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My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Tuthmosis - 02-24-2014

I was approached a while back by someone on their editorial staff to write a Manosphere-themed article for their site. It went live today. Apart from a pretty significant reconfiguration of the title, the content seems to be intact.

Check it out and give me your thoughts.


We Are Silencing Men By Calling Them Misogynists
By Tuthmosis Sonofra

Perhaps the most abused word in the English language nowadays is “misogynist.” Not since the Smurfs has a catch-all phrase been thrown around so willy nilly as to be rendered near-meaningless. The term’s power, of course, lies in this very ambiguity.

State your preference for skinny girls over fat girls? Misogynist.

Observe that a woman might be a bit too promiscuous for a long-term prospect? Misogynist.

Say or write anything that makes a girl “uncomfortable.” Misogynist.

Without patronizing my reader by reproducing the dictionary entry here, these are creative applications of the word to say the very least. Of course, all of this only applies if you’re a man.

(continues at link above.)

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Horus - 02-24-2014

Dude, I actually think that article is your best work yet.

The bar wasn’t near one of your apartments—-so that if you did click, a little privacy was just a walking distance away—by coincidence. The condoms weren’t perfectly placed near his bed—-so as to not break the mood–because he dropped them there months ago and forgot about them. He didn’t just happen to have an extra toothbrush in the package and an unopened bottle of contact fluid—so that your walk of shame the next morning would be that much less “shameful” because he just got back from Target. He wasn’t great in the sack—-laying it down like a champ on the first date-—because he read an article in Cosmo.
Almost all girls will know exactly what you are talking about here, whether they want to admit it or not.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Stun - 02-24-2014

Tuth, I ranted about this a while back in an SFist thread about a sports DJ who said women shouldn't be covering sports as announcers. I was promptly attacked for defending him, when all I said is that he probably doesn't *hate* all women.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Peregrine - 02-24-2014

I liked the Disneyland analogy. Good one.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Parsifal - 02-24-2014

Excellent article. Very efficient, calm and articulate. This is how Manosphere should go mainstream.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Teedub - 02-24-2014

Very good article my friend.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-24-2014

Sonofra is a great surname. Not only it is made up of important parts (Son-of-Ra), but it also sounds Indian at the same time! Great job!

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - j r - 02-24-2014


cowardly hipster men

[Image: laugh3.gif]

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Blaster - 02-24-2014

In the comments, "Fred McCoy II" looks like an MRA white knight with a thing against RoK.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - runsonmagic - 02-24-2014

[Image: clap2.gif]

I cheered when I read the headline.

EDIT: Just saw they changed the title. What was it before?

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - EisenBarde - 02-24-2014

Keep hitting them out of the park. People are listening.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - SheriffBart - 02-24-2014

I love the type of article that is well-written, hits nails on the head and spreads the messages of the Manosphere. But frankly, I think the members of this forum need to give up on the idea that these ideas are going to blossom and be absorbed by any larger a fraction of people than they already are.

The Manosphere won't ever blow up because it can't blow up. It can go viral and it can get hits, but it'll only ever be a polemic. Confronting reality on its terms is not a natural human characteristic. Catering to the mindset of solipsistic woman is. Being alpha is, by its nature, a rare trait. 20% gets 80%. Taking on self-improvement and following through is rare. And of the few that can only a few will be great.

There will be no battle won by the Manosphere on the field of popular sentiment. Only on the field of logic and masculine virtue.

Proclaiming and arguing your ideas is rarely a mistake, but realize the self-evident truths we know have two main problems. 1) Women want to suppress the truth because they want to separate the men from the boys. They want to see if you have the will and balls to find it and apply it. When women complain about RoK articles, they're just trying to make sure it isn't too easy for men to figure out what's behind the curtain while simultaneously shit testing every chump out there and taking notes to see what betas and white knights they'll never fuck will come out of the woodwork to defend them. 2) Women want masculinity to be like a magician's trick that they don't want to spoil by knowing how it works. This is why explaining game to women is a bad idea. They just want the rabbit to come out of the hat. They don't want to know why or how. Saying our ideas is nowhere near as potent as living them.

That's why I say that as much as I like articles like this, they're essentially just preaching to the choir and destined to accomplish nothing. Some might say, "Hey, we'll get more guys into the Manosphere. We should expose our ideas to a larger audience." You know what I say to that? Fuck those guys! No one threw out a life preserver to me when I was in beta hell. No one saved me when I was dying of oneitis. I searched out the Manosphere as if by instinct. Deep in my soul I needed it and was destined for it and I found it my damn self. I'm glad most men are flabby, spineless and supplicating. I don't want game going mainstream. There's enough competition from you fucks. Look, if you haven't figured out 90% of the shit this forum says just by opening your eyes, you're either a moron or a coward and I don't want association with either.

Here's to the red pill being our dirty little secret and fuck the rest.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Valhalla - 02-24-2014

I'm really glad you got this on thoughtcatalog.

It's typically an editorial for feminist/bluepill types

You'll be getting a lot of views from people who need to see it.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Tuthmosis - 02-24-2014

Quote: (02-24-2014 07:44 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

EDIT: Just saw they changed the title. What was it before?

The original was a little more economical and punchier: Guy Talk Isn’t “Misogynist”

It's not a terrible edit, though. I don't dislike their title.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - gringochileno - 02-25-2014

When a man judges a woman by her appearance, actions, and character, he is a misogynist.

When a woman judges a man by his appearance, actions, and character, she is empowered. She is praiseworthy. You go girl. Don't settle. And such.

When a man observes that he does, in fact, prefer attractive girls, or that he would rather date a "nice" girl long-term than a total whore who has fucked all of his friends in variously degrading ways, he is a misogynist. Misogyny is hate. It must be destroyed.

A woman who prefers to take dick from the drummer who gave chlamydia to her 3 best friends (indeed prefers him because of this), by contrast, is of course beyond reproach. To criticize her decisions is misogynist. It is the violence of the Patriarchy.

Misogyny must be destroyed.

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-24-2014 11:31 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

It's not a terrible edit, though. I don't dislike their title.

Of course you don't. There's no button for that! [Image: tongue.gif]

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Benoit - 02-25-2014

The comments are mostly predictable, this one stood out as a highlight though:


If what women say mattered, of course they wouldn't have been silenced.

[Image: agree.gif]

My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Hotwheels - 02-25-2014


My Article on Thought Catalog on the Word "Misogynist" - Days of Broken Arrows - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 12:17 AM)gringochileno Wrote:  

When a man judges a woman by her appearance, actions, and character, he is a misogynist.

When a woman judges a man by his appearance, actions, and character, she is empowered. She is praiseworthy. You go girl. Don't settle. And such.

When a man observes that he does, in fact, prefer attractive girls, or that he would rather date a "nice" girl long-term than a total whore who has fucked all of his friends in variously degrading ways, he is a misogynist. Misogyny is hate. It must be destroyed.

A woman who prefers to take dick from the drummer who gave chlamydia to her 3 best friends (indeed prefers him because of this), by contrast, is of course beyond reproach. To criticize her decisions is misogynist. It is the violence of the Patriarchy.

Misogyny must be destroyed.

The obsessive use of the word "misogyny" came from feminism, so we need to look there as to how this came to be. From Roissy:

"Feminism is not about gender equality but about gender power. We all want a leg up in the genetic race to procreate, and for women the prerogative to fuck around with an alpha under any and all circumstances and have his kid while duping the beta husband or boyfriend to foot the bill for raising it is one they will not surrender without a fight."
(“Mandatory Paternity Testing Has Arrived,” 11 March 2008)