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White Knight Campaign in Montana - Gopher - 07-05-2013

Full article here

Some girl had this linked on her facebook. Funny thing is, the only reason I know her is because I fucked her friend the same night I met her at a bar. She didn't put a stop to it [Image: banana.gif]

[Image: 172741_160878774055910_773524285_o__1_.jpg]

[Image: 51890_157884474355340_1689152230_o.jpg]

[Image: 622029_161283574015430_382205548_o.jpg]

[Image: 341350_160051574138630_1558623809_o.jpg]

[Image: 175493_160451690765285_2060304606_o.jpg]

[Image: 665192_162582933885494_1098452529_o.jpg]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - A War You Cannot Win - 07-05-2013

I hate that one with the chunky bitch about her not 'feeling' right.

I wish I could act out on my 'feelings' and be perfectly validated for it.

I don't feel like paying for this item

I don't feel like waiting in line

I don't feel like allowing you to live.

How are these white knights going to feel when they find out that their exalted little princess likes sucking my dick behind a dumpster like a back alley whore? Every female is capable of this in today's society providing you activate the right attraction triggers because it's not PC to shame anyone for un-virtuous behavior. Socrates said that the only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance. If white knights were backstabbing wretches I would almost feel sorry for them, living in complete ignorance of what women really, truly enjoy doing to guys that give them the vagina tingles.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Dusty - 07-05-2013

That second guy especially seems pretty tough. I'd shit my pants if he told me to back off. [Image: tard.gif]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Tex Pro - 07-05-2013

[Image: laugh2.gif]

This white knight stuff is too funny. You know these white knights are never going to get laid.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Therapsid - 07-05-2013

If girls are really as delicate, prone to poor judgment, dependent upon their friends making their decisions, and habitually liable to becoming incapacitated by alcohol as these ads suggest - why are they going to bars and clubs to begin with? If every nice guy or dude that hits on your friend is worthy of suspicion as a potential sexual predator, why the hell are you going out at night?

All these ads project is how men and women aren't equal and that girls in America perpetually need guardians to look after them and make their decisions just like in Saudi Arabia.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - JimNortonFan - 07-05-2013

Went out with a girl and she insisted we use fake ID's to go to a bar even though I tried to talk her into somewhere else.

She wanted to get it on, I didn't want to take advantage of her so let her go home alone after she dropped me off at my place.

Was flabbergasted when the next time I saw her she looked at me with utter hatred in her eyes.

One of my first big doses of Red Pill.

At first chalked it up to what every loser says "Women are weird man."

Then I figured out what was going on.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Teedub - 07-05-2013

The last one is the worst probably. What Therapsid said about the irony of these adverts being the seeming display of women as pathetic chaperone-needing victims is spot on. I thought modern women were empowered, willing to fight in the board-room etc? These feminists/WK's need to make their minds up it appears.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Screwston - 07-05-2013

It's sexist and honestly creepy to not let a woman make up her mind about men and handle big girl decisions. You're just a sexist pig if you don't let her think and choose for herself like men do [Image: popcorn2.gif]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - vinman - 07-05-2013

All of those posters were [Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif][Image: gay.gif]:

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Roosh - 07-05-2013

Check out the last poster... he has a huge stain on his shirt under the black box. He'is so clueless I bet he doesn't even have the opportunity to white knight.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Tuthmosis - 07-05-2013

Quote: (07-05-2013 08:00 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Check out the last poster... he has a huge stain on his shirt under the black box. He'is so clueless I bet he doesn't even have the opportunity to white knight.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - JimNortonFan - 07-05-2013

Roosh is wrong about the last guy. He has his baseball cap on backwards.

That's so rebellious it counts as "Mystique of the Pirate Captain/Bad Boy with a hear of gold type" Game without him saying anything. Stain or no stain he's pulling 9's regularly, 10's on a good day.

Look at the tattoos on the first guy. They scream White Knight.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Matt3B - 07-05-2013

Quote: (07-05-2013 08:18 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2013 08:00 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Check out the last poster... he has a huge stain on his shirt under the black box. He'is so clueless I bet he doesn't even have the opportunity to white knight.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Laughing at a Roosh post with a Roosh gif. That kills me.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - scotian - 07-05-2013

We have the same stupid campaigns up in Canada (I think I posted these before):

[img][Image: don_t_be_that_guy1.jpg][/img]

[img][Image: don_t_be_that_guy2.jpg][/img]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Roosh - 07-05-2013

We should do parodies of these telling guys to go for the gold when a girl is drunk.

"You fed her with 8 drinks and now she's drunk out of her mind... get ready to notch your belt!"

"Your mom always taught you to respect a lady, so when you bring Sarah home for the first time.... remember to choke and spank her."

"No means no... only if you're an idiot who doesn't want to get laid. Plow through her resistance and bang."

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Roosh - 07-05-2013

Quote: (07-05-2013 08:39 PM)scotian Wrote:  

We have the same stupid campaigns up in Canada (I think I posted these before):

[img][Image: don_t_be_that_guy1.jpg][/img]

[img][Image: don_t_be_that_guy2.jpg][/img]

How come no one is asking HOW she got to such an incapacitated state? Is government money telling women to stop being drunks?

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Screwston - 07-05-2013

That first guy has tiny stars to fill in his colorful tattoo sleeve [Image: laugh4.gif]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - WanderingSoul - 07-05-2013

Fat chicks love to give drunk guys blowjobs. I can't count the number of times I've seen a friend, some random guy at a bar, or unfortunately myself once or twice, who is shitfaced beyond believe and being clawed all over by some fat chick. We should make some PSA's about that.

"Obese women, just because he's drunk, doesn't mean you can suck on his junk."

[Image: attachment.jpg12488]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - SpiderKing - 07-05-2013

Why does each person look like they need to wear a training bra?

White Knight Campaign in Montana - JimNortonFan - 07-05-2013

Drunk guys often lower their standards, facilitating hypergamy for low SMV women.

Of course that's ok. Anyone who criticizes that is a misogynist.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Gopher - 07-05-2013

The second one might as well read
"I knew she was asking for it...So I cockblocked her"

White Knight Campaign in Montana - TheBlackNarwhal - 07-05-2013

These bait and switch innuendos are just to good [Image: lol.gif]

I knew she was a cunt-faced bitch....

...So I sent her over to the RVF [Image: dancingman.gif]

White Knight Campaign in Montana - Beyond Borders - 07-06-2013

It's usually the guy who thinks like this who ends up making a move on the drunk chick, actually.

"Come with me. I'm Captain Save-a-Hoe and I'll make sure you're okay."

For some guy's that's their whole angle.

I'm the type that will refuse to bang a chick if she's too wasted, but if a group of idiots thinks they're going to kidnap my drunk-ass date and roll off with her, they have another thing coming. Creepy fucks.

I also agree with Rio. I can't even count all the times I've been "raped" by fat and ugly women. They'll often come out with that very scenario in mind and pour drinks down your throat to keep you interested. The double standard is ridiculous.

EDIT: Look forward to seeing some proper trolling on that facebook page.

White Knight Campaign in Montana - LeBeau - 07-06-2013

The irony of these statements combined with the white knights is that these are the exact type of people that some feminists would scorn, and refer to them as seeking a "Feminist Cookie" if they were to make a big pronouncement about their self congratulatory actions in real life.

I was also trying to think of a concise explanation for the lack of female responsibility that is always brushed off or projected onto men:

"Feminism: Promoting agency...until faced with accountability"

White Knight Campaign in Montana - haywire - 07-06-2013

"If your girlfriend is being whiny and irritable then be a man and step up to the occasion... and give her a rough pounding"