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One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Matt Forney - 01-02-2014

HT to Dagonet on this one: a white knight posted this ridiculous open letter on Facebook filling his daughter's head with all sorts of moronic you-go-grrlisms. You need to be logged in to Facebook to read it, so I've copypasted it below and bolded the most hilarious parts:


I met the boy my daughter has her first crush on at eleven years young. He seems healthy, athletic and happy, but I don't know anything about what it was like to be like that as a boy. I wasn't any of those things at his age. So, out of pure curiosity, while driving my daughter home from a dance, I asked her about him. She confided in me: "Dad, it's no big deal. He's not even interested in me anyway and I wouldn't know how to be interesting to him."

I replied, "You don't have to try to interest anyone, sweetheart. You're brilliant, courageous, graceful and gorgeous. I find you to be fascinating, and continually surprise me with the things you do and say and think, just be being yourself. Boys don't know what they want because their brain won't stop being cooked untitled their 25, but after then, they have a chance to become adult men. Then, the right man will realize how awesome you already and always are."

The conversation felt like it went well, but last night, I thought longer about her comment. This morning, I sit down to write out what I'd like to say to her:


You never need to try to be interesting to anyone, boy or girl. That's not your job in life. Your only job is to know in your heart without any cloud of confusion or fog of hesitation that you are worthy of anyone's interest without trying. You are perfectly worthy just as you are; just like everyone else is, even if you or others (or your Mom and I) get confused about our individual worth, or about the worth of each other.

If you continue to believe in yourself, you'll radiate. Boys, and eventually when you're grown up - men, will be attracted to you because of who you really are in your heart of hearts. You won't need to try to be interesting because the second most important man in your life will be interested in everything you are (the most important man in your life - me - already is and always will be.)

I don't know much about what it is to be a healthy, happy boy. Your Dad hadn't been those things. But I can tell you want it's like to be a healthy, happy person: You don't need to keep the interest of healthy, happy people. They're interested in you purely because you are confident in your fascinatingly unique, wonderfully weird (in other words - AWESOME) self.

One day you'll meet a boy and he will be overwhelmed by you, and you by him. When you're young and someone likes you, it feels like the the entire world is in the moments you are near each other. But you're worth isn't dependent upon him feeling this way toward you (or you toward him). A good boy will feel this way about you because you are perfectly worthy of it... Already and Always.
When he comes to our house to meet us, you'll be scared of what we think of him because of how you feel when he's so smitten by you.

Even if he places his elbows on our table, as long as he places his eyes on you when you tilt your head and lift your shoulders when you giggle at your own silly jokes - and then can't look away - then we will love him too.

Even if he doesn't want to wrestle with me, come training with me, or go hunting with the other men in your family during holiday get togethers, if he can romp with the beautiful children you create together, and fawn in all of the wonderfully frustrating ways that your children are exactly like you, then we will love him too.

Even if he doesn't dedicate his life to his finances, if - like you - he follows his passion to help others, while standing right next to you as you do, then we will love him too.

He doesn't need to be strong like your Dad... As long as he exercises the most important muscle - his heart, by loving and honoring you as much as your Mom and I do you (and each other), then we will love him too.

We don't care about his politics or viewpoints, if he makes you the most important person in his life and considers how every action impacts you, as you do him.

We don't care about the culture he comes from, or the place he was born, as long as he calls standing next to you wherever you are - home.

It doesn't matter to us what religion he practices, if he understands that you and your relationship together are inherently sacred, and every day that he gets to spend with you - a blessed gift.

I don't care if he has nothing in common with your Dad, for if he's completely different in every detail, he and I will have the most important common interest worthy of our complete dedication: you.

In the end, the only thing you'll ever need to do to keep our interest is just be you, already and always as you are each and every moment.

Love you,
I thought to share this with you, my readers, because the world may be changing at a very rapid rate, but the confusion of being a Dad - and total absence of a fatherhood instruction manual - causes me to reach out to those of you who are facing similar conversations with their growing children. Perhaps, together, in our individual heartfelt love of our little ones, we can help create a generation to understand that they don't need to try to be a certain way to be worthy... to be happy. They only need to be perfectly themselves, as they already and always are.

[Image: picard-facepalm-o.gif]

Here's the trollolololololololing response I left on the post:


Good job. My only suggestion: give your daughter some tips on caring for cats so she doesn't get arrested for animal cruelty when she ends up middle-aged and alone.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Flavius Aetius - 01-02-2014

No Comment Required, but...

Just wait till his precious daughter grows up to become a typical cock sucking hamster slut thanks to feminist ideology. Then she will wonder why no man will marry her.

[Image: tumblr_ml08cqosdF1s99m4bo1_400.gif]

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - deathtofatties - 01-02-2014

[Image: facepalm3.gif]

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - deathtofatties - 01-02-2014

She's going to be so confused, and he won't recognize or remotely know how to deal with her biological impulses. She'll definitely be riding the carousel.

[Image: carousel.gif]

Then when she hits the wall, cats cats cats. [Image: catlady.gif]

Perhaps that guy isn't even her biological father.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Vroom - 01-02-2014

His daughter is 11, so will probably do the exact opposite of what he says anyway. Maybe that was his cunning plan all along.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-02-2014

This is quite old. I'm sure that there must be an original thread somewhere.

As for the article, I also can't wait for her to end up being pumped and dumped over and over because she developed a narcissist personality disorder.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Duke Castile - 01-02-2014

in typical white knight fashion, I suspect his intentions are to ingratiate himself with other women and get them telling him "what a great father you are!". Why else would he be advertising it?

I hate people like this. It's the sleaziest most ball-less way of being.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Kabal - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 05:38 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

in typical white knight fashion, I suspect his intentions are to ingratiate himself with other women and get them telling him "what a great father you are!". Why else would he be advertising it?

I hate people like this. It's the sleaziest most ball-less way of being.

Yeah, it's pure signaling/posturing. Robin Hanson would be amused.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - mental - 01-02-2014

It's always nice to have betas provide us with sluts [Image: pimp.gif]

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - The Beast1 - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 06:45 AM)mental Wrote:  

It's always nice to have betas provide us with sluts [Image: pimp.gif]

I always think of this. White knight fathers help bring about carousal riding girls.

Guess we can thank sluts for making men with mommy issues... or alphas?

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - j r - 01-02-2014

"Brilliant, courageous, graceful and gorgeous?" At 11? Unless this girl has survived a bout with childhood leukemia or is Ann Frank, I highly doubt she is any of these things.

She is an ordinary child who is likely to become another victim sacrificed to the cult of phony self-esteem. She will internalize a good deal of this nonsense, but will always know deep down that it's bullshit; therefore she will be unhappy. Great job, dad!

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - samsamsam - 01-02-2014

It is funny. In this letter he planted a whole bunch of seeds that will fuck her up. Things she may never have considered thinking about. It wasn't like she was crying at the time they spoke. She seemed matter of fact about it - grounded and calm. He just shaved a few years off his kid's childhood, and it is short as is.

And how the fuck does a guy remember a paragraph that he said in the spur of the moment? Word for word? Fucking attention whoring man.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - reaper23 - 01-02-2014

As a father of two daughters, I'm curious to know what message you all would send to your very own daughters?

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - The Beast1 - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:31 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

As a father of two daughters, I'm curious to know what message you all would send to your very own daughters?

That's an honest question that I hope I will never have to answer.

Karma will assault me with 3 daughters....

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - HeyPete - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:31 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

As a father of two daughters, I'm curious to know what message you all would send to your very own daughters?

Put out to men that are much older.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - samsamsam - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:31 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

As a father of two daughters, I'm curious to know what message you all would send to your very own daughters?

reaper23, that is a very fair question. I suggest maybe creating a new thread.

But I sit in the camp of not all women nor all men bad. I think the biggest thing is about owning your choices. If your daughters grasp that early on, they could then make informed decisions about partying until they are too old or settling down, or whatever. Owning your choices is not just for women but for men also. If you post a separate thread I have a few other thoughts.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:31 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

As a father of two daughters, I'm curious to know what message you all would send to your very own daughters?

Basically this:

Be supportive, but fair and realistic. Don't saddle your daughters with a narcissistic personality disorder.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Tuthmosis - 01-02-2014

This is proof that weak-ass dudes are as big--if not bigger--contributors to the problems that we discuss on this forum.

My daughter would hear that her beauty is important and that she's not automatically interesting or attractive to a high-quality person--be it guy or girl. She needs to work on constantly improving herself and realize that she'll be rejected throughout her life, in every type of situation. My kids will learn that their worst fate is to be ordinary--as every girl who gets this speech most certainly is.

And, if their mother doesn't manage to snatch them away in a kangaroo custody dispute, they absolutely won't be.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - eradicator - 01-02-2014

reaper23, if you genuinely want to see your daughters turn out good, you need to set a good example, not just in your everyday interactions with them but also with their mother. Are you still with their mother?

If you are separated, and they are mostly with their mother and she is still trying to ride the carousel for all its worth, they are probably destined to learn from their mother and follow in her footsteps.

There is no magic bullet you can send your children to make sure they turn out great. I guess stress the importance of condoms and birth control pills. An early unwanted pregnancy would really limit what they can do with their life.

edit and yea probably deserves a new thread, it is a very good question.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - j r - 01-02-2014

The job of parents is to go against the tide a bit and help their kids correct course when needed. If I had a daughter in a society that constantly told her that women are worthless and of less value than men, then I would tell her that she can achieve as much as any man so long as she is willing to put in the work.

And if I had a daughter in a society that is constantly gassing women's heads up with empty "you go girl-isms," then I would remind her that potential is great, but it doesn't mean anything until you put in the work to make it realized.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - reaper23 - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 01:31 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

reaper23, if you genuinely want to see your daughters turn out good, you need to set a good example, not just in your everyday interactions with them but also with their mother. Are you still with their mother?

If you are separated, and they are mostly with their mother and she is still trying to ride the carousel for all its worth, they are probably destined to learn from their mother and follow in her footsteps.

There is no magic bullet you can send your children to make sure they turn out great. I guess stress the importance of condoms and birth control pills. An early unwanted pregnancy would really limit what they can do with their life.

edit and yea probably deserves a new thread, it is a very good question.

nah, my ex wife was/is a prude and a total home maker. She didn't even date after we divorced. She just got with a guy she already knew. They were having an "emotional affair" before we split anyway. I dont think she even went on one date with anyone else.

my oldest daughter splits time between me and the ex. youngest daughter is with me and new girl, who I live with.

I may create a thread on this because it is an interesting topic. often times I've found myself giving advice to women on what to do to get a man, but when they asked me if I would give that same advice to my daughter I wasn't so sure.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - reaper23 - 01-02-2014

what is interesting about this OP is that the dad sounds like he is a pretty manly dude. he hunts, he "trains", he wrestles, he takes care of financial matters and sounds like his dinner table has some strict-ass rules.

and we have to remember that the things you tell an 11 year old may not be the things you tell an 18 year old in terms of what is important in life.

you dont tell a 2 year old that they have to earn the love and respect of people, no you love them unconditionally so that they feel secure and safe as human beings. but a 20 year old gets the straight dope.

where when and how that line changes is the real question

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Quintus Curtius - 01-02-2014

I've come to think of these kinds of attention-seeking "open letters" from white knights/manginas as a repressed "cry of desperation" than anything else. Let me explain.

The construct: Weak-ass mangina knows that he has zero control over his daughter. Mangina has finally realized that nothing he says or does will matter in terms of disciplining or controlling his daughter in today's USA.

And so, in a ploy to become relevant, he trumpets to the skies how "proud" he is of her. It's a gambit to try to appear relevant...which he is not. No father in America today raising a hellion-to-be daughter his relevant. If she wants to spend her life smoking pole and doing drugs, daddy can't do shit about it. Hell, she'll even blame it on him.

So, posting that letter was an act of desperation. Deep down, daddies of carousel-riding brats know that they are irrelevant. So sad. I've said it and believed it for a long time: manginas and white knights are more at fault for women's behavior than the women are. We've allowed this...or our father's generation allowed it, I should say.

That does not excuse his behavior, of course. I'm only probing for subliminal motivations here.

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - AnonymousBosch - 01-02-2014

^ Trenchant observation, QC.

The tell:


I replied, "You don't have to try to interest anyone, sweetheart. You're brilliant, courageous, graceful and gorgeous. I find you to be fascinating, and continually surprise me with the things you do and say and think, just be being yourself. Boys don't know what they want because their brain won't stop being cooked untiled their 25, but after then, they have a chance to become adult men. Then, the right man will realize how awesome you already and always are."

The complete lack of verisimilitude in that paragraph is insulting to any intelligent person, which, of course, is why women are gushing in the comments.

Searching for the motivation, I click through to his profile. Fitness trainer. Wellness / motivational speaker. Cynical attempt to expand his brand to women by exploiting his daughter and telling women what they want to hear?

One White Knight's Hamsteriffic Letter to His Daughter - Quintus Curtius - 01-02-2014

AB: Yeah, well said. Considering the bottomless capacity of Americans for this type of you-go girlist self-delusion, it's often hard to know where one motivation ends and another begins. As I see it, there are these possibilities:

1. He truly and honestly believes his horseshit, and is so plugged into the You-Go-Girl, Jim Jones/Heaven's Gate cultish jibberish, that he honestly doesn't know where reality ends and fantasy begins. I would not rule this out completely. Remember in the USA today, pretty much a majority of the population are either on some form of medications, are chronically malnourished from a steady diet of fast food, or are functionally illiterate.

2. He is cynically trying to expand his business by selling feel-good snake oil to gullible women and girls. Wouldn't rule this out either, but if true, then he's a cold-blooded snake. Appeasing the female ego and hamster for cynical financial gain seems to me more blameworthy than ignorance and delusion.

3. He is so beaten down, broken, and powerless that he's decided to embrace the Dear Leader Kim statute of You-Go-Girlism, and hug that bronze behemoth like it's his sole savior. Which, in a way, it is. The mother and the daughter have his scrotum in one hand and a scythe in another, and any attempt to criticize the Dear Leader would result in instant emasculation. Most fathers I see today are resigned, beaten down, and have surrendered to the beast. They're just on auto-pilot, willing to mouth the right platitudes for a price.

Regardless of what option--or mix of options--it is, it's just sad.