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Steroids - great quote - cardguy - 02-14-2014

I saw this quote somewhere once. Probably as a comment on a blog somewhere. I actually saved the quote and forwarded it to my brother.

The comment was in response to a statement about the internet legend and bodybuilder, Zyzz.

Anyway - I fucking love the thinking behind it and agree completely. I don't do steroids myself - but this still expresses my attitude to this wonderful drug.


>>> “It is almost certain that Zyzz’s aesthetics were the result of heavy steroid and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) usage.”


Look, it’s obvious he took steroids.

The only reason steroid use is ever a topic of debate is because the government decided to make its use a felony. So, people feel the need to hide it. They lie because the fascist police state we live in forces people to lie.

Steroids are not “cheating.” There is no “cheating” in the realm of fame and being sexually attractive to young women because there are no rules.

It’s one thing to enter a competition that bans the use of steroids as one of its rules, but then break those rules. That’s just lying, which only weak losers do when they can’t win according to the rules.

But there’s nothing remotely wrong or unethical about taking a drug to make your personal bodybuilding more effective. Zyzz never agreed to abide by any rules of competition.

Steroids are just testosterone. Scientists found ways to add esters to the testosterone molecule, in order to increase its otherwise short half-life in the bloodstream. But the active molecule is always the same — testosterone.

Why is it a Schedule III substance? It’s what makes men men.

The reason is not safety. Cars are many times more dangerous, and yet the government has no problem building more roads and encouraging more driving, despite the fact that 100 people die by driving per day in the USA.

Besides, steroids can be taken safely. The reason they kill sometimes is because they take doses that are many times larger than what is safe. Young men will do this because the body reacts to the presence of increased testosterone, and your testes atrophy. So, when you stop the cycle, your nuts are weaker than before. You lose the benefits quickly, so you feel like you’re sliding backwards.

The only real problem with steroids is the risk of this psychological addiction — the panic that you’re going to fall back into the status of being weak (i.e., rejected by women).

I submit that the reason steroids have been treated by the government (and their beta enablers) as though they are DANGEROUS TO CIVILIZATION is simple — because they work.

Today’s corporatist-feminist government hates the fact that men can become strong and powerful and attractive to women without having to first prove themselves.

The modern State (i.e., women and beta males) hates steroids for the same reason they hate Game — it allows any man to become more attractive. This power prevents women from being able to distinguish between inferior and superior males. It lets JUST ANYONE appear to be a genetically-superior male.

The Feminine Imperative can’t tolerate this. To them, that’s like letting people have the power to print money from their home laser printers. They alone want the ability to declare who is an alpha male and who isn’t.

Steroid use doesn’t break anyone’s rules, other than those set down by (a) sports and (b) women. Abide by the rules of sports, if you choose to play. But women’s rules? Forget it. I didn’t agree to play their game.

As for Zyzz being a good role model? He looks like a homosexual. Male strippers are not good role models for men.

Anyway - I thought the quote was worth sharing here.

And to finish with a question - is it really true that steroids shrink your testes? Or is that only if you use it in very large doses?

Steroids - great quote - Peregrine - 02-14-2014

The modern State (i.e., women and beta males) hates steroids for the same reason they hate Game — it allows any man to become more attractive. This power prevents women from being able to distinguish between inferior and superior males. It lets JUST ANYONE appear to be a genetically-superior male.

That there is right on point.

Steroids - great quote - Rompetoto - 02-14-2014


And to finish with a question - is it really true that steroids shrink your testes? Or is that only if you use it in very large doses?

Steroids will atrophy your testicles. One universal fact is that if you shoot something your natural test production is slowly going to cease to exist. Shooting 200mg of test a week is going to shut you down just as hard as injecting multiple compounds daily, the dosing does not matter. As for the actual atrophy size its a little more complicated. From personal experience of running a trt dose of test, my boys didn't really noticeably shrink. On the other hand when shooting many compounds daily they shrunk considerably. It didn't bother me one bit and no female ever said anything to my face. If you are truly self conscious about the actual size, you can always use some HCG weekly and they will be back to grape fruits.

Steroids - great quote - vinman - 02-14-2014

I'm at an age where I'm a prime candidate for legal testosterone therapy. And I'm already discussing it with some friends that are doing the same.

Steroids - great quote - White Trash King - 02-14-2014

Check out the documentary, 'Bigger, Faster, Stronger'.

Steroids - great quote - Menace - 02-14-2014

I just started legal TRT (age 40); will report on it later in a suitable thread.

Steroids - great quote - Checkmat - 02-14-2014

Quote: (02-14-2014 07:15 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I just started legal TRT (age 40); will report on it later in a suitable thread.

Would love to hear about your experience with it.

I bring this up often whenever there's a thread about steroid use. I haven't used Test but I did use some orals for a few weeks. The positive effects were awesome--Increased libido, increased erection strength/size, obvious muscle gains etc.

If you suffer from depression or any kind of mental illness, like bi-polar or whatever then cycling the stuff can wreak havoc on you. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is interesting because there is no cycling--You are always on it, for the rest of your life.

Steroids - great quote - MikeCF - 02-14-2014

Lots of info on gear and TRT here:

Just recorded a follow up TRT podcast as well.

Steroids - great quote - Menace - 02-16-2014

Should point out that I got on to TRT thanks to the awesome info from MikeCF.

Steroids - great quote - Daddy - 02-16-2014

If women are allowed plastic surgery to cheat their genetics, then men should be allowed to take steroids to enhence theirs.

Steroids - great quote - MikeCF - 02-16-2014

Quote: (02-16-2014 03:48 PM)Daddy Wrote:  

If women are allowed plastic surgery to cheat their genetics, then men should be allowed to take steroids to enhence theirs.

Who cares about "allowed" or finding a way to justify it?

That's for slaves.

It's my life. I do what I want and don't need society's approval or some intellectual argument.

More guys need to do that. Life isn's a dress rehearsal. You get one shot and then you're dead.

Steroids - great quote - cardguy - 02-17-2014

Thinking back on it - I probably found the quote (in my original post) as a comment on Mike CF's excellent blog -

Steroids - great quote - Iconoclast007 - 02-21-2019

Im considering taking Testosterone as a self administered TRT. I want to increase my testosterone considerably and become stronger although im in decent shape. I want to be able to do better in the sports I pursue as I did when I was younger. Im 36 now. If i get it from the doctor they are only going to let me take a little and I want to get a substantial increase but nothing crazy.

How do I tell if what I buy on the black market is legit shit?

What would you guys reccomend?

Steroids - great quote - LeBaron - 02-21-2019

Quote: (02-21-2019 09:54 PM)Iconoclast007 Wrote:  

Im considering taking Testosterone as a self administered TRT. I want to increase my testosterone considerably and become stronger although im in decent shape. I want to be able to do better in the sports I pursue as I did when I was younger. Im 36 now. If i get it from the doctor they are only going to let me take a little and I want to get a substantial increase but nothing crazy.

How do I tell if what I buy on the black market is legit shit?

What would you guys reccomend?

If you are right now in Estonia do a short trip to Ukraine you can freely buy testosterone in any pharmacy it's legal there

Steroids - great quote - Iconoclast007 - 02-21-2019

Yes. Im in Estonia. Ive been to Kiev a few times, didnt know roids are legal there. Only concern I would have is the return risk of getting caught with the shit in my luggage.

Steroids - great quote - CDRhodes - 02-22-2019

Zyzz was one funny mofo. I wonder how modern clown world would treat him today.

Steroids - great quote - Iconoclast007 - 03-19-2019

I have made the decision to start using gear. I have been training on and off since I was in high school . I am now 36 . I have noticed it is much more difficult to gain muscle now than when i was younger. I also take longer to recover. My sex drive is diminishing.I train BJJ and Lift regularly . I have a descent base to start from.

I live in Estonia but can make it to Latvia very easily.

I want to just start with Testosterone. Can you guys offer some advice on dosage, cycle and PCT. Also any advice on acquiring the various drugs in Estonia or Latvia is appreciated.

Steroids - great quote - Unikorn - 03-20-2019

Quote: (03-19-2019 07:06 PM)Iconoclast007 Wrote:  

I have made the decision to start using gear. I have been training on and off since I was in high school . I am now 36 . I have noticed it is much more difficult to gain muscle now than when i was younger. I also take longer to recover. My sex drive is diminishing.I train BJJ and Lift regularly . I have a descent base to start from.

I live in Estonia but can make it to Latvia very easily.

I want to just start with Testosterone. Can you guys offer some advice on dosage, cycle and PCT. Also any advice on acquiring the various drugs in Estonia or Latvia is appreciated.

FIRST RULE: dont take advices from forums. There is many opiniones out there and they will make u mad. The only thing i can tell you is that the most common thing people do is 500mg per week for the first cycle. Have some AI's near you and do your bloods before and after cycle (even during if you wanna see if you test is real).

Read a lot before starting, or hire a coach to show you how to do the thing properly. They are safe if you do things intelligently.

Good luck bro, and enjoy the road

Steroids - great quote - Unikorn - 03-20-2019

Steroids help everyone to be more successful not only in fitness terms.
They are pretty safe drugs (the big risks of bodybuilders is weight and weight fluctuations) if things are done properly.

If you are young, it can change ur life radically, i have read a lot of studies, experiences, and some friends and near people use it and they are way better than before. I will jump on it soon

Looking better, being stronger, more motivation, more drive...

I would say that TRT in +45 males is COMPULSORY, ur life is gonna be WAY WAY BETTER, its a fact.

EVERYONE misinformed talks shit about it, people who use it or study it (mostly) LOVE IT and find it awesome compounds, read a lot, study them and then make an intelligent and free decision. DO NOT LISTEN to averages, do not listen to media...just read, and then you can decide if its good for you or not.

Steroids - great quote - Unikorn - 03-20-2019

Quote: (02-14-2014 06:49 PM)White Trash King Wrote:  

Check out the documentary, 'Bigger, Faster, Stronger'.

There is a new one "Enhanced" of Tony Huge. Really interesting, just in case you wanna learn more and see something different

Steroids - great quote - quaker13 - 03-20-2019

I have every intention of using TRT when the time comes, that's a forgone conclusion. What I don't understand is why the fuck guys who have hit a wall in their training don't use roids or at the very least peptides , which i use. There is so much information about steroids available now it has made the use of it infinitely more safe if you aren't a complete jack ass and have a little patience.

Steroids - great quote - zatara - 03-20-2019

Quote: (03-20-2019 11:30 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

I have every intention of using TRT when the time comes, that's a forgone conclusion. What I don't understand is why the fuck guys who have hit a wall in their training don't use roids or at the very least peptides , which i use. There is so much information about steroids available now it has made the use of it infinitely more safe if you aren't a complete jack ass and have a little patience.

I've been plateau'd in most of my major compound lifts for a couple years now so can offer a take on this: I don't see the need to use gear, or peptides for two reasons. The most important is because I'm happy with my size aesthetically/strength-wise. I've done 10+ years of serious lifting and am at a size I'm very comfortable with. 210lbs at 6ft0 currently. I'm usually bigger and stronger than 95%+ of any other men in a room I'm in, bar one full of actual athletes, or bar a high end club in Miami or Australia or Ibiza where steroid use is the norm. Putting on an extra 20lbs wouldn't make a whole lot of difference to me socially. I'd actually wager it might have a negative effect, because I'd be moving into actual bodybuilder territory instead of just "large athlete", looks wise.

Secondly if I got much bigger and heavier it'd make me less good at the sport I enjoy playing: rugby. Any more size would slow me down, and reduce my cardio endurance, much more than I'd benefit from the additional strength. I wouldn't see the point of using steroids to become worse at my favoured sport.

I'll probably go on TRT once I hit my late 30s. But I don't see much of a point doing a cycle before then.

Steroids - great quote - luigi - 03-21-2019

Ive done steroids many times. I was scared and nervous the first time, read a lot for months about it.

When you use them it feels like they are way safer than people think. You lose respect for them and feel like they are nothing. But actually, even if you cycle on and off, you may have problems.

In my case, in the last cycles i noticed that it was harder for me to recover my natural testosterone production, no matter how perfect my post cycle therapy was. Using the same substances that normally wouldnt give me trouble i felt like shit for months.

Every time you use you are playing russian roulette, you think everything is fine and one day you NEVER recover the production and depend on exogenous test for the rest of your life.

So, can you use once in a while? Yes, maybe.

Are they completely safe no matter how cautious you think you are? No. And at any moment you can suffer some condition. They are specially bad for the heart.

I suggest "anabolic doc" youtube channel... hes a doctor specialized in treating steroid users and explains all the things every steroid does to your body.

Steroids - great quote - flyinghorse - 03-21-2019

The cost of steroids is quite high as well: I remember seeing how cheap anabolics are, but when I began looking into pct and blood tests it was looking like it would be around 200$ a month.

Steroids - great quote - luigi - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 04:24 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

The cost of steroids is quite high as well: I remember seeing how cheap anabolics are, but when I began looking into pct and blood tests it was looking like it would be around 200$ a month.

Dont know about blood tests, but pct is cheap if you know where to get it.