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Hamster attack on nice guys - michelin - 09-10-2013

Fucking hilarious.

Feminist gets furious about Nice Guys, or what she calls, guys who suffer from the "Nice Guys Syndrom", because of their lack of respect for women.

This hamster confirms every single statement made on RVF about women in their hate of nice guys. In her blog profile she says (surprise, surprise) that she "studies Sociology with a focus on gender inequality. She really, really likes cats and has an unhealthy obsession with Mean Girls, much to her boyfriend’s dismay". [Image: biggrin.gif]

An excerpt:


You know what? You [nice guys] don’t deserve the dirt on my shoe if you don’t treat me with respect. Actual respect, not the kind you feign in an attempt to get me into bed with you.... And if you whine about constantly being Friend Zoned, it’s probably because you are not nice. End of story

[Image: catlady.gif]

Enjoy the read!

Hamster attack on nice guys - Teedub - 09-10-2013

I think if I met one of these women I'd have so many things I wanted to say, to completely deconstruct her worldview, my head would explode. I can't read the comments sections of these sites without wanting to join up just to tear them to shreds. Thankfully I know no women life this in real life.

Hamster attack on nice guys - El_Superbeasto - 09-10-2013

Hamster attack on nice guys - Cattle Rustler - 09-10-2013

Quote: (09-10-2013 04:02 PM)El_Superbeasto Wrote:  

This should be a gif.

Hamster attack on nice guys - JayRock604 - 09-10-2013

On a side note, this was "related" on the bottom of the page [Image: laugh3.gif]

Hamster attack on nice guys - Kid Strangelove - 09-10-2013

Oh boy, feminspire.... lol.... feminspire

You have the internet.
Then you have Jezebel.
Then you have xoJane, which is the Jezebel of Jezebel.
And then you have feminspire - which makes xoJane look bearable.

Feminspire is the toilet of toilets.

I know two girls that ended up writing there - one was one of those "im so depressed all the time and I have an eating disorder, and cats" chicks - for real - her updates are just her talking about what meds shes on and how shes feeling "level" that day. The other - is the biggest slut ive ever known - we were hanging out 5 deep at a bar one night with some mutual friends - she disappears for a bit, then comes back and tells me "Hey, can you hang by me for a bit, this guy just wants to talk to me and shit", "Why does he want to talk to you?" "Because we just fucked in his car".

And you know its a woman run web site when you press the "more headlines" button on the front page and it doesn't work. lol

Hamster attack on nice guys - HeyPete - 09-10-2013

I don't get all their nice guy hate.
Or maybe my definition of a nice guy is vastly different than theirs.

Am I missing something?

Hamster attack on nice guys - Cattle Rustler - 09-10-2013

I created a gif!

[Image: 3jfzp.gif]via Imgflip GIF Maker

Hamster attack on nice guys - Hotwheels - 09-10-2013

I'm tempted to create a fictional persona, with a blog, twitter, facebook, etc just to troll these nutjobs....

Hamster attack on nice guys - MattW - 09-11-2013

I think I understand part of what's going on with girls who attack nice guys. If a fat girl talks to me in that kind of flirty way that's apparent she trying to get things going somewhere I get a little angry. Not outwardly, yelling or anything, just angry because I'm insulted that she thinks I might be interested in her. I think that's probably a piece of what's going on.

Hamster attack on nice guys - Kid Strangelove - 09-11-2013

Quote: (09-10-2013 11:45 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I'm tempted to create a fictional persona, with a blog, twitter, facebook, etc just to troll these nutjobs....

dude DO IT.

There are already a few fake radical feminist trolls that originated on 4chan's /pol/ board and they make modern radical feminists look like the shrill cunts they really are.

that #solidarityisforwhitewomen tag had quite a few trolls saying that white women can't be raped. That tweet alone started so much infighting it was glorious.

Hamster attack on nice guys - Ensam - 09-11-2013

The reason some girls hate on nice guys is that they can't face the fact that they've been taking advantage of thirsty dudes their whole lives. Ask a moderately attractive girl sometime how much free shit she gets from guys she has no interest in banging. Drinks, shows, gifts, vacations, etc. Most haven't even thought about it. Every now and then a dude will point that out and a certain type of girl can't reconcile that with her hatred of men who use their positions of influence and power for sex because using a mans desire for sex for her gain is essentially the same thing. However, if the guys who are giving her free shit are really all just weirdos and creeps then she can take their stuff without guilt. Problem solved.

Hamster attack on nice guys - aphelion - 09-11-2013

^---- astute sir.

Hamster attack on nice guys - placer - 09-12-2013

[Image: attachment.jpg14440]   

Bitter angry bitch. Also looks like a SIF (secret internet fattie)...look how swollen those fingers are. Would not bang.

The way I handled one girl who friendzoned me: "I will only visit you again if you have sex with me". She refused. That was the last conversation we ever had.

The problem with articles like this is because what this lady is really saying is: "It's not OK for guys to be sexually attracted to me".

Hamster attack on nice guys - Onto - 09-12-2013

I think this is a derivation of "The One". Everybody wants the other to see them as the One. However, if we ever get our wish and believe the other really does see us as that way, we immediately lose respect for them, because deep down we know we are not the One, instead just a lowly mortal with feet of clay and if this other person sees me as the One then they are stupid and even more lowly than me. In fact, I loathe them.

Hamster attack on nice guys - Ziltoid - 09-12-2013

Feminists: "Be nice to women and view us as your equal if you want us to like you."

(moments later)

Feminists: "Grrr, your niceness and sentiments of equality fill me with rage! How dare you expect me to like you, you pig!"

It seems to me that a lot of the negativity in these women's lives is in fact directed at themselves for buying so deeply into a belief system that ensures their perpetual miserableness.

But hey, instead of doing a little rational introspection and changing course while you still can, just keep blogging about how oppressed white women are in the West. Have fun dieing alone!

Hamster attack on nice guys - j r - 09-12-2013

Quote: (09-10-2013 11:26 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I don't get all their nice guy hate.
Or maybe my definition of a nice guy is vastly different than theirs.

Am I missing something?

Yes. You are taking women with deep emotional an psychological problems at their word.

These people are so full of self-loathing that they automatically distrust anyone who is nice to them, because deep down they don't believe that they are worthy of nice treatment. So when a guy is nice to them it causes this uncomfortable level of cognitive dissonance. And rather than confront that anxiety directly and take positive steps to better mental health, it's easier to just deflect all these negative emotions at the nice guy who caused them.

Hamster attack on nice guys - rudder - 10-06-2013

These last two posts really sum up the issue perfectly. If there is one thing I've noticed after reading some of the articles on the feminist website is that it is always someone else's fault for how the woman personally feels.

There was one quote along the lines of, "If someone feels uncomfortable, it means they have been violated. Period." At a certain point the feminist needs to step up to the plate as the "strong, independent, self-directed womyn" that she is and take a little bit of responsibility for her own feelings.

This is a pretty common theme in these feminist writings.

It's always society's or men's fault for any misfortunes and inconveniences one of these femicunts faces.

One feminist MYTH: If a man makes more money than a woman at the same job, then that's an indicator that society does not give equal opportunities. Wrong. It should be painfully obvious to any of these sociology geeks that we have long since attained equal opportunity of gender in the western world. It's OPPORTUNITY. That's not the same thing as a guarantee. Should men lower their IQs just to level the playing field?

A second feminist MYTH: If a woman feels uncomfortable it is because the man is too creepy, came on too strong, didn't dress nicely enough, didn't work out enough, didn't shave, shower or whatever. Nope. The girl just needs to come to terms with the fact that she reacts that way to normal men, and she needs to seek counseling.

Also, why do the feminists always talk about how society is forcing patriarchal ideas on them? The only areas of modern culture where I see patriarchal ideas are on the nether-regions of the internet on obscure forums like Rooshv. Do you realize the fact that you can actually blow twenty grand a year of daddy's money to go study "gender inequality" at some poxy liberal arts sociology college is a testament to the fact that society is actually instilling your head with non-patriarchal ideas?

Bottom Line: Men and Women are not equal. Never were and never will be. Stop pretending like this is not the truth, and realize the same system that's screwing you over, is also screwing men over. During these difficult times men need you more than ever. Don't abandon us. Please try to realize that a society needs servile wives and mothers. Please also realize that feminism is a socialist front. But that's a different story for another time. Just remember your inherent expertise is to be the glue of all things family. [Image: catlady.gif]

End of rant.

Hamster attack on nice guys - Sumanguru - 10-06-2013

Quote: (09-10-2013 11:26 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I don't get all their nice guy hate.
Or maybe my definition of a nice guy is vastly different than theirs.

Am I missing something?

Women hate nice guys because nice guys can't "man up," directly ask them out, and then when women say no nice guys can't move on with their heads high but instead hang around and act passive aggressive and petty.

Or, to say the same thing in a different way, women hate nice guys because nice guys act like women.

And if you don't believe women hate men who act like women, next time you go out with your girl tell her you sometimes fantasize about dick and watch her vag become the Sahara. Men acting like women and being "faggy" is just not considered attractive, a total double standard since every woman under the sun claims to be bi now, but that's what it is. Nice guys are too womanly, and so garner absolute scorn.