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[Help] A question of future decisions and possibilities - Black Quixote - 08-06-2013

I am torn, on one hand, I have received a pretty generous offer in Montreal to be a bartender at a fairly popular bar I can't disclose the name of, the owner said he saw in me what he hadn't ever seen before and wanted to show me the ropes, teach me the business and hire me. I departed for some time and recently contacted him today as I have recovered over the past month, and asked if the offer still stood, he said absolutely.

Benefits of this:
-I live in another country
-I get to meet ALOT of women
-I get to become well connected in Montreal.
-I have an opportunity to continue to develop my french from very good to true fluency.
-I get to leave the U.S. while I'm still young for awhile.
-Get to learn a new business in and out.
-I can still develop my own business when not working for this guy, whilst establishing myself as indispensable using my skills.

-Separated by Family a lot more.
-Not too familiar with the process of moving up there.
-Would need to find lodging within the next three weeks.
-Still undergoing a few tests to ensure I am totally healthy.


Now the opposite side of the coin:

I already have a project that has begun that will give me alot of social connections within the community in the city I live in, which, has a plethora of attractive women, business expansion opportunities, and has my family and a few of my close friends. Now, I could in theory train others to run it for me in a relatively short time, as it isn't complicated, it just requires detailed instruction.

-Well connected in a US city.
-Already have a few higher end connections that own businesses here as well.
-Less complicated
-Huge Potential, though many more restrictions in law.
-More freetime and I am in complete control.

-Higher start up
-Having to control, manage, and watch everything as a supervisor and at times baby sitter to a team of over 8-10 at minimum.
-Restrictions due to law.
-More expensive in general, BUT subsidized.

[Help] A question of future decisions and possibilities - Black Quixote - 08-06-2013

Can someone add in a poll: Montreal Job vs. Domestic Project