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Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Screwston - 04-05-2013


A father who was caught on camera whipping his teenage daughters with cable wire has been charged with child endangerment and corporal punishment, authorities said on Thursday.

Greg Horn, 35, allegedly beat his two daughters, aged 12 and 14, after he caught them filming a 'twerk' video and posting it on Facebook at their home in Dayton, Ohio.

'Twerking' is a sexually provocative dance move that involves gyrating the lower body.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - J DOE - 04-05-2013

Damn...he definitely OD'd on it.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-05-2013

I was about to say that I wouldn't ever do serious corporal punishment on my daughters like that, even though I'd hate the idea of them making "twerking" videos, and that I weren't sure if the state should have gotten involved in this case. But upon watching the video, that is really savage. I say good riddance.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - scotian - 04-05-2013

My parents used to spank me like that, but not with cable wire, a wooden spoon or leather belt. That guy is fucked.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Laser - 04-05-2013

He wasn't really hitting them that hard. It's the gut wrenching screams that make it seem worse than it is.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Sebastian - 04-05-2013

then by hand? I used to get my ass whooped by baseball bat. [Image: blush.gif]

Quote: (04-05-2013 05:05 AM)scotian Wrote:  

My parents used to spank me like that, but not with cable wire, a wooden spoon or leather belt. That guy is fucked.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - j r - 04-05-2013

I used to get that with a belt and I'm pretty sure that I screamed just as loud. A cable wire is a bit much, but those girls were also fully clothed. I wonder of there was any bruises or damage. If not, then it's just a beating.

Also, why the fuck would you record that? Did he think they'd want to sit around later and watch that as a family? Play at it the daughter's weddings.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - augen sehen - 04-05-2013

Growing up I used to get my ass beat a lot. Any girls I knew didn't, even when they seriously overstepped bounds. They usually just got a talking-to. While I don't wanna say this shit is nothing, those girls definitely wouldn't be thinking about uploading more twerking more videos if society supported him in disciplining his children.

As it is, they'll probably just make fun of him for this and turn into raging sluts, a path which they had already chosen by the looks of it.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Lights - 04-05-2013

He beat the older one more because she was more responsible.

If they're smart they won't twerk anymore. I got my ass beat like that when I was a kid by my dad I don't know if that works for little girls though..

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - A War You Cannot Win - 04-05-2013

I guarantee those two girls won't ever been seen in 'da club' twerking ever.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - augen sehen - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 08:06 AM)Lights Wrote:  

He beat the older one more because she was more responsible.

If they're smart they won't twerk anymore. I got my ass beat like that when I was a kid by my dad I don't know if that works for little girls though..

I think little girls are guided a lot more by their peers and society (and to an extent their mothers) than by their fathers.

Odds are they post more twerking vids, they just smarten up about it.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - WanderingSoul - 04-05-2013

The first one was borderline, but the second daughter he beat he took it too far. I'm 100% for people being able to spank their kids, but that guy obviously has a shit temperament to be raising any children. I'm not surprised they are putting whoreish videos on the Internet.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Ovid - 04-05-2013

I'm fully in favor of corporal punishment, but it rather loses its effectiveness after the child is 7 or so and reaches the age of reason. The better solution is to make damn sure that the girls are not exposed to a culture in the first place which promotes 'twerking' videos as a cool thing to do, and for the father to make it clear beforehand exactly where he stands and what he thinks of girls whoring their bodies and their dignity for male attention -a talk which is especially necessary when girls are in that 12-15 age group when they suddenly have sex hormones racing through their bodies and have an instinctive desire to put on a show for the boys.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - iknowexactly - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 08:09 AM)A War You Cannot Win Wrote:  

I guarantee those two girls won't ever been seen in 'da club' twerking ever.

Are you kidding? as soon as they're 18 or 21 or whatever and out of the house that's EXACTLY what they're going to do to show him who's boss.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Matt3B - 04-05-2013

Youtube is being a fucking cunt so I can't go back over the video to clarify, but it looked like a skipping rope to me when he threw it to the floor at the end.

Either way, that was overkill.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Days of Broken Arrows - 04-05-2013

Maybe I just come from a screwed up family, but when my dad got pissed at us he's basically punch the shit out of us as if he were Muhammad Ali. When we collapsed, he stopped.

When my brother once tried to escape him by crawling under his bedsheets, my dad just started punching the sheets. How far out of the mainstream was this?

Addendum: it's the screaming that makes this video seem worse than it actually is. IMO the beating wasn't so bad if they would have just shut up and taken it like men!

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Zebra_Cakes - 04-05-2013

I used to get hit with a belt on the legs if I did something out of line. The one that stands out the most was when I was young and talked back to my grandmother, and my grandfather didn't even say a word. Just took it off and gave me a couple lashes. Was pretty scary and I probably screamed like them. In hindsight, the punishment wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but it was very much a deterrent.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - A CLOCKWORK TRADER - 04-05-2013

A few tips for dads with daughters:

1. Put the computer in the living room only. Do not ever allow your daughters to have a computer in their room. Have a basic computer without the internet and webcam so when she gets home she can type whatever she wants to type. If she has to do research for something she can do it at the school's library or at your local library. When you come home from work you can let her use your laptop for internet use if she's been a good girl. Again, put the appropriate filters on it and set designated hours for use.

2. No social media whatsoever. These two girls of 12 and 14 years old needed Facebook? I'd like to see someone justify that bullshit. Also, I can just imagine the attention whoring they're involved in with Instagram, Twitter, etc. Don't let them get on any of these social sites.

3. No cell phones. If you insist, get an absolutely basic cell phone without the qwerty like those old Nokia or Motorola ones she can use to call you only during an emergency (it'll be so basic she'll lie to her friends and say she has no cellphone because she's so embarrassed and thus never use it for nonsense).

4. Cut television use too. No televisions in their room, put one in the living room and control what they see. Too much television dulls the mind and absolutely kills attention span.

5. Encourage a hobby. She likes dance? Send her to ballet classes. She likes painting? Send her to art classes. She likes music? Send her to music lessons and so on and so fourth.

6. Encourage her to read. She'll develop her own taste in books but you have to lead. Read with her at night. Talk about the books you both have read together, etc.

7. Let her be bored. Don't worry about constantly having to entertain her or always keeping her busy. Boredom is a good thing for kids. It'll help their creativity.

These simple rules can go a long way.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - A War You Cannot Win - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 10:57 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2013 08:09 AM)A War You Cannot Win Wrote:  

I guarantee those two girls won't ever been seen in 'da club' twerking ever.

Are you kidding? as soon as they're 18 or 21 or whatever and out of the house that's EXACTLY what they're going to do to show him who's boss.

Whenever my Father beat me for doing something dumb, I took that as a lesson learned.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - lavidaloca - 04-05-2013

That was filthy to see. That guy looks like he has serious anger issues. Beating up a couple of little girls. I don't care if they got gangbanged there is still no excuse. Violence isn't needed to teach someone not to do something.

Getting beat up by your parents when you do something wrong is not normal.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - MidniteSpecial - 04-05-2013

Pretty much all my black friends got whooped like that when we were little.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - MidniteSpecial - 04-05-2013

"He shouldn't be in jail, he should have gotten an award. They needed they ass beat! I woulda done more damage than he did...fuck the justice's designed for us to fail any damn way."

My friend posted the article on his facebook timeline. That was a comment from a black lady. Her comment has 5 likes so far

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - MidniteSpecial - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:41 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

That was filthy to see. That guy looks like he has serious anger issues. Beating up a couple of little girls. I don't care if they got gangbanged there is still no excuse. Violence isn't needed to teach someone not to do something.

Getting beat up by your parents when you do something wrong is not normal.

That wasn't getting beat up. It was getting whopped. Huge difference. They probably had minimal marks on them after that.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - Samseau - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 03:12 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:41 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

That was filthy to see. That guy looks like he has serious anger issues. Beating up a couple of little girls. I don't care if they got gangbanged there is still no excuse. Violence isn't needed to teach someone not to do something.

Getting beat up by your parents when you do something wrong is not normal.

That wasn't getting beat up. It was getting whopped. Huge difference. They probably had minimal marks on them after that.

According to the article:


One of the girls was left with welts and open wounds to her thighs, police told ABC.

Looks like they were hit pretty hard. Even still, I support the father's actions. He may have gone too far, but he had the right intentions.

Father charged after whooping daughters for twerking video - MidniteSpecial - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 03:25 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2013 03:12 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:41 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

That was filthy to see. That guy looks like he has serious anger issues. Beating up a couple of little girls. I don't care if they got gangbanged there is still no excuse. Violence isn't needed to teach someone not to do something.

Getting beat up by your parents when you do something wrong is not normal.

That wasn't getting beat up. It was getting whopped. Huge difference. They probably had minimal marks on them after that.

According to the article:


One of the girls was left with welts and open wounds to her thighs, police told ABC.

Looks like they were hit pretty hard. Even still, I support the father's actions. He may have gone too far, but he had the right intentions.

I feel you. Welts an open wound sound like bumps and scratches exaggerated by the bs media.

If he was striking their faces with closed fists that's abuse and jail worthy. Taking a belt or cord and whipping your kids in your own home should be every parents right. Just another example of the puasification of America.