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Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Printable Version

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Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Glock - 10-02-2013

Women complain about underrepresentation in various careers (politics, etc.), but there is a very real "beauty" gap among feminists.

Practically all prominent feminists are ugly, fat, or both. To prove this, just look at a random sample of writers for (see below). Why are ugly women overrepresented among the ranks of feminists?

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - eradicator - 10-02-2013

[Image: 18faedcd9ba98e739e675c6a0e4a8f9861e0a7ff...f9ef5b.jpg]

Pretty sure it has to do that they never got attention from men because they are so ugly so they seek it by learning how to be loud victims.

A lot of them have very poor relationships with their fathers, which leads to never learning how to interact with men in a healthy way.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - kenny_powers - 10-02-2013

Your photos made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Warn a player in the title if you're going to post shit like that -NSFP

To answer your question - pretty girls have nothing to complain about.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - AnonymousBosch - 10-02-2013

[Image: NotSureIfSerious.jpg]

Ugly women require feminism to succeed socially and financially.
Attractive women have men for that.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - iknowexactly - 10-02-2013

Attractive women (AW) know men suffer because they reject them.
AW are busy accepting the opportunities given to them for nothing, this is more enjoyable than time spent developing a victim persona
AW are smarter and understand social interaction and how it's inherently unfair -- to some degree.
AW are to some degree self-selected to be women who want attention from men (some exceptions in genetically perfect 18 YOs, who can do nothing but wash their hair and still be killer--even some man-haters refuse to do that)--; therefore women who hate/are not attracted to men are under-represented in the AW pool

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - AnonymousBosch - 10-02-2013

Quote: (10-02-2013 05:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

AW are smarter and understand social interaction and how it's inherently unfair -- to some degree.

Great observations. I often think you can break down (non-lipservice) Feminists into two categories: miiltant rape / abuse victims who've let their abuse consume and define them forever more; and the ugly, overweight and socially-awkward, whose understanding of male / female social dating dynamics borders on - no, fuck that - is autistic.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Wadsworth - 10-02-2013

Quote: (10-02-2013 09:18 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2013 05:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

AW are smarter and understand social interaction and how it's inherently unfair -- to some degree.

Great observations. I often think you can break down (non-lipservice) Feminists into two categories: miiltant rape / abuse victims who've let their abuse consume and define them forever more; and the ugly, overweight and socially-awkward, whose understanding of male / female social dating dynamics borders on - no, fuck that - is autistic.

There's a third category. The undergraduate bubblegum feminists: walking undead automatons led around by elite university necromancers.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Capitán Peligroso - 10-02-2013


Bubble-headed, undead automatons led around by elite university necromancers.

Nice turn of phrase.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Wadsworth - 10-02-2013

^^ you caught me pre-edit.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Capitán Peligroso - 10-02-2013

I just figured out the title of my life's calling: elite university necromancer. Thank you for that, that's good.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Brosemite - 10-02-2013

Let's just say I know a Brazilian gal living in Montreal who is absolutely gorgeous while the rest of her family is of high value appearance wise too. Her parents were 1st generation Canadian immigrants while her two older sisters also being very gorgeous are happily married with families now. Great relationship with her dad & family overall.

Know what the problem is? She was a brat who didn't get enough attention in life being the youngest of two older married siblings in a first gen family not to mention she is lost in the mix surrounded by beautiful women in her city so has resorted to the most brainwashed feminism I can think of griping about imaginary 3rd world problems. She was also a gender studies major so go figure on that as well.

I think people that are not disfigured from a horrific accident or from birth defects all have the potential to really get their shit together and get the most out of themselves appearance wise. Perhaps it takes better health habits, exercising regularly, eating right, leading a better lifestyle, figuring out what type of hairstyle fits their face the best, etc etc. It just makes me really sick when perfectly healthy people would rather be bitter about stupid shit and depreciate rather than learning how to get the most out of themselves to feel & look great on a daily basis.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Kingsley Davis - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-02-2013 10:54 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Let's just say I know a Brazilian gal living in Montreal who is absolutely gorgeous while the rest of her family is of high value appearance wise too. Her parents were 1st generation Canadian immigrants while her two older sisters also being very gorgeous are happily married with families now. Great relationship with her dad & family overall.

Know what the problem is? She was a brat who didn't get enough attention in life being the youngest of two older married siblings in a first gen family not to mention she is lost in the mix surrounded by beautiful women in her city so has resorted to the most brainwashed feminism I can think of griping about imaginary 3rd world problems. She was also a gender studies major so go figure on that as well.

I think people that are not disfigured from a horrific accident or from birth defects all have the potential to really get their shit together and get the most out of themselves appearance wise. Perhaps it takes better health habits, exercising regularly, eating right, leading a better lifestyle, figuring out what type of hairstyle fits their face the best, etc etc. It just makes me really sick when perfectly healthy people would rather be bitter about stupid shit and depreciate rather than learning how to get the most out of themselves to feel & look great on a daily basis.

I've posted this before but worth repeating. "There are no ugly women, just lazy women".

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - eradicator - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 11:16 AM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

I've posted this before but worth repeating. "There are no ugly women, just lazy women".

I've known plenty of women with great bodies but fucked up faces. I mean they are so ugly it looks like someone dumped gasoline on their face then put it out by hitting them in the face with a sack full of pennies.

of course I agree that any woman can make herself prettier with the right amount of exercise and makeup.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - MrLemon - 10-03-2013

Modern feminism was created BY ugly lesbians for the sole purpose of making life easier and better for ugly lesbians.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Dusty - 10-03-2013

My theory is that women have a dire need for attention that is difficult for guys to understand. Have you ever seen the red hat ladies? They're senior citizen ladies who go out together wearing big red hats and showy gaudy jewelry. They do it to get attention which they can no longer command with their looks.

Have you ever listened to an aging woman, even famous actresses, lament about how no men look at them any more?

There's a certain segment of women who can not command male attention even in their youth, due to being unattractive and/or obese. Feminism provides them with like minded solidarity (ie they can gripe with others about their plight), develop bogus theories to make themselves feel better about themselves (eg attractiveness is a social construct), exact revenge on men for not paying attention to them ( defining rape so loosely every man is a suspected monster and also so that men will pursue less sex from pretty girls) and by attempts to gain attention how men do ( through their career and other masculine pursuits).

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - BLarsen - 10-03-2013

^^^ What Dusty said...100%. Women's need for attention is like men's need for sex.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Days of Broken Arrows - 10-03-2013


I agree Dusty gets the prize here. This also explains why fat/repulsive chicks are so unpleasant and argumentative. It's the only way they're able to get any man's attention and/or rile up his emotions.

Roissy once wrote that the opposite of love isn't hate -- it's indifference. That plays into this.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Frost - 10-03-2013

Some handsome fella wrote an article on this very question a little while ago:

I'm proud to note that Heartiste, Roosh and myself make up the top three Google search results for "Ugly Feminist."


Marxism is able to attract smart and ambitious followers because it has money and power to offer them. Obeying the law and working for a living is no fun. Organizing a revolutionary movement? Hey, now we’re talking! Remember, we’ve got to redistribute those resources to somebody.

But what is the heart of Feminism?

True, there is some economic redistribution going on through family law courts, welfare, equal pay laws, and so on. But its a drop in the bucket compared to the cash cows of Climate Change, Diversity Inc, and wars to bring Democracy to our little brown brothers.

So what’s going on?

Steve Sailer provides a hint with Sailer’s Law Of Female Journalism:

“The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.”

Substitute “Feminist” for “Female Journalist” and we arrive at a more general definition:

Feminism is the set of ideologies whose aim is to redistribute the natural allocation of access to desirable men. It is Marxism in the Sexual, rather than Economic Marketplace.

The ultimate goal of the Feminist is to create a world in which all women are as hideous and awful and dead inside as they are, so that everyone can have an equal timeshare in the alpha harems, and everyone’s fatherless offspring can be raised by the same uninspired bureaucrats in the same grey-walled, concrete and plate-glass buildings.


- Feminists tend to be some combination of fat, old, ugly, abrasive, and slutty.

- Feminists want to convince men that we should be attracted to fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts.

- Feminists want to convince women that it is OK for them to be fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts. They want desirable women to become fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts, so that the feminists no longer look so bad in comparison.

- Related to (1) and (2), Feminists want to convince men and women that it is immoral for men to not be attracted to fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts.

This is why Feminism is working so passionately to ruin American women. Cui bono from the widespread adoption of feminist beliefs that destroy our once-slim, once-feminine, once-nurturing women? The answer, first and foremost, is the women who were already destroyed to begin with.

Feminists know that, in a monogamous world where everyone pairs up with an equally desirable mate, they could only ever earn the favour of weak, bottom-feeding men. Feminist ideology, i.e. the hysteric and childish whining about Patriarchy, Shaming Language, and Socially Constructed Gender Roles, is no more than the set of rationalizations with which they seek to drag the rest of womankind down to their level.


Some male feminists are just harem-amassing alphas in disguise, happy to make use of a belief system which is quite useful at talking girls out of their panties. Your author is always willing to inject a few morsels of non-judgemental sex-positive pap into a seduction to grease the wheels. But I’m a sociopath and a liar. The typical man finds it easier simply to internalize the adaptive beliefs, as we see in case of the egregious Hugo Shwyzer.

There are also many sincere ‘male’ feminists, or at least feminists that some doctors might, on the basis of extensive genetic testing, and in a purely technical and pedantic sense, refer to as ‘men.’

These are the boot-licking Mangina Omega. They are dying of thirst in a sexual desert, desperately trying to slake their thirst by chewing on a pile of wet sand.

Ugly, cranky feminists are at the absolute bottom of the sexual desirability (hierarchy trigger alert!) totem pole. But that still puts them out of reach to a large number of men. Some of these men are so desperate, so weak, so lacking in principle, and so unable or unwilling to constructively improve their lives, that they adopt a strategy of complete and utter subservience to the Hamsterarchy, in the hopes that they’ll beg off some morsel of terrible sex from some swamp donkey of a feminist.

Does this strategy ever work? Perhaps occasionally.

But I wonder how many blog groupies David Futrelle has. David, care to weigh in? For the sake of your pride, feel free to give your ‘tally’ in raw tonnage. I suggest comparing notes with fellow traveler in fat acceptance Nigel. A friendly wager, perhaps! But I digress, and this post is long enough for today.

Dear reader, I challenge you to find me a feminist who does not look like Jabba The Hut after his face caught fire and someone had to put it out with a wet chain. I challenge you to find me a slutwalk that is in any way distinguishable from a zombie parade in miniskirts. I challenge you to find me a This Is What A Feminist Looks Like t-shirt free of giant FUPA stretch marks and rancid butter-sweat armpit stains.

Failing that, please join me in celebrating a new holiday: The First Annual Ugly Feminist Awareness Week

Go forth and find ye some pictures and biographies of the most hilariously undateable, unloveable, untouchable feminists out there, and post links to them in the comments. Fellow bloggers, please join me in observing this joyous occasion. The rules are simple: There are no rules. Surprise me, surprise your readers, maybe even surprise yourself. Have some fun with it.

Make a feminist cry today.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - polymath - 10-03-2013

Attractiveness is a show. Hair, makeup, clothes.... Feminist culture minimizes the importance of that show.

One of my gripes about this forum is that people don't make as much of an effort to avoid and ignore the things in life, like ugly harpies, that disinterest them. Focus on your career, education, experiences....and of course, your favorite women.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Christian McQueen - 10-03-2013

"I mean they are so ugly it looks like someone dumped gasoline on their face then put it out by hitting them in the face with a sack full of pennies."

Lmfao. I just dropped my cig laughing.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - 007 - 10-03-2013

Actually, this has the potential to be a great article or troll post. Talking about how beautiful women are discriminated against and shames for their beauty.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - AnonymousBosch - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 12:29 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

My theory is that women have a dire need for attention that is difficult for guys to understand.

Guys on here have discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the past to explain motivations for behaviour. Whilst I see some validity in it, there's other factors at play. I've been reading Hugh McKay's book on 'The Ten Desires That Drive Us', and found this interesting, and since his writing style is simplified enough - verging on patronising for me - he can explain it better than I could.

His first chapter is on The Desire To Be Taken Seriously.


Any list of things people do - including both conventional and unconventional things - will have one underlying theme: almost without exception, the things we do express our desire to be taken seriously.

Not seriously as in 'Oh, what a serious person!' but seriously as in 'Please recognise me and acknowlege me as a unique individual.'

This is the desire for the respect of others.
The desire to be noticed.
The desire to matter.
The desire to be appreciated.
The desire to be understood.
The desire to be valued as a person.
The desire to be accepted.
The desire to be remembered.

We all want our voices to be heard as authentic, legitimate, and worth of attention. We can't bear to be overlooked, dismissed or belittled. Among the factors that explain why we do the things we do, this one is sovereign. When we know we are being taken seriously, we can relax into that assurance. When we fear we are not, our reactions range from sadness, resignation, or disappointment, through envy of those who receive the recognition we crave, to a burning fury of resentment.

"He dumped me - just like that. No explanation, no discussion. Just a text. Can you blame me for wanting to confront him? I need him to look me in the eye and tell me what this was all about. He didn't appreciate me storming into his office like that, but he was never going to agree to meet me."

No-one likes the idea of being lumped in with everyone else, or of being dismissed as 'typical'. But there are some striking similarities between us.... [long list of patronising examples excised]. The recurring pattens of human behaviour are so well-defined they stand out like features on a relief map.

Yet we yearn to be known for the ways in which we differ from each other. Even if we are mere specks in space, we need this one speck to be acknowleged as both unique and significant.

That's one reason we react so badly to racism and sexism, to any prejudiced attitude that lumps us into a category, as if our uniqueness doesn't count.

He's too much of a politically-correct academic to expand the basic idea beyond this, but pondering this myself, I can see some unexamined possibilities.

Whilst I rag on women's intelligence all the time, I believe the average woman has superior social intelligence to a man, in terms of interpersonal dynamics and social stratification. (Ignore Feminists - I think they're women who lack this ability or have a broken understanding of social interaction).

Women know exactly where they stand in their peer group, and, beyond that, society. I've mentioned this before: I believe this social intelligence drives their behaviour to negative extremes to fiercely compete with other women in the mistaken belief the qualities women admire in each other, (career, independence, affluence, celebrity, child-raising), also generate male sexual and emotional desire.

Men are more naturally-resilient to criticism, and, as such, I believe a greater number of men are able to subsume our egos and the need for uniqueness to accomplish great things because we recognise the strength that can be generated by discarding identity to complete a task for the benefit of all. What is Basic Training but stripping away uniqueness of identity to operate as a hive mind through a clear chain of command? This is why men can work together to build roads, fought wars, explored unknown lands and went to the moon. We can recognise when someone possesses greater expertise in a field, and give them control without our ego's being bruised. (Obviously, conflict happens when we recognise that those that have power and control over our fates don't deserve it).

I suspect a woman's ego is too wrapped up in knowing her social place to be able to turn this drive off. Their need to be a Unique Snowflake overrides all. Female driven groups will divide, exclude, compete, and, ultimately, fail. Nothing will get achieved, because, women will need to talk about how each decision being made by the group personally impacts them. "This is how this makes me feel...."

It's easy to see how this stronger drive for women to be taken seriously creates insecurity in them, and, as such, relates to Game / Manosphere / Red Pill concepts. Things like this are simply women screaming "I am unique amongst women! Take me seriously!"

- The tedious forced-quirkiness of POF profiles.

- The need to punish anyone who offends their sensibilites via 'social consequences'.

- University degree as social proof of their intelligence, so they're unique for being an educated, intelligent women, (despite the fact that the current generation of graduates is now considered the most educated generation ever).

- The need to target an alpha male, (who posesses social proof of sexual success with women), that she then believes can be reformed out his wild ways to partner up with her due to her uniqueness. Knowing she has competition from other women will make her try even harder to be number one on your rotation.

- Tattoos / brightly-dyed hair / Velma-from-Scooby-Doo glasses.

- The cult of victimhood as empowerment.

- The "I prefer male friends" girl.

- Women having unrestricted freedom - immune from criticism - in sexual selection of partners, whilst telling men what they must find attractive in a woman.

- "I don't normally do this" / "I've never done this before" / "I'm not easy" / "We're not having sex". She does, she has, she is, you are.

I could probably think of more examples, if I mulled this over some more.


One more. Response to criticism and the abillity for men to subsume their ego. I can state an opinion, have a man counter it, realise I might have been in error or hadn't considered it, take it on board, and reformulate my opinion by exploring the new information. None of this threatens me.

A woman states an opinion, is countered or negated-entirely, and is personally-wounded because of the perceived hit to her social status. Reacts with passive-aggression, tears, or outright anger. She is screaming "Take me seriously, even though I'm wrong!"

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Samseau - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-02-2013 09:31 PM)Wadsworth Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2013 09:18 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2013 05:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

AW are smarter and understand social interaction and how it's inherently unfair -- to some degree.

Great observations. I often think you can break down (non-lipservice) Feminists into two categories: miiltant rape / abuse victims who've let their abuse consume and define them forever more; and the ugly, overweight and socially-awkward, whose understanding of male / female social dating dynamics borders on - no, fuck that - is autistic.

There's a third category. The undergraduate bubblegum feminists: walking undead automatons led around by elite university necromancers.

A lot of these girls drop their feminism once they get married or have children (especially if they have sons). It's just youthful immaturity that makes them feminists.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - Teutatis - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 11:16 AM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

I've posted this before but worth repeating. "There are no ugly women, just lazy women".

I wish that was true, but there are some real ugly beasts out there and even though a good healthy diet, exercise, makeup, the right clothes, attitude, etc., can make them less beastly, they're still beasts.

Why are ugly women overrepresented among feminists? - kerouac - 10-03-2013

Not sure why everyone's jumping on this thread...

This guy is doing the quality trolling that gets the hamster wheel spinning!

Post something like this on Jezebel et al and you will get some quality femihamslotion!

[Image: exciting.JPG]

Expected responses from the female germ:
1) Bullshit stereotypes pushed by the patriarchy
2) These women are beautiful
3) These are REAL women
and more