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Bang or Bike? - Soma - 05-02-2013

I have two options:

1) Go for the layup tonight with a bird I met today but am only mildly attracted to, for new flag + notch
2) Go on all-day motorbike trip tomorrow that I already had planned


It's her last night in Thailand, first day away from her prudish friend who left yesterday, basically begged me to meet up for more drinks later tonight, seems like a pretty cool girl (unlike most of the lame-ass Western chicks in SEA) and clearly wants the D. Layup.


She's American (SoCal), and I've managed to completely avoid American girls up to this point in my life. In fact, haven't been with an Anglosphere girl for as long as I can remember. More distressing, though, is that I just discovered she's older than I thought. Well older. I assumed she was mid-late 20s but she's actually 5 years(!) older than me and would be the oldest woman I've ever been with. Having given me her internet contact info and with her being in a public profession it was hard not to stumble onto her personal info. Also, seeing that she used to be at least a full point higher in her prime, in the high 7-low 8 range, is further disappointing.

On the other hand, I had an all-day motorbike trip planned through the mountains of northern Thailand, leaving at 5am. If I go out drinking tonight there's absolutely no way I'll be able to make it tomorrow, and I fly out the day after, so it would be a pretty big bummer to skip it.

So, bang or bike?

Bang or Bike? - Travelsick - 05-02-2013

... and you can't get on your bike the day after?

Bang or Bike? - Nudge - 05-02-2013

Bike. Its just another ho (and an American one at that). Although I dunno why you couldnt go for both. Ask to meet up for afternoon cocktails or whatever then try get her to yours as quickly as possible, bang, chuck her out and get some sleep before bike.

Bang or Bike? - Soma - 05-02-2013

Quote: (05-02-2013 04:57 AM)Travelsick Wrote:  

... and you can't get on your bike the day after?

Didn't include all the details but we can't meet up earlier and I'd be with her until at least 2am. I'm not going to go on such a trip that requires 12+ hours of constant concentration (so I don't die) hungover with 2 hours or less of sleep.

To be clear: can't do both.

Bang or Bike? - Thomas the Rhymer - 05-02-2013

The motorbike trip sounds more exciting. Go bike.

Bang or Bike? - Soma - 05-02-2013

Quote: (05-02-2013 05:03 AM)Nudge Wrote:  

Bike. Its just another ho (and an American one at that).

Ya, I'm strongly leaning towards bike now. My downstairs brain was trying to lead me astray, but writing out the options brought more clarity. There'll be other fresher wet holes to smash.

Edit: Flaked on her. Bike it is.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Bang or Bike? - gandt - 05-02-2013

Never change your plans for a woman. Fuck that shit.

Bang or Bike? - gandt - 05-02-2013

Quote: (05-02-2013 06:29 AM)gandt Wrote:  

Never change your plans for a woman. Fuck that shit.

It's a bad habit and I feel as if that decision and the attitude surrounding it will seep into your behaviour around women.

Bang or Bike? - Gallego2006 - 05-02-2013


I mean, short lived carnal pleasures or lasting memories of all-day biking?

Bang or Bike? - Audacity - 05-02-2013

Dude just do whatever you feel the most like doing. We can't really decide for you, especially since we havent even met the girl.
But it sounds to me like you would rather go bike, but you feel guilt since you would miss out on a flag and a notch. You aren't missing out on anything if the thing is something you dont wanna do, and you are the only one counting anyway, so go ride that bike

Bang or Bike? - Samseau - 05-02-2013

Bike ride sounds awesome

Bang or Bike? - AneroidOcean - 05-02-2013

100% the bike ride. Having recently stayed up way too late for what looked to be a slam dunk that turned out otherwise, go for the thing you're certain you're going to enjoy that you've already invested the effort to plan/schedule.

Bang or Bike? - Gator_McKlusky - 05-02-2013

Man trips always, always, always take precedent over women - even girlfriends and LTRs. The bike trip will improve your life and more make lasting memories more than a 3 a.m. forgettable piece of ass ever will.

Bang or Bike? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-02-2013

Even if the bike ride was something shitty and unappealing, I still believe that changing your plans in desperate chase of a woman will come back to haunt a man every time.

Bang or Bike? - Giovonny - 05-02-2013

If you are asking this question, then you don't want to fuck her.

If you wanted to fuck her, you would have -- without needing to ask us.

Enjoy the bike ride.

Sometimes, these things are better then sex.

Bang or Bike? - Roosh - 05-02-2013

If it was a highly prized flag, especially from a Muslim country, then I would have banged.

But American flag... you'll have more opportunities.

Bang or Bike? - RussianRootCanal - 05-02-2013

Tell her about your dilemma and see if she's willing to just get down to business.

Bang or Bike? - Monte Cassino - 05-02-2013

Fine women are like fine motorcycles. You have ride them hard and long at least once a week in order to keep them charged and lubed.