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Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

I've been thinking about this question for a bit now.

The man is an icon. He redefined (or perhaps regressed) gender roles and carved out an empire.

He was in the front lines fighting feminism back in the 70s. I wonder where he stands in the current landscape. would he be MRA? MGTOW? Or maybe he's already waved the white flag?

Anyone think his sons will carry on his iconic position? Anyone else "on deck"? For a minute there, I thought Joe Francis (Girls Gone Wild) had a chance, but he doesn't seem to have Hef's class & intelligence.

What will happen to Playboy when he's gone? Is it even relevant anymore? The company's valuation has been sinking over the years.

I'm creating a business that could be our generation's Playboy. Do I license the Playboy name or create & build my own brand?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Captain Gh - 04-24-2014

It could definitely work, but you'd have to go the Roosh way I believe since you'd be getting absolutely no love from the Western Media. You'd have to fight constant accusation of being a misogynist as well.

It could definitely be done, but it would require a lot of dedication and a bulletproof will since you'll be hated by pretty much everyone publicly.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - jamaicabound - 04-24-2014

Hugh Heffner is def an icon and a trailblazer that said now wiht online porn and magazines like maxim and stuff he's been somewhat forgotten about, especially by todays generation. I think these days it's more about raunchiness when it comes to sex and porn and lifestyle stuff vs when hugh heffner was in his prime it was more about class. kinda like madmen vs entourage.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 02:32 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

It could definitely work, but you'd have to go the Roosh way I believe since you'd be getting absolutely no love from the Western Media. You'd have to fight constant accusation of being a misogynist as well.

It could definitely be done, but it would require a lot of dedication and a bulletproof will since you'll be hated by pretty much everyone publicly.

The recent success of Hef's tv show "Girls Next Door" show some hope. The show got a 7.6 rating out of 10.

This is out of 1,104 votes which is probably not a lot.

There is also the emergence of other tv shows like "My Five Wives" on The Learning Channel. I don't really like the show & concept. Marriage is a bit extreme, polygamy is illegal, and there is no fun vibe. Hence the ratings are low.

On the other hand, Girls Next Door with younger pretty girls who shown living life and having fun, was a hit. I think this is the key to success in doing this.

As for misogyny, I don't know of an instance that such a charge on Hef has stuck. If anything, he's practicing philogyny.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - monster - 04-24-2014

Girlie lad icons like that are dead. The closest equivalent (and more respectful equivalent) is CEO of NEXT models or any of the large modeling agencies. Like Ari Gold for models.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hotwheels - 04-24-2014

[Image: 39406.jpg]

fuuuuuuuuuuuck me running....

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 03:04 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

Hugh Heffner is def an icon and a trailblazer that said now wiht online porn and magazines like maxim and stuff he's been somewhat forgotten about, especially by todays generation. I think these days it's more about raunchiness when it comes to sex and porn and lifestyle stuff vs when hugh heffner was in his prime it was more about class. kinda like madmen vs entourage.

True. The challenge is to come up with the magic blend of style and class for the modern (current) times. Something like the image of George Clooney or even the Dos XX guy.

At his height, Hef even had his own private custom jet. This was not your typical cookie cutter white corporate jet. It was a standout, black with a huge bunny logo:

[Image: playboy.jpg]

Who's doing this now? No one.

And his entourage:

[Image: tumblr_m0awo1u0cS1r737emo4_500.jpg]

If someone did this now, will he get hate or love? Guess it depends on the magic blend above.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 03:09 PM)monster Wrote:  

Girlie lad icons like that are dead. The closest equivalent (and more respectful equivalent) is CEO of NEXT models or any of the large modeling agencies. Like Ari Gold for models.

The guy who owns FashionTV does come close. I've been to his mansion in South Beach. He throws huge parties. He's a bit beta and pudgy. Lacks style for someone who is into fashion.

John Casablancas was a well known playboy and had the style to go.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - BDawg - 04-24-2014

Charlie Sheen or any guy sorta like him.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 03:41 PM)BDawg Wrote:  

Charlie Sheen or any guy sorta like him.

Charlie is definitely keeping up the good fight. His shows have very good ratings (not Sheen’s Korner).

A contender, a lot of celebrities would back him but he does tend to take the low road though.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - kosko - 04-24-2014

Look beneath the veneer of Hef... There isn't much behind the curtain.

The real details of his life show pedalisation, To many crappy business moves, Blue-pillness, and questionable sexual indulgences and preferences.

I used to be a big fan of Hugh until I started reading about how he really lives his life.

Playboy is a beta establishment that makes money of degenerates and women. Real men have no use for the company/brand/products and it has been like that for close to 20 years now.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Christian McQueen - 04-24-2014


[Image: lol.gif]

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 06:58 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Look beneath the veneer of Hef... There isn't much behind the curtain.

The real details of his life show pedalisation, To many crappy business moves, Blue-pillness, and questionable sexual indulgences and preferences.

I used to be a big fan of Hugh until I started reading about how he really lives his life.

Playboy is a beta establishment that makes money of degenerates and women. Real men have no use for the company/brand/products and it has been like that for close to 20 years now.

People don't give him enough credit for being a trailblazer and building a strong frame for a lifestyle that I lot of guys would kill for.

I don't think he ever claimed to be an "alpha male" nor be a business guru or shark. He was the cool kid throwing parties and bashes and hosting other cool kids. Tuesday night poker with his boys, thursday night movies with the bunnies and guests.

You're right that he & Playboy has lost relevance in the past 20 years. Things have changed and moved ahead of the culture shattering things he pioneered in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Hef didn't continue to innovate and adapt to the changing times. This is also the time frame when Christie Hefner took over the biz. But, a lot of things remain the same and are universal and timeless. Class, style, intelligence, being worldly, etc. Leave the raw and sleazy stuff to the Gucciones and Flynts.

What we need is a Hugh Hefner for the 21st century. Someone who is larger than life. Someone whose life and lifestyle the media will respect. Someone with mainstream influence. If all you have is a popular online manosphere blog, you will get slaughtered by the media.

Look at George Clooney. He's a self professed bachelor and the media still loves him. Maybe even more so because of it. Charlie Sheen to a certain extent, but he makes a comedy routine of it.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hef - 04-24-2014

Quote: (04-24-2014 07:03 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  


[Image: lol.gif]

Step it up brother! Weekly podcast today, global media & lifestyle empire tomorrow. The branding & marketing can use a little help though.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Cattle Rustler - 04-25-2014

The G Manifesto....

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Vitriol - 04-25-2014

I see Hefner as a tragic figure because he could never get past the high school / college stage of life where you want to fuck the cheerleader / sorority girl. Yeah, that's cool for a few years, but after you've already built an American empire around that fantasy where do you go? I don't think he ever answered this question, and his brand has suffered because of it. Manwin (the company that owns Pornhub and Brazzers) manages the Playboy pay sites now. It's almost like they're admitting defeat.

Seems like the type of guy who wanted to live in an echo chamber after he was able to live that fantasy and the past 40 years or so are history.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Drazen - 04-25-2014

Hef is a weird guy. He's already irrelevant and senile, as was exposed on his "reality show". I remember we called his office to invite him to an event and when we were talking to his secretary we could hear him listening in on the call. Alot of these older hollywood playboy types have digressed into a hermit like existence. I've known people at the Video side and the Magazine. Both companies are no different than any other media company. Heavy female influence, layers of politics and waste, etc.

If anyone would take over the "brand", I'd hope it'd be someone in the Vegas Club industry. Guys like Victor Drai, the Waits brothers, Jason Strauss, etc. They need build it as an upscale nightclub lifestyle brand, sort of like Nikki Beach. Cater to jet setters and don't put it in the fucking Palms hotel.
I guess the magazine could be saved if they spent the money to get celebrities and models you'd want to see naked. Get a hot girl to be Playmate of the Month. Dump the media company, its a bunch of losers and swingers, really cheapens the brand.

Get it focused on a jet-set playboy nightlife, sort of like how 944 magazine was back in the day but in a more upscale setting.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - DVY - 04-25-2014

My dad had dinner w/him back in the day. He was dating one of the playboy girls. He told me dude was already going slightly nuts. I can't even imagine his mental status now.

His life may have been a huge upward trajectory in the beginning, but its been a slow decline ever the early 2000s (when he was mid 70s). Playboy could have been the next Virgin, but lack of direction and fresh blood killed the brand. Its main asset now is NOSTALGIA. The history behind it. Its a good from far, but far from good type of business.

Considering he is a dinosaur playboy at 88, and has lived a full life: I give him nothing but props. But I criticize his business style, because a great leader should know when to step down and to bring in competent leadership. That has been his (and many other great people's) undoing.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hotwheels - 04-25-2014

That's the thing; He's old as fuck and deserve the props for what he did years ago. The problem is instead of bringing in someone from the outside with new ideas and an understanding of media in today's market, he instead has his daughter running it.

Nepotism has killed many a business and appears to be doing the same to Playboy.

The brand has awesome brand recognition. With the proper hand at the wheel I could see it being big once again. They have to adapt however, otherwise it will continue to fall.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Glider - 04-25-2014

Dan Balzerian anyone?

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - speakeasy - 04-27-2014

When is the last time you've even met a guy under 40 with a Playboy sitting on his coffee table? Yeah, never. I see little future for his brand as they seem too have no ability to adapt to the changing climate. I don't know the breakdown of Playboy's revenue, but if it still depends on magazines and videos they have too much free shit on the internet to compete with.

I've also heard that Hefner is quite beta. I've heard that he's emotionally needy and falls in love really easily. It's his cult of personality status that brings these women to his bedside. Oddly, he's supported many feminist causes. So I'm guessing he's of the blue-pill limousine liberal persuasion.

Personally I have no use for Hefner. I think he's irrelevant, even in the world of adult entertainment. But I do respect him for forging his own path and bringing an element of class to sexual entertainment and the playboy lifestyle.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - caracal - 04-27-2014

Playboy seemed to enjoy a brief resurgence in popularity in the mid-late 2000s where many women seemed to decorate their cars with the Playboy bunny or buy Playboy underwear... I see that no longer and their underwear is 'Meh'.

Who will replace him? I seriously don't know. Richard Branson gives off a bit of the same vibe but is getting on in years himself. I do think Las Vegas is the place to look though.

Who will replace Hugh Hefner? - Hotwheels - 04-27-2014

In today's market with free porn at everyone's fingertips I don't know if "classy sexuality" in the traditional Playboy sense is much of a market anymore.

It needs a reinvention, but I do not know what that might be.