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A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - Printable Version

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A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - placer - 10-11-2013

With this "fat acceptance" notion taking hold, this article is a breath of fresh air:

Here is a key quote from that article:


As a rule, however, fat people have one thing in common: they eat more than they need to.


A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - aphelion - 10-11-2013

Just in time for #fatshamingweek

A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - Benoit - 10-11-2013

How did we get to the point where speaking bluntly but truthfully like this was a sin?


Over the past five years, fire services have been called to more than 2,700 incidents to assist ‘severely obese’ people, including some who had got stuck in the bath. Rescuing fatties is now a routine operation, with its own entry in the Fire Brigade incident reporting system (filed under ‘bariatric persons’).
No wonder bariatric persons usually smell, they must live in mortal fear of getting wedged in if they try to clean themselves.


Years ago, fat people blamed their ‘glands’. When I started medical school, I patiently waited for us to be taught about these magical ‘glands’ that made people fat. I’m still waiting. Even when people have problems with an underactive thyroid, which can slow the metabolism and result in weight gain, this can be treated with thyroid replacement tablets and the metabolism returns to normal.
There's always an excuse and someone or something else to blame for the cake they ram down their necks.

And one commenter took it all the way back to 1945:

Those guys that came out of the camps. They were really skinny fellows. Not one was saying, "It's my glands", or "I've got big bones." You are what you eat.

A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - samsamsam - 10-11-2013

That was a pretty interesting read. Nice find placer.

55 stone is like 770 lbs. How does that happen? To a teenager?

A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - Benoit - 10-11-2013

Quote: (10-11-2013 07:51 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

55 stone is like 770 lbs. How does that happen? To a teenager?
I don't see how it's possible to get that big without an enabler/feeder. Just the act of having to go to the shops would suggest an upper limit on body mass, too fat to leave your bed = can't eat piles of takeaway food.

Even home delivery requires someone capable of opening the door. Unless they have it poured through the letterbox into a bucket.

A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - bojangles - 10-11-2013

excellent article, right wing magazine of course

A nice contrast to “fat acceptance” - sixsix - 10-11-2013

Good article, had just read it. Some points:

Fat acceptance is always going to be a losing battle.

Even with the majority being fat, and everyone saying fat is not bad, no one truly believes it.
Wishful thinking will not prevent their early deaths.
And hopeful prayers will not make them sexually attractive.

The desire for [s]fitness[/i] has increased as a reaction to obesity.
In times of famine, we want curves. In times of global fatness, we want skinny girls and ripped men.
In other words: Despite the fat acceptance movements, being fit will become increasingly valuable.

Genes, nutrition and lifestyle: What factors changed?

People got fat. And are getting fatter.

Genes (allele frequencies in the population) change across many generations as a result from differential reproductive fitness.
The obesity spike has happened in such a short timeframe that evolution is not a factor.
Your great grandparents were not fat.
We do see genetic differences between peoples: For example, many races should not drink milk because they evolved differently.
That took many generations. Obesity did not.

Nutrition did change alongside our expanding waist lines. We started eating shit. Less meat and veggies, more cakes and pasta.
Lifestyle did change as well. We sit and sit and sit. Watching television, working on the computer, driving to everything.

Conclusion: Genes have been the same. Obesity emerged as we changed our food intake and reduced our daily energy expenditure.
