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Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Printable Version

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Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Jaylow - 06-19-2013

Controversial DRM features of Xbox One mostly taken out

They already made my decision for me. If I do buy a console it will be ps4 regardless of what Microsoft has to offer. Whos to say they don't sell millions of these the first year then add the tyrannical 1984 spy shit on its users later?

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Cr33pin - 06-20-2013

Not switching to Gaystation4 anymore, Im back on Xboxs big green dick.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Justice Beaver - 06-20-2013

I think they both made a mistake not making it backwards compatible. Xbox One will be region coded, whereas Playstation 4 is region free & the PS4 will be a lot cheaper than the Xbox One, I reckon that could be the big game changer in sales!

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Architekt - 06-20-2013

Neither of these companies are getting money from me. If I was forced, I'd choose PS4, but I've made the decision to forgo gaming consoles. They're nothing but useless.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Alpharius - 06-20-2013

Remember when the first Xbox was seen as a piece of junk no one would buy and then Halo caught fire and destroyed the competition? I somehow don't see that happening twice. The major PR damage has been done.

The price tag will be the determining feature for most people however.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - w00t - 06-20-2013

I hate sony but propably gonna get a PS4 once its cracked. I like playing on my bigass TV, cant help myself.

I wouldnt be surprised if either Sony or Microsoft put those invasive features back again with later firmwares.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Emancipator - 06-20-2013

Quote: (06-20-2013 09:31 AM)Osiris Wrote:  

Remember when the first Xbox was seen as a piece of junk no one would buy and then Halo caught fire and destroyed the competition? I somehow don't see that happening twice. The major PR damage has been done.

The price tag will be the determining feature for most people however.

That generation the PS2 destroyed the competition.

But Halo was indeed pretty much the sole reason for the first Xbox's success, allowing Microsoft to beat Nintendo.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - kbell - 06-20-2013


Nintendo hasn't really lost anything in terms of profit. They have a great profit model, but not wild about their neglect of third parties.

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - Emancipator - 06-20-2013

Nintendo has always been fiscally prudent, even though the Gamecube was dead last in terms of sold units they made sure that off of day 1 it produced a profit.

Lately though they've been reporting losses, mostly through currency conversions (when the Yen was strong before Abe took over) and taking a loss on the 3DS (not sure about the Wii U).

Xbox One back peddles on invasive "features" - worldwidetraveler - 06-20-2013

It sounds like they actually learned something from the Windows 8 backlash.