms, because technology allows us to find more resources and to do more with less.

Nasa civilisation collapse study - soup - 06-15-2014

I think this thread might be a dupe..

Nasa civilisation collapse study - Pepini - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 01:27 AM)soup Wrote:  

I think this thread might be a dupe..

I had previously posted a different study of the Club of Rome which basically repeats the same vomit:

The main argument is: Less population is good. This idea will be repeated until your subconscious repeats it automatically. Sure Malthus was already proven totally wrong. But the idiots continue to press the same topics. In fact Malthus theories were great for one class: Elite/wealthy class. Just google it.

One of the reasonings of Malthus was something like: "There´s not enough food for everybody. Lower classes have the highest birth rates. So we must pay them less so they don´t want to have babies".

To obtain less population either you kill people (with a war) or simply make man and woman not wanting babies.

How do obtain this last goal:

- Emancipate woman so they choose career over family;

- Promote homosexuality;

- Make divorce law draconians so that no man will want to marry and start a family;

- Cheap sex so you don´t have to get marry to get laid;

- Normal man wanting to create a family with values are looked as losers.

All this measures have already implemented and the result is clear as water: the birth rates have plummeted.

Basically everytime there´s a post on this section we see one more reason why man shouldn´t commit to woman or start a family with one.

Vasectomies, condoms, etc, etc, have one direct consequence: No babies are born.

Nasa civilisation collapse study - kosko - 06-15-2014

NASA coffers have been run dry. They went from poking at life on Mars to running frilly white papers and using all their tech to run frilly studies. All these studies do is to justify that white coats and hacks can jet set around the world to posh places to report on their non-sense to each other. Remember during 2008 it seemed like every 2nd week the hacks of the establishment were in some new posh resort having a conference where they could agree on nothing. Almost to the point they were all burning their expense accounts and air miles before SHTF.

What these studies on resources forget is that half of the globe is more or less fine. The Global south has enough stuff in its backyard to keep the game going a bit longer and they won't be willing to share when avenues up here in the West/North run dry. Maybe the "collapse" happens from the crisis/conflict that would happen over thees resources but the delusion of these studies is that its only the West that will be tossed into the flames. The quick expropriation and export of Western ideals is a last ditch effort to try and sell a bag of coal to the Global South and East to by a sinking shit wit ha rotting hull full of rats called "Western Modern Civilization". Case in point are these little rump States lining up to be raped by the EU in signing their independence away to become exploitation homes for Germany and France.

Nasa civilisation collapse study - Truth Teller - 06-15-2014

This stuff has been pushed since Malthus. I remember that people were saying that oil is running out only a few years ago.

Leeuwenhook estimated the Earth's carrying capacity at 13 billion. I think we're fine.