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James Franco's text game - Zebra_Cakes - 04-02-2014

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James Franco's text game - samsamsam - 04-02-2014

She must be hot or he is really desperate. The whole "You're single, what's the hotel, should I rent a room." spammed together seems a little too eager.

James Franco's text game - Snowplow - 04-02-2014

I'd be interested to see the broad. But did anyone else think he could've done better?

James Franco's text game - Professor Fox - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 06:34 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

She must be hot or he is really desperate. The whole "You're single, what's the hotel, should I rent a room." spammed together seems a little too eager.

Yeah, this. Doesn't he come across as a bit try hard for an A list celeb?

Should have pulled a J.R. Smith:

[Image: 18fd7q8hk31spjpg.jpg]

James Franco's text game - Christian McQueen - 04-02-2014

He's a bit eager, but I like the direct style.

Remember guys, he's famous as fuck.

He got straight to the point and tried to set up logistics.

He put out minimal effort to prove it was him, which was understandable considering she doubted it was him, and when she balked, he ejected quickly.

At that level of fame, his game doesn't have to be much more than "hi I'm james franco. What's your number and shall I get a hotel?" [Image: lol.gif]

If she was smart she would have gotten knocked up by him and be set for life.

Lastly, I would bet money he was high on some substances, because the rapid fire texting like that screams "I'm high and horny bitch lets meet asap!"

James Franco's text game - Zebra_Cakes - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 06:34 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

I'd be interested to see the broad. But did anyone else think he could've done better?

Here you go.

James Franco's text game - Matt3B - 04-02-2014

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on just a minute. You can private message on Instagram?!?!

[Image: mindblown.gif]

James Franco's text game - Zebra_Cakes - 04-02-2014

McQueen makes a good point. Love when he asks "Do you have a bf?" to which she replies "Not if you're around". Perfect example of hypergamy.

James Franco's text game - Snowplow - 04-02-2014


James Franco's text game - MikeCF - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 06:34 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

She must be hot or he is really desperate. The whole "You're single, what's the hotel, should I rent a room." spammed together seems a little too eager.

It's not eager. It's too the point.

Too much "game" is based around being a pussy and being indirect for fear of rejection.

Screen for sluttiness. Are you down or aren't you? If you are, let's get a room and fuck. If not, have a great day.

I posted some crazy tweets of actual screen caps of my "text game" and just got an email from a forum guy who copied them and they worked for him. (Of course.)

Indirect is for pussies or lower value men.

When you have high value, you get the point. I want to fuck. I want to pull your hair. You are tired of little boys. Come be with a real man.

Guys are afraid of going direct because it puts your neck on the guillotine. She can laugh at you and reject you. There's no way to wiggle away. She either says yes or no. You close or you feel the sting of rejection.

Oh well. Then you move on.

Someone like Franco (or to a far lesser degree someone like me) has so many other options that rejection doesn't matter.

In fact, you WANT rejection early. That way you're not wasting time on some stupid date at a wine bar talking about bullshit.

When your game is advanced, screening and pre-selection become the most important aspects of your game.

James Franco's text game - MikeCF - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 06:40 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

He got straight to the point and tried to set up logistics.

He put out minimal effort to prove it was him, which was understandable considering she doubted it was him, and when she balked, he ejected quickly.

At that level of fame, his game doesn't have to be much more than "hi I'm james franco. What's your number and shall I get a hotel?" [Image: lol.gif]

Hah. Exactly.

She says no. Oh well. He has more lined up.

It's like making cold calls. You call up. You get to the point. You have 100 other calls to make. One no just gets you closer to the eventual yes.

But it takes balls (and abundance) to go direct like that. There's no maybe. There is yes or no. Your ego will get bruised.

Then you kill the ego and watch what happens.

(Of course you already know this. I'm just using your post to piggy back some other points.)

James Franco's text game - Christian McQueen - 04-02-2014

Indirect and Direct BOTH work, we're all aware of that, but I believe that once you become an advanced player or have such high apparent value, you can use direct game and it works quite well.

Some of the other forum members who have rolled out with me have pointed this out that I am VERY direct and will get blown out alot, however, I don't like my time wasted and getting to the point may get me blown out alot, but who cares? I also get laid consistently and am helluva good at pulling the same night.

MikeCF made some great points (as usual) in his posts.

If you're a newbie, then starting with Indirect is great and you should use it, but don't be afraid of rejection and going Direct.

Once your skills improve, you'll find that Direct is not only fun as fuck (because it is a Game after all), but it will give you a rush that you won't get with Indirect.

James Franco's text game - Cr33pin - 04-02-2014

James Franco's text game - redbeard - 04-02-2014

This isn't 100% direct because he is asking her what to do:

"Should I rent a room?"


"Yes or no?"
"Tomorrow or thurs?"

What would J.R. Smith do? "11 PM lobby of the W c u there"

James Franco's text game - Dr. Howard - 04-02-2014

I love this, that girl must have shit her pants with regret when she got that middle finger picture message. So much so she went public with the messages of course. "hell hath no fury like a woman spurned" and all that.

James Franco's text game - MikeCF - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 07:04 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Indirect and Direct BOTH work, we're all aware of that, but I believe that once you become an advanced player or have such high apparent value, you can use direct game and it works quite well.

As we discussed ad nauseum, there needs to be a place to discuss advanced game.

Stuff that would seem totally outrageous to a newbie but that you and I have seen work.

I don't even know how to do "indirect game" anymore. Guys are lucky you're teaching it.

James Franco's text game - vinman - 04-02-2014

OH HELL YEAH! This little tart would get fucked through the mattress!

[Image: attachment.jpg17931]   

James Franco's text game - MikeCF - 04-02-2014

^ Yep. Girls like that throw themselves at celebs.

That's why it's really silly to critique his "game."

His very existence is his game. She says no due to "bad game" and guess what: There are a thousand more other chicks who will spread their legs to hear him spit his "bad game."

James Franco's text game - lskdfjldsf - 04-02-2014

"Deer in the headlights" effect. Girls think something is too good to be true, so they freeze up and shy away. I wouldn't chalk it up to bad game.

James Franco's text game - Tuthmosis - 04-02-2014

This isn't "game." This is a transaction. The currency is his fame and the product is the top-shelf pussy.

He's merely asking buyer's questions.


James Franco's text game - Johnny Football - 04-02-2014

Found her on fb, she has a bf and instantly was dtf when he asked her.

Hilarious, wonder if her bf would have the guts to dump her after seeing how easily she would cheat on him.

James Franco's text game - Dr. Howard - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 07:33 PM)vinman Wrote:  

OH HELL YEAH! This little tart would get fucked through the mattress!

manjaw 2/10 WNB

James Franco's text game - Timoteo - 04-02-2014

She's a teenager in town for a quick visit/birthday celebration. And a foreigner at that. Not a lot of time for beating around the bush, dating, etc. Just put it out there and see what's up. Her being in town with her mom might have held her back. Also, women/girls may flirt and talk a big game, but when a guy puts it on the table it suddenly gets real, and they backpedal. His smoothest game wasn't necessary for a child.

James Franco's text game - tawillionaire - 04-02-2014

Quote: (04-02-2014 07:21 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

This isn't 100% direct because he is asking her what to do:

"Should I rent a room?"


"Yes or no?"
"Tomorrow or thurs?"

What would J.R. Smith do? "11 PM lobby of the W c u there"

Had he been like that it would have given her less of a chance to back out. The "should I get a room?" part put her in control and I don't think she was ready for that. Like someone else said, she was a deer in the headlights.

Not that it matters to him, he's got 1000 more. Def gonna get some flack from his publicist but I doubt he's struggling for pussy.

edit: won't let me quote on my phone

James Franco's text game - samsamsam - 04-02-2014

I can see where McQueen is coming from he does look off a bit. Maybe he is on drugs.

I agree with that much fame you can go direct and as Tuth puts it is just a transaction.

But, and I don't have Franco's status, but it would seem like all he would have to do is say, come over to x at x time. If he was just going to be direct. She could just say yes or no.

But she is pretty hot and he wants to get inside of her. But it just seems like he is spamming her 3 messages to 1. Hot young vagina will do that. Just seems like she had control. But at the end of the day, just playing Monday morning quarterback.

Now how do I go about getting to Franco level status...hmmm [Image: biggrin.gif]