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Take A Gander At Michael Kimmel's "Men & Masculinity" Dictionary - 2Wycked - 06-04-2014

[Image: 20121113111806-2.JPG?itok=vLIkl4WD]

You can view many entries for free here.

First off, you need to understand just how powerful and influential Michael Kimmel is in the progressive feminist sphere. Whenever the topic of men and masculinity come up, this man's name will either be dropped explicitly or an article of his linked to. He is considered to be the the expert on masculinity, as Judith Butler is for gender performativity.

Consider some quotes from some entries:

[Image: man-box.png]

Action Television Series


Flirtatious and sexually suggestive banter is also part of part of the homoerotic subtext of these shows. Because their heterosexuality is not to be questioned, the men in these shows can make jokes impugning the masculinity, and/or the heterosexuality of the others on the show, and they can cross-dress. The shows of the 1980's have the greater homoerotic subtext and in retrospect the most campy.



Lipman-Blumen (1976), who introduced homosociality into gender studies discourse, stated that traditional homosociality was practiced more by men and women. There were more male homosocial groups than female homosocial groups. The higher extent of male homosociality is an expression of male dominance and, at the same time, contributes to maintaining men's dominant position by excluding women from important realms in society and by strengthening cohesion among men.

Kimmel defines homosocial atmospheres as one in which men and women are separated not just physically but the needs and expectations of the other sex are ignored and not present. What this means is that if men come together, and no women are present, men must be vigilant to not fall into sexism. Essentially, if an atmosphere gets designated "homosocial" that is highly negative and in order to remedy that, men must pretend that women are always present, so they can cure their sexism. Kimmel actually believes that the fact men might need to relax in atmosphere without women as a sign of misogyny.

Then the conclusionary paragraph:


Because homosociality seems more significant to men than to women (Wycked: Gee, maybe because run homes and hold upper hands at work?) we might expect the recent changes in the gender order to increased homosocial relations among women as a source of power, at the same time as it results in an increased searching for homosociality among men as a form of resistance of gender equality. But, paradoxically, one consequence of the transformation of the gender order is that more and more all-male institutions, especially those in the workplace, are losing their homosocial character. Thus, men's increased search for homosociality might become more increasingly difficult.

So, homosociality is about gathering and maintaining power? This doesn't make any sense at all because men and women have befriended each other since the dawn of time. Christ Jesus, if every aspect of society revolves around power, please check into your local mental health clinic.

Like I talked about in my gentlemen's club post on ROK, the whole idea of men existing without the need for female approval is highly threatening to women's identities. The devolution of heterosexual relations has resulted in more frantic, anxious intervention into men's lives by women. Kimmel aids this helicopter feminism by giving women male approval for their desperate, impotent incursions into men's souls.

[Image: themaskyoulivein.jpg]

Kimmel's most important "contribution" is that idea that masculinity is a constant performance, rooted out of opposing women and needing to feel superior to women. This is reflected throughout the dictionary, as just about all his theories and ideas is that masculinity -- the world over -- is based out of an unstable identity. See, since men truly just want to maintain their power, they sacrifice their personal well-being by being masculine. If men would give up masculinity as a class, then women will come into equality in the workforce, politics and the home and men will finally be able to cry, be sensitive and finally become human.

Leaving aside any obvious critique about narcissism, what is very striking is how anti-intellectual his approaches and theories are. Anybody with a keyboard can make up all this stuff, as it does little more than reaffirm world views of the readers. He isn't winning over anybody with his writing, as it is not based out of reality, but a wish for how the world should work in their minds. There is no hard thinking on economics, psychology or philosophy back up these ideas: just pure, utter drivel.

We might mock and deride men like old boy Hugo, but men like Kimmel are truly contributing to a society that is constantly treating us as people in constant, desperate need of remedy.

Take A Gander At Michael Kimmel's "Men & Masculinity" Dictionary - Christian McQueen - 06-04-2014

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

The eradication of masculinity in ANY sense is the overall goal of feminists.

Good luck dolls because no matter what, until I'm 6 feet under, then this is one mutherfucker who will never bend to the wiles of the masses and trade in my masculine nature for one of a weak-kneed, yellow bellied, limp wristed, beta bitch boy behavior.

Take A Gander At Michael Kimmel's "Men & Masculinity" Dictionary - Basil Ransom - 06-04-2014

This man is also frequently touted by MRAs as what men need - MRAs celebrated when Kimmel founded a men's studies department at his university. It is impossible to be at once a card carrying MRA and a self-respecting man.

I wasn't aware that Kimmel went so far as to impugn all male spaces - but it's not altogether surprising considering he is hostile to traditional sexuality (the qualities associated with the male sex and the female sex), just as everyone who campaigns for sexual equality ultimately is. Nice writeup.

All male spheres of society are critical to preserving and promoting masculinity. In our cowardly society, men won't express anything critical of women in their company. When women are always present, the man learns to entirely suppress any critical thoughts, and eventually to not even think them, lest he let them slip absentmindedly. Nor can his male comrades convey any such criticism. He also cannot compare the dynamics of mixed versus all-male spaces, and the challenges and benefits that each one offers, cutting off another avenue for noticing sex differences.

Take A Gander At Michael Kimmel's "Men & Masculinity" Dictionary - AnonymousBosch - 06-04-2014

Quote: (06-04-2014 01:02 AM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Good luck dolls because no matter what, until I'm 6 feet under, then this is one mutherfucker who will never bend to the wiles of the masses and trade in my masculine nature for one of a weak-kneed, yellow bellied, limp wristed, beta bitch boy behavior.
