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How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - augen sehen - 12-07-2013

So, yesterday I was out with the more attractive of my two plates, we were drinking and smoking sheesha and having a good time.

Then I asked her a question, "What's the worst decision you made while you were drunk?" and I guess I caught her in a mood where her tongue was a little loose. She said, "I slept with my ex"

and then immediately corrected that to, "No, wait, when I slept with my friend who I wasn't attracted to."

She goes on to tell me the story after I probe a bit, and the gist is that they were always just friends, she didn't know he had feelings for her ([Image: dodgy.gif] ) and when she was drunk they got into it. After that he thought they were a couple but she wasn't interested in it, so she said it was her worst decision because she lost her friend due to that, and so she stopped drinking so much then.

It's not like she's a washed up old hag either, she's 24 now and this was a few years ago.

It got me thinking, a) is that slutty in the grand scheme of things and b) how slutty can a girl be before you remove her from LTR consideration, assuming that you are willing to accept a girl having a notch count > 0. My last LTR was a virgin when we met so I haven't had to think about this question before.

Your thoughts?

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - iknowexactly - 12-07-2013

A) --It doesn't seem that slutty to me, she knew the guy and just was drunk and horny

But to me the thing that screams out from your story is don't be the guy wasting his time who is longing for this chick orbiting, unless she does something else for you like play in your band or something.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - WestIndianArchie - 12-07-2013

You really need balls of steel to probe a chicks sexual history. Most western women are de facto members of the secret society.

I assume every chick I bang was passed around by the ice hockey team, sucked off her boss as a teenager, and only thinks things are icky if they're with the wrong guy

I'd never do that (with you)

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Mr. Calicoat - 12-07-2013

A) No I don't think this is slutty. I might start consider that behavior slutty if it happens every weekend, but just once?

B) For me the line is when she casually sleeps around with everyone and/or happily cheats on her boyfriends (when she's in an LTR). Such girls are good for a quick pump and dump only (though personally I would never raw-dog such a girl, think of all the potential STDs).

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - birdrussell - 12-07-2013

When a chick is known for being a slut for such felonies as doing multiple guys in a short period of time, blowing someone in public, flashing her pussy at a party, talking back to her man in public stuff like that just makes a woman undesirable and unsuitable for a LTR. That said def take advantage of this behavior if the chick acting in this manor is attractive( which they normally aren't). A one time mistake of getting drunk a sleeping with a friend to pass a little time Hell who here amongst us can say we are above that, may he cast the first stone.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - augen sehen - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 02:49 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

A) --It doesn't seem that slutty to me, she knew the guy and just was drunk and horny

But to me the thing that screams out from your story is don't be the guy wasting his time who is longing for this chick orbiting, unless she does something else for you like play in your band or something.

That was my thought as well, it was better this than blowing some random or a gang bang, which I was almost expecting.

BTW I have banged her multiple times and yesterday after the drinking too, so no orbiter issues here. [Image: banana.gif]

One thing that may or may not have contributed to her telling me that story is that she thinks I'm a manwhore too. She's EE btw but lives in Germany.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - kinjutsu - 12-07-2013

I personally draw the line at multiple girls and especially multiple guys at once.
Public sex acts: Blow jobs, finger banging. Bare breasts exposed.

Certain fields of work: Night clubs (bartender, gogo dancer) Stripper, escort in any capacity, massage parlor.

Tattoo's of any kind, extensive travel history without her family present.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Teddykgb - 12-07-2013

I probed my ex for her sexual history. Best thing I could have ever done.

It's always a good reality check because you might start to think you like this girl and sometimes you need to realize she's just another slut.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - eradicator - 12-07-2013

I stopped asking the girls I date a lot time ago about their sexual history. First off, they will likely just lie, so I don't really see the point?

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - iknowexactly - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:07 PM)murrb Wrote:  

I probed my ex for her sexual history. Best thing I could have ever done.

It's always a good reality check because you might start to think you like this girl and sometimes you need to realize she's just another slut.

I think inquiring about sexual history can be a good source of information, not in the "FACTS" she tells you but more in the TERMINOLOGY she uses.

Relative to her social background, does she use loaded giveaway words like hookup, "taken advantage of", boyfriend, "crazy/ crazies, and how does she REACT to terms like alpha, beta, wimp, etc.

You can see a lot about how hypergamous, contemptuous of men, reckless, drunk, etc she is just by how she talks about her experiences, where she's met men.

One giveaway of undesirable women that can't be concealed is a hoarse voice. Means either smoking, yelling in clubs, yelling at home, means a rough unfeminine woman who's going to want loud shit around her.

Another good "tell" is to ask her if she's ever had to get a restraining order. There's three levels of responses (1) Best-- vague idea of what one is, = upper middle class and not lawyercunt (2) Knows what one is but is slightly surprised you asked, she doesn't end up around "that type of guy" (3) Worst-she's "had to get one"-- means she chases crazy alpha bums, antagonizes them, gets scared and goes to the cops. Unless she's a famous model and is aghast that she had to do it.

I interview criminals all the time in my job so I've learned to separate the "factual" (often not) information from the meta-data communicated during conversations.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - The Beast1 - 12-07-2013

The only fast and steady rule i have is my LTR will not have more notches than me. Thankfully i've only known 2 girls who have more notches than me. My one ex made up her notches to me. i was told 18 (meh high number still low), which then became 25, which then became "eh i don't keep track."

That ended it.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Que enspastic - 12-07-2013

I recently banged a 19yo chick who last got laid in a spitroast over Halloween. She droughted 4 months before then.

But I guess she's not my LTR so this is just a gratuitous comment.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Veloce - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:14 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

I stopped asking the girls I date a lot time ago about their sexual history. First off, they will likely just lie, so I don't really see the point?

This. Most girls will lie about their sexual history.

You can tell if a girl is a slut by how she acts, and like the poster above said, the terminology she uses when describing her sexual past.

All of my LTRs have been sluts. Even my first LTR, who was a virgin. She went on to become a huge slut. If you catch them when they're virgins, they're sluts-in-the-making. To me it makes no difference whether they've already banged 20+ dudes or if they do it in the future. I don't get hung up on how many dicks have been in the girl's vagina. I'm not that concerned with anatomical functions.

I am more concerned with the mental, emotional, and spiritual repercussions to having that many sexual partners. No-one wants a bitter, jaded, shit-testing, shell for a partner.

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Donnington93 - 12-07-2013

I'd give it a pass. In the worst of my beta days, I would manage to weasel a bang this way, then get distraught when the girl said "I think we should be friends, I don't know what came over me" or something like that. Banging one beta? Whatever. Blowing the football time at half time? Different story.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - iknowexactly - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:55 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

I am more concerned with the mental, emotional, and spiritual repercussions to (being open to) having that many sexual partners. No-one wants a bitter, jaded, shit-testing, shell for a partner.

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

My change to your comment in bold.

Good point, if she thinks she can just fuck with abandon with no repercussions, she has some bizarre ideas about her own emotional state and the damage she is doing the guys she ditches ( which I also think goes for stone cold players too).

The lack of connection going with commercialized hookup culture is damaging everyone: bitter discouraged betas, Alpha Widow plain janes....

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - eradicator - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:55 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

I don't quite understand, but will probably agree with you when I do. Why is it impossible for a woman to be happy? What is wrong with wanting to be happy, even as a primary virtue?

Do you mean that women learn it is important to be happy, then they will need lots of partners to do this, but when they get lots of partners, they will become more jaded and cynical and ultimately unhappy?

And how many is 'too many'?

I basically put attractive women into 2 categories: sluts that are good to fuck but not good to date, and ones that have potential to date long term.

I have always agreed with your logic, but furthermore, I am not even convinced that the number of dick is as important as her behavior: if she is cynical, lots of shit testing, displays other slut behavior, she is undatable. Worth fucking? sure. dating? hell no.

If a woman has had 50 dicks and is 30 years old, and is feminine, a genuine pleasure to be around and has a great attitude in general, I would still date her.

If another woman has had 10 dicks by age 25(which is practically nothing for an american woman) but she is a moody and miserable bitch all the time, would I want to date her? uhhh no thanks.

I care more about her behavior, except again, how often is a woman going to tell the truth about the number of dicks she has had. I think it is pointless to ask, just pay attention to her behavior

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Peregrine - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 05:27 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:55 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

I don't quite understand, but will probably agree with you when I do. Why is it impossible for a woman to be happy? What is wrong with wanting to be happy, even as a primary virtue?

Do you mean that women learn it is important to be happy, then they will need lots of partners to do this, but when they get lots of partners, they will become more jaded and cynical and ultimately unhappy?

All suffering is caused by unmet expectations. Feminism has inflated the average female's expectation to stratospheric levels. Pursuing happiness directly is a guaranteed way to not be happy. My favorite analogy to explain this one is a Harry Potter (and the Sorcerer's Stone) reference. Anyone who wanted to get the stone from the Mirror of Erised (Desire backwards) only saw themselves using it to make gold or live forever. Only those who wanted the stone for pure purposes could obtain it. Similarly, happiness is a byproduct of other things such as strong relationships and achievement.


If a woman has had 50 dicks and is 30 years old, and is feminine, a genuine pleasure to be around and has a great attitude in general, I would still date her.

If another woman has had 10 dicks by age 25(which is practically nothing for an american woman) but she is a moody and miserable bitch all the time, would I want to date her? uhhh no thanks.

I care more about her behavior, except again, how often is a woman going to tell the truth about the number of dicks she has had. I think it is pointless to ask, just pay attention to her behavior

And I'd eat mold-covered pizza if it was still appetizing and wouldn't make me sick.

The responses in this thread are mind-boggling to me. 50 dicks by 30 is okay? 10 dicks by age 25 is okay? I'm not concerned with the anatomical bit either, but a high dick count is strongly correlated with whoring around and therefore non-LTR material. Maybe she is not a slut and had a strong connection with the 15 to 100 dicks she sucked, but I'm not betting my emotional health on it.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - eradicator - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 05:57 PM)Peregrine Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2013 05:27 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:55 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

I don't quite understand, but will probably agree with you when I do. Why is it impossible for a woman to be happy? What is wrong with wanting to be happy, even as a primary virtue?

Do you mean that women learn it is important to be happy, then they will need lots of partners to do this, but when they get lots of partners, they will become more jaded and cynical and ultimately unhappy?

All suffering is caused by unmet expectations. Feminism has inflated the average female's expectation to stratospheric levels. Pursuing happiness directly is a guaranteed way to not be happy. My favorite analogy to explain this one is a Harry Potter (and the Sorcerer's Stone) reference. Anyone who wanted to get the stone from the Mirror of Erised (Desire backwards) only saw themselves using it to make gold or live forever. Only those who wanted the stone for pure purposes could obtain it. Similarly, happiness is a byproduct of other things such as strong relationships and achievement.


If a woman has had 50 dicks and is 30 years old, and is feminine, a genuine pleasure to be around and has a great attitude in general, I would still date her.

If another woman has had 10 dicks by age 25(which is practically nothing for an american woman) but she is a moody and miserable bitch all the time, would I want to date her? uhhh no thanks.

I care more about her behavior, except again, how often is a woman going to tell the truth about the number of dicks she has had. I think it is pointless to ask, just pay attention to her behavior

And I'd eat mold-covered pizza if it was still appetizing and wouldn't make me sick.

The responses in this thread are mind-boggling to me. 50 dicks by 30 is okay? 10 dicks by age 25 is okay? I'm not concerned with the anatomical bit either, but a high dick count is strongly correlated with whoring around and therefore non-LTR material. Maybe she is not a slut and had a strong connection with the 15 to 100 dicks she sucked, but I'm not betting my emotional health on it.

I guess I didn't make my point very well. If a woman has had a lot of dick, like 50 by age 30, but has a healthy attitude, I would still date her. If she has a relatively low amount of dick, like 10 dicks by age 25 but is shitty to be around, I won't want to be around her.

I guess I was just figuring american women start having sex at 15, if she isn't a slut, she maybe has 2 relationships/year every year. If she is young and attractive, she will constantly have guys asking her for dates. So no, I don't think 10 dicks by age 25 = whoring around.

But again, how can you ever really know how much dick a woman has had? You expect her to tell the truth when you ask her a question about her sexual history? Seriously?

edit, but 15 isnt even a good estimate, a lot of girls will start fucking at 13(or some even younger)

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Peregrine - 12-07-2013

No, I got your point. Hence my bit about the mold-covered pizza. 50 dicks by age 30 and having a healthy attitude are pretty much mutually exclusive for women. Just like mold and not getting a stomach ache. Even if I met the one in a million girl who had a healthy attitude after 50 dicks, I'd err on the side of caution and assume she's damaged goods.


But again, how can you ever really know how much dick a woman has had? You expect her to tell the truth when you ask her a question about her sexual history? Seriously?

Certainly not. That's why you don't bother asking and just look for slut tells. Dick count is not perfectly correlated with sluttiness at the lower numbers. But by 10 at 25 or 50 by 30? What, she fell on all of those dicks by accident? Bona fide slut. If that eliminates all Western girls, so be it. At my last corporate job, only two of the guys I came into contact knew anything about girls. One married a Filipina and the other is happily sleeping around as a mid 30s bachelor.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - turbopg - 12-07-2013

In Iasi, Romania all chicks lie that they've slept with TWO guys, I kept hearing this over and over. surely they're not so easy as to have slept with many guys but still it's ridiculous to hear this multiple times. There's a lot of slutshaming around here so they need to be good girls and pretend to be even more "good" than they are. Ultimately I don't even care and am not even asking anymore, they lie anyway.
One girl kept delaying the sex and although she seemed intelligent she proved to be stupid. She asks me "Have you ever cheated?" Then she's like " Cause I haven't" Then she's like "Oh only once (pause) but it was with my ex (pause) and it was only a kiss"
I'm thinking "Idiot, you just said the wrong things". Like the fact that it was her ex (which she obviously fucked not just kissed) was supposed to be some sort of excuse.
Depends on what kind of relationship both of you accept to have, if it's a more open relationship or a comitted relationship. I've had one LTR (my best one) where she opted to be comitted and she has been, I even spied on her to see if she indeed was faithful. With her it would've been cheating for her to even give her number to a guy, but she did not disappoint me.
Another LTR though dumped me a long time ago on the 2nd Christmas day (though 1 day before I was still fucking her) and though not admitting it, she spent it with her ex. 1 week later she wanted to get back with me "to at least be friends". I went to meet up with her just for revenge, of course she wanted to get back in the LTR with me, I friendzoned her, I refused to go to her place, got her to tears, as I was walking with her she started walking backwards in front of me looking at me in tears, I dumped her and told her to not call me again.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - DjembaDjemba - 12-07-2013

You never know how many men she has slept with unless you just imported her from an Islamic republic, a certified virgin with a certificate and cherry intact to prove it.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Women will lie in your face if you ask about their history. Pussy doesn't come with carfax.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Wahawahwah - 12-07-2013

This the only time there is a possibility that a girl will tell you something that resembles the truth.
When she's happy, drunk, and thinks shes free from judgement.

But again, why bother asking, knowing that there's a 90 percent chance she's gonna lie?

Pay attention to her actions, not words.

Honestly, your question is probably valid BEFORE you get into a relationship.
If you are actually in a relationship with her and its going good, well, keep it going for as long as you need.

A much better tell of LTR unworthiness is her behavior with you.
See, a normal girl will want to betatize you before she fucks someone else.
If she's found someone else to have sex with, she will want to move on from you, at least emotionally, before she can be okay fucking another guy.

Exceptions to these are if she's a legitimate whore who's fucked the whole town, or if you've acted MASSIVELY beta in the past few days and she's met an old flame/a celebrity she idolizes.

Most girls however, will want to mentally move on before they can legitimately fuck another guy. While guys can happily stay in love with a woman while fucking ten others behind her back, a woman who wants to fuck will make it blatantly obvious through her behavior if she's losing attraction.

For most women, emotional cheating precludes the actual physical act, and is an excellent indicator of future promiscuity.

A notch count of 3 is the most I'm okay with, before getting into an LTR.
Changes for different people.

Also, if a girl cheats on you when you are in an exclusive relationship, no matter what the reasons, no matter how good you are together, she must go. That, really is the only unsalvageable scenario.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Teddykgb - 12-08-2013

My last girlfriend was really slutty and had daddy issues. She was my first gf over 6 months. I was super irritated when she was texting her ex boyfriend and that is what led to our break up. I always wanted to be the guy she was texting behind her boyfriends back and my wish has came true.

She is posting how in love she is with this new guy on her facebook and she was snapchatting me pictures of her and her girlfriends making out last night when they were drinking.

I proceeded to send a dick pic 2 hours later.

I get a text from her "I wasn't expecting that!"

I ignored

Felt good

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Gopher - 12-08-2013

To answer the question i would say

When she tells you she's been tag teamed or gangbanged...then she's too slutty to LTR.

How slutty can your LTR be before she's not worth an LTR anymore? - Samseau - 12-08-2013

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:55 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2013 04:14 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

I stopped asking the girls I date a lot time ago about their sexual history. First off, they will likely just lie, so I don't really see the point?

This. Most girls will lie about their sexual history.

You can tell if a girl is a slut by how she acts, and like the poster above said, the terminology she uses when describing her sexual past.

All of my LTRs have been sluts. Even my first LTR, who was a virgin. She went on to become a huge slut. If you catch them when they're virgins, they're sluts-in-the-making. To me it makes no difference whether they've already banged 20+ dudes or if they do it in the future. I don't get hung up on how many dicks have been in the girl's vagina. I'm not that concerned with anatomical functions.

I am more concerned with the mental, emotional, and spiritual repercussions to having that many sexual partners. No-one wants a bitter, jaded, shit-testing, shell for a partner.

Being a slut is a symptom to a deeper problem we have with women in America. The society here has placed a woman's happiness as the primary virtue, while simultaneously making it impossible for her to be happy.

Exactly. This is the most enlightened view of the subject, imo. I've written about this before but most guys cannot accept the truth.


Likewise, a young virgin has not proven to be anything more than a pretty face, tits, and ass. Even if you’re the man to claim her cherry, she’s still nothing more than a new girl you’ve started banging. I’ll never forget how one of my close friends took the virginity of a 22 year old girl. He thought he had found “The One.” He could not get enough of the sex, and could not stop raving about her. But when he revealed he had to go get his Masters in another city, it was but only two weeks after he moved before she was sleeping with a different man.

My friend’s girl was not loyal. She valued herself over her man, and that’s why, even though she “gave” her virginity to him, she was nothing but a slut who had saved her virginity. Valuing virginity, which is inherent to a woman’s birth, is just as absurd as valuing a woman for anything else inherent to her birth, such as her eyeballs or hair. Certain crazy religions have worshiped a woman’s virginity as if it revealed an important truth about her character, when, in fact, they have it backwards: A woman of loyal character is more likely to only sleep with one man in her life, but women who’ve only slept with one man may still be a lying, manipulative, nagging, and combative battleaxe. It is necessary for a woman of good character to have slept with few men, but it is not a sufficient.

Blue pill men mistake the effect for the cause, and see sexual experience as an odometer to be measured, when in fact it is nothing more than one card from her hand. You do not have a complete picture and if she’s smart, you never will. So don’t be a dumbass who places value on a woman’s sexual history. Without any sort of context, virginity means nothing. By logical extension, if there’s no reason to value a virgin, then there’s no reason to value any woman who claims to have limited sexual experience.

And continuing further, I would go as far to say that a huge slut may yet still turn out to be better relationship material (never marriage material) than a virgin, since with the slut you know what you are getting while the virgin is someone who may put on false pretenses with her chastity.