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Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - poledaddy - 12-06-2013

I handle digital advertising for a large US-based weight loss company. Most of my time is focused on optimizing our Paid Search campaigns - I spend over $1M a month on search ads on Google and Bing.

As you can imagine this is already quite a competitive industry with multiple well-funded advertisers bidding on the same keywords. But I've spotted a new entrant into the battle for my own branded terms (IE bidding on the name of my company) - a "Our Men Only Date BBWs" Dating Site (screenshot attached).

So basically, this BBW Site is trying to "poach" women who are looking into weight loss solutions at my company, and tell them that they don't need to lose any weight to get dick. In fact their men "ONLY" date BBWs. They feel so confident in their sales proposition they are likely paying north of $1 per click (my branded terms are already expensive, due to competition).

The C-levels here are always talking about MyFitnessPal and Nike Fuel Bands as the current "wave" our company needs to react to as our sales have plateaued this year and there is a lot of finger pointing as to why this is happening. But personally I think our biggest competitive threat is fat acceptance. What can we do about this against this unstoppable onslaught? Become a clandestine sponsor of the next Fat Shaming Week?

This is a humorous post, but seriously, I do fear for the future of this industry as fat acceptance continues its rise. Our sales were flat in 2013 but the industry as a whole has taken a beating. It's a much tougher task to get overweight women to fork over $250+ a month for meal replacements if they think they are "beautiful just the way they are" and "real men love BBWs".

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-06-2013

[Image: mindblown.gif]

We've entered a vicious circle where there are enough fatties for companies to profit from advertising special goods and services to them, and even have an interest in creating more fatties. The kind of advertising budget that can seriously compete with yours is quite scary.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Katatonic - 12-06-2013

I have to ask, are they just testing or is this becoming a trend? I would imagine that there are keywords more suited cost-wise to that niche.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - cardguy - 12-06-2013

This is a real problem.

I work with a fat chick who says she doesn't mind being fat since lots of guys like fat women.

The problem is thirsty men. And fat chicks thinking their giant flabby tits make them attractive.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Flavius Aetius - 12-06-2013

All I can say is--get used to this trend continuing.

Fat has become the new normal in the US. Fat women call themselves BBW with some kind of sick pride. Surreal, but true. They even have the temerity to say on their ads that they want men who can appreciate and handle BBW women(e.g. morbidly obese women). Like some how they are a challenge. Yes, all those fat rolls are so fucking hot.LOL In the real world they would never be this arrogant, but we live in weird times.

In some cases I have seen loser fat chicks with two kids (father AWOL) demanding tall, fit, athletic men. WTF?

I remember when women used to describe themselves as curvy--and they really had curves. Now it is a code word for massive fat rolls. We live in a degenerate society where fat acceptance is tolerated--except for the manosphere.

What surprises me is how many men are into fat women. Maybe they think this is the best they can get or that fat women are just easier to get into bed. My guess is that since the majority of women in the US are fat (not curvy or even chubby, etc but clinically fat/obese), most men have come to the realization that it is fat chicks or nothing. Sad Sad Situation.

Fat Acceptance

[Image: i-amp-039-m-not-fat_o_2306681.webp]

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-06-2013

Anyone ever heard of an early Fox Network show called "Babes?" It came out a few years after "Married With Children." At the time, the women on the show were considered almost freakishly obese. Take a look at these clips now; the women verge on normalcy now.

(Sidenote: This show, not "Sex in the City," is the real precursor to "Girls," since it resides in a fantasyland where women who look like this regularly pull decent-looking guys.)

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - cardguy - 12-06-2013

I literally have to keep reminding myself what BBW means.


WTF??? That is some George Orwell Newspeak right there.

And yeah - the girl I work with only likes normal looking guys. Even she wouldn't slum it with a fat pig (depsite being fat herself).

I know chicks want more than flings and one-night stands. But the annoying thing is that she does get flings with guys who are pretty good looking. And then she gets devastated when they dump her (fat) ass.

I must add things are getting really bad now. Girls have fat pride going on in the media - yet at the same time if you call a girl fat to her face they will try and get you fired. Fat is becoming the new N-word. Which shows how even women know how disgusting it is. Despite their bullshit about BBW's and what not.

There is literally no hope anymore. Just forget about it. We lost this war. Things are only going to get worse. I am trying to think of an analogy for how irretrievable this situation is. I can't. There is more chance of women losing the vote than there is of women not continuing to spiral into increasing obesity.

I am just glad I am not out there having to deal with this shit. No matter how fat most women get - the hookers I sleep with will still be drop dead gorgeous.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - poledaddy - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 03:42 PM)Katatonic Wrote:  

I have to ask, are they just testing or is this becoming a trend?

Likely scenario is they see my company name as a "high funnel" keyword. Meaning it probably won't convert on the initial click, but if they can grab a few clicks at a reasonable cost, and some of them end up signing up for the dating site down the line, it's worth it from their perspective.

The big picture though is what's disturbing to me. People searching my brand are likely existing clients of my company, trying to lose weight and become more healthy. They are doing the right thing. As you can see from the screenshot, Jenny Craig is trying to steal my customers, but I'm doing the same to Jenny so I'm fine with that. We're competitors, but at least it's all towards the same goal of providing obese/overweight people who want to lose weight the tools to do so. on the other hand completely flips the script "stop trying to lose weight, guys will still want you- we've got them right here!"

Here's an illustration of how ridiculous this is: I can't tell if is limited to BBW dating, but lets assume they are BBW-only for now. What if I created an search ad for their branded keywords that said along the lines of "Stop settling for less. Lose weight, be healthy, get the relationship you deserve!"? Or an appeal to their health, diabetes, whatever. All other concerns aside, while most fatties would not be receptive, a small number would. It could be worth it at the right cost to be there. But if someone got a screenshot of that ad to Jezebel (after all they share a similar audience with a BBW sites) you already know what would happen next.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - eradicator - 12-06-2013

methinks we need another #fatshamingweek

Every week should be fat shaming week.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - poledaddy - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 04:29 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

methinks we need another #fatshamingweek

Every week should be fat shaming week.

If I can only find a way to funnel off some of my budget for "grassroots"/"blogger outtreach" that I could I could pretend is something else. I certainly have the war chest. Fat shaming week is good for my business!

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - bacon - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 04:10 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Anyone ever heard of an early Fox Network show called "Babes?" It came out a few years after "Married With Children." At the time, the women on the show were considered almost freakishly obese. Take a look at these clips now; the women verge on normalcy now.

(Sidenote: This show, not "Sex in the City," is the real precursor to "Girls," since it resides in a fantasyland where women who look like this regularly pull decent-looking guys.)

Now in 2013 morbidly obese women have staring roles on TV

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Rotisserie - 12-06-2013

Another step toward the Wall-E future. At least I'll be dead before I see that.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - cardguy - 12-06-2013

@Days Of Broken Arrows - the sad thing is that it isn't a fantasy anymore. Fat women really do get with good looking regular guys. The number of thirsty men is increasing along with the number of obsese women. They may not get commitment from them. But they get enough to keep the hamster wheel spinning.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-06-2013

Quote:cardguy Wrote:

No matter how fat most women get - the hookers I sleep with will still be drop dead gorgeous.

Given the growing market share of "BBW escorts", I wouldn't be so sure. And given the vengeful nature of fatties towards beauty and its eternal standards, I wouldn't be surprised if it is exactly that minority of hookers that manages to plug themselves into some kind of superior legal position when the public hysteria eventually subsides and most countries allow legalization. Maybe "prohibit brothels from using women with BMI less than 22" or some similar bullshit like the one which is currently being pushed at catwalks.

Wait and see, I guess.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Suits - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 04:42 PM)poledaddy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2013 04:29 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

methinks we need another #fatshamingweek

Every week should be fat shaming week.

If I can only find a way to funnel off some of my budget for "grassroots"/"blogger outtreach" that I could I could pretend is something else. I certainly have the war chest. Fat shaming week is good for my business!

Couldn't you hire some private consultants (Roosh, Tuth) to funnel clicks to your company's product pages?

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - runsonmagic - 12-06-2013

Are you also competing with diabetes medication and those little carts people ride around walmart on?

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Saladin - 12-06-2013

Damn this is fucked...

If you'd drop a datasheet on Google Adwords and Bing that'd be fucking amazing though.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - direct2Leo - 12-06-2013

How about you try some of these ads ? [Image: biggrin.gif]

Erectile dysfunction in UR Lover
Chances are you are so fat
you are killing his libido

Fatties, you can't kill them, you can't live with them... and they are poisoning the whole society. I don't have kids and sometimes I shudder at the thought of any kid I might have in future... and No marriage, no Kids seems like better deal...

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Sawyer - 12-06-2013

I think you need to go nuclear: Fat Jokes.

Somehow prey on the knowledge that fat chicks KNOW they are for pumping and dumping. They won't be hitting the BBW dating site if they are confronted with this fact.

I don't know how you'd do it but something along the lines of what's the difference between a fat chick and a moped? They're both fun to ride until your friends see you. Etc. etc. Of course you'll have to find a way to package it, but everyone knows these fat chick jokes and even fat chicks know they are true. They see it again and again. Use this somehow.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - AnonymousBosch - 12-07-2013

Don't read too much into this.

A mate got divorced from his wife last year and signed up with BeNaughty, then got me involved to try and stop them repeatedly charging his credit card after each cancellation.

All the research points to them being scammers. This is how the scam works:

You need to sign up to search the site. You're sent a bunch of notices from beautiful (8-9) women in your area, who are obviously fake.

Their 3 day trial is $2.95, then you're charged $29.95 for a month's membership, unless you cancel first.

Cancelling requires notice of four days, ie. the day before you agree to the free trial. Guaranteed $29.95 charge on your card.

The beautiful women suddenly stop sending notices, all the women in the area are (4-5) overweight dogs. All the girls in the video chat rooms are Pay-For-View Prostitutes.

Obviously, this is when people get pissed off and cancel. My mate explained that when he rang to cancel, they gave him upgraded free membership for an extra month since they 'were sorry he didn't find the site useful' and that this way he might get his money's worth. They explained that this would be 'free of charge', but didn't explain when the free month ran out he'd be then charged again at the higher rate. It's basically a fake cancellation.

Stage 2 now results in $69.90 out of one person. They'll cancel for real this time, as that's all they need out of a mark to be extremely profitable.

Consumer affairs confirmed it's a known scam, but they're powerless to do anything about it, since it's UK-based. They warned my mate to cancel his card, and says the company has multiple fake dating sites, so to always look for the CupidPLc company name somewhere on the site.

So this isn't evidence of a trend, they're just obviously trying to rip off the fat chicks now as well.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - kosko - 12-07-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 04:59 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

@Days Of Broken Arrows - the sad thing is that it isn't a fantasy anymore. Fat women really do get with good looking regular guys. The number of thirsty men is increasing along with the number of obsese women. They may not get commitment from them. But they get enough to keep the hamster wheel spinning.

I used to work with a fatty whom routinely pulled firefighters. She showed me the pic of one of her pulls, and it was from one of those charity calendars they make. Dude was slumming it hard with this fat cow, and mind you she does have a "hot face", but her body is so gross and mis-proportioned she looks like tube of ground meat. He picked her up while pumping gas... a literal pump and dump...and she had no issues with it. In her mind she got to screw a firefighter whom was way out of her league. When she showed pictures to all of us at work, with the hot blondie I worked with, you could tell she looked weirded out on how this cow could of pulled that.

It's completely nasty to me, and I don't get the appeal. I see this shit on the streets everyday, in the clubs, etc. thirsty dude beasting on fat chics.

Fuking a fatty is a deadly sin. Not even once.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - Sombro - 12-07-2013

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - direct2Leo - 12-07-2013

I stopped drinking after I woke up and saw a fatty by my side... never a drop of alcohol after that... and not a single fatty.
Sometimes some men got to face their horrors to see true horrors.

Diet Programs Now Competing w/ BBW Dating Sites - poledaddy - 12-07-2013


Couldn't you hire some private consultants (Roosh, Tuth) to funnel clicks to your company's product pages?

We wouldn't need to make it a direct traffic play. It's in my company's direct interest in just increasing the volume and effectiveness of anti-fat content on a macro-level. Point blank, my industry is BUILT on fat shame. It all goes back to pain vs pleasure, Sales 101 - pain always the more powerful motivator. Nobody is going to spend $250-$300 a month for bland-tasting meal replacements unless they are disgusted with their current self and feel pain every time they look in the mirror. That's becoming an increasingly harder proposition with modern feminism, positive portrayal of fatties in pop culture, and now private for-profit companies like Dove and BeNaughty, are throwing their hat in into the pro-fat ring.

In a perfect scenario there would be an anti-fat publisher network. Members would be paid for anti-fat articles, tweets, videos, etc. Compensation would be based on amount of angry comments, outtrage on twitter, etc. Additional bonuses for making girls cry on YouTube like Tuth's eating disorder article.

The key issue is could not be tied back to it in any way - Jezebel would have a field day and that would be the end of us. Sort of like CIA funneling money to the Contras in the 80s. Gotta be completely off the books.