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Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - emuelle1 - 09-23-2013

I saw this on Roosh's Facebook feed. Fat chicks taking selfies and declaring themselves beautiful.

I sometimes wonder if these people think this works like a Harry Potter spell or something. Just by verbally declaring themselves "beautiful" or "brave", they will become such.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - j r - 09-23-2013

She'd be more beautiful of she spent all that time in the gym instead of attention whoring. You can fool the gender studies crowd, but you can't fool the male anatomy. She'll find out how "beautiful" she is when she sees the men that hit on her and the men that refuse to acknowledge her existence.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - emuelle1 - 09-23-2013

Quote: (09-23-2013 12:37 PM)j r Wrote:  

She'd be more beautiful of she spent all that time in the gym instead of attention whoring. You can fool the gender studies crowd, but you can't fool the male anatomy. She'll find out how "beautiful" she is when she sees the men that hit on her and the men that refuse to acknowledge her existence.

Exactly. That's why I wonder if these people somehow think this is magic. They can make something so if they speak the words.

I don't buy it. I can't declare myself fit. I have to earn it.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - cardguy - 09-23-2013

She doesn't believe it. It is just attention whoring. She is just trying to achieve some minor level of celebrity by having her project go 'viral'.

It is the sort of shit that newspapers eat up (and you can be sure this will be in the Daily Mail in the next day or two). It is exactly the sort of dumb marketing angle which I was discussing in the following post:

In a way - what this chick is doing is smart. Since it is the exact type of 'angle' that the media is looking for these days.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Pyre - 09-23-2013

[Image: barf.gif][Image: barf.gif][Image: barf.gif][Image: barf.gif]

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Agent 47 - 09-23-2013

Good Lord man.... Next time put NSFS in the title. (Not Safe For Soul)
My fucking eyes....

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - aphelion - 09-23-2013

Pretty good sense of reason in the commentary though.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Sombro - 09-23-2013

Talk about the elephant in the room...

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - emuelle1 - 09-23-2013

Quote: (09-23-2013 01:31 PM)Agent 47 Wrote:  

Good Lord man.... Next time put NSFS in the title. (Not Safe For Soul)
My fucking eyes....

I'll try to remember that next time. I'm still scrubbing my eyeballs with bleach from the "Online Girl Hamster Thread".

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - AnonymousBosch - 09-23-2013


"I asked for support from friends, family and strangers to help me through the process of dismantling a core belief that I am lacking desirability because of the size of my body."

Why the fuck does everyone else have to be her therapist? We all have our own lives and our own shit going on. Why do we have to cheerlead her? Does she give a crap about my problems, particularly as I'm a Dominant White Male?

All people with low resilience are solipsistic and narcissistic, and treat other human beings like supporting characters in a movie that stars them.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - aphelion - 09-23-2013

We should be able to lean on our family and friends for support in times of need. But in times of narcissism, she enlists only enablers.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Edmund Dantes - 09-23-2013

Someone shoulda called the cops on her for public nudity on the subway. If a guy was in his underwear, oh Lord!

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Walderschmidt - 09-23-2013

[Image: The-face-of-society.jpg]

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - eradicator - 09-23-2013

You want to be really evil? we can try to take more of the fat chick photos and add the caption "this is what a feminist looks like" again. But the only problem is that it's been done.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - emuelle1 - 09-23-2013

Quote: (09-23-2013 07:57 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

You want to be really evil? we can try to take more of the fat chick photos and add the caption "this is what a feminist looks like" again. But the only problem is that it's been done.

Maybe we should keep at it until they take the hint.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - Aliblahba - 09-23-2013

I think there's a direct link between obesity and mental illness. That would explain her actions. Comments under the article were funny, Aussies aren't afraid to call it like it is. I worked with morbidly obese individuals in the ME, and saw different behavior patterns in the extreme heat. They would be miserable and start going off at the smallest shit. Fattitude at its finest.

The sad parts is feminists will egg her on until her heart explodes or loses a foot to the sugar sickness. Feminist are their own worst enemy, but I guess if they're killing each other off, then I'm ok with it.

Is This Supposed To Be Magic? - AnonymousBosch - 09-23-2013

Quote: (09-23-2013 08:09 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Comments under the article were funny, Aussies aren't afraid to call it like it is.

My comments over the years are always polite and rational, and not one has ever been accepted for publication. They deliberately pick the most supportive or the most inflammatory ones. Makes sense, as there's a huge feminist culture of writers there.