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Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - numanist - 11-22-2013


'We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live a while and then rot into the ground,' said the scientist on his website.

Lanza, from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, continued that as humans we believe in death because 'we've been taught we die', or more specifically, our consciousness associates life with bodies and we know that bodies die.

His theory of biocentrism, however, explains that death may not be as terminal as we think it is.

Biocentrism is classed as the theory of everything and comes from the Greek for 'life centre'.

It is the believe that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round.

This suggests a person's consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.

Lanza uses the example of the way we perceive the world around us. A person sees a blue sky, and is told that the colour they are seeing is blue, but the cells in a person's brain could be changed to make the sky look green or red.

'Bottom line: What you see could not be present without your consciousness,' explained Lanza. 'Our consciousness makes sense of the world.'

By looking at the universe from a biocentric's point of view, this also means space and time don't behave in the hard and fast ways our consciousness tell us it does. In summary, space and time are 'simply tools of our mind.'

Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

Similarly, theoretical physicists believe there is infinite number of universes with different variations of people, and situations, taking place simultaneously.

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Here is an example of the double slit theory from Morgan Freeman's tv series, Through The Wormhole:

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Soma - 11-22-2013

[Image: 20130501moe20-400x266.jpg]

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - numanist - 11-22-2013

Before you jump the shark, just watch the video of the double slit experiment and read the article in full. I'm not saying that I'm a huge believer, but I find the experiment very intriguing. I myself am an agnostic, who is turned off by religious zealots as well as anti-religious ones.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - numanist - 11-22-2013

The man also has a totally different interpretation of what afterlife is really like:


Lanza added that everything which can possibly happen is occurring at some point across these multiverses and this means death can't exist in 'any real sense' either.

Lanza, instead, said that when we die our life becomes a 'perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.'

He continued: 'Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix.'

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Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Pyre - 11-22-2013

"What you see could not be present without your consciousness,'" is basically the Buddhist doctrine of conditional dependence.

Makes total sense to me. He's not saying your soul goes to heaven, he's saying you just go to the womb "nonhuman nonconsciousness."

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - scorpion - 11-22-2013


Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

It's funny how this is presented as being a new and groundbreaking concept. In reality, this idea was introduced and expounded on at length by Immanuel Kant in the 18th century.

Truly a mind-bending concept to grasp.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - J.J. - 11-22-2013

Do you remember the 4 billion earth years before your birth? Probably not. Its the same after you die. Your conscience is gone and you cease to exist. Kind of scary when you think about it.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - soup - 11-22-2013

There's no such thing as an "afterlife".

If there was a discovery of some energy vessel that contained our conscious or something that escaped our bodies when our hearts stop, that would just extend the definition of life as we know it.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - BortimusPrime - 11-22-2013

The problem with saying there's an afterlife because of the many universe theory of quantum mechanics is that while infinite copies of you may exist in other universes or whatever, the fact that these universes both exist in infinite number and cannot be accessed makes them pointless. That's why the ending to bioshock infinite was stupid, even if you CAN access alternate universes, as the number of permutations of a situation goes to infinity the importance of the plot approaches zero.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Katatonic - 11-22-2013

I will say that just because some theologians will jump on this discovery as "proof" of their specific brand of dogmatic bullshit, doesn't mean it deserves to be discarded en masse. I consider myself to be pretty skeptical in most matters especially where subjective preference is presented as objective fact, but it's hard not to ponder quantum mechanics without constantly touching upon the spiritual aspects of it.

My point is that giving way to a little ambivalent thought on the subject is healthy for your mind, and won't keep needless discrimination's from impeding personal growth. That being said, I can't wait(for the LOL's) to see Pat Robertson's next article where he attempts to show that this discovery proves that God hates homosexuals.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Pacific - 11-22-2013

What is" Qauntum Physics"?

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Wahawahwah - 11-22-2013

Two words - Research Grants.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Katatonic - 11-22-2013

Quote: (11-22-2013 08:41 PM)Sharkie Wrote:  

Two words - Research Grants.

One just has to look at the oligopsony that climatologists had to contend with when presenting their cases to Congress for federal funding. If they were to emphasize the likely scenario of mans impact on warming and cooling trends, a good portion of that money may very well have been allocated to a different agenda. By presenting the best, likely, and worst case scenarios, but putting an extra emphasis on the worst case scenario they were able to secure massive amounts of funding for the foreseeable future.

Add to that the demagogue Al Gore's propaganda film, which was made solely to promote Cap-and-Trade as good and necessary public policy, and climatology might not be too bad of a career to pursue(provided you toe the line). Damn that boy would have made billions had his scheme to leech off of the productive side of society been successful.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - numanist - 11-22-2013

At the end of the day, know one really knows what happens after death; one can always make extrapolations though. Only time will tell if this man is a charlatan or a Galileo of the scientific community; it is important to point out that some of the most vindicated scientists were derisively mocked in their day: Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin. Maybe new revelations from the Hadron collider or artificial intelligence will one day vindicate his musings, until then, I will keep an open-mind.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - soup - 11-22-2013

Yes- they might be tools of the mind, but the mind is consciousness, so anything that exists outside of that is irrelevant. Our experience of life is what needs to be continued if you are going to say that something exists after our hearts stop.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Rutting Elephant - 11-22-2013

This reminds me of a woman who called in to an atheist show claiming to have invented a scientific "quantum metaphysics." The host replied, "it's science-y because you put a 'quantum' in there" (2:35).
Deepak Chopra has been cashing in on this lately with his "photons have consciousness" claims.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Wutang - 11-22-2013

Quote: (11-22-2013 06:52 PM)scorpion Wrote:  


Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

It's funny how this is presented as being a new and groundbreaking concept. In reality, this idea was introduced and expounded on at length by Immanuel Kant in the 18th century.

Truly a mind-bending concept to grasp.

It just shows what a philosophical genius Kant that he was able to come up with such concepts and ideas through pure thought and logic.

Personally I find transcendental idealism to be very appealing and pleasing to my nature - there's something about it that really meshes with my personality and outlook about reality. At the same time however, my common-sense repeatedly rebels against it. I guess it's similar to knowing that the Earth revolves around the Sun. We know that the Earth revolves around the Sun but it still looks like to us that it is the Sun that is moving around the Earth and it is impossible for us to have any other view.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Vitriol - 11-23-2013


This suggests a person's consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.

This just sounds like Descartes revisited to me. "What if this is all just a hallucination created by my mind?"

There are many things that only change in objective reality because something external to your mind causes them to change. I can't will the earth to become the size of a pea because my consciousness wants it to do so.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - WanderingSoul - 11-23-2013

No one knows what actually happens after death, not even the great Soupmosis.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Genghis Khan - 11-23-2013

I'm going to tell you guys a little secret us physicists and engineers have discovered:

doctors (MDs) have no fucking idea of how physics actually works. I have respect for doctors for their medical expertise, but I don't take their advice on anything else. Honestly, would you let an physicist do surgery on you? Probably why would you take a MD's theory on physics seriously?

1. I've been told by numerous professors of physics their pre-med students are the worst in their class. These kids work hard and no doubt can become intelligent doctors. But there's something about F = ma they just don't get. I think it's just some people are good in biology, some in chemistry and some in physics. There's people that are good in all three, but MDs tend to lean heavily on biology.

2. This guy has no background whatsoever in quantum mechanics. Should be a red flag, don't you think?

3. The double-split experiment is very well known among those of us who have actually studied quantum mechanics. There aremultiple theories as to why quantum mechanics works the way it does. One is the multiverse theory (i.e. every possibility actually happens in a different universe). It is not the only one.

4. So say that in a different universe, there's a version of you that's figured out how to live for ever. Great. But guess what, in this world you're still going to fucking die. Saying you're alive in another universe is same as making a clone of yourself. The clone might survive, but the physical entity that is you is dead.

5. "It is the believe that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round.
This suggests a person's consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe. In summary, space and time are 'simply tools of our mind.'"

Yes, you can change the receptors in your brain to perceive red light as blue light. But that does not mean your consciousness created the universe. Space and time exist. It is true that they're not absolute and are based on how fast you move...but they still exist. If space were really just a tool of our mind, then this guy should put his money where his mouth is, jump out of a window and convince himself that the 10 floors separating him from the pavement don't really exist. After all, space is just a tool of the mind, right?

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Genghis Khan - 11-23-2013

Quick criticism on this fool:

Longer criticism (going into detail on what quantum mechanics, consciousness really is all about):

And some more:

Sorry, I just have a pet peeve when scientifically educated people use their so called expertise to spread bullshit. It's bad enough we have people believing Tesla created an infinite energy source and JP Morgan killed it.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-23-2013

Honestly, what he is saying is nice, but A) it doesn't affect me in the slightest, unless these multiple lives in the parallel universe share their memories, and B) seems like wishful thinking, unable to ever be proven.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - IpsaScientiaPotestasEst - 11-23-2013

Quote: (11-22-2013 10:57 PM)numanist Wrote:  

At the end of the day, know one really knows what happens after death; one can always make extrapolations though. Only time will tell if this man is a charlatan or a Galileo of the scientific community; it is important to point out that some of the most vindicated scientists were derisively mocked in their day: Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin. Maybe new revelations from the Hadron collider or artificial intelligence will one day vindicate his musings, until then, I will keep an open-mind.

Don't forget Tesla too. Man was a straight BADASS, that was VASTLY underappreciated in his time. A number of his discoveries or patents are still highly used today, incorporated into modern living, or just starting to get off the ground.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - Hades - 11-23-2013

Yeah, the title is a dead giveaway for bullshit.

"Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of an Afterlife, According to Quantum Physicist Scientist".

This Dr. Lanza angers me somewhat, denying that there's a sort of objective reality to the universe, and that "perception" and "intelligence" are what's concrete - space and time are "tools of the mind".

So in accordance with biocentrism, if every living thing on Earth died except for one bearded hippie who does nothing but repeatedly get stoned on LSD, then the universe inexplicably rearranges itself into hallucinations and objective measurements of time (such as rare earth metals decaying radioactively or the earth going about the sun) cease to exist due to his perception of the universe.

I once had some drunk guy puke in my car and then deny the whole thing happened because he didn't remember it. Are we both right? Riddle me that, Lanza.

I'm not a philosopher or even a decent physicist but if you make a theory called solipsism "bio-centrism" and expect it to be taken seriously, come up with the mathematics. If you can't apply it outside of some feel good bullshit (death is just a construction of the mind, maaaaaan - quantum immortality is the universal truth of the galaxy, duuuuude) then don't present it to the scientific community under such lofty pretences.

I would not be surprised whatsoever if a lot of people believed in this anyway.

Qauntum Physics Proves The Existence of An Afterlife, According To Scientist - MidniteSpecial - 11-23-2013

I had a loved one come to me in a dream and say good bye. The next day I got a phone call that they had died.

I believe.