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Hookah business? - Printable Version

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Hookah business? - Kuhn - 08-20-2013

So, I'm in college right now. I'm working part time waiting tables. I'm getting really sick of the restaurant business, and looking for something less stressful.
I really only need to make 50-100$ a week to live comfortably.

My idea is turning empty alcohol bottles into hookahs and selling them online/local smoke shops/antique stores/ and among friends.
I have access to all the high end alcohol bottles I need- Free.
The cost of building one is about 10$.

Good idea? Bad?

Hookah business? - luggage - 08-20-2013

Sold Idea bro.

If you're a good artist then maybe you can throw a bit of design on it.

Good luck Player.

Hookah business? - JackDavey - 08-20-2013

I think it's a great idea. Make sure that you include your time when figuring the cost of building one item--it could well be higher than $10.

Hookah business? - Kuhn - 08-20-2013

Thanks. Glad you think so.
I estimate the time to make one hookah would be 30-45mins.
The supplies are pretty cheap. With the exception of the bowl(which you can find for 3-5$), I can get everything at lowes for under 5$
Generic Hookahs at my local smokeshop sell for 75-100$. However, I think most people, if given the option, would prefer the esthetics of a high end liquor bottle over some stock hookah base.
Endless supply of free liquor bottles + 10$ assembly. Not bad.
Sounds like all I need is clientele

Hookah business? - Pyre - 08-21-2013

Does anyone in college smoke out of a hookah? Its mostly just passing the bong around yeah?

Hookah business? - defguy - 08-21-2013

Sounds like a great niche market. People will go for the unusual style kind of like a house prop. You may be able to sell it for more than the cost of a regular hookah, especially if you put a fancy design on it. Also look into the possibility of turning high end liquor bottles into bongs lmao that would be great amongsts fratboys.

Keep us updated!

Hookah business? - WestIndianArchie - 08-21-2013

Listen to this dude

College dude makes bongs out of wine bottles, and then ramps up.


Hookah business? - WanderingSoul - 08-21-2013

Good hustle imo.

I know several of my friends would have bought a Jack Daniels hookah like that.

Start a facebook page and instsgram to spread the word. Word of mouth and social media will be your best source of sales. Not sure you could legally sell then in a shop.

When someone comes to pick one up, offer them a discount or upgrade if they post a photo of it on facebook and tag your page. Especially at first to spread the word. Everyone has several hundred facebook friends these days, especially in college, so you will get a lot of eyes on it of you make the offer good enough that almost everyone does it.

I think $50 is a good price point. Good profit margin for you and not so expensive that a college kid can't afford it.

Maybe give a few away for free to friends you know who are big smokers and always have people over smoking. Have them share it on facebook.

A good hustle, but which may not work these days, was to sell porn dvds. My old boss did this in the dorms 7-8 years ago. He bought them in bulk, hundred or more, for a buck a piece. Then sold them for $5 to drunk kids in his dorm. Might be hard to do now with steaming porn so accessible, and might get you kicked out of some pussy fuckin liberal school, but good food for thought. Replace dvds with something else.

Hookah business? - King Solomon - 08-22-2013

consider getting supplies wholesale and selling them too. Coals, shisha, etc.

In fact, I'm in the market for one.

Sell me one.
