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2 months in South America - Printable Version

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2 months in South America - voyaviajar - 11-06-2013

Hi everyone,

This week I will be finishing a one-semester study abroad program in Buenos Aires. I don't have to fly back to the states until January, and I'm trying to figure out what is feasible both budget and time-wise. I have 2 months and roughly a $4k budget (I will either be staying in cheap hostels or using Couchsurfing while traveling). Goal is a mix of banging lots of girls and seeing lots of cool shit. My Spanish is intermediate level.

So, Argentina has a reputation for difficult girls. Are there any areas that are notably better than others, or is it all more or less the same difficulty as BsAs?

I am going to visit a friend in Jujuy, so my travel route needs to include that one way or another. Since I will be going north, I figure I might as well go through Bolivia and at least see some of the highlights, then go to Peru and see what all the hype is about.

Beyond that, I really don't know. I'd love to go to Brazil, but I'm not sure I have the budget for it. Especially considering I would want to check out Manaus, and the logistics of going from Rio to Manaus, and back to BsAs seem like a pain in the ass (my return flight to the US is from BsAs). I was also thinking about first flying to Ushuaia so I could see Patagonia, then making my way north by bus and seeing Mendoza/the Andes (possibly crossing over to Chile briefly?), and then doing Salta/Jujuy ---> Bolivia/Peru/Colombia(?)/Ecuador(???) if I have time.

Suggestions welcome and needed!

2 months in South America - Mekorig - 11-06-2013

Hey, if you are around Buenos Aires, send me a PM. About the rest....Bolivia is not worth it. Maybe Chile. And Brazil is a must!

2 months in South America - voyaviajar - 11-07-2013

Well, I have to go through Bolivia to get to Peru unless I fly, which I don't think would make sense considering my budget, and the fact that I'm going to Jujuy anyway. I wasn't planning on making Bolivia a primary stop, maybe 4-5 days max traveling through.

I really want to do Brazil but I'm having trouble justifying it with the costs and how much it would limit my other plans...and if I visited any other areas besides Rio (which I would want to do if I went there) I think I would barely be able to visit any other countries (or see Patagonia for that matter).

2 months in South America - InternationPlayboy - 11-07-2013

4k is a tight budget for 2 months. Unfortunately, you're going to have to avoid brazil. Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador are all pretty close to the same price, with Ecuador possibly being a tad bit cheaper. One of those countries might work for you and of the three I suggest Colombia. The biggest problem will be the air fair. But at least flights back to the states are cheap.

2 months in South America - voyaviajar - 11-07-2013

Yeah, fwiw I have my return ticket to the states paid for already. So it's mostly just local travel expenses, food, and accomodation (and I'm planning to keep accomodation quite low through couchsurfing, although I'll probably end up in a hostel or three as well).

What do you think about the plan to fly to Ushuaia and go north by bus through Mendoza etc? Is it realistic to do something like Ushuaia/El Calafate/Mendoza/Salta/Jujuy in 10 days or so? I know it's not optimal for girls, but I want to see glaciers, haha.

2 months in South America - 5th Street - 11-07-2013

You can do any country so long as you stay within your means / budget. If the 4k is not including travel to and from than you should be good to go. I would personally ditch the couchsurfing idea. Not gonna be good for logistics and banging girls. You have more than enough funds to not be regulated to couchsurfing. See below...

Rent - 500 usd (for a month)

Look for a place on Airbnb or Craiglist. If nothing is available than try to make friends via online and have them search local online apartment listings and the newspaper for an apartment or room. Pensions are also common. If you will only be in town for a few days or week than troll online sources for the cheapest hotels (aim for 20-30 usd).

Food / Fun - 1,500 usd

That gives you a budget of 50 dollars a day. More than enough so long as you don't go crazy eating at expensive restaurants and ordering bottle service every night. If you are paying 30 usd for a hotel than you will have a budget of 30 dollars, which again is enough to eat and go out for a few beers.

Have fun mate.

2 months in South America - jimmypa - 11-09-2013

Peru has a pretty great, affordable bus system. I Never made it to Mancora, but I hear it's an awesome beach town if you're into that.

I only spent a week in Argentina, but I found it to be pretty expensive. Not as expensive as Brazil, but not THAT much cheaper either.

I love Brazil, but it can definitely put a hurt on your budget. Although a lot of people on here don't like Peru, I found it to be pretty great and you can do it on the cheap pretty easily.

2 months in South America - voyaviajar - 11-12-2013

Thanks for the replies guys! I just arrived in Salta, not sure how long I'm going to stay. Are there any good places to party here during the week or is it pretty much just weekends?

2 months in South America - InternationPlayboy - 11-12-2013

I think since you're in salta you should just do that whole area around the Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia border. Hit up the salt flats, lake titty caca and Machu Picchu.

2 months in South America - rinestone - 11-14-2013

I'd divide your two months into cheap and expensive countries. 4k is fine, but only depending in where you go. Maybe put places like Peru, Venezuela, or Colombia in the first group and backload Argentina or Brazil. After the first month or six weeks you can decide if somewhere in second group is doable or not. Obviously buses are cheaper but keep in mind that national flights are often reasonable and cuts out a lot of mountain miles. I.e., you could fly from one end of a country to another, then bus over the border to where you're going. Not the cheapest but also not the slowest....could be a happy medium.

Local contacts can help you find local sites for lodging if you want an apartment for a week and not go to a hostel. In Colombia anyway, weekly apartment rentals are common and often better value then airbnb. Craigslist is irrelevant in many places here.

2 months in South America - InternationPlayboy - 11-14-2013

^ are you sure venezuela is cheap? I hear Caracas is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Plus you have to get you money on the black market.

2 months in South America - Tully Mars - 11-14-2013

Rinestone is spot on..... Just spent a week in Merida is super expensive unless you hit the black 39 BOL to 1 USD....tons of places to exchange.....had more money than I could spend....with the exchange on BM....I stayed in $100 per night Posadas for $15 ....beers and food cost next to nothing....key is to take what your going to spend because you cant exchange Bolivars on the way out (devalued currency no one wants it)....good trip but was ready to get back to Colombia....better women, better personalities in Colombia IMO....Next time in Venezula I want to hit Caracas...

2 months in South America - rinestone - 11-15-2013

Yeah, I'd take tully mars' word for it since he's been more recently. Apparently there's some really weird stuff going on there financially, post Chavez......people exchanging on black market and flying out or buying tickets to flip money legit and capitalize. So much so that tickets from Venezuela to US are north of 3k.

Regardless, unless you really screw up the black market exchange rate, I'd either put Venezuela in the 'cheap' South America category or avoid it altogether.

I can't speak to Caracas but I'm typically skeptical of places being rated as 'one of most expensive in the world'.

2 months in South America - rinestone - 11-15-2013

My bad for rambling, this is a significantly better understanding of why the economics of Venezuela can be so advantageous when using the black market:

2 months in South America - Mekorig - 11-15-2013

Guys, i do not recomend to be around Venezuela in those times. Maduro is getting more extreme each week.

2 months in South America - rdp - 11-15-2013

Voyaviajar: Caracas ...a true shit hole of dimensions and dangerous as fuck.
Would'nt recommend you going. If you go; better watch your back and walk the other direction everytime you see police officers.

good luck
