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Fat Feminist Hates Feminist Men - Printable Version

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Fat Feminist Hates Feminist Men - Divorco - 06-06-2013

Roosh's tweet about this Spearhead post deserves elaboration. Even a "feminist rock star" hates obsequious supplicants. She feels guilty about it, but still won't fuck them.

There is a type of feminist guy who is so eager to fall over himself to be deferential to women ... that it really turns me off. And it makes me sad, because politically, these are the guys that I should be sleeping with! ... I feel like I’m on a pedestal, almost. I know that they’re not going to disagree with anything I say under any circumstances. ... I suspect it has something to do with our internal conceptions of masculinity, which is terrible on my part.

Instead she falls for guys who want a spunky challenge to pump and dump.

other fucking while feminist horror stories: The guys who respond to me and are like, ‘You’re awesome. You’re kind of a hellcat.” ... They seek me out and try to get me interested in them, and then I am, and then they flee.

I like this chick's self-awareness and candor.
