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SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - uni - 04-20-2013

SHOCKING BUT TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP

Our genetical programming makes us, guys, to simply rate a very ugly girl
as hot, only based on her "makeup application skills".

The examples are endless.

Would you bang this:

[Image: rihanna.jpg]

But would you bang this ? (pictures taken in the same week):

[Image: Rihanna-20120501-59.jpg]

or this:

[Image: Rihanna+Without+Makeup+pic+2013.jpg]

or this:

[Image: Rihanna%20-%20no%20make-up-01-520x520.jpg]

or this:

[Image: rihanna-nomakeup-holding.jpg]

Do we all always fall in love only with the chemicals (MAKEUP)
that girls apply on their faces?

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Jaylow - 04-20-2013

Makeup is what messes up their faces in the first place.

Its ingrained in young girls heads at a very early age that make up is a must not to mention zits are partially caused by makeup so they use even more to mask it. Cant be healthy to have your faces pores clogged for 1/2+ of your youth.

If I only knew in high school what I know now. Recipe to never get zits: Hot water 3x a day on your face, change your pillow cases once a week (or flip it over and change once every 2 weeks) and never touch your face with your open oily hands. Cost, $0.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Menace - 04-20-2013

Doesn't matter as long as she looks good the first bang. If she turns into Shrek in the morning, never speak to her again. It's not really a problem.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Sailor - 04-20-2013

with or without make up she still has this body

[Image: RIHANNA+]

and i am a sucker for this skin tone [Image: blush.gif]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - uni - 04-20-2013

But this is the problem: we always validate her 2 hour makeup session where she fills her ugly face with a lot of industrial chemicals (makeup),
we reward her for doring so because we bang their makeup actually...

we have sex with their makeup.

Without the make up, they are simply disgusting:

[Image: Stars_Without_Makeup_C.jpg]

[Image: camerondiaz1.jpg]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Roosh - 04-20-2013

The celebrities foisted upon us are in most cases no better than the high average you see on the street, sometimes worse.

But if the first time I see a girl is in makeup, I want to always see her with it or else her rating will go down and the illusion will be destroyed. Ukrainian/Polish girls are good about not letting you know too much.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - WesternCancer - 04-20-2013

[Image: troll.gif]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - uni - 04-20-2013

Same girl, 1 hour difference in the same day:

No Comment

[Image: chinese-girls-makeup-before-and-after-02-560x396.jpg]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - cardguy - 04-20-2013

Helena Rubinstein: 'There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.'

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - cardguy - 04-20-2013

Hey uni - is this what you meant to post up?

[Image: Chinese-girls-before-and-after-makeup-11.jpg]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Matt3B - 04-20-2013

The thing is, the pictures probably make it worse than it actually is. In the same way girls go ga-ga over a guy's attitude and persona, girls will be judged by men by the way they hold themselves and act. The pictures don't display that so while she doesn't look her best in those pictures (referring to Rihanna), I bet she actually looks better in person without makeup than in pictures without it.

Plus, it's Rihanna so yes I would still fuck her.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - uni - 04-20-2013

Some guys if they are not very careful, they will end up having sex with ladyboys:

[Image: 1322722550_The_magic_of_makeup_gag.jpg]

[Image: dodgy.gif]

[Image: chinese_girl_after_makeup_2.jpg]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - A CLizzy - 04-20-2013

they should take it off the shelves as soon as possible. Because over here in the UK it's getting abused, I promise you I have seen some straight Males who use this shit before a Night out.


Politicians are angels compared to some of these British girls, I come across in the clubs.


the high maintenance girls who portray a certain type of snobby attitude. I just forgive them on the spot.

'Lord have, Mercy'.

and quickly move on.

[Image: 4norenee.jpg]

This is why I prefer Eastern european women, that exude prettiness naturally. Kim Kardashian is a perfect example.

[Image: 19119-kim-kardashian-ugly-without-makeup.jpg]

if it was being used Minimally, then fair enough. But the Majority over here in the UK become Clowns with it.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Dulceácido - 04-20-2013

HOLY CRAP! This thread is horrifying!

[Image: Kill_it_with_fire_scorpio.gif]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Blackhawk - 04-20-2013

Hair dye is also a factor in women hiding their true age. Women start to get gray hair at age 25. Women need a multi-billion dollar industry to hide the age that their real hair color gives away. (The cosplay girls above are just slamming a wig on their head)

The problem is fertility decline and ability to carry a child to term successfully doesn't get delayed just because a woman is dyeing over gray roots and wearing makeup to hide her aging face. She can mask the symptoms, but not cure the source. Which is her age.

The focus on women age 18-25 by men with game is just seeing through the artifice.

On the down side, many women this age range are spotty faced.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - soup - 04-20-2013

Keep in mind that when a girl does herself up, she usually feels better and more sexy. I think this also affects the energy she puts into the world. It's kind of like how a dude feels if he's just finished working out or is wearing cool clothes.

You can see the difference in confidence in all these pictures. As guys, we are mostly looking for visual, but we still can be turned on by a girl's attitude, disposition, way she carries herself etc.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-20-2013

I don't give a fuck, really. There are faces that benefit a lot from makeup, some that benefit only slightly, and some that don't benefit at all. The woman putting on makeup cares about looking the best possible for her (prospective) man, just like I am careful what to say with her. I don't see why that would be shocking. If she turns out unattractive (same as that girl who seemed sweet at the beginning but is actually a psycho-bitch or something), you just move on. The probability of finding out the said unattractiveness is 100% for any endeavour with her (you're sure not going to marry someone whom you've never seen without makeup, for example, and for SNLs you don't care as you won't see her again).

I just fail to see the deception factor.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - uni - 04-20-2013

The deception factor is that the majority of the guys have sex and fall in love with the MAKEUP and its ilussions.

They fuck very ugly girls... or sometimes old men... who are good at placing the makeup [Image: wink.gif]

As in our examples above

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Fitzgerald - 04-20-2013

Probably the white trash in me speaking, but I do like slutty makeup. But, I like natural beauty, too. If a chick can pull off both, it's a bonus for me.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Dulceácido - 04-20-2013

Yeah... Dude, some of those Asians are just fucking gaggingly atrocious until make-up, then--BAM! hotties. I would be so proud of myself to pull one of those made up chicks, but without the make-up, I wouldn't give them the time of day. OP has a good point.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - durangotang - 04-20-2013

Stars without makeup: The real face of fame

[Image: fCaVdhj.jpg]


[Image: W9GjVM4.jpg]

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - BortimusPrime - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 10:01 AM)Jaylow Wrote:  

Makeup is what messes up their faces in the first place.

Its ingrained in young girls heads at a very early age that make up is a must not to mention zits are partially caused by makeup so they use even more to mask it. Cant be healthy to have your faces pores clogged for 1/2+ of your youth.

If I only knew in high school what I know now. Recipe to never get zits: Hot water 3x a day on your face, change your pillow cases once a week (or flip it over and change once every 2 weeks) and never touch your face with your open oily hands. Cost, $0.

Not touching your face is legit, not just for acne but cold viruses and allergens on your greasy fingers. Washing your face doesn't help much though, believe me I tried it and still ended up with a high school experience similar to the late heavy bombardment.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - Kingsley Davis - 04-20-2013

Apparently the clowny look is the shiznit in the UK.
[Image: attachment.jpg11278]    [Image: attachment.jpg11279]   
[Image: attachment.jpg11280]   

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - InternationPlayboy - 04-20-2013

Makeup is ok as long as it's used minimally. Unfortunately, most girls below a 7 or 8 apply way too liberally.

BTW, the Asian pictures are disturbing.

SHOCKING BUT SO TRUE : The vast majority of guys fall in love with MAKEUP - bacon - 04-20-2013

[Image: 8df5c27826629a8bf45157e0445eb17a.jpg]