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Writing Ebooks about everything you know - Printable Version

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Writing Ebooks about everything you know - Sonsowey - 08-26-2013

So Roosh had a valuable insight that as an author online, you need to be writing consistently to make any decent money.

We all have various skillsets, and can probably write a 20-50 page tutorial on anything.

For instance:

Learn to play guitar
Learn to break into the publishing industry
How to teach English abroad
Learning to cook
Get in shape
Getting girls
Some cool stories of my world travels


How do you guys who sell ebooks feel this would work? I want this to be a long-term part of my financial independence, and don't imagine it'll be a primary source of income or even provide much income right now. But it'd be great down the road to even have a few hundred dollars a month coming in, possibly more.

I only worry that all these things are pretty broad. Most guys who sell ebooks tend to have 1-3 focuses to their site. Getting girls, fitness, travel, for instance.

You lot who run websites and sell ebooks, do you think this is a viable option, to sell ebooks on myriad topics, or like Roosh is it best to focus on one niche.

Writing Ebooks about everything you know - samsamsam - 08-26-2013

I think the critical thing is whether or not you can provide sufficient value for the consumer. I am sure there are people who write crappy ebooks and make a few bucks off of the unsuspecting. But if you want something continuous, you need good quality and good reviews. So write about topics where people finish reading it and felt like they got a good product. Not one where people go "I could have written it myself by just googling and using wikipedia."

If you have broad topics just set up different sites. So that are under the impression you are an expert at what you are selling. Need to market as an expert in a niche.

Writing Ebooks about everything you know - ColSpanker - 08-26-2013

Which is one of my problems. I've started another movie blog, one of the few things I do know about. But I have to be impressed by a film to really write anything substantial about it. Not too many movies impress me. So I make daily blog entries trying to find 500 interesting words to post.

Writing Ebooks about everything you know - samsamsam - 08-26-2013

I think for a blog - consistent posting is key. Maybe you need to blog about movies and point out what could have been improved/flaws etc.

Write about what you think is critical for a good movie and you could sell to aspiring filmmakers. There are tons of books on movie making. Maybe you would have a good angle.

This is a great movie blog I check out every now and then.

Writing Ebooks about everything you know - Daniel Kelly - 09-01-2013

Have a look at Clickbank, one of the main sources of ebooks for people to both sell and promote. They have a short tutorial on both options which may help you understand whether to get into it or not.

Writing Ebooks about everything you know - Drazen - 10-17-2013

I'm looking at doing this. Thinking of getting together a book on how to throw a bachelor party in vegas. I've been to enough on all kinds of budgets to do it. I'm not going to worry about the details yet, I'll just start writing and figure it out.

First step is outline, which I've done. Next I have to create content, which means writing away.

Have a few other ideas in the pipeline, but I need to finish this first just to pop my cherry.

I got a free ebook on how to write ebooks from Pat Flynn, who does the Smart Passive Income podcast, which kind of motivated me to do this.

Its pretty helpful so far.