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Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - TigerMandingo - 12-18-2013


Author argues that gay marriage legislation is only the beginning. More weird shit will follow and apparently it's been on the agenda for quite some time.

The magazine is Russian-based so granted it's probably biased, but I found the article enlightening and hilarious at the same time. For example, I had no idea that there was an actual North American Man-Boy Love association, an organization that promotes pederasty.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Flavius Aetius - 12-18-2013

Agree with the article 100%. After the homosexuals, you will have the polygamous people, bestiality, followed by pedophilia (after all it is just an alternative lifestyle).

NAMBLA used to be part of the LBGT movement. The 1972 Gay Rights Platform, for example, called for the abolition of all laws prohibiting sex with children. The platform demanded the: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent."

I really hope their is a special place in hell for these kinds of people who would prey on children.

Thank god for people like Putin who are trying to stop the homosexual agenda from spreading. I really hope he becomes ROK's Man of the Year. Much better than Time's man of the year--the pro-homosexual Pope Francis.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Shotgun Styles - 12-18-2013

This article is horseshit fear mongering.

Right now if a 19 year old bangs a 17 year old in CA he's on the Witch List for life. And according to BOTH the feminists, and the retards who wrote this article it's because he's a "pedophile". It is unanimously agreed to, on both sides of the aisle, that teen sex is evil pedophilia.

No chance, no prayer, no way in hell are the feminists about to give up these Witch List laws that overwhelmingly incarcerate and ostracize men.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Capitán Peligroso - 12-18-2013

The American Family Association is a "human rights organization"? If the insane part of the right-wing in America was a clown car, the American Family Association would be the chauffeur, and the right-wing clown car in America is exhibit A when it comes to these so-called sexual perversions. Here is one hilarious example of this not that I care what people do in private among consenting adults. But the people in America that seem to be screaming the most about America's sexual perversions always seem to be the ones getting "caught with a dead girl or a live boy" so to speak, or in this case, dead from erotic asphyxiation wearing two full wetsuits including masks, hog-tied (I'm not making any of this up) with a large dildo with a condom on it up his ass. What else am I missing? Read the full report at the link.

That article reads like The Onion, except that The Onion is much more believable. Whenever the AMA is quoted as a source of information, you can be well assured that the information is bunk.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Shotgun Styles - 12-18-2013

Quote: (12-18-2013 01:50 AM)Capitán Peligroso Wrote:  

The American Family Association is a "human rights organization"? If the insane part of the right-wing in America was a clown car, the American Family Association would be the chauffeur, and the right-wing clown car in America is exhibit A when it comes to these so-called sexual perversions. Here is one hilarious example of this not that I care what people do in private among consenting adults. But the people in America that seem to be screaming the most about America's sexual perversions always seem to be the ones getting "caught with a dead girl or a live boy" so to speak, or in this case, dead from erotic asphyxiation wearing two full wetsuits including masks, hog-tied (I'm not making any of this up) with a large dildo with a condom on it up his ass. What else am I missing? Read the full report at the link.

That article reads like The Onion, except that The Onion is much more believable. Whenever the AMA is quoted as a source of information, you can be well assured that the information is bunk.

If I hadn't already repped you, I would have for this.

[Image: taxi-drive-clap.gif]

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Capitán Peligroso - 12-18-2013

^^^ Thanks.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-18-2013

Ehhhh I don't know.... America has plenty of problems, but I'd bet that there are far more boys and animals banged in Afghanistan each year than in all the rest of the world combined.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - eradicator - 12-18-2013

LOL I thought it would be about people from other countries coming to america and our women spread their legs for them with comparatively little effort required.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Sherman - 12-18-2013

It's about time Russia start pushing back. The Obama administration has been aggressively shoving its gay rights agenda down the throats of Russia and all other countries of the world. The latest headline is that Obama picks openly gay delegates for the winter Olympics in Russia as a jab at Putin.

Obama can go to hell. Putin is my president.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Parlay44 - 12-18-2013

I don't know ...I think Japan takes the cake with their used panty vending machines and animated tentacle rape porn.

And what about Amsterdam? Its been called Disneyland for fat and faggot Americans. [Image: lol.gif]

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - WanderingSoul - 12-18-2013

Anyone who thinks pedophilia will become legal in the US is a retard.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Vicious - 12-18-2013

Of course it's a pervert's paradise. That's why I'm gleefully going back to the US in January.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Parlay44 - 12-18-2013

Quote: (12-18-2013 10:22 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks pedophilia will become legal in the US is a retard.

What if the population becomes overwhelmingly Muslim over time?
They seem to be big on the child bride thing.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Yatagan - 12-18-2013

Age of consent lowered by a few year(s)? Maybe, but outright pedophilia? Doubt it.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Flavius Aetius - 12-18-2013

Quote: (12-18-2013 10:22 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks pedophilia will become legal in the US is a retard.

They said the exact same thing 30 yrs ago about homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Look at how far we have "progressed."

There are even laws protecting Transgendered people (aka delusion psychotics who believe they are trapped in the wrong body). Mental patients are being allowed to act out their delusional fantasies with taxpayer assistance. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

The only thing stopping NAMBLA from openly raping kids is age of consent laws. Don't worry they will gradually lower the age of consent to get around this inconvenience. Right now the presumption is Adult consent (18 and older). NAMBLA will argue that this is arbitrary (after all in many parts of the world 16 is the age of consent). The legal argument will be that these specious and out of date age of consent laws are discriminatory as long as "two people love each other" there is no crime.

The media and academic institutions like Harvard are already starting to call pedophilia a sexual orientation (rather than sexual perversion). This is the key here--if pedophilia is accepted as a sexual orientation they magically get special rights like the LBGT crowd. In fact the American Psychiatric Association recently declared it a sexual orientation before backtracking due to political pressure.

Recent gawker article called Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children which goes on to say how unfairly pedophiles are treated in society (attempt to humanize them). Interesting quotes from the article that you will hear more and more of in the media.

And if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, that also means it's futile to send pedophiles to prison in an effort to alter their attractions. Doing so is akin to sending a homosexual child off to a religious-based institution that claims it can "pray the gay away."


Pedophiles, for obvious reasons, don't enjoy the same kind of tolerance, and thus it seems as if they may be locked forever in a sexual prison from the moment they're born.

The most disgusting part of the article was the ending quote

One imagines that if Jesus ever came to Earth, he'd embrace the poor, the blind, the lepers, and, yes, the pedophiles.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - ElJefe - 12-18-2013

Excellent points.

People automatically assume being a faggot or pedophile implies you're a bad person. To be able to live with the cognitive dissonance of accepting that someone's behavior is deviant and perverted (in the truest sense of those words), while observing they're basically nice people, is apparently, a major challenge. Most people have deviant behavior, but the basic message of Catholicism, at least, was to acknowledge this deviance as such.

Even if you're not religious, it's likewise clearly deviant behavior. This doesn't require a moral judgment, merely an observation.

As more and more deviant behavior is accepted, it undermines the social pressure that keeps traditional nuclear families together - hence more divorce and broken families with all its depressing derivatives of bad behavior. This is also just an observation with a clear causality.

Where this deviant worship is taking us I can't say, but there's an uncanny correlation with many of the other afflictions society suffers from that tells me this is not going to end well.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Jaydublin - 12-18-2013

I remember watching some old propaganda film about homosexuality and thinking "damn, that's how we talk about pedophiles today".

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - baristabanger - 12-18-2013

@ Handsome Creepy Eel

"Ehhhh I don't know.... America has plenty of problems, but I'd bet that there are far more boys and animals banged in Afghanistan each year than in all the rest of the world combined."

Unfortunately, I've witnessed this... and not just once from my time deployed over there.

I think the adage "Give a man an inch and he'll
take a mile" comes into play here. If we keep allowing this and that as a society, the envelope will continue to get pushed to accept more and more outlandish behavior.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - Hotwheels - 12-18-2013

Child marriage was once common and homosexuals were ostracized.

Now it's reversed.

Not advocating getting some under 18, just pointing out how social moors have changed over just the past 100-150 years.

The demise of the practice actually kinda follows the same timeline as the increase in women's rights, which makes sense as oftentimes marrying off ones fourteen year old daughter was a financial decision of the father, having little to do with "love".

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - gfly - 12-18-2013

The article is a bit wingnutty, but that doesn't mean they are wrong. Some of the Scandinavian countries have moved up from gay marriage into polygamy. Until the mid 70's homosexuality was in the DSM as a mental disorder. It is the path we are on, and it ain't a good one. Condoning homosexuality doesn't cause civilization to fall it is simply an end marker for that civilization.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - WanderingSoul - 12-18-2013

Someone marrying a 14 year old isn't a pedophile. Pedophilia is attraction to pre pubescent children, which means 11 years old and under generally. The modern definition has been skewed. I highly doubt age of consent laws will be changed anytime soon, if they do, they will be raised. I actually think that's a real possibility. And I'd bet anything that sexual relations with pre pubescent children will continue to be illegal way past out lifetimes.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - NY Digital - 12-18-2013

Federal age of consent is 16 in the U.S. States vary from 16-18, and there are restrictions.

Pedophilia, by actual definition, is liking pre pubescent children, or people that have not yet hit puberty. Thats the technical term at least.

Article calls the US "pervert's paradise" - ikkyu - 12-19-2013

The gay movement is nothing without the patronage of the feminist movement, and the feminist movement is very heavily invested in having the broadest possible definition of pedophilia with the harshest possible penalties. Like rionomad said, if age of consent laws are going anywhere in the US it's going to be up.