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Any advice on concert game? - CJ - 07-25-2010

The main issue is the noise, of course, and obviously girls are trying to listen to the band they came to see.

The benefits though are you'd instantly have something in-common as you like the same band, and at least some of the same type of music.

Ideally you'd approach during the opening acts, but when is the best time to pick your spot? Between acts when people are going to the bathrooms or to get drinks?

Just looking for anyone with some experience/advice in this area.

Any advice on concert game? - Sonsowey - 07-25-2010

Are you trying to talk to girls during concerts?

If the girl isn't watching the performance cause it's a shit opener, just game her however your comfortable.

If you're both watching the show and enjoying it, don't try to engage her in long conversations. You have to add value to her night, not distract her from the show.

Try to find something to use as a prop that doesn't require words.

For instance, this happened last night:

A girl accidentally touched her can of beer to my arm. It was very hot in the concert and the cold beer felt great. I had her do it again and exagerated how great that little touch felt and got a little laugh. Then I took it and put it to my cheek to cool myself. She asked if I wanted a sip, so I took one, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

From there, she's already accepted my advanges AND invested in me in about 45 seconds. We just started dancing and didn't say much.

One thing I like is guiding her hands. It's innocent to dance while holding someone's hands and moving them. When you put them on your legs or ass, it's her choice what to do. If she grabs or holds on to you, you're already getting a whole body's worth of IOIs. Kiss her.

Any advice on concert game? - Mrs. Chocolate - 07-25-2010

Try to make eye contact during the show and later, ask her phone...

Any advice on concert game? - speakeasy - 07-25-2010

I'm thinking it might be best to get to just get to a show early. Everyone is usually just standing around, waiting and people watching. During the show, forget it. It's not going to happen. I hate talking over loud music for one thing and then you don't have her undivided attention and nobody wants to be pestered while their enjoying the band after they just spend all that money for a ticket. I'm not sure afterward is a good time either because people usually just clear out and rushing to get to the car to avoid the traffic mess in the parking lot. So probably best to just get there early and see what walks in.

Any advice on concert game? - CJ - 07-25-2010

I think getting their early is smart, as sometimes tailgating is involved plus people are usually bored waiting for things to get going. During the main act I dismissed already. After may work, but that depends very heavily on the venue...

I used to go to a lot more shows (mind you I wasn't single then) but I'd really like to explore this area. The more I think about it, the more I realize this will have to be divided into three categories: The first being shows you pay actual money to go see, and that even could be divided into two categories - indoors & outdoors. The second being shows at bars - which may be more of your standard bar pick-up, not sure. The third being free shows at fairs, etc - this may blend into day game. I'm going to try to get out to more shows and report back on this.

Any advice on concert game? - Kona - 07-25-2010

Cruise the smoking section.

I don't know what city you're in, but if it's a US one, the concert venue probably has some gay smoking rules. Just work the girls out there. Maybe have 3-5 spliffs ready if need be.

Try to find girls that you have better seats than. Tell them to come watch the rest of the show with you.


Any advice on concert game? - Mrs. Chocolate - 07-25-2010

Around here some shows have breaks, also good to see the surroundings.

Any advice on concert game? - Nonpareil - 07-25-2010

Bring joints, like 13 of them. Hide them in your smoke pack.

Any advice on concert game? - CJ - 07-27-2010

And I'm an idiot. Got there, already with enough of a buzz to last the night, but I decided being a cheap fucker that I didn't want to pay $8 per drink inside, so I'd do some heavy tailgating. Met plenty of people tailgating, and inside as well. My friends (two married couples) got sick of waiting for me to stop hitting on girls, and headed inside, so most of the rest of the night was solo. At this point I have no idea what exactly I said to open, but I remember talking to a lot of people. I also remember using the "I'm too old for you" routine, which for some reason works too well. Only problem is I had no idea whose number was whose the next day, so they're pretty much no use to me, plus I don't believe any of the girls I talked to lived within a 30 minute drive anyway. I'm not condoning it, but I also smoked, and would definitely agree with the "bring joints" theory, which ties into G's "ultimate pick-up line."

I think concerts should be an easy place to run game on the whole, just need to be more sober next time so I can progress logically. My goal that night seemed to be to just get wasted though, so good for me. I'll be back at the same venue in three weeks for a much bigger show, looking forward to this.

Any advice on concert game? - loophole - 07-27-2010

always know where the afterparty is. go with a bunch of fun people, introduce people to your collective drunkdance, and ask them if they want to roll with to the afterparty, but dont fuck up and tell them without knowing that they'll go with you, bitches be sly

Any advice on concert game? - Sonsowey - 07-27-2010

Get a girl to punch in her own number to your phone.

She'll put her name in, spell it correctly and the problem is solved.

With the numbers you have, just get in touch with them anyway. If they don't pick up, leave a message "Hey what's up? It's CJ call me back". If they give you a call back just answer with an unsure "hello? who's this?" and they'll identify themselves. Then see what's up.