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"I Love and Hate Dating Russian Men" - Printable Version

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"I Love and Hate Dating Russian Men" - soup - 08-14-2013

“No Means Yes, and Yes Means Anal.”

This chick digs Red-pill Ruskies..

"In 2010, I moved back to Russia to teach English. The first thing that you’ll notice when you get to Russia is that the women are astoundingly beautiful and immaculately presented. They will sashay past you with their wobbly stilettos (which are worn even over blocks of ice) and designer bags (which carry a full pharmacy complete with a mini shoe polish and handwipes) and, if you tell them you pluck your own eyebrows and only get a facial once a month, will look at you as though you have just clawed your way out of a swamp.

These insurmountable standards of beauty can largely be credited to the fact that there are more women than men. The disintegration of male hygiene and work ethic that occurs when there is (by some counts) a 3:1 female:male ratio should be noted by anthropologists worldwide."

"The second thing you’ll notice is that Russian men are patriarchal alpha males, and, whatever your feminist textbook might have told you, this is initially a huge turn-on. "


She brings up the ideal of the paternal provider, as opposed to the beta provider:

"Evolutionary theorists and Freudians alike would argue that women are subconsciously attracted to men who give off signs that they will provide for them. And when I say “provide,” I don’t even necessarily mean in a monetary sense as much as in a paternal one. This sense that they are obligated to look out for you, not because you’re weaker or feeble-minded, but because you — as the fountain from which life springs forth — are precious and valuable."

Enacting the father daughter relationship frame does work with getting girls in the sack.

I've done this when I'll be talking to a girl, and as I'm talking to her, I imagine that she's smaller than me (which she usually is), and that I take a up a huge amount of space. In my mind, I'm a dragon, whose wings spread out far and wide and encompass her.

I imagine that I could crush her at any moment. This has helped me deal with pressure when I'm talking to girls.

In my mind, I'm the most powerful thing in the bar. She's lucky to have my attention.


The Russian guys are owning their women.

Things that we'd say are beta, are not beta if you are doing it with a sense of ownership over a woman. You mark your territory by doing things like lighting cigarettes for girls. All the best players I know are "chivalrous" in this sense :

"It’s important to emphasize that this brand of chauvinism isn’t the abhorrent “shut up and make me a sandwich” kind but more along the lines of old-fashioned chivalry, which is why Russian men are quintessential gentlemen on first dates. Russians like to make occasions out of everyday rites, so men will make gestures to convey that going on a date with you is a special event in their lives. They bring flowers and little gifts (I have an entire hideous gold animal menagerie from a previous Russian admirer). They open the door for you and pull out your chair. They ask if you’re getting enough water and vigilantly top off your wine (as a woman, you never ever pour wine). "


Ha- I do the following. I call all the girls that I'm fucking my girlfriends. It's not about having "cold" ONS for me. I engage emotionally in the interaction. This is why I usually end up burning bridges with girls if I get rejected. I've been relaxing on that now because I'm all about building stronger social relations with my venues and not getting into trouble or drama.

"Is it more disrespectful to have casual sex with a girl and not call her your girlfriend, or call her your girlfriend and cheat? The Westerners said the latter, as though it were obvious, the Russian ones said the former, as if that were obvious. Having experienced both, I really don’t know anymore, although I respect the way one of my Russian friends explained it, in a sort of Sartrian epistemology: “Listen, human nature is fucked up. It’s more honest, and more humane, to just lie.”

"I Love and Hate Dating Russian Men" - Tuthmosis - 08-14-2013
