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First Time In Colombia - RioJoe - 11-13-2013


So I'm finally gonna check out Colombia for the first time from the 15th to 26th of December this year. Plan to spend the first 4 days in Bogota then the last bit in Cartagena. I've spent alot of time on and off all over Brazil the last 5 years so thought this would be a good change of pace especially considering the inflation in Brazil and decline in the girly scene (quite a rapid change from 2008).

Having spent so much time in South America I have a good idea of what me and my pal are in for but figured still to ask some advice of those who have been.

I assume the same things apply there as in Brazil that hotels are generally not guest friendly, etc.. and apartments are the way to go? Any recommendations in both cities on the ideal areas to stay and clubs/bars to hit up? My budget is pretty flexible.

All comments welcome.

First Time In Colombia - scotian - 11-13-2013

Quote: (11-13-2013 05:05 AM)RioJoe Wrote:  


So I'm finally gonna check out Colombia for the first time from the 15th to 26th of December this year. Plan to spend the first 4 days in Bogota then the last bit in Cartagena. I've spent alot of time on and off all over Brazil the last 5 years so thought this would be a good change of pace especially considering the inflation in Brazil and decline in the girly scene (quite a rapid change from 2008).

Having spent so much time in South America I have a good idea of what me and my pal are in for but figured still to ask some advice of those who have been.

I assume the same things apply there as in Brazil that hotels are generally not guest friendly, etc.. and apartments are the way to go? Any recommendations in both cities on the ideal areas to stay and clubs/bars to hit up? My budget is pretty flexible.

All comments welcome.

There's a chance I may be in Bogota at that time so keep me posted, four days isn't a lot of time if you plan on hooking up with some local women, its not impossible but it will be a challenge. You can still have a good time in Bogota over four days, I recommend staying in the north of the city (Chapinero and north of there), PM if you want info on the furnished apartment I stay in, they have plenty of units that rent for $50/night.

As for partying, its probably best to stay in the north, its more expensive than other areas such as La Candelaria, Premier Mayo, Sante Fe, etc but its much safer. Places to check out would be Zone T, Zona Rosa (same area), Parque 93, those are the higher end areas where you'll be paying a bit less than North American prices but a lot more than other areas in Bogota, this is where the upper class people hang out and its very safe.

Then there's Chapinero, its a mixed neighborhood (students, upper middle class, big LGBT community) and is relatively safe but definitely has a grimey feel to it, there's lots of bars in this area and I usually hit up the bars on calle 51 and 7 (septima) on Friday evenings, its packed from about 5-10 there, then I move on. Another place that's near Chapinero is called las Galerias, I never went there but I've heard good things about it and I may hit that area up this weekend.

To the south of Chapinero is where all the riff raff is and where Bogota gets a bit dodgy, or in some cases, very dodgy. A lot of foreigners stay down in la Candelaria, its the historic area and a great place to hang out during the day and see some of the tourist attractions such as the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum (both of which I highly recommend checking out). This is where all of the hostels and cheap apartments are, which attracts the back packer crowd, there's a cool little area down there thats basically an open space surrounded by shops, pubs and small restos where people hang out and smoke dope, its cool but overall I wouldn't recommend hanging out in that area at night, there's quite a few drug addicts around and the women aren't that attractive, its mostly hippies.

Then you have Sante Fe, which is the red light district, its a few square blocks packed with strip clubs, tranny street whores, crack heads, glue sniffing adolescent hookers and other assorted riff raff. If you're gonna go there, I wouldn't go alone and I don't recommend walking around, take a taxi directly to a strip club (Paisas is good) and go inside. Its safe inside and beer is cheap (about $2.50) and you can buy blow from the waiters and openly consume it and you can also bang the strippers on stage in front of everyone and receive a free bottle of booze for doing so. There's always tons of whores in there and you can bang them upstairs for around $30.

Another party area with a bunch of clubs and bars is called Premier Mayo, I've never been and basically everyone tells me not to go because because its very dangerous and not a place for a gringo, but I"m probably gonna check it out to see what all the fuss is about, probably not a good idea for a Bogota first timer.

Also, for anyone is Bogota, I wrote about the New Era barber shop that I used to hang out at on calle 55 and 13, it closed but opened up down the street, its now on the corner of 57 and 13 and is still run by a bunch of deported Colombian guys from NYC who obviously all speak English. If you're in Bogota and want some guys to hang out with and take you to places like Santa Fe, just go in there, get a hair cut and they'll take you out for a price of a few beers, money well spent, they can also hook you up with weed.

As for Cartagena, I didn't like it so much, I can write more about it later.

First Time In Colombia - InternationPlayboy - 11-13-2013

Be ready for a great time man. I don't know much about those two spots as I've never been, but from the limited places I've traveled, Colombia is the next best think in South America after brazil. It's a shame to hear the girls in brazil have changed over the last 5 years. I didn't notice much of a difference from 2008-2010, but interested to go back to see. For me brazil wins hands down but Colombia is next best.

I assume you speak Portuguese. How's your Spanish? Idk about bogota, but Medellin virtually no one speaks English. I'd guess bogota may have a few more English speakers since it's the capital and all. Like scotian said, 4 days isn't a lot of time to bag a Colombian girl. I highly recommend pipelining Colombiancupid before you go out and weed out the ones that don't seem dtf and fast.

First Time In Colombia - phoenix101 - 11-13-2013


First Time In Colombia - scotian - 11-13-2013

Quote: (11-13-2013 02:11 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Be ready for a great time man. I don't know much about those two spots as I've never been, but from the limited places I've traveled, Colombia is the next best think in South America after brazil. It's a shame to hear the girls in brazil have changed over the last 5 years. I didn't notice much of a difference from 2008-2010, but interested to go back to see. For me brazil wins hands down but Colombia is next best.

I assume you speak Portuguese. How's your Spanish? Idk about bogota, but Medellin virtually no one speaks English. I'd guess bogota may have a few more English speakers since it's the capital and all. Like scotian said, 4 days isn't a lot of time to bag a Colombian girl. I highly recommend pipelining Colombiancupid before you go out and weed out the ones that don't seem dtf and fast.

You'd be surprised at the amount of people who speak English in Zona Rosa, some of them very well, near native levels, I met quite a few people there who've studied abroad, mostly upper class people with good educations and careers. Last time I was in Bogota I hit up this bar called La Villa in Zona Rosa and they had this event called "Gringo Tuesdays" where a bunch of Colombians would show up to practice foreign languages with random foreigners, good times and cheap(er) booze, I recommend checking that place out.

I'm actually having a hard time deciding if I want to stay in Bogota or not, I really like the city, especially the varied night life and its easy to meet educated, well off women there but the weather is terrible and the pollution bothers me. I was planning on only staying there for a week before heading to Cali but we'll see, I'm gonna wing it.

First Time In Colombia - thegmanifesto - 11-13-2013

Quote: (11-13-2013 05:05 AM)RioJoe Wrote:  

Any recommendations in both cities on the ideal areas to stay and clubs/bars to hit up? My budget is pretty flexible.

All comments welcome.

The Best Nightclubs in Bogotá Colombia

I would drill down on the forum (so to speak), there is tons of info on both cities.

First Time In Colombia - RioJoe - 11-14-2013


Thanks for the advice, it only confirms what a friend of mine who lived in Bogota told me on areas to stay, go out, and bits to see. I'll be staying around Parque 93 at the Best Western nearby unless somebody tells its not girl friendly! My pal who lived there was shacked up in the Sofitel there for the longest time and told me he never had any problems there with guests... Please advise me on this as I will switch to an apartment if things have changed there and hotels don't like guests.

Don't get me wrong Brazil is still awesome these days and actually I'll be travelling there after this Colombia trip for New Years etc... for another 1.5 weeks. But those who were there in the NE of Brazil even back in 2008 will know what I'm talking about. My first trip there for a week and first to South America was poontang like I've never experienced especially as I'm from Atlantic Canada which ain't exactly full of nice ladies in my opinion.... You could literally pickup and close just about anywhere and I remember crazy hot women grabbing me in clubs and hooting at me and my pals on the beaches (we never paid a thing except the token date crap at times). I've seen the reports lately on here and having travelled down the NE coast of Brazil recently in August it ain't anywhere the same (I would agree with the reports). These days I prefer the south of Brazil for ladies...

Anyhow just figured I would do a quite trip with my pal to see what the Colombia fuss is about.... Always always wanted to go and have a few Colombia flags already. To me they are as hot as Brazilians but seem a bit more feisty. My portuguese is pretty decent and actually while I don't speak so much spanish I find my portuguese allows me to understand it decent and communicate somewhat. Portuguese/Spanish in SA are much more similar than their European counterparts. I certainly understand the importance of language in SA. Speaking decent portuguese opened up a whole new level of ladies and social interaction for me in Brazil...

Hope this trip to Colombia is like my first trip to Brazil! I've travelled alot around the world but nothing does it for me like latin american women... Will be ace! Mayby catch up with a few members there.

First Time In Colombia - Tully Mars - 11-14-2013

You are coming to Bogota at one of the quietest times of the year. Mid December through the first week of Januaray the city completely slows down. Families head to the coast, or their fincas to celebrate the holidays with family. You can still have fun, but just be aware of this fact. Your not gonna see Bogota at it's peek. Cartagena will be packed with Colombians from all over the country. I am just not a big Cartagena fan, but for the holidays their or Cali is your best bet IMO.

Quote: (11-14-2013 03:45 AM)RioJoe Wrote:  


Thanks for the advice, it only confirms what a friend of mine who lived in Bogota told me on areas to stay, go out, and bits to see. I'll be staying around Parque 93 at the Best Western nearby unless somebody tells its not girl friendly! My pal who lived there was shacked up in the Sofitel there for the longest time and told me he never had any problems there with guests... Please advise me on this as I will switch to an apartment if things have changed there and hotels don't like guests.

Don't get me wrong Brazil is still awesome these days and actually I'll be travelling there after this Colombia trip for New Years etc... for another 1.5 weeks. But those who were there in the NE of Brazil even back in 2008 will know what I'm talking about. My first trip there for a week and first to South America was poontang like I've never experienced especially as I'm from Atlantic Canada which ain't exactly full of nice ladies in my opinion.... You could literally pickup and close just about anywhere and I remember crazy hot women grabbing me in clubs and hooting at me and my pals on the beaches (we never paid a thing except the token date crap at times). I've seen the reports lately on here and having travelled down the NE coast of Brazil recently in August it ain't anywhere the same (I would agree with the reports). These days I prefer the south of Brazil for ladies...

Anyhow just figured I would do a quite trip with my pal to see what the Colombia fuss is about.... Always always wanted to go and have a few Colombia flags already. To me they are as hot as Brazilians but seem a bit more feisty. My portuguese is pretty decent and actually while I don't speak so much spanish I find my portuguese allows me to understand it decent and communicate somewhat. Portuguese/Spanish in SA are much more similar than their European counterparts. I certainly understand the importance of language in SA. Speaking decent portuguese opened up a whole new level of ladies and social interaction for me in Brazil...

Hope this trip to Colombia is like my first trip to Brazil! I've travelled alot around the world but nothing does it for me like latin american women... Will be ace! Mayby catch up with a few members there.

First Time In Colombia - RioJoe - 11-14-2013

Yeah I hear ya but I imagine Bogota will be fun anyhow. Gotta be a few nice ladies wandering around still in that city of +8 million. I'lll only be there 4 days anyhow and will spend the bulk of my time in Cartagena.

First Time In Colombia - rinestone - 11-14-2013

Tully said it, that's the slowest time for Bogota but it's still a city. If your Spanish is bad, you can either (a) stick relatively close to zona T as you'll encounter more English speakers or those willing to stumble through it anyway, or (b) head further south where your heritage will be more alluring and unique yet your comfort level and safety may be sacrificed a bit.

I'm a broken record with this, but terrible weather is relative. Yes, it's too rainy (although less so then many cities like NYC). Temperature depends on where you're from.if you're from New England, the Midwest, or another place with seasonal, cold temperatures, I wouldn't call it cold and the last year and a half here has had plenty of 'good' weather for many. Keep in mind that while there's tons of great info. out there, I'd argue strongly that weather in Bogota has changed significantly over the last few years. This is purely anecdotal and at the moment I have zero scientific evidence on this but the weather has changed significantly over the last 18 months vs. the year prior when it rained far, far more often.

'Regular' girls here, especially around zona rosa are already acclimated to gringos so bear in mind that a hotel vs. An apartment here will brand you as just a visitor. It'll be a negative for regular Colombian women, regardless of the hotel's policy on visitors. Just keep that in mind, depending on what you're looking for.