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Lifting With A Bum Wrist - 2Wycked - 07-30-2013

I have decided to get into lifting - I plan on using the Stronglifts approach. If you have a better approach, please let me know. I have heard good things about Stronglifts and I am aiming to build strength right now.

That being said, I have a wrist with issues. I fucked it up bad in a car wreck, had surgery and it has a permanent screw in it. I cannot flex my wrist completely - most importantly, I cannot flex my wrist all the back towards my body. It is inartful, but I recall trying to do front squats from some lifting routine given to me over the winter and found it was absolutely impossible to do the movement - even just the bar was uncomfortable.

It still have bruised bones. MRI's still show important bones that haven't fully healed. They said there is a chance those bones will die, but that is attenuated in sense it won't be known for a time.

I have found that utilizing a strong wrist restraint helps, but I feel I have a limit, especially on doing bench press. I found the restraint helped greatly on squats and deadlifts. Beyond that, it surely helped, but my wrist still felt weak.

Doctors are telling me I need more surgery to cure that. I am very reticent because it will remove many bones and basically make my wrist very inflexible. The doctor told me I won't be able to flex much either way. I don't want to pull the trigger on surgery before I have to have it.

Any tips or suggestions?

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Roadrunner - 07-30-2013

If you have joint issues I would think it is better to do calisthenics than it is to start using weights.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Beyond Borders - 07-30-2013

Search for a book called "Evolve Your Brain" on Amazon.

Yeah, it's about brainpower, but the author shares a very interesting story about how he refused back surgery after a car accident because, as a chirpractor, he'd seen the kind of hell people who had that particular surgery went through. His spine was in an S-shape and doctors said there was a 100% certainty he'd never walk again without the operation, but he was able to heal himself. I think you might find his methodologies interesting if you aim to bring this wrist back to life.

Can't vouch for any of it but definitely a worthy read.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Beyond Borders - 07-30-2013

Quote: (07-30-2013 02:39 AM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

If you have joint issues I would think it is better to do calisthenics than it is to start using weights.

Was thinking the same thing.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - A War You Cannot Win - 07-30-2013

If you still want to lift but are uncomfortable with barbells, I would recommend some Kettlebell movements. The swing, dbl KB front squat, KB clean and press, KB renegade rows all stellar exercises and should be easier on your wrists if you learn good form.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - AntiTrace - 07-30-2013

I have a weak wrist due to a snowboarding accident and some other random things.

I'm not sure of the extent of your injury but my wrist only really bothers me when doing biceps.

I would try all different exercises and stick the ones that don't bother your wrist, find out everything you can do comfortably and build a routine around that.

Barbells will probably bother you more as they require your wrist to be in a certain position which may not be comfortable. An EZ curl bar can be used because you can vary your wrist position to a certain extent. Dumb bells will probably be your best bet on certain exercises because your can vary your wrist position to whatever is best.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - lurker - 07-30-2013

You can do the "arms crossed in front of you" front squat technique as well.

Just start light - SL5x5 has you starting every lift with the naked bar, which is perfect - and go from there. If you have problems, go talk to the doctor.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Therapsid - 07-30-2013

Try using machines. For example, for chest you can use the pec dec machine. For your back you can use a lat pullover machine. For your delts and trap you can use a lateral raise machine. And you can still do leg presses and leg extensions, even if you can't squat. None of these would require applying force directly on your wrists. You'd just need to find a gym with good equipment.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - DVY - 07-30-2013

I dont bench press that heavy. Also the squats shouldnt be hurting your wrists- the bar is resting on your posterior delts and supported w/your forearm. The wrist shouldnt feel much.

What I did was to widen my grip a little and the wristpain went away. Somewhat contra to Rippletoe, but hes a fat f-ck who looks like a weird squatting chicken w/limited mobility. The key is to squeeze your shoulder blades back and together, but keep a wider wrist position.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - MrXY - 07-30-2013

Don't do front squats-do back squats-all the weight rests on your shoulders and its one of the best exercises you can do

I agree that machines and kettlebells are probably better options than barbells, and there are some excellent bodyweight workout routines that are popular now that you can find on the web

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Hades - 07-30-2013

I would try to figure out everything that your bum wrist is capable of, and over time try to gradually rehabilitate it to good function using calisthenic workouts. If you can wrap your wrist and satisfactorily do pushups in whatever configuration is comfortable, that is a start. If you can do the same and hang off a bar and either do pullups or australian pullups, that is also a start. Do lots of mobility work on your bum wrist before attempting to do anything, and in your off time try to strengthen it with wrist curls and light weights. I would try to wait on the surgery as long as possible.

Don't neglect any supplements that may increase bone strength and density, such as vitamin D supplements, fish oil, magnesium, zinc, and maybe calcium.

Anything that does not require both arms (squats and squat variations) can be done pretty hard. Jamie Lewis on Chaos and Pain referenced a one-armed powerlifter some time ago, can't seem to find him but it would be good to look him up and see what he does. You might get a weird looking and somewhat unbalanced physique if this is done to an extreme but it is an option. Unilateral pressing exercises (such as the side press) are also an option, though one side of your body will develop more than the other.

Then since you will have somewhat limited physique changes due to lifting no matter which way you cut it, at least until your wrist is rehabilitated, you can focus on getting your diet dialed in and staying fairly shredded all the time. If you can afford to eat paleo that should keep inflammation in check to the point where it should reduce pain.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - amity - 07-30-2013

I also have some wrist issues, admittedly not as severe as yours though
But what I've found has helped significantly in the last year or two is stuff like ACV and turmeric and cayenne, which I add to a lot of my food nowadays, that and laying off the refined sugars and wheat means I have little or no pain in my wrist now after lifting or exercise, compared to pretty significant pain a few years back

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - Giovonny - 07-30-2013

If it causes pain, don't do it. Find another exercise.

Get a great warm up.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - MikeCF - 07-30-2013

Lifting builds up your bones:'s_law

I have tons of minor injuries. Train around them. If something hurts, stop doing it.

What are your Vitamin D levels? You can get this tested at a lab for that much money.

Vitamin D is integrally related to bone density.

Also, start researching HGH. Low dose hgh is fantastic for chronic injuries.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - polar - 07-30-2013

I had weak wrists from too much typing / high-impact exercises / etc. A friend recommended me the Dynaflex Powerball (on mobile or I'd link it here - check Amazon). It's a dynamic exerciser for your wrist about the size of a baseball. You spin it up, hold on to it tight, and rotate your wrist. The faster you rotate it, the more dynamic resistance it creates in all directions. After a couple of weeks, I had no more pain, stronger wrists and grip - it works from your fingers / wrists all the way up to your delts.

Basically, it's like a shake weight, but a lot less gay.

If you get one, I recommend buying a starter (on batteries) to go with it. It's a pain to start, but easy to keep going.

Your mileage may vary...I ain't no doctor. I don't know how it would be with your injuries. Take it easy and don't overwork it.

Lifting With A Bum Wrist - 2Wycked - 07-31-2013

Thanks for the great feedback, ya'll. That's why I love this forum.

@SHP: Sounds like an intriguing idea. Looks like there are threads on it, so I will try it out

@BB: I will check it out. I do think our brains are far more powerful than we want to admit.

@lurker: That is why I was drawn to Stronglifts. Start out at the floor and build on every lift.

@Therapsid: My therapist advised that. He said with my injury, I will be permanently hampered. I couldn't be a body builder, but I could be cut and in great shape.

@Hades: Great tips. I need to get my diet in line and cut out all that pasta. Sure, it isn't Burger or KFC, but I need to replace it with cuts of meat. My local HyVee has great deals on pork chops and chicken, sometimes lamb and steak. Have to get on that.

I have a slow cooker and George Foreman grill, so I will probably utilize both in going paleo.

Good tips on nutrition. Will have to look into vitamin D and fish oil supps.

You are right, if I stick with it - finding the right exercises that take the pressure off my wrist - I can get in good shape.

@MikeCF: Wolff's law is interesting.

Your mention of HGH is also intriguing. Will have to look it up.

Once again, thanks everybody.