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9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Jaydublin - 02-02-2014

"Investigate 9/11. 9/11 was perpetrated by our govt.''

How long until we drone this mofo?

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Mike5055 - 02-03-2014

9/11 truthers are almost as stupid as birthers.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Sawyer - 02-03-2014

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - NY Digital - 02-03-2014


9/11 truthers are almost as stupid as birthers.


9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - j r - 02-03-2014

I will consider the 9/11 truther side of things as soon as someone shows me evidence that is anything more than circumstantial. In other words I want to see an actual, cohesive theory of what really happened. It is very easy to try and punch holes in the official version, but what is the other version?

In other words, I want to see the "who, what, where, when and why?"

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - cardguy - 02-03-2014

I am not heavily in either camp.

But the collapse of WTC7 is quite interesting. Serious question. How come no other building has ever collapsed in this way due to a fire? I read somewhere this is the first time it has happened.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Vroom - 02-03-2014

I say the "official version" is bullshit, but that doesn't mean I know precisely what happened or who's behind it. I'm not even going to try and guess.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - speakeasy - 02-03-2014

I've had a couple hardcore 9/11 truther friends. I've debated the matter extensively with them so I know all their main points. The crux of their case is that they can't believe that WTC 7 went down for the official reasons given. They also can't believe that the twin towers could've gone down on their own without demolition bombs wired to go off. Even though it's been demonstrated time and time again that the fire itself didn't cause the collapse, the intensity of the fire and burning fuel weakened the structural integrity of the support columns until they could no longer support the massive weight on top of them. That was the reason the 3 buildings went down. WTC 7 was heavily damaged by the cascading debris when the twin towers collapse as has been shown in video evidence, combined with the a fire burning out of control for hours on end it caused another structural weakness that led to a collapse. I know it all seems improbable to laymen ears, but most tragedies that happen are equally improbably. When an airliner crashes, sometimes it's nothing more than a rusted screw that caused something else to fail, which caused something else to fail and the situation got out of control. That concord jet that crashed in Paris blew up because it ran over a piece of metal in the runway. Now who could believe a jet would go down in flames over that? It would sound like bullshit. But that's what happened. It punctured the tire, caused a blowout, send shrapnel flying into the engine, set the engine on fire and the next thing you know the plane was a giant fireball. Why is WTC going down any less probable than the concorde crash? Crazy shit happens and there's not always sabotage behind it. Some people just can't accept that.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - KorbenDallas - 02-03-2014

I don't get upset at the truther's or the people who are in the more mainstream camp.

I don't think US Gov carried out the attack itself, but let the Saudi terrorists do it in order to further they're foreign and domestic policy objectives.

I could be wrong, but what bothers me is the venomous attitude the extremists of both sides can bring to the table, which, is why I've stopped debating politics except on the internet. I haven't seen this attitude in this thread so far to be clear.

The truther's have credibility, in spite of what a strong supporter of the governments official story would have you believe, simply for the reason governments have a history of attacking themselves to further policy objectives and lying in general. Governments are corrupt and lie. It's a fact.
Look up NSA spying, Gulf of Tonkin, the Reichstag fire, the Russian bombing in the 90s, the sinking of the lusitania, etc, etc...

The debunkers have credibility because for the attack to be a conspiracy it would have to be an incredibly well executed and orchestrated conspiracy. People talk. See Business Plot. Conspiracies happen all the time. America is unique in it's mainstream disdain for the "conspiracy theorist" however, the debunkers have a point when they point to the incredible complexity of the attack that for it to be a US Gov conspiracy, though I don't rule it out, an unbelievably well executed operation. Governments aren't exactly known for their competency.


9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - cardguy - 02-03-2014

The Reichstag was set on fire and not bombed.

For a long time it was thought to be a 'false flag' attack by the Nazis in order to pin blame on others. But historians increasingly believe it was a genuine act of arson - and that the Nazis were simply lucky, and were able to capitalise on it for their own political gain.

Still - the Nazis did make use of 'false flag' attacks. Indeed - WWII actually started with a 'false flag' attack which the Nazis used as an excuse to invade Poland.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - KorbenDallas - 02-03-2014

Whether that particular incident was an accident or not it doesn't change the point. But still, good to get things correct nonetheless. Also, tough to say if we will ever know for sure.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - KorbenDallas - 02-03-2014

Whatever happened on 9/11, no matter who did it, led to erosion of Americans civil liberties, an attack on Iraq, who had no involvement in 9/11 and a massive increase in US debt.

Even if it was Saudi terrorists who hated America, Bush and Cheney used the attack not for good, but for nefarious insider purposes, and for that matter, so has Obama. So, whatever "side" your on, unless your part of the US elite, which, I very much doubt, the consequences haven't been good.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - dirtypurist - 02-03-2014

Quote: (02-03-2014 08:55 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

I don't think US Gov carried out the attack itself, but let the Saudi terrorists do it in order to further they're foreign and domestic policy objectives.

Yep, that's the only remotely plausible conspiracy theory. Truthers who think that the US government carried the attacks belong to an insane cult. This hypothetical conspiracy would have involved thousands of people and it is an extremely inefficient way to achieve your goals.

Merely finding out about a group of saudi foreign nationals who are extraordinarily interested in pilot training, and maybe even slightly encouraging them by means of an agent provocateur is not so hard, involves just a few people in the intelligence services/government, and is not unheard of in world history. Still, just a possibility, and the truth will never be known.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Teedub - 02-03-2014

I certainly think that it is a possibility it was allowed to happen. If you read the objectives laid out in the Project for the New American Century it most definitely makes you wonder.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - cardguy - 02-03-2014

I remember hearing an FBI agent tell his superiors that he had identified suspicious attendants at a flight school who were only interested in landing a plane and not taking off a plane.

Apparently he told his boss he was worried they would fly a plane into the World Trade Centre. But he was ignored and dismissed with the line "They are just interested in planes".

Anyone recall the story behind this? I came across it the other day - but I cannot remember where.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - cardguy - 02-03-2014

Okay - this seems to be the story:

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Nolecbo - 02-03-2014

Quote: (02-03-2014 08:00 AM)j r Wrote:  

I will consider the 9/11 truther side of things as soon as someone shows me evidence that is anything more than circumstantial. In other words I want to see an actual, cohesive theory of what really happened. It is very easy to try and punch holes in the official version, but what is the other version?

In other words, I want to see the "who, what, where, when and why?"

Matt Taibbi is a Rolling Stone writer who spent time with the Truthers. He says it was slow, but was finally able to assemble their full who-what-when narrative. His verdict? "when you put together all of those disparate theories, you get the dumbest story since Roman Polanski's Pirates."

The original is taken down, but a reprint is here:;wap2

"The specifics vary, but the basic gist of what They Say Happened goes something like this:

A group of power-hungry neocons, led by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bush and others and organizationally represented by groups like the Project for the New American Century, seeks to bring about a "Pearl-Harbor-like event" that would accelerate a rightist revolution, laying the political foundation for invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Your basic Reichstag fire scenario, logical enough so far. Except in this story, the Reichstag fire is an immensely complicated media hoax; the conspirators plot to topple the World Trade Center and pin a series of hijackings on a group of Sunni extremists with alleged ties to Al Qaeda. How do they topple the Trade Center? Well, they make use of NORAD's expertise in flying remote-control aircraft and actually fly two such remote-control aircraft into the Towers (in another version of the story, they conspire with Al Qaeda terrorists to actually hijack the planes), then pass the planes off as commercial jetliners in the media. But it isn't the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick.

For good measure -- apparently to lend credence to the hijacking story -- they then fake another hijacking/crash in the Pentagon, where there actually is no plane crash at all but instead a hole created by a cruise missile attack, fired by a mysterious "white jet" that after the attack circles the White House for some time, inspiring the attention of Secret Service agents who point at it curiously from the ground (apparently these White House Secret Service agents were not in on the plot, although FBI agents on scene at Ground Zero and in Shanksville and elsewhere were).

Lastly, again apparently to lend weight to the whole hijacking cover story, they burn a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania and claim that a jet went down there, crashed by a bunch of brave fictional civilians who fictionally storm the fictional plane cabin. The real-life wife of one of the fictional heroes, Lisa Beamer, then writes a convincingly self-serving paean/memoir to her dead husband, again lending tremendous verisimilitude to the hijacking story. These guys are good!"

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - KorbenDallas - 02-03-2014

I must live on a different planet than Matt Taibbi then. I've never met a "truther" who claims to have it all figured out. Everyone I met who is a "truther" just thinks the official story is wrong and sometimes is only concerned about building 7, but still in general doesn't believe it was a huge conspiracy.

I've read people claiming to be expert engineers on both sides. Nolecbo, it appears from your comment you have a real disdain for truthers. I don't get the hate they get. Let's say they are completely wrong about 9/11 and the official story is 100% correct. That doesn't turn all the other lies society, big banks, and government disseminate. At least their not mind numbingly nauseating PC SWPL hipster types who blindly follow the dictates of the progressive media.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - kosko - 02-03-2014

The official narrative is bullshit. You have your head in the sand to believe it. On so many levels from physics, history, and geo-politics does it make zero sense.

People just simply need to act with a critical and opened mind and do some research. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth is probably the best package of simply just providing facts that show that the official narrative makes zero sense:

If you look at history only one group has attacked the United States with facing zero consequences for doing so...

Whom benefits and whom has the most to gain...

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - MikeCF - 02-03-2014

Quote: (02-03-2014 08:00 AM)j r Wrote:  

I will consider the 9/11 truther side of things as soon as someone shows me evidence that is anything more than circumstantial. In other words I want to see an actual, cohesive theory of what really happened. It is very easy to try and punch holes in the official version, but what is the other version?

In other words, I want to see the "who, what, where, when and why?"

Yes, because they current theory (cave dwellers learned how to fly an airplane well enough to navigate through the NY city sky line to directly hit two side-by-side buildings and oh their passports just so happened to be found in the wreckage) is highly plausible.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Dr. Howard - 02-03-2014

The events around the world trade center and the earlier bombing in the parking garage (which no one seems to mention anymore) have always struck me as "odd", "off" or "weird" its like that feeling you get when a girl you are with suddenly starts acting differently, throws tantrums, breaks up with you or just drops off rotation. You get that feeling of "I wonder if she was cheating on me" or 'I wonder if she had a boyfriend this whole time'. The time I have in my life is not worth being a 'relationship truther' and finding out what really happened, I would mark that person down as someone to distrust because something was not right and continue on.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Kickb - 02-03-2014

Does this look like a guy who would let such a thing happen?

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNRQ92mmXUwY_1pK_qGfM...DnMau9LYuw]

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Nolecbo - 02-03-2014

Quote: (02-03-2014 10:53 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

Nolecbo, it appears from your comment you have a real disdain for truthers. I don't get the hate they get.

I would say 'frustrated' not 'disdain' (or 'hate'). There was so much awful governance that happened during those years (redoing the bankruptcy laws, an FCC obsessed with obscenity, the handling of the NextWave bankruptcy, etc) but all of the air was taken out of the room by people who insisted that our government massacred it's citizens.

I think the conspiracy theory was ridiculous, not the Truthers themselves (kind of the way I feel towards organized religion). I get that the human brain tries automatically to bring order to chaos - at one point in 2001/02 I may have been sympathetic. But if the 'order' is less likely than the 'chaos', you have to have the will to not be seduced.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - j r - 02-03-2014

Quote: (02-03-2014 11:31 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2014 08:00 AM)j r Wrote:  

I will consider the 9/11 truther side of things as soon as someone shows me evidence that is anything more than circumstantial. In other words I want to see an actual, cohesive theory of what really happened. It is very easy to try and punch holes in the official version, but what is the other version?

In other words, I want to see the "who, what, where, when and why?"

Yes, because they current theory (cave dwellers learned how to fly an airplane well enough to navigate through the NY city sky line to directly hit two side-by-side buildings and oh their passports just so happened to be found in the wreckage) is highly plausible.

What cave dwellers? The hijackers were 15 Saudis, two Emiratees, an Lebanese and an Egyptian. People don't like in caves in any of those countries. And these were all people who studied and lived in the west.

Anyway, if there is a plausible alternate theory to what happened, I'm all ears.

9/11 truther speaks up in post superbowl presser - Yatagan - 02-03-2014

These Truther nutjobs expect us to believe the the same buffoons who couldn't even be arsed to plant a few fake WMD in Iraq to save face are capable of a flawless execution of 9/11. It's flat out crazy.

Like others have said, the only plausible conspiracy theory is that (certain members of) the gov just let it happen.