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Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - agentaika - 06-14-2014

I started following @biyiat after I ran into some of her vitrole on Twitter. She fascinated me because she says a lot of the bullshit most feminists are thinking but don’t openly say because they know doing so would damage their agenda and discredit them.


i have needs only a hood nigga can fulfill. if youre a cishet man, there's a 100% chance i don't want to hear your dissenting opinions.

This was her bio. The last sentence was recently edited out, but she has tweeted these sentiments before. Upfront she makes it clear that she doesn’t have any interest in hearing the opinions of “cishet” (cisgender heterosexual) men. She’s only interested in talking to people who share her views and can confirm her biases.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

we need more hot cishet men in activism

"Cishet" men are great as long as they don't have conflicting opinions.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

These insta filters boost my confidence +100

Like many women, she has a low self-esteem, and posts pictures of herself and her bad "boob tat" for attention and likes.

[Image: attachment.jpg19278]   

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

K I'm ready for the hot Europeans to throw themselves at me (but respect boundaries & back off when I say so)

Although she claims to have needs “only a hood nigga can fulfill”, she seems to be attracted primarily to white men.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:


Especially Jason Statham.

[Image: attachment.jpg19276]   

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

there is not and will never be one single thing a white girl has that i'll ever envy.

Aside from white men...

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

ayeee free birth control kicked in on my insurance #thanksobama
Quote:baedicca Wrote:

Reading the reviews for the birth control I got oh lord I don't even wanna take it anymore

She's such a slut she needs birth control, and thinks we should pay for it.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

This has to be the 3rd/4th/5th time this guy made plans with me then flaked. "Sorry something came up".
Quote:baedicca Wrote:


The white men she pursues eventually blow her off after she reveals her terrible personality to them.

[Image: attachment.jpg19277]   

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

How bout a wake up call to the abusive, entitled, misogynistic shitbags men are.

When given the opportunity, she blames men for her problems rather than take any of the blame herself.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

cant deal w people anymore.
Quote:baedicca Wrote:

I'm so done. Especially with these "male feminists".

She has the usual temper tantrums.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

I shouldn't stay up late cause then I text douche bags and set dates with them

But she just can’t get over her love of “douche bags.” And she was a Tinder user.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

i never thought i would be sexually assaulted until it happened. always thought i'd know what to do. @darkestlove_E

Even though she claims to have been assaulted by one.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

STOP FUCKING SAYING THIS SHIT “@PerezHilton: Inside every gay man is a fierce black woman!

She gets offended and acts fierce when white people characterize black women as fierce.

[Image: fattitude.gif]

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

I blocked Perez, please don't include me in any replies, but feel free to drag his ass.

She then blocks Perez Hilton for an argument she started after he wouldn’t agree with her. She blocks a LOT of people, men, women, anyone who causes her the tiniest bit of discomfort. A lot of feminists do this. Since they can’t master their lives in the real world, they micromanage their virtual spaces. This likely creates a sense of power for them.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

Hi @RaniaKhalek don't talk about Black people anymore thanks

White people aren’t allowed to talk about black people.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

I would appreciate if non-Black people wouldn't fav/RT my tweets critiquing Black people.

White people aren’t allowed to “co-sign” critiques of black people either.

Quote:baedicca Wrote:

I hate people. And science.

Well, of course.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Foolsgo1d - 06-14-2014

Perfect opportunity for white god troll.

cishet is a new one.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Sumanguru - 06-14-2014

Good work. This should be a RoK article.

Quote: (06-14-2014 06:55 PM)agentaika Wrote:  

Like many women, she has a low self-esteem, and posts pictures of herself and her bad "boob tat" for attention and likes.

Eh. I like her skin tone (yes, I'm black and like black women), she's got a cute face, full lips, dark eyes and doesn't seem fat (at least, again, in the face; could be a SIF), but the short hair and facial mutilations kills it. 4/10 WNB; if she corrects those things, 6/10 WB. [Unless she's a SIF, then just would not bang period].

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Slick Shimmer - 06-14-2014

How does a person like this come to be?
Something in the water? Gamma rays?

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Truth Teller - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 07:17 PM)Slick Shimmer Wrote:  

How does a person like this come to be?
Something in the water? Gamma rays?

She sees everything as being someone's fault, rather than blaming herself for it. Most people are like this. While I don't like feminism, I think we end up blaming feminism for far too much here.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - agentaika - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 07:01 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

cishet is a new one.

They've created so many terms and abbreviations. It's very Scientology-esque.

Quote: (06-14-2014 07:16 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

Eh. I like her skin tone (yes, I'm black and like black women), she's got a cute face, full lips, dark eyes and doesn't seem fat (at least, again, in the face; could be a SIF), but the short hair and facial mutilations kills it. 4/10 WNB; if she corrects those things, 6/10 WB. [Unless she's a SIF, then just would not bang period].

Just a heads up, she wants nothing to do with black men. She expressed her disgust for black men in a post which has since been deleted. It received a lot backlash which hurt her feelings.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Sombro - 06-14-2014

[Image: I1aZ7.gif]

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - kerouac - 06-14-2014

Take no offense to me calling you a short sighted idiot, but why the fuck wouldn't you want to pay for her birth control?!

Do you actually want more of her kind roaming the earth?

She'll hopefully take birth control long enough that her eggs are in such decline that they are no longer viable!

I think we should make a RVF birth-control fund for these dumb cunts to ensure that they have a ready supply of birth control!

"Penny wise and pound foolish"

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Sumanguru - 06-14-2014

Of course she hates black men, cause the alpha black men she would really want (ahem, that "hood nigga") absolutely would not take her seriously. Then again, no alphas would take her seriously--note the ripped white guy on Tinder cutting her off--but she's around black people more and has been rejected by them more. So she otherizes different races. "I'm gonna find me a good white man! They have to be better than the black men I'm dealing with." It never occurs to her to ask if said men find her attractive.

I'll bet shes a fan of the web show Awkward Black Girl.

A black man with game, a college degree, and who could drop a few of the right buzz words (intersectionality...misogyny...etc.) without sounding like a total mangina could hit it without too much hassle.

She'll probably develop an Asian fetish next once white men don't work out.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - AnonymousBosch - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 06:55 PM)agentaika Wrote:  

The white men she pursues eventually blow her off after she reveals her terrible personality to them.

Nah, that conversation is just classic Dismissive-Avoidant Personality: relationship self-sabotage by creating distance through hostility and condescension. She has very low self-esteem that she masks behind independence and 'feminist strength'. Since she unconsciously believes that she's not worth a relationship, when she's hitting on men she's not trying to emotionally-connect with them, but daring each guy to reject her, thereby creating the situation where it happens.

She won't ever view each rejection as being her fault and something she encouraged - it must be him - he's just a jerk / douchebag. It reconfirms her view that all men as untrustworthy and unreliable, so she continues to be hostile. The circle keeps going around.

She's incapable of a genuine relationship with a man, because D.A.'s also create romantic ideals that are impossible for anyone to match: in this case, a dominant, masculine, high-value white man who takes feminist dogma like 'Cishet' seriously.

She's chasing a unicorn.

D.A.'s aren't capable of self-reflection or introspection - the emotions involved are hugely-negative and painful to them because of their low self esteem - so they constantly repeat patterns of failure, as they can't be risk introspection to learn from their mistakes. Hence, all the Blocking of anyone who doesn't agree with their opinions.

It's not unique to this woman. I'm convinced it's a large majority of Millenial girls.

Hey, what does 'bae' mean? I thought it was Danish for a shit.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - agentaika - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 07:46 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Take no offense to me calling you a short sighted idiot,

None taken. [Image: tard.gif]


but why the fuck wouldn't you want to pay for her birth control?! Do you actually want more of her kind roaming the earth?

The money they take out of my check every other week shouldn't have to be used to tend to stupid people's bad habits and mistakes. And if she can afford trips to Europe, she can afford her own birth control. But I do see your point. People like this don't need to procreate.

Quote: (06-14-2014 08:11 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

A black man with game, a college degree, and who could drop a few of the right buzz words (intersectionality...misogyny...etc.) without sounding like a total mangina could hit it without too much hassle.

A black man with game and a soft spot for womanism? Does such a person exist?

Quote: (06-14-2014 08:14 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Hey, what does 'bae' mean? I thought it was Danish for a shit.

A lot of teenagers and people in their early 20s are using it as an abbreviation for "baby."

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Sumanguru - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 10:10 PM)agentaika Wrote:  

A black man with game and a soft spot for womanism? Does such a person exist?

You don't have to LIKE it, you just have to be able to know the general concepts behind it and use the words. There's a few dudes on this forum who could do that, I know there are more out there IRL. Now, would someone with that level of smarts, education, game, etc. be interested in her? Probably not; but there are dudes out there who have the right mix. If she slims down, grows her hair out, loses those mutilations, and actually becomes nice, she might eventually find one. So, of course, she'll never find one, and will keep chasing white, and then Asian, guys.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Kabal - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 07:46 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Take no offense to me calling you a short sighted idiot, but why the fuck wouldn't you want to pay for her birth control?!

Do you actually want more of her kind roaming the earth?

She'll hopefully take birth control long enough that her eggs are in such decline that they are no longer viable!

I think we should make a RVF birth-control fund for these dumb cunts to ensure that they have a ready supply of birth control!

"Penny wise and pound foolish"

Birth control needs to be taken regularly to be effective--this requires a modicum of conscientiousness and responsibility, of which brainless sloots like these have none, as the only cum they have is emanating out of their vaginas from the last pump-and-dump.

It's precisely the population that needs their reproduction curtailed the most that is least likely to use birth control effectively, even if given for free.

Buying birth control pills for these retards is useless if they're not taking them regularly.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - TonySandos - 06-14-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 08:11 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

I'll bet shes a fan of the web show Awkward Black Girl.

I hate that show. It says so much about the constant presence of near implosion that those types of girls carry everyday soon as they wake up. When a woman is a fan of that show it tells you a lot about them and how they see the world. "I'm weak, ugly, strange, unlike/unloved, every day is an exercise in meek survival". It really seems like the creator suffers from chronic depression actually. Who would want to live like that or choicefully admire that?

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-14-2014 08:14 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

She's incapable of a genuine relationship with a man, because D.A.'s also create romantic ideals that are impossible for anyone to match: in this case, a dominant, masculine, high-value white man who takes feminist dogma like 'Cishet' seriously.

Haha - that will be a hard slot to fill. The funny thing is that MOST feminist would like that kind of man and would gladly be wifed up by him.

I am waiting for the first Forum Member who goes out and plows a bunch of high-level feminists just for the sake of it via exactly that kind of Game. But again - that guy would have to move to Siberia for a while. Just like Roosh - heh.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - AnonymousBosch - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 01:53 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I am waiting for the first Forum Member who goes out and plows a bunch of high-level feminists just for the sake of it via exactly that kind of Game. But again - that guy would have to move to Siberia for a while. Just like Roosh - heh.

Based on her love of Statham, I'm obviously her type.

Wouldn't waste my time though. There's far hotter girls to bang who know how to be fun to be around.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:42 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (06-15-2014 01:53 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I am waiting for the first Forum Member who goes out and plows a bunch of high-level feminists just for the sake of it via exactly that kind of Game. But again - that guy would have to move to Siberia for a while. Just like Roosh - heh.

Based on her love of Statham, I'm obviously her type.

Wouldn't waste my time though. There's far hotter girls to bang who know how to be fun to be around.

Indeed! Despite what the femi-mafia thinks, we do not hate women. We love them, we may despise some, but that does not make us hate them enough even for a hate-fuck prank. You turn around and have fun with the bubbly 19-year-old.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - AnonymousBosch - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 05:08 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Indeed! Despite what the femi-mafia thinks, we do not hate women. We love them, we may despise some, but that does not make us hate them enough even for a hate-fuck prank. You turn around and have fun with the bubbly 19-year-old.

I don't even despise them. They're just psychologically-damaged girls with issues trying to drag other women down to their own dismal level so they can compete with them in the sexual market place instead of being overlooked.

I feel sorry for them, because they're too damaged to see how easily their own self-defeating behaviour could be avoided, but they can't be helped. Besides, their impotent Tumblr, Twitter and Jezebel ranting make no difference to my real world reality whatsoever.

Date the savvy girls who understand girl game.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - YaManBT - 06-15-2014

This bitch is damaged beyond repair.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Foolsgo1d - 06-15-2014

I look forward to the day people need a license to procreate. She would fail the standard.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Lizard King - 06-15-2014

Nice find.

She is the epitomy of many contemporary women.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - HeyPete - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 05:48 AM)YaManBT Wrote:  

This bitch is damaged beyond repair.

And hideously ugly.

I can smell the testosterone wafting out of her just looking at her.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - DetlefMourning - 06-15-2014

She doesn't want to hear the opinions of a straight white male? Well, I don't want to hear the opinions of an angry black feminist clearly suffering from an Axis II personality disorder.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - Faust - 06-15-2014

This strikes me as a little odd. Is this woman a public figure in any way, or is it just some chick on twitter who says shit you don't like? I couldn't tell from a cursory glance at her page.

Psychological Analysis of an Angry Black Feminist - El Chinito loco - 06-15-2014

This bitch is seriously ugly and nappy/ghetto as shit with her busted tattoos and hair. I'm surprised people are even rating her at all. She's a 1 at best in my mind, slightly above a drooling retard. Anywhere else in the world with decent looking females she'd be shuffled off past the "leftover female" bin to the "waste female" trash heap.