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Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - scotian - 09-13-2013

I've been in Guadalajara for a week now, I arrived last Friday evening and met up with fellow RVF members and legendary poon hounds 20nation and THC. Overall I haven't done anything too exciting as I just finished a three month hitch at work where I was working like a dog, basically all I wanted to do was sleep in and drink beer all day. Still I've seen a bit of the city and managed to get a bang and we also went out partying a few times, here's some details of the trip so far.

First impressions: As per usual, I made absolutely no plans before traveling, just packed my bags and hoped for the best. I took a taxi from the airport and told the driver to take me to a reasonably priced hotel in centro, which I thought would be close to the Chapultapec area where the boys were staying. I ended up staying at a hotel called Don quijote, at 600 pesos the price was okay but I now realize that I could have negotiated a better price. The location was decent if you want to check out the historic downtown (centro) area, which is quite nice with the Spanish colonial architecture but there's no decent clubs or bars in the area and quite a few glue sniffing tranny hookers walking around, especially on Avenida de Independecia, which is one block away.

Initially I wasn't impressed with the talent as I walked around centro during the day, I thought that these Mexicans may have been the ugliest people I've ever seen in my life: short, brown and quite a few fatties. My perception changed when we went out to some bars and clubs and I thought to myself "where the fuck were all of these good looking people hiding during the day?" After switching hotels and moving into the Chapultapec area, I realized that the good looking people don't live in the working class areas of centro, they're in the richer neighborhoods, no shit Sherlock, the same can be said of any city in the world. Also, September is the rainiest month of the year and it piss poured each night at the worst times (2000-2300) for the first three days, so that was bothering me as well as I hate being out in the rain while partying, it hasn't been raining to much the past few days, fortunately.

After spending the weekend staying in centro, THC and I both took rooms at Hotel Bernini which is a couple of blocks off Chapultapec, he negotiated a monthly rental at 11,000P and I got my room for 400P/night, which was a really good deal considering the listed price was almost double that. Despite the 1970's disco era interior, the rooms are nice: large, king size bed, sofa, coffee table, dining table and full kitchen.

Partying: Last Friday we hit up a sketchy strip club in centro near my hotel, no cover and beers were 50P, immediately after sitting down we each had strippers on our laps shoving their tits in our faces and grabbing our cocks. Having been in some shitty situations in third world strip clubs I figured we'd get charged for this, so I told the strippers we didn't want them around and that we were just having a beer. We watched the ugly strippers do their thing, rather unimpressed with the talent, we had a couple of beers then bounced, on the way out I had the bright idea to ask the doorman whether or not he could get us some blow. He looked at me as if he thought "does a bear shit in the woods?" Two minutes and 300 pesos later, I had a gram of booger sugar in hand, I kind of feel bad for introducing a friend to hard drugs but THC was down for doing blow for the first time, so out came the hotel key and the sniffing began. After getting ripped on the gear we decided to hit up a club called Lola Lolitas.

Lolitas is a small but nice club frequented by an upper class crowd and it was packed around midnight, we were searched upon entrance and I headed straight for the bar, I turned around and THC is already making out with a cute girl, at 20 seconds after entering, it was probably one of the quickest make outs I've ever witnessed, good job THC. She had a friend and 20nation quickly pounced on her, I proceeded to order three shots of tequila which came to 260P (about $20 USD), I thought tequila would be cheap here in Jalisco, but these are standard prices at this club. We ended up bouncing after 20nation saw one of his chicas there, I guess he didn't want to stay for whatever reason, so we hit up another club. I can't remember the name of the place but it seemed decent but when we got upstairs to the main dance floor area, we saw that it was a bit of a chorizo party that night. I grabbed a beer and sat down with 20nation, THC decided to go straight for a girl on the dance floor and ended up dancing with her for awhile. I thought that 20nation was gonna pass out as he looked tired then next thing I know, he's grinding on a decent looking girl with a big ass. After a couple of beers I ended up leaving as I saw no prospects and it was after 2am so I called it quits, the guys partied a bit more and got some numbers but no bangs.

Basically we've gone out a couple of more times, nothing too exciting, although I will mention that Lola Lolitas is bumping on Wednesday nights, which is ladies night when the chicas drink for free until midnight. Lots of dancing, some make outs and numbers, THC even took a girl home but the LMR was so intense that he kicked her out. The ratios at the clubs and bars haven't been great either, it seems like its similar to Colombia here where girls go out with groups of guys. Still, if you're a good looking white guy you'll have no problems meeting quality girls as 20nation and THC have been doing, myself I've met a couple and got a number that led nowhere. One girl I started dancing with at Lolitas was keen until she asked me what I was doing in GDL, after telling her that I'm only here for couple of weeks, she quickly left me hanging on the dance floor, I'll have to lie next time haha.

We hit up a super dodgy after hours one night in centro, I wasn't entirely comfortable being there as it was sketchy as fuck, there were a few okay looking women there who of course were hookers. At one point a guy said to 20nation that we shouldn't be there, its not a safe place for Gringos, THC seemed oblivious to this, enjoying the Mexican music and the cute whore sitting on his lap. Having spent so much time in the relative safety of SE Asia, I think THC is finally realizing that its very different in Latin America and dodgy whore houses aren't the best places to be at 6am. We ended up dancing with some skanks but didn't leave with any as they all wanted money, as most of us on here know, shoring isn't common in LA as it is in SE Asia.

My bang: I got this through pipelining, which I didn't do much of but this girl was my most solid lead. I wish I had done more internet game but I really can't stand it, especially in Spanish, I find it really annoying. So I met up with this girl on a Sunday afternoon in Chapultapec, I was severly hung over from the night before and straight up told her this, we had a coffee and chatted. I was having a hard time with my Spanish and the hang over didn't help, the girl was pretty cool though and took me to pharmacy to get some Aspirin. We walked around a bit then I suggested we take a taxi to centro and get something to eat, knowing we'd be close to my hotel. She paid for the taxi and chipped in on the meal, which was cool, we had a smoke outside the restaurant and after that I kissed her and we had a brief make out session, it wasn't too hard to convince her to go to my hotel to "relax and watch TV". We made out some more, she put up some LMR for about 30-45 minutes but in the end I got the bang, wasn't the best sex ever and honestly she wasn't the hottest girl ever, I'll give her a 5, she could be a 6 if she lost about 10 lbs, oh well, got the flag outta the way!

Restaurants/bars: Plenty of places along Chapultapec and that's pretty much the only place we've been going, they're busy on the weekends and after office hours. One place I've hit up a couple of times is called Wings Army, not very Mexican but the place is packed around 1700-2000 with a young crowd and pretty waitresses, including two who have huge asses. For more authentic Mexican, we've been hitting up a place called La Gorda, prices for a decent meal range from 40-80P. Other than that we've been eating at some street meat places where the tacos are tasty and cheap.

Quality of women: Jalisco has the reputation of having some of the most attractive women in all of Mexico, despite my initial observation of the fugly girls in centro, I now see how this could be true as I've seen some pretty hot women out at night and during the day in Chapultapec. There's some very light skinned women who most would consider to be a classic Latina beauty and the darker ones are pretty hot too, although there isn't as much variety as I've observed in Colombia (no black girls here). Despite my easy bang, I think the girls tend to be a bit on the conservative side, similar to Colombia in that they likely take a couple of dates to bang, this definitely isn't SE Asia. The girls seem horny enough and of course like dancing and make outs are easy to come by but from what we've seen so far, they aren't keen on leaving with a random guy in front of their friends. All of the girls we've approached so far have been really friendly, some even speak English fairly well although I wouldn't count on it, which brings me to my next point....

Spanish language skills: I'd say its almost essential to speak at least conversational Spanish here, its been a year since I've spoke Spanish (my last trip to Colombia) and I'm so rusty that its hurting me and I'm less confident in my approaches. THC didn't speak any Spanish at all (although he's catching on quick) and its hurting him in his success with the local ladies, although he's getting LOTS of attention (stares, smiles, dancing, make outs, etc) the lack of language skills is his only handicap. 20nation is doing very well in GDL, he literally has a harem here after living here for the past two months, I've met two of his regulars and they're hot girls in their early twenties, once of them is actually quite wealthy (has her own car, a really nice one). He's also doing well with night game which is in large part due to his good Spanish skills.

GDL overall: I really like this city, I'll write some more about it later but I would definitely recommend it as a place to come and stay for a month or more, I could see myself setting up shop here as 20nation and THC have done, maybe study Spanish here and definitely date the local women. I don't think its a great destination to pass through for a few days and expect to get quality bangs, especially if your Spanish isn't great.

Anyway, I'm on my way to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow, taking the four hour bus, its a big weekend, Mexican Independence day, so it should be a good time. If any of you have any tips or information about PV, I definitely welcome it, I've been doing a bit of research and will likely stay in the Malecon area.

Adios amigos!

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - speakeasy - 09-13-2013

Dude, didn't you read my data sheet? I gave a clear warning not to stay in Centro. It sucks. And yeah the girls are definitely ugly around there. My first impression as well was disappointment and wondering where all these hot Penelope Cruz type Tapatias are. Then when I went to Chapultepec I saw mad talent everywhere. Location, location, location.

Can't wait to hear more of your updates. Lolitas is a nice spot for talent. Wish I could've seen it on Wed.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - el mechanico - 09-13-2013

Awesome I'd + 1 you but you already have more rep points than MiXx

J/k I'm a little suprized that those two lengenary poon hounds had Mexico on the radar though.

Please explain.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Veloce - 09-13-2013

Shit. Wish I knew there were RVFers in Mexico right now. Just got back from La Paz (though it was more for relaxing and snorkeling than gaming)

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - WanderingSoul - 09-13-2013

How many quarter tacos have you knocked out so far? Or were they dollar tacos? I can't remember, I'm always fucking smashed when I'm in Mexico. I do remember them being delicious though.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - germanico - 09-13-2013

Lola Lolita is chock full of smoking hot chicks. Just around the corner, Mala Noche is full of drunk dirty prole hippies you wouldnt touch with gloves on.

Location, location, location.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - scotian - 09-14-2013

Well tonight was interesting, it would have been a lot better if 20nation and THC had joined me, but those guys decided to take it easy, which I can understand as they're traveling long term and can't come out every night, which I'm doing. I did however meet the biggest dickhead from RVF I've met so far tonight, you know who you are, under normal circumstances I wouldn't call you out bro, but you were such an ignorant cunt tonight that I have to do this.

I've met a lot of RVF members during my travels, 90% of which have been cool, surely some of the most highly repped members here will vouch for me, I don't make this statement lightley but you're a fucking goof, I tried to engage you in positive conversation but your arrogant ass wouldn't have it. Finally I called you out, outside of the night club that wouldn't let you in because you refused to take off your stupid hat, I told you straight up man-to-man that you have a negative attitude and you were acting like a fucking prick. What did you do at that point? You walked away from me like the little bitch that you are!

Have fun on your upcoming trip to Jamaica and Cuba, I could have given you some solid intel on the former if you hadn't been such an insufferable wanker.

I may elaborate on this later but its after 2, I' drunk and I have an early bus to catch, come at me brah!

Peace, Scotian.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Aliblahba - 09-14-2013

[Image: whoa.gif]

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Young Traveller - 09-14-2013

+1, going back to Mexico in December -> January. I have a girl on lock down from this Summer, but I'm currently trying to pipeline some more options. Lola Lolitas/Wing's Army - noted [Image: smile.gif]. Thanks.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - speakeasy - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 02:31 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Well tonight was interesting, it would have been a lot better if 20nation and THC had joined me, but those guys decided to take it easy, which I can understand as they're traveling long term and can't come out every night, which I'm doing. I did however meet the biggest dickhead from RVF I've met so far tonight, you know who you are, under normal circumstances I wouldn't call you out bro, but you were such an ignorant cunt tonight that I have to do this.

I've met a lot of RVF members during my travels, 90% of which have been cool, surely some of the most highly repped members here will vouch for me, I don't make this statement lightley but you're a fucking goof, I tried to engage you in positive conversation but your arrogant ass wouldn't have it. Finally I called you out, outside of the night club that wouldn't let you in because you refused to take off your stupid hat, I told you straight up man-to-man that you have a negative attitude and you were acting like a fucking prick. What did you do at that point? You walked away from me like the little bitch that you are!

Have fun on your upcoming trip to Jamaica and Cuba, I could have given you some solid intel on the former if you hadn't been such an insufferable wanker.

I may elaborate on this later but its after 2, I' drunk and I have an early bus to catch, come at me brah!

Peace, Scotian.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Who? Who??

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - WanderingSoul - 09-14-2013

Has to be houston, do we have any other Mexican members? Ill bet he showed Scotian a cock shot.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Belize King - 09-14-2013

Hopefully it isnt Bars. He has given me some good advice. He doesnt travel so I doubt it is him.

We only have maybe four or five repped Mexican members. Maybe he was having a bad night.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Aliblahba - 09-14-2013

I bet it was Germanico. He always seemed a little shifty to me.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Soma - 09-14-2013

[Image: KN6Iw0z.png]

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - el mechanico - 09-14-2013

Who's going to start the.. When RVF meetups go wrong thread?

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Gunner - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 04:30 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Hopefully it isnt Bars. He has given me some good advice. He doesnt travel so I doubt it is him.

We only have maybe four or five repped Mexican members. Maybe he was having a bad night.

Nah, Im always working, hopefully next year I start traveling.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Merenguero - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 10:59 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Who's going to start the.. When RVF meetups go wrong thread?

The only other bad meetup I remember was when that Lumiere guy went to Hawaii, met up with Kona, and got into a big fight with him.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Screwston - 09-14-2013

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - el mechanico - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 11:29 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2013 10:59 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Who's going to start the.. When RVF meetups go wrong thread?

The only other bad meetup I remember was when that Lumiere guy went to Hawaii, met up with Kona, and got into a big fight with him.
Maybe it was him. Anyway there's going to be a lot of firsts here.

Meet-ups gone wrong
First beatdown in public between members
First date with Lindy West
First injury (done Ali)
First arrest?

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - scotian - 09-14-2013

Please excuse my rant fellas, I was drunk and pissed off that I wasted a few hours with that miserable loser, I have no clue why someone would contact another forum member to hang out on a Friday night then proceed to act like such an arrogant dick. Oh well, I guess you're bound t run into the odd weirdo when you meet people off of the internet, for the record, he's neither Mexican or American.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - el mechanico - 09-14-2013

Is this the hat in question?

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Aliblahba - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 12:55 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Please excuse my rant fellas, I was drunk and pissed off that I wasted a few hours with that miserable loser, I have no clue why someone would contact another forum member to hang out on a Friday night then proceed to act like such an arrogant dick. Oh well, I guess you're bound t run into the odd weirdo when you meet people off of the internet, for the record, he's neither Mexican or American.

Probably a white dude. They don't do well with light-skinned Latinas. Guy was having a meltdown. Quebecan?

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - scotian - 09-14-2013

Quote: (09-14-2013 01:18 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2013 12:55 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Please excuse my rant fellas, I was drunk and pissed off that I wasted a few hours with that miserable loser, I have no clue why someone would contact another forum member to hang out on a Friday night then proceed to act like such an arrogant dick. Oh well, I guess you're bound t run into the odd weirdo when you meet people off of the internet, for the record, he's neither Mexican or American.

Probably a white dude. They don't do well with light-skinned Latinas. Guy was having a meltdown. Quebecan?

Guys I don't want to get carried away with this and don't want to give the impression that I"m some asshole who is going to "out" fellow forum members I meet. Maybe he was having a bad day, who knows, all I know is that in the few hours we hung out, we didn't actually have a proper conversation, he was "too cool for school". I'd try to engage him in conversation and he'd give me one word answers or ignore me, it was kind of funny but weird all the same, why the hell would someone want to meet up with a forum member then act like such a weirdo?

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - Aliblahba - 09-14-2013

I'd leave it up to the mods. We met a member in the DR that was a problem. I left the decision up to Fisto, but the guy was a wack job, and pulled some stupid shit when we got stopped by the cops. Not cool.

I would good to have a warning, as if someone snubbed me like he did, things wouldn't have went so well, especially in a 3rd world country.

Trip report, Mexico: GDL and PV - renotime - 09-14-2013

The culprit has posted in the meet up forum about sharing places, so he may need to be outed.