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Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Spider - 03-16-2014

Just recently spent 4 days in Fort Lauderdale with a buddy of mine from High School. We decided a few months ago that we wanted to spend around a G each and head to a Spring Break destination where we could get away from the cold northeast winter, and have a little fun. Our school’s both had spring break during the same week, so this worked out perfectly. I did a lot of research here on the forum trying to figure out where we should head. A bunch of my other friends from home were paying around $1500 for an all–inclusive style resort in Mexico (Cancun, Puerto Vallarta etc.). We wanted something a little cheaper, and somewhere with a better ratio (less of a sausage fest). We settled on Fort Lauderdale.

Quick Background: My friend and I both began reading and applying game material about 1 year ago. We have always had decent success with girls, but learning game has really helped us begin to tap into our potential. I am currently just shy of 50 notches (most coming from this academic year), and my partner in crime also has a few dozen notches under his belt.

We used Expedia to help us book our flight/hotel combo. We wound up paying $800 for 4 nights at the Hilton with round-trip flights on JetBlue. Not a bad deal, considering the hotel was extremely nice, and situated right on the beach. Its location was on Beach Boulevard (A1A Blvd) and it was basically in the thick of the action. There were lots of hotels and cheaper resort/condos located both slightly north and south of us that were densely populated with college students. The area of the beach that is most crowded is right where Los Olas Boulevard intersects with the beach. This is also the location of one of the oldest and most popular bars on the beach, The Elbo Room. It’s been mentioned on the forum a few times, and has been around since the 30’s.
…So after situating ourselves in the suite, our adventure began:

Day 1
We hit the beach and start running day-game. Walk and talk with a couple groups of cuties, and start gathering numbers. Some of these chicks I feel are just being friendly though, and genuine interest from them is lacking. I spot a really hot tan girl in a pink bikini laying down with her friends eating berries out of a cooler.

I pull up and tell her her snacks look good. She winds up feeding me a few strawberries, and giving me a bottle of cold water. Nice when it’s 85 out and we’re trekking along the beach. This girl has a boyfriend. Bottom line is we wasted a lot of time comfort-building and prolonging conversations with girls that were not going to go anywhere. Need to move quickly and focus on plausible targets.

Night 1
We head to The Beach Place, which is basically a 3 story complex full of restaurants and bars. The best 2 bars at the beach place are The Big Kahuna and Lulu’s Bait Shack. These 2 spots have girls drinking from 2 in the afternoon until 2 or 3 in the morning. Great places to come have a drink during the day (it was right between Los Olas and where I was staying). Good place to pregame too before going out at night…there are guys standing downstairs nearly all the time handing out 2 for 1 drink wristbands.

Afterwards we headed to downtown Fort Lauderdale. The only spot that was really popping was Off The Hookah (we stayed during the week, not over the weekend). $10 cover, or $20 all you can drink open bar. Lots of hot girls, and lots of fratty bro’s inside. Within 10 seconds of entering the club, me and my boy are both making out with 2 sexy girls. They tell us they have to meet their friends, and sort of run away a minute later. Night kinda went downhill from there. Ended up making out with a bunch of girls, but neither of us could pull. We left at about 3, when the place started becoming populated with tranny’s grinding all over each other. Some tranny with a fake 4 foot dick even took the stage to put on some kind of performance. I gave my friend a very confused look and we called it a night.

Day 2
More of the same in terms of day-game. Talking with cute girls, but instead of pulling them to our hotel room for drinks, we keep settling for #’s. Numbers that will eventually go nowhere because it’s Spring Break, and these girls are flakey as hell. We grab lunch at Hooter’s, which is also located in the Beach Place. Food ain’t bad and the girls enjoy flirting with us.

(I had taken Dagonet’s advice and contacted Private Man. I just searched Private Man on google, found his blog, and then shot him an email. He is a middle aged dating coach/manosphere writer living in Fort Lauderdale.

We met for drinks at Atlantic Surf Shop (best food in the Beach Place by far…try the King Crab Guac and the Lobster Burger)…Private Man is a really nice guy. When I had initially emailed him, he wrote me back several thorough responses and gave us some solid advice to start our trip. In person, we chatted about college, lifestyle, women etc. He also gave us a breakdown of the neighborhood, as well as some info regarding the history of spring break in Fort Lauderdale…dude is funny as hell too, recommend contacting him if you’re heading to that area

Night 2
This is where things get interesting*

We head out late and start at The Big Kahuna…meet a really sexy redhead here who tells me that she’s becoming a nurse instead of going to medical school because she wants to raise a big family, hopefully with 5 kids. Most American girls I talk to laugh out loud when I mention the notion of them having kids in the future…they’d rather wait until they’re 30 to take a break from the cock carousel and start thinking about kids. This chick is all about family values and wanting to have a big family – rare, so I find it particularly sexy.
The night continues and we find ourselves at Lulu’s Bait Shack downstairs. The redhead has drifted off and I am spitting game at a lot of different girls.

That’s when I see a really hot girl wearing one of those long dresses that kind of forms around her curves (not sure what it’s called, but she immediately passes the boner test). As she walks by me, she gives me the biggest ‘I wanna fuck you’ smile I have received in a while. Of course I immediately directly approach, and she returns my compliment by telling me I’m really sexy. We start getting very close and flirty, when she tells me she has a boyfriend, and he’s on the other side of the bar, by the dance floor. She tells me he is a state champion boxer blah blah blah, I don’t really believe that. I tell her he ain’t here, and we should go somewhere. She tells me again that she is very attracted to me, but she needs to go find him because it would be too fucked up to fool around with me while he’s here. I’m not looking for a fight, so I let her go…I peep at her talking to some tall broad shouldered dude a few minutes later, who I’m guessing is him. He’s like 6’3” and looks pretty ripped, no homo..the kinda guy I might apologize to for bumping into.

I head back to the opposite side, by the bathrooms and start chatting up some other people.

Then I see her walking back, locking eyes with me. She strides right over to me, grabs my shirt, and says “Take me somewhere. Now.”
I grab her hand and pull her straight into the men’s bathroom. The stall is open so I take her in there, lock the door, and throw her up against the wall. We start ripping each others clothes off, she starts blowing me, and I’m thinking…wtf just happened…boyfriend musta just made her real jealous. I go to start fingering her, when I feel that she’s got a tampon inside. She won’t let me take it out.
Fuck. I was about to get the most epic bathroom bang ever, while her jacked (apparently boxer) boyfriend is in the same bar. Dangerous and stupid? Probably.

A minute later and her phone starts ringing loudly. She pulls it out and it’s a guy calling. She starts freaking out telling me we need to stop, and she pulls up her skirt and bolts out of the bathroom. Fuck that, I call it a night and walk back.

Day 3
Haven’t gotten laid yet, and I’ve been on spring break for 2 days already! Yeah, my expectations may have been a little high, but I feel like I’m about to go crazy if I don’t get it in. We wake up around 1, and decide that we want to dress super ‘fratty’ today. I throw on a collared shirt, some salmon colored shorts, and some long nike tube socks. We head out to the beach and begin walking. A group of 2 girls walk by us and say ‘nice outfit’ as we pass by. I immediately turn around and jog after them, and stop them to chat. One girls black and kinda beat, and the other is a short blond girl with a cute face and big knockers. We chat them up for a couple minutes – they love smoking weed and getting fucked up. Awesome. I invite them up to our hotel for drinks, tell them that we made some really good jungle juice that we have in the fridge. They happily oblige and we get these girls upstairs.

Time to escalate.

We sit out on our balcony for a smoke, and I throw my arm around the blond girl, telling her I think she’s cute, glad we bumped into each other in the street etc. I take her by the hand and pull her inside the room, while my boy occupies the black girl (thanks bro). Start making out with blondie. Few minutes later she requests we go back out for another smoke…

know I need to make her feel a little more comfortable. Wrap my arms around her and chat for a couple more minutes, then bring her back inside after we smoke another boge.

Now she’s ready. I close the shades to the balcony so that we feel a little more private, her friend doesn’t mind. We start hooking up on my bed and there is virtually no resistance, except for her telling me she doesn’t give good head because she has a terrible gag reflex. Whatever, I fuck her for 10 minutes and I start feeling better about the trip. I can’t bust though because I feel a little uncomfortable and anxious with my boy and her girl so close by. I tell her we’ll continue later tonight, and I walk her and her friend out. Notch 1: 3 PM.

We head back out to the Beach Place and sit at the Big Kahuna grabbing drinks at the bar. I don’t drink but there are plenty of girls here, so I sit with water in hand, my buddy with multiple strawberry daiquiris (2 for 1 drinks). We chat up the girls next to us, who appear to be pretty wasted. They are both cute 6’s, nothing too special, but I have a feeling they’re going to be DTF. They show us a small bag of coke they have in their purse, and tell us they were just blowing lines in the bathroom. Ha.

We soon convince them to come back to our hotel for drinks. They come back, and sniff a couple lines at our hotel room as well as take a couple shots. I don’t partake in the drug usage, but I don’t discourage it either. I grab one of the girls and start making out with her. Her friend keeps telling her ‘not yet,’ ‘hold on, not yet,’ implying that she’s ok with her friend getting banged, but would prefer we wait until later.

I tell her to come to the bathroom with me. She comes, but inside provides me with a solid amount of LMR. Tells me ‘I can’t, we’re in your bathroom, this is bad,’ blah blah blah…I comfort her while aggressively making out with her and rubbing her pussy. She tells me to lock the door of the bathroom. I bend her over the bathroom counter and start fucking her. We move to the bathtub where I lie down and she rides me. She asks me if I like being called ‘daddy.’ I’ve never had a girl call me that, so I tell her yeah, call me daddy. She starts grabbing me and telling me ‘Yeah, fuck me daddy, fuck me just like that daddy.’ I begin adding some of my own commands, it starts getting fun. All around a good fuck…nice tan body, and she’s a freak.

Her friend begins banging on the door telling her that they have to leave because [insert some bullshit excuse]. She blows me for a minute, but then grabs her clothes and leaves me unfinished. Notch 2: 5:30 PM

Night 3
My boy gets his 1st notch. We go to Lulu’s Bait Shack around midnight and start hitting on girls. With almost every girl we’ve encountered this trip, we’ve experienced cock-blocking behavior from their friends. This group however is different. 3 of them have serious boyfriends, they’re all showing me pictures on their phone of the dudes they have back home. They’ve been in these relationships for years, and claim they’ve fucked only a couple guys each. The 4th girl is single, and my boy is making out with her. Instead of cock-blocking, they tell the 4th girl that she should go home with him. They’re actually encouraging she go home with a stranger only 10 minutes after meeting him…this is a pleasant surprise. A relatively easy notch ensues.

* Funny update: This chick has been texting my friend non-stop, asking if she can come visit him next weekend or if he’ll come visit her in Indiana. Thought maybe she was joking, but after 2 days of texts and calls it appears she might be serious. She is currently enticing him with Box tickets to the Pacers game.

Day 4
Nothing special happens on our last day. We fuck around and have a little fun, make out with a bunch of girls during the night, but nobody is coming home with us. Every girl that we hook-up with has a friend that comes over and tries to pull her away. Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale really ain’t as easy as we had suspected. Some good times for sure, but truthfully I find night game at my school much easier.

75% of the girls we met went to either Butler University or Ohio State. They rolled in huge packs, and infiltrating these groups was no easy task. There were plenty of nice girls that would engage us, and even make out with us soon after meeting them, but there was always a friend of theirs that would come over and try to pull her away. I can honestly say I’ve never dealt with so much cock-blocking in my entire life. It made it extremely hard to pull girls who seemed like they otherwise would have been down, and it made many of our evenings in Fort Lauderdale damn frustrating. I’ve been going to bars and clubs in New York City since I was 17 years old. I’ve been around the block and I expect cock-blocking to happen every time I go out…but not to the extent where I can’t have a single conversation or dance with a girl without being interrupted. That was the biggest downside of the trip and probably the main reason I left not fully satisfied. I understand that we were outsiders in the sense that we were not from the Midwest and we didn’t go the same college as everyone else. Perhaps it’s just best to do trips like this with a big group of friends/classmates rather than just 1 friend. I went to the Bahamas my senior year of high-school and had a blast. There were 22 of us who went together.

However, we did each experience some beautiful weather, and had 1 amazing meal at Steak 954. It’s very expensive, but we decided to indulge on our last night. Do yourself a favor and order the 18-ounce rib-eye. It rivals the steak at Peter-Luger’s in Brooklyn. We also met some interesting and cool people. And yes, we added a couple notches too, albeit not too many. I think my 2 day-time bangs within a few hours of each other will be a story that stays with me for awhile. All around, we had a good time and experienced something new. As long as I’m traveling solo or with friends and doing something new, I am grateful. Planning and taking this kind of trip builds character I believe, and makes me look forward even more to going to Israel this summer.

I’m thinking a trip to Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe lay ahead somewhere in the near future as well…and next year I may hit Vegas for Spring Break.

I’ll conclude with a couple pics from our trip:
[Image: photo-2.jpg]

My friends face getting mounted by one of the bartenders at Off the Hookah
[Image: photo-3.png]

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - RenewalMan - 03-16-2014

Nice report man. I've also found the cockblocking to be at extreme levels here during spring break. I've been here in the states for a few days now and the thing that is surprising me the most is the bitchiness and entitled attitude of average girls versus the niceness/unpretentious attitude of the hotter ones 8s and 9s..

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - one-two - 03-16-2014

Nice report.

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Vampire - 03-17-2014

It seems from your experience that the girls that are drug users were the easiest. Thanks for posting.

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Spider - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-16-2014 01:07 PM)RenewalMan Wrote:  

Nice report man. I've also found the cockblocking to be at extreme levels here during spring break. I've been here in the states for a few days now and the thing that is surprising me the most is the bitchiness and entitled attitude of average girls versus the niceness/unpretentious attitude of the hotter ones 8s and 9s..

The worst is when you're talking to an 8 whose enjoying your conversation, and then her ugly friend comes over to pull her away, simply because she's not getting hit on by anyone and feels jealous.

Quote: (03-17-2014 10:12 AM)Vampire Wrote:  

It seems from your experience that the girls that are drug users were the easiest. Thanks for posting.

I guess if they don't mind treating their bodies poorly (lots of drugs and drinking), they also care less about 'giving it up.'

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Santoro - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 10:12 AM)Vampire Wrote:  

It seems from your experience that the girls that are drug users were the easiest. Thanks for posting.

Drug use + spring break is about the easiest you can ask for.

These girls have no consequences for their actions to begin with...spring break is american culture on steroids. Enjoy!

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Wayout - 03-17-2014

Wow..I didn't realize people were still going to Ft.Lauderdale for spring break! I thought that scene died down in the 90's! FLL is not a spring break destination anymore - should have gone a lil futher to Miami beach!

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Private Man - 03-17-2014

Hey, thanks for the mention. Sorry we couldn't meet again but you and your friend did quite well. Fort Lauderdale is a cool place, overall.

Spring Break ’14 : Fort Lauderdale, FL Trip Report - Spider - 03-17-2014

Quote: (03-17-2014 02:32 PM)Wayout Wrote:  

Wow..I didn't realize people were still going to Ft.Lauderdale for spring break! I thought that scene died down in the 90's! FLL is not a spring break destination anymore - should have gone a lil futher to Miami beach!

Apparently in recent years it has become repopulated with college spring breakers. There's a sold mix of ages but there are 2 areas that are all college kids.

The funny thing is these 2 areas that are all college kids are on either side of the gay beach. I asked some girls why one section of the beach appeared to be strictly buff men wearing speedos and applying tanning oil on each other. She told me the locals refer to the area as 'poodle beach.'

Anyway north and south of there are hundreds of college kids playing drinking games, playing football, sporting tattoos of wings and dragons on their back, etc.

Needless to say I'm sure most other spring break destinations like Cancun, PV, Panama City, South Padre, etc. are much more populated with students…I asked for a quieter more relaxed destination and that's what I got.