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"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - Prophylaxis - 06-18-2013

An exert from an Aussie 'journalist'.

Some background:
Nigella Lawson's husband recently allegedly assaulting her.
Our Prime Minister is also female who pulls the misogyny card whenever she is (correctly) labelled incompetent.
A number of army recruits were caught filming having sex repeatedly with the same girl.
Famous rugby players have sex with groupies - when they get dumped, they pull the rape card.

It's deliberately written to provoke a response and lacks a cohesive argument, but figured I'd feed this one to the lions.


Mostly I dig being a man. It’s awesome. And being a middle class white man? Holy crap. I don’t need to buy a lottery ticket because I won all the things just by turning up. But sometimes … I dunno. Sometimes I am ashamed to have a dick, and I’m not talking about that time I woke up in a crowded train carriage with a gigantic travel stiffy.
This last week, it’s been a shameful dick week.
I mean, what is it with you losers? Do you genuinely hate women? Or are you just too stupid to live and breed? I mean that literally. The gene pool would be better without you. Yes, Sattler, I’m looking at you. And your mate, Akerman. And that restaurant owner with the sub-moronic sense of humour. And the misogynist fools the Chief of the Army is talking to here. And that slobbering waste of human skin married to Nigella Lawson. And seemingly 95 per cent of the communters on Youtube. And the army of dickless wonders stinking up Xbox Live. And the celebrated rapists of rugby league. And that soccer coach with the delightful Dark Ages twist on marital relations. And and and …
Well, you get my point.
Or you don’t, because you are a misogynist dickless wonder who thinks the last week is all just a feminazi PC plot, or even worse just a bit of fun, or just what everyone is saying anyway. That’d be you, Piers, that last one. At least Sattler had the nads and the lack of sense to front Gillard personally and destroy himself in an explosion of shameful stupidity. Your smarmy, weasel words on the ABC’s Insiders, basically gargling and spitting up Sattler’s word vomit all over again don’t even get the grudging Jackass points that his suicidal performance demanded.
Seriously. What is up with you people?
All of you.
Do you not have wives and daughters? Do you not love them and want the best for them? OK. Scratch that. In Saatchi’s case we already know the answer.
Maybe the way out of this strangely primitive cultural moment in which we find ourselves isn’t to talk to, or even consider the actions of the so-called men in question. Maybe it’s the rest of us have some ‘splaining to do.
Because the truth is the world is not solely populated by misogynists and homophobes and embittered, deeply stupid and potentially violent males. It’s also full of calmer, gentler, more intelligent and wiser men who know better than these fools and who are perfectly capable of standing them down. Men who want better for women because so many of the people they care most about in the world are women.
Where are these blokes when a man puts his hands around a woman’s neck and starts to squeeze? Where are they when some idiot demeans and disrespects a prime minister, not because of what she’s done, but because of what she is? Where are you guys? Because if you just stepped up and said no at the very moment that it's happening, not later, but right then and there, some of this wretched dickishness might finally die out.

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"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - scorpion - 06-18-2013

Just another self-loathing, white knight faggot who should mind his own fucking business. Nobody who's actually getting laid runs around calling other men dickless wonders and trying to posture like a tough guy in defense of every two-legged creature that happened to be born with a vagina.

The anger he's projecting at men here is most likely being re-directed from the anger he feels toward his wife for not fucking him, and toward his daughter for being a bratty, ungrateful cunt.

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-18-2013

It's tiring to constantly deconstruct these ridiculous arguments with no foundation other than "whoemever doesn't agree is impotent / eunuch / not a real man" (nice use of "patriarchal shaming" terms there, by the way). I have by now accepted that idiots like this dominate public opinion and policy and changing it is simply not going to work. We can only wait for the society to self-destruct and make the best of our lives in the meantime.

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - T and A Man - 06-18-2013

I'd like to know who the 'celebrated rapists' of Rugby League are?

These get brought up every year, and every year they are proven false... usually in fine print.

Nigella's husband engages in a bit of foreplay in a restaurant, some AJ's send porn to each other on army email and Satller & Akerman, conservative douches of the highest order are fighting a political ideology, not a gender one.

The restaurant gimmick has been sat on for three months, to coincidently released the day after a misogyny speech ehh? And I am more ALP aligned than conservative.

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - Exactaking - 06-18-2013

Is there anything Redeeming about Australia? I was thinking of moving there, given I like the idea of 60 degree Julys. I know Western civilization is killing itself with cultural marxism, but I still want to believe in the Anglosphere. Is Canada a better option, Canada just seems to give away citizenship (three years residency, no taxes on overseas income for 5 years).

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - esperar - 06-18-2013

This guy would never do an article about women doing shit wrong. Guys like this think the sun shines out of women's asses and they can't do anything wrong. This doesn't make the bad things men do any better, however it shows his mind set.

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - tiggaling - 06-18-2013

Australia is becoming more and more straight, PC and wowserish as time goes on. (more like America)

This Sattler thing was such an over-reaction I thought...

Less and less people in Australia seem to have the balls to tell it how it is and be straight up, people so often just follow the party line and do what they are told. The politicians are increasingly gutless, spineless and compromised.

The great Austrlian tradition of Larrikinism is becoming a lost art and increasingly is punished.

As far as the west goes, I do think Australia is the best country for quite a few reasons (weather, nature, spaciousness, opportunity, reasonable people, good employment opportunities etc), but it is probably the best of a bad bunch.

Typically Australia is increasingly a society where people love to immersed in beurocracy, cotton wool safety regulations, long hours of work, a lot of booze and crapulous television where the number one television show for some time was about customs and quarantine busting people coming into the country for bringing in illegal items.

"A Shameful Week to be a Man" - Veloce - 06-18-2013

There's a pretty big Australian contingent here in L.A. I've sort of gotten sucked into their social circle through my job.

The one thing I've learned is that, so help me god, out of all the trips I take during my lifetime, not ONE of them will be to Australia. The women are the most crude, loud, obnoxious, cock-blocking shit-talkers I've ever run into my entire life. I'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard than hear a drunk Australian woman speak her mind.

In regards to the article, it was posted on this website since Nigella is a foodie figure. The white knighting in the comments are ridiculous:

Fortunately, there's one soul on those comments with some common sense [Image: angel.gif]