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Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - runsonmagic - 03-16-2014

Women want access to male only spaces, but they don't want those spaces to remain the way men want them.

For example, women wanted access to the business world. Now they're trying to ban the word "bossy." They wanted access to gyms, and now they ban grunting.

The message women have essentially sent is "let us into your all male space so we can change them to suit our needs or we'll call you misogynists."

I'm curious what other examples you guys have of ways "male-only" space would have to change to accommodate women links and examples if you've got them. (And yes, this is research for an ROK article.)

EDIT: and to take it one step further... why do you think women get annoyed when they are excluded from spaces clearly not meant for them? Why do women want to be a part of every space?

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Sir Vigorous - 03-16-2014

I think they get annoyed because they internally realize male-spaces are more productive and beneficial areas than gender-mixed and female areas. One thing I realized is that feminist pedestalize masculine traits and hate their own feminine traits. For people who hate men they sure try and act like 'em alot and get into our spaces.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Bacchus - 03-16-2014

The internet is a good example of this. I can't remember how many articles I've seen about online 'hate-speech' against women, but the internet is filled with trolls. That is just the nature of the online world. Women get offended when someone says something contrary. Or worse they take clearly trolling statements as serious threats against them. So they demand moderation to protect them (they don't care about censorship anyway). But they don't hesitate to hurl ugly equally ugly words at whatever they don't like, and they would never tolerate any limits to what they have to say though.

They throw shit but expect others not to throw it right back simply because they're women. That is, they want the internet, like the real world, to be a consequence-free zone for all females.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Soma - 03-16-2014


Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Saga - 03-17-2014

Bars. Pre-prohibition bars were almost exclusively male-only...after prohibition (a law supported strongly by women) they started accommodating women.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Suits - 03-17-2014

[Image: urinals.jpg]
Thank you, Sweden

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Billy Chubbs - 03-17-2014

Military for sure, at least the Canadian one. I was never in but I know guys who were.

At the CFLRS (Canadian Forces Learning and Recruit School), recruits live in a tall hotel/dorm style building with several floors. Each training platoon has their own floor with each recruit having their own small cubicle to sleep in. All the female recruits of the platoon have to sleep up on the girl's floor, and they're allowed to take the elevator instead of having to climb up and down the thin metal staircase to their floor.

During a tank platoon exercise, my friend's platoon commander noticed a tank was missing off the flank. He radioed the tank and asked where it was. Turns out the tank had the only female member of the platoon in it, and she had to pee. Male tank crews piss in a bottle without getting out. Her tank had to stop and fall out of formation in order for her to go piss in the woods like a precious little lady.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-17-2014

The odd phenomenon of women barging into men's spaces and trying to rewrite the rulebook has been given the name "female hypoagency."

The ultimate analysis of this, I think, is by female manosphere video blogger GirlWritesWhat. She's really good at picking apart what makes women tick and why feminism is so flawed as a philosophy.

Here is a video by her that deals with this topic. It takes a while for her to get to the point, but it's worth sitting through:

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - pozdnyshev - 03-17-2014

Remember when women tried to ban coffee houses in 1674?

Quote: (03-16-2014 10:54 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

Women want access to male only spaces, but they don't want those spaces to remain the way men want them.

For example, women wanted access to the business world. Now they're trying to ban the word "bossy." They wanted access to gyms, and now they ban grunting.

The message women have essentially sent is "let us into your all male space so we can change them to suit our needs or we'll call you misogynists."

I'm curious what other examples you guys have of ways "male-only" space would have to change to accommodate women links and examples if you've got them. (And yes, this is research for an ROK article.)

EDIT: and to take it one step further... why do you think women get annoyed when they are excluded from spaces clearly not meant for them? Why do women want to be a part of every space?

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Kingsley Davis - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 12:33 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

The odd phenomenon of women barging into men's spaces and trying to rewrite the rulebook has been given the name "female hypoagency."

The ultimate analysis of this, I think, is by female manosphere video blogger GirlWritesWhat. She's really good at picking apart what makes women tick and why feminism is so flawed as a philosophy.

Here is a video by her that deals with this topic. It takes a while for her to get to the point, but it's worth sitting through:

It just "Dawn"ed on me that most of her vids are filmed in the kitchen. [Image: blush.gif]

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - strengthstudent - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 12:08 AM)Billy Chubbs Wrote:  

Military for sure, at least the Canadian one. I was never in but I know guys who were.

I have been in military. It is not just the girls who go to military but also the men's worried mothers who complain and worry how they treat their little boys in the army. Then some pussy congressmen which half are women try to change military although they have never been there.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Ingocnito - 03-17-2014

I have little experience in healthcare, yet with a recent trip to an ER I noticed even the security guards (all men) seemed to be at the mercy of the 100% female nursing staff... had them running around like bitches on a leash.

With the gov't healthcare taking affect under a liberal reign of power, and the baby boomer influx of nursing and medical care in general growing exponentially, I'm curious to hear if anyone has insight as to how this is affecting the realm of MDs, a once male dominated profession, or other administrative roles in healthcare and such that led to the banning or changing of policies.

Granted, there seems to be many murses and so forth filling positions in healthcare, and not to get on the topic of pay gaps between genders.... but there has to be changes occurring.

Thanks for any replies.[Image: icon_question.gif]

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - The Beast1 - 03-17-2014

I like having more women in more places. 98% of women have horrible backbones which makes them break under enough gusto.

Take for example, a lady minister. I feel like if push came to shove, I could easily get her to break in a debate with enough gusto on my part. Men, not so much. They'd give me a funny stare.

Lady doctors as well, I can go into my doctor's office and convince her to prescribe me anything I want with a half assed reason. Most women are easily intimidated into subordinate roles if you have a dominant enough frame.

Dealing with an angry social justice warrior? Even easier, these women break the hardest when you don't say anything and silently stare. Less is more in this case and get them when they undoubtedly make some stupid over generalization.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Walderschmidt - 03-17-2014

What do women try to ban most in male only spaces?

Having a pair of balls.


Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - user10726 - 03-17-2014

Video games is a big one

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Glaucon - 03-17-2014

I think women want the constant attention of males, that is why they want to be included in every male activity. They do not want to be left out.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Collide - 03-17-2014

Girls are accepted into the Boy Scouts, but boys are not accepted into Girl Scouts.


A teenage boy barred from a Girl Guides meeting has accused the organisation of sexual discrimination.

Thomas Desai, 17, was invited by two female friends to join them at their weekly session at the Guide hut, but he was turned away at the door.

'I made the assumption, as girls are welcome to be members of the Scouting movement, I would be welcome,' said Thomas, from Crowborough, East Sussex.

Sex discrimination laws allow the Guiding movement to exclude boys, but Thomas criticised the organisation's 'backward ethos'.

Guiding bosses have fiercely defended their stance, saying it was 'vital' in today's society for a girls-only group to be available.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 08:36 AM)Collide Wrote:  

Girls are accepted into the Boy Scouts, but boys are not accepted into Girl Scouts.


A teenage boy barred from a Girl Guides meeting has accused the organisation of sexual discrimination.

Thomas Desai, 17, was invited by two female friends to join them at their weekly session at the Guide hut, but he was turned away at the door.

'I made the assumption, as girls are welcome to be members of the Scouting movement, I would be welcome,' said Thomas, from Crowborough, East Sussex.

Sex discrimination laws allow the Guiding movement to exclude boys, but Thomas criticised the organisation's 'backward ethos'.

Guiding bosses have fiercely defended their stance, saying it was 'vital' in today's society for a girls-only group to be available.

Glad you brought up Girl Scouts. They've partnered with Sheryl Sandberg for the "Ban Bossy" campaign. Which gives me the chance to say: don't buy Girl Scout cookies!!

I may do a thread on this anyway. I never could stand parents in my office who would bully you into buying their daughters' cookies. Nor was I too happy when the girls (and their mother hens) would stand outside the local supermarket hawking their sugar-poison.

Now I have a reason to tell them exactly why I'm not buying them. I hope sales plummet and they have warehouses full of stale cookies. We ought to start a "Ban Girl Scout Cookies" campaign.

(PS: Over on their Facebook page, mothers of the Girl Scouts are arguing with the troupe leaders about Ban Bossy. If anyone wants to tell them what they can do with their cookies, go here: .)

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - PompeyChris - 03-17-2014


Girl Scouts: Thanks for your years of support. We're glad that you haven't been witness to inappropriate name-calling of girls. Unfortunately, research shows that girls who display leadership qualities are often put down, silenced, and unfairly labeled as bossy.

From the FB page.

How the fuck did they research that?

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 09:57 AM)PompeyChris Wrote:  


Girl Scouts: Thanks for your years of support. We're glad that you haven't been witness to inappropriate name-calling of girls. Unfortunately, research shows that girls who display leadership qualities are often put down, silenced, and unfairly labeled as bossy.

From the FB page.

How the fuck did they research that?

Probably the book "Reviving Ophelia" from the 1990s, which has been picked apart for its shoddy research.

That said, I have issues with this nebulous concept that we're hearing about more and more... "leadership." Where I live, we have a group that the movers and shakers of local business join that's called "Leadership (Our) County." It's filled with nothing but empty suits and skirts: the type of business people that sell houses and lease spaces, but don't produce anything. But they have endless meetings where they give each other awards for various bullshit tasks and constantly get their "grip and grin" photos in the local paper.

So this is what they want to teach girls. To parade around and clap themselves on the back instead of producing anything of value. Say what you want about Zuckerberg or the Google shitheads, but they actually created things that changed society without droning on about "leadership."

Ban leadership.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Snowplow - 03-17-2014

I've talked to a few girls on this subject in the past, and most have said generally the same thing. It boiled down to penis envy. They do not like the fact, that we can piss virtually anywhere, we don't get cramps, and don't have bleed on the regular every month.

Another thing in the back of my head, growing up they have probably heard the song "Anything you can do, I can do better." It plays a role in growing up along with a lot of the female princess/tough girl in Disney movies.

Questioning girls about their logic to work on hard jobs and projects revealed close to the same results. They only wanted to show they could do it, and not the more important answer of why it needed to be done.

They all love the idea of being top dog, but majority of them do not understand the meaning behind what responsibility comes with and all the sacrifice men make to do it. Women think being at the top is easy and any man can do it, she tries to do it better. What she does is ruin a whole working system to better suit her own needs in the sake of women, but will only back stab when someone is gunning for her.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - runsonmagic - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 08:36 AM)Collide Wrote:  

Girls are accepted into the Boy Scouts, but boys are not accepted into Girl Scouts.


A teenage boy barred from a Girl Guides meeting has accused the organisation of sexual discrimination.

Thomas Desai, 17, was invited by two female friends to join them at their weekly session at the Guide hut, but he was turned away at the door.

'I made the assumption, as girls are welcome to be members of the Scouting movement, I would be welcome,' said Thomas, from Crowborough, East Sussex.

Sex discrimination laws allow the Guiding movement to exclude boys, but Thomas criticised the organisation's 'backward ethos'.

Guiding bosses have fiercely defended their stance, saying it was 'vital' in today's society for a girls-only group to be available.

That's an interesting article, Collide. The arguments they make for female-only spaces are similar to the ones women dismissed for male only spaces.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - R Smoov - 03-17-2014

Farting. I'm dead serious.

I've farted, the posters behind and after me have farted. Sure it smells bad, but its not the end of the world. Hell it's actually funny.

I've seen some hardcore female leaders lose their shit after smelling a fart. Next thing you know they'll try to make it against the law to fart in public or something.

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - Jukes - 03-17-2014

Jokes and sport .

Things Women Try To Ban In Male-Only Spaces - LaserBear - 03-17-2014

Long ago, I've heard tales of a time when men talked, women spoke when spoken to.
The ban bossy campaign.

Which is fucking stupid.
Ban "bossy? I've been called bossy, arrogant, borderline psychopath (psych major chick... this comment really made me smile), etc. They're fucking compliments to my personality. These girls want all the power, with none of the derision from those who dont have it.

I don't cry when I'm called a slut, I agree.
Call me bossy? I'm bossing you and you're accepting it. Damn girls don't know how to role with the punches. The difference between an insult and an accidental compliment is how you take it.