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Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 03-31-2013

Good looking wealthy young dudes get on this forum and go on and on about running tight game. But if you are good looking, wealthy, and/or young you don’t need jack shit for game. All you gotta’ do is stand in a corner flashing youthful beauty and cash and you are done. Game over. Chicks will just flock. I mean, truth be told, all you gotta’ do is flash cash and chicks will flock. Period. So let’s don’t go on and on about mixing it up international playboy style when you are independently wealthy. Why? Because we don’t know if chicks are banging you because you are a fun stylish dude with vibe or because you’re a pure-T sleaze dick rolling in drug money and inherited cash. Chicks are fucking stupid, they’ll fall for anything.

So let’s talk today about those of us who really need game to bang, namely: the ugly, broke, and dying. Now if you fit into all three of these categories I ain’t gonna’ lie to you, you got your work cut out for you. But when it comes to getting your ugly, broke, old-ass dick into some hot young pussy, with solid logistics and a game plan anything is possible. Dare to dream my fellow alphas, dare to dream.

Ok, so I’m gonna’ break this shit down by archetype:

Archetype #1: UGLY MAN… Wow, this one is pretty debilitating and I’m not even gonna’ pretend to know what its like to live inside a truly ugly body and face. But you were born this way so you must accept it and get on with cultivating a more beautiful you. One positive thing about your situation is that you’ve got nowhere to go but up. And remember, for chicks, cash trumps all qualities (game included). Just take a look at that socially awkward butt-butter-faced dweeb Mark Zuckerberg… zero game. So start focusing on making tons of cash. Also, anything short of elephantitis and you can make vast improvements in your look via exercise, diet, grooming, personal hygiene, cultivating vibe, and running tight game. Another positive is that chicks just aren’t quite as hung up on looks as guys are. So if you can make them laugh and pick up the bar tab they’re more likely to look past the hair growing out of your big-ass-Jew-bitch hook nose. Some of your issues may even be worthy of plastic surgery, dental reconstruction, and/or laser hair removal (or electrolysis). However, as Roosh points out in Bang there is no substitute for hours of hard work lifting weights at the gym. And I’m gonna’ go out on a limb here and say that if you have acute skin issues (like cystic acne) that a whole foods diet low in animal fat and high in fiber and omega-3 oils will do you worlds of good. Hemp seed, fish oil (salmon and sardines), blueberries, seaweed, walnuts, pecans, kiwi fruit, goji berries, acai juice, pomegranates, coconut water, olive oil, red wine, bananas, miso, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, garlic, ginger, green tea, soy beans, honey, yerba mate, spirulina, wheat grass, blue agave, umeboshi plums, whole grains (oats, rice and barely), and flax seed are all what they call Super Foods. They call em’ that for a reason. Get on it. Severely cut back on burgers and beer and cigarettes and replace that crap with these giants of health and you will see a big difference in the sparkliness of your eyes, skin and hair (FYI: cigarettes can grey your hair, fog up your eyes, rot your teeth, and leave wrinkles around your mouth in as little as five to ten years depending on your genetics). For those with chronic adult acne you may want to consider Acutane, a knarly drug which requires monthly blood tests to make sure you are not contracting chemical hepatitis, but nonetheless, it works like a charm.

“We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm.” – Winston Churchill

Archetype #2: BROKE MAN… Good news on this one. It’s just fuckin’ hard, painful, boring-ass work man. So stop loafing and start putting in the hours required to be a do it yourselfer (like Roosh). Fuck college unless you wanna’ be a doctor which is a very cool profession that helps others while getting you good cash and high quality notches. Can you read? Do you have a public library card? Then you can teach yourself anything. Learn HTML (how to build websites), Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and everything about repairing computers and smart phones. A motivated young alpha could learn all of these futuristic hyper-skills in four years or less in their own living room for under a $1000 bucks. Done. However, in starting your own business you must put in 80 hours a week for the first four years, period. None of this 40-hour “work” week shit when you are a DIY’er. You gotta’ eat, sleep, and breathe that shit. Sweat the details. Pull all-nighters if you have to. You can sleep when you’re old and/or dead. You may ask, “Uncle Urkle, how can you be such an authority on making cash when you are such a broke ass motherfucker?” Good point, maybe I can’t, but keep in mind that some of the best major league batting coaches could never hit the ball over the fence themselves but for some reason they are very good at teaching others how to knock it out of the park.

When all else fails grow herb. It is The Future. Grab a piece of the pie. You wanna’ be involved in a supply and demand market on par with beer and cigarettes? Then get on board NOW. Move to a medical state and get a license to grow. However, learning to grow herb takes a solid year so don’t think that it is an easy answer to a complicated problem. Don’t quit your day job (good cover and fiscal insurance). Hope you got your alpha game running high or the paranoia will kill you. Can’t get super rich in it right now and remain free and alive, but in your lifetime this stuff is going to go big business. I’m not involved with this but have friends in Cali that own dispensaries so I am knowledgeable about the subject if you have any questions. Remember: nothing good comes fast, easy, or cheap.

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” - William Blake

Archetype #3: DYING MAN… So, if you are literally dying and you don’t have any cash you are fucked, but you could still utilize internet game to get a few top notches before you croak. Just get on okcupid and craigslist and You Tube (they are free) and state the following: “Hi, my name is Purple Urkle and I am dying of cancer. The doctors have given me one month to live because I can’t afford the treatment they are prescribing. I am a virgin. I do not want to die a virgin. My final wish is to have sex with a model. I don’t want to hire a prostitute because that’s against my morals. If you know of any models who would make sweet love to me before I die it would be much appreciated. Tell her I will buy her pizza. Thank you for your time and support. I tried contacting the Make A Wish Foundation but they said they don’t grant these kinds of wishes. God bless you! May you live long and prosper.”

However, if you are just gettin’ a little long in the tooth (over 50) and your ball sack is now hangin’ lower to the ground than your penis head then cultivating youthful vibe, hitting the gym, running tight over the hill game, and flashing cash are the obvious answers (again ).

Bang on,

Uncle Purps

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - fortysix - 03-31-2013

Great post ! - very inspirational. There is also one more category that needs to be adressed, though - the stupid.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Suits - 03-31-2013

I suck, so this post was informative and helpful. Probably changed the way I think about game.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - alphanov - 03-31-2013

Bullshit. I used to be ugly as fuck, but then braced myself (literally), used laser surgery to cure poor eyesight, spent long years in the gym building a physique, got the acne under control.. and went on for another year with no sex. I had to learn game to get notches. No game = no notches (unless you pay a hooker)

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Vitriol - 03-31-2013

Quote: (03-31-2013 03:43 PM)alphanov Wrote:  

Bullshit. I used to be ugly as fuck, but then braced myself (literally), used laser surgery to cure poor eyesight, spent long years in the gym building a physique, got the acne under control.. and went on for another year with no sex. I had to learn game to get notches. No game = no notches (unless you pay a hooker)

I don't think what Purps said is bullshit. If you're a guy, being ugly is the easiest to fix out of the three. You can pretty much overcome it by getting in good shape and being financially successful. Looks don't matter as much as things like money and charisma for guys.

There are plenty of famous actors and professional athletes that are pretty fugly looking. I bet they still get tons of pussy.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 03-31-2013

Quote: (03-31-2013 04:00 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2013 03:43 PM)alphanov Wrote:  

Bullshit. I used to be ugly as fuck, but then braced myself (literally), used laser surgery to cure poor eyesight, spent long years in the gym building a physique, got the acne under control.. and went on for another year with no sex. I had to learn game to get notches. No game = no notches (unless you pay a hooker)

I don't think what Purps said is bullshit. If you're a guy, being ugly is the easiest to fix out of the three. You can pretty much overcome it by getting in good shape and being financially successful. Looks don't matter as much as things like money and charisma for guys.

There are plenty of famous actors and professional athletes that are pretty fugly looking. I bet they still get tons of pussy.

Yeah, I think we agree. Game is important for sure. Everyone has different experiences. When I was young I got girls purely on my looks. I truly had anti-game. I was always talking heady philosophy and politics and I dressed for shit and had zero cash but the panties still dropped regularly. I attribute those successes to youthful beauty.

What was said about the fame game is true. Really, if you wanna' bypass all of this just focus on becoming famous. Then you can be ugly and say whatever you want about anything at anytime and you will slay 9's all night everynight. Fame Game could possibly be the ultimate highest level of the game.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 03-31-2013

Quote: (03-31-2013 02:17 PM)se7en Wrote:  

Great post ! - very inspirational. There is also one more category that needs to be adressed, though - the stupid.

Yeah, that's a good one. Stupid Man. All I can suggest for that is high levels of literacy game. The more you read the smarter you become.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - thegmanifesto - 03-31-2013

Quote: (03-31-2013 01:07 PM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Good looking wealthy young dudes get on this forum and go on and on about running tight game. But if you are good looking, wealthy, and/or young you don’t need jack shit for game. All you gotta’ do is stand in a corner flashing youthful beauty and cash and you are done. Game over. Chicks will just flock. I mean, truth be told, all you gotta’ do is flash cash and chicks will flock. Period. So let’s don’t go on and on about mixing it up international playboy style when you are independently wealthy.

People that really know Game would argue that this is Game.


Why? Because we don’t know if chicks are banging you because you are a fun stylish dude with vibe or because you’re a pure-T sleaze dick rolling in drug money and inherited cash. Chicks are fucking stupid, they’ll fall for anything.

We do know why girls are swooping you.

Because you did it before you had money too.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - jariel - 04-01-2013

Quote: (03-31-2013 10:11 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2013 01:07 PM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Good looking wealthy young dudes get on this forum and go on and on about running tight game. But if you are good looking, wealthy, and/or young you don’t need jack shit for game. All you gotta’ do is stand in a corner flashing youthful beauty and cash and you are done. Game over. Chicks will just flock. I mean, truth be told, all you gotta’ do is flash cash and chicks will flock. Period. So let’s don’t go on and on about mixing it up international playboy style when you are independently wealthy.

People that really know Game would argue that this is Game.


Game is simply using whatever you have to get what you want in life.

I disagree with your assessment on flashing cash because I see the old Papis here in Miami doing it on the regular. Flashing cash just makes you a trick, and chicks use tricks. They give the tricks the illusion of pussy to make them keep trickin', meanwhile a dude like me who's offering not too much more than dick and bubblegum is deep sea swimming in the pussy.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-01-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 02:49 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2013 10:11 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2013 01:07 PM)Purple Urkle
od looking wealthy young dudes get on this forum and go on and on about running tight game. But if you are g[b' Wrote:  

ood looking, wealthy, and/or young[/b] you don’t need jack shit for game. All you gotta’ do is stand in a corner flashing youthful beauty and cash and you are done. Game over. Chicks will just flock. I mean, truth be told, all you gotta’ do is flash cash and chicks will flock. Period. So let’s don’t go on and on about mixing it up international playboy style when you are independently wealthy.

People that really know Game would argue that this is Game.


Game is simply using whatever you have to get what you want in life.

I disagree with your assessment on flashing cash because I see the old Papis here in Miami doing it on the regular. Flashing cash just makes you a trick, and chicks use tricks. They give the tricks the illusion of pussy to make them keep trickin', meanwhile a dude like me who's offering not too much more than dick and bubblegum is deep sea swimming in the pussy.

I agree. Whatever works for you and brings a smile to your face is what you should go with. This can change throughout the development process. As far as knowing what game is, I'm not sure game is something you are born with (money, looks, charisma). I had an acting teacher who also trained Benicio del Toro and Helen Hunt and he said only 1 in 400 humans have The It. The vibe. The aura. If you are born a pussy magnet or you come out of your mama's vagina a perfect 10 is that game? To me game is something you develop, its a technique not founded on luck and inherited gifts.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-01-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:09 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2013 02:49 AM)jariel Wrote:  

[quote] (03-31-2013 10:11 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

(03-31-2013, 06:07 PM)Purple Urkle
od looking wealthy young dudes get on this forum and go on and on about running tight game. But if you are g[b' Wrote:  
ood looking, wealthy, and/or young[/b] you don’t need jack shit for game. All you gotta’ do is stand in a corner flashing youthful beauty and cash and you are done. Game over. Chicks will just flock. I mean, truth be told, all you gotta’ do is flash cash and chicks will flock. Period. So let’s don’t go on and on about mixing it up international playboy style when you are independently wealthy.

People that really know Game would argue that this is Game.


Game is simply using whatever you have to get what you want in life.

I disagree with your assessment on flashing cash because I see the old Papis here in Miami doing it on the regular. Flashing cash just makes you a trick, and chicks use tricks. They give the tricks the illusion of pussy to make them keep trickin', meanwhile a dude like me who's offering not too much more than dick and bubblegum is deep sea swimming in the pussy.

I agree. Whatever works for you and brings a smile to your face is what you should go with. This can change throughout the development process. As far as knowing what game is, I'm not sure game is something you are born with (money, looks, charisma). I had an acting teacher who also trained Benicio del Toro and Helen Hunt and he said only 1 in 400 humans have The It. The vibe. The aura. If you are born a pussy magnet or you come out of your mama's vagina a perfect 10 is that game? To me game is something you develop, its a technique not founded on luck and inherited gifts.

I am happy for you, seriously, but I disagree with your perception of the power of money over women. Sure, every situation is different, but money holds a big place in the hearts of the female populace. We are all using each other. The time you spend developing game is paying for pussy. Look at this whole subculture we are engaging in? One could argue that we are being beta by even allowing the thought of fucking women to enter our mind much less writing books and blogs on the subject. Maybe the ultimate alpha move is to cut off our sacks and be done with it? Wouldn't that be something, no urge for sex! How freeing would that be?To actually go to Colombia and actually see the beauty of the country? Sounds like ultimate game to me. The game of having no game.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-01-2013

Oh yeah, and maybe my writing wasn't clear but I was trying to emphasize game. However, I truly believe that if you have youthful beauty and lots of money you can bang nines all day regardless of what you say or how you approach. You need both though. Being a model won't necessarily get you laid and having cash alone isn't a guarantee either, but combine the two and you are rolling in sex.

But this post is for the ugly, broke, and dying. I've now been all three. What are your suggestions for this populace? For some guy with warts on his nose to just develop cold approach and then escalate and switch venues ain't gonna work. Remove the warts, make tons of cash, then move onto theories of game. Don't get the cart ahead of the horse.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - thegmanifesto - 04-01-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:46 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Oh yeah, and maybe my writing wasn't clear but I was trying to emphasize game. However, I truly believe that if you have youthful beauty and lots of money you can bang nines all day regardless of what you say or how you approach. You need both though. Being a model won't necessarily get you laid and having cash alone isn't a guarantee either, but combine the two and you are rolling in sex.

But this post is for the ugly, broke, and dying. I've now been all three. What are your suggestions for this populace? For some guy with warts on his nose to just develop cold approach and then escalate and switch venues ain't gonna work. Remove the warts, make tons of cash, then move onto theories of game. Don't get the cart ahead of the horse.

Again, I disagree.

You can be good looking and have money, but if you can't close, you aren't getting much.

I have seen tons of cats like this.

You need killer instinct as well.


However, I truly believe that if you have youthful beauty and lots of money you can bang nines all day regardless of what you say or how you approach.

This is similar to a lot of the speculation on here about celebrities.

It is just not rooted in reality.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Woodpecker - 04-01-2013

I think most women just see that a man who is not struggling is better suited for them as a partner, I wouldnt say the majority of women want a 'rich' man. Just not one that's bumming cigarettes and asks his parents for rent money

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-12-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 07:22 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:46 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Oh yeah, and maybe my writing wasn't clear but I was trying to emphasize game. However, I truly believe that if you have youthful beauty and lots of money you can bang nines all day regardless of what you say or how you approach. You need both though. Being a model won't necessarily get you laid and having cash alone isn't a guarantee either, but combine the two and you are rolling in sex.

But this post is for the ugly, broke, and dying. I've now been all three. What are your suggestions for this populace? For some guy with warts on his nose to just develop cold approach and then escalate and switch venues ain't gonna work. Remove the warts, make tons of cash, then move onto theories of game. Don't get the cart ahead of the horse.

Again, I disagree.

You can be good looking and have money, but if you can't close, you aren't getting much.

I have seen tons of cats like this.

You need killer instinct as well.


However, I truly believe that if you have youthful beauty and lots of money you can bang nines all day regardless of what you say or how you approach.

This is similar to a lot of the speculation on here about celebrities.

It is just not rooted in reality.

Yes, I am realizing the concept of game is very powerful in closing. And more importantly in closing nines and tens, something that is newish to me personally. However, what is not new to me is fame game. This I have seen up close and personal. From Vince Vaughn to Kiefer Sutherland to Brandon Boyd (the lead singer of Incubus) I have witnessed these cats in action many times and my best summation is that they take NO action. They just stand there and then walk out with the hottest chick(s) in the joint. Now true, we are generalizing here, for there are varying degrees of game for every class of people and famous people are no exception. But I digress... hey G Manifesto, do we agree yet?

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - A War You Cannot Win - 04-12-2013

For the dying/physically impaired:

I have a double herniated disc and some other medical issues going on right now. I walk with a limp and bring a cane with me when I go out to help with getting around. I also have a very muscular body and dress pretty sharp to accentuate my body type (nice jeans, v necks, blazers, chinos, polos etc...). The contrast a muscular body + limp/cane presents drives girls crazy. I always get approached because they want to get the story of why i'm hurt. Once I tell them it's an old war wound acting up again and i'm waiting for the military to fix it their hamster goes nuclear. Mystery + danger + nurture instinct + sick puppy dog = poon

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Vitriol - 04-12-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:31 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

We are all using each other. The time you spend developing game is paying for pussy.

I agree with this totally, but I think a lot of people are too scared to acknowledge it because it really reduces male/female interactions to something unpleasant. Many people simply can't live with the thought of that dismal reality.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - ZeD9 - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-12-2013 10:50 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:31 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

We are all using each other. The time you spend developing game is paying for pussy.

I agree with this totally, but I think a lot of people are too scared to acknowledge it because it really reduces male/female interactions to something unpleasant. Many people simply can't live with the thought of that dismal reality.

I know what you mean, but I find since I started thinking of things in terms of red-pill vs blue pill I am taking a more pragmatic approach to my life in general, and this mitigates the unpleasantness angle. After all, looking at things as they really are might be a little unpleasant at first, but in the long run it's a better for me.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - InternationPlayboy - 04-14-2013

Just for the record, I know a cat that had mad money, owned a penthouse in the Viceroy building in Miami, the cat couldn't pull tail to save his life. And he wasn't bad looking either, in his 40's. Money definitely makes it easier, but doesn't guarantee the pus.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-25-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 04:36 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Just for the record, I know a cat that had mad money, owned a penthouse in the Viceroy building in Miami, the cat couldn't pull tail to save his life. And he wasn't bad looking either, in his 40's. Money definitely makes it easier, but doesn't guarantee the pus.

Yes, I've seen the same type thing. But a twenty year old male model who is no doubt a perfect 10 in the eyes of 90% of the female populace will get laid by female nines and tens A LOT even with ANTI-game. Same goes for me, when I see a female ten I could give a shit what comes out of her mouth or how much money she has or how she's dressed, if she's wanting to bang me then its on regardless.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 04-25-2013

Quote: (04-12-2013 10:50 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2013 06:31 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

We are all using each other. The time you spend developing game is paying for pussy.

I agree with this totally, but I think a lot of people are too scared to acknowledge it because it really reduces male/female interactions to something unpleasant. Many people simply can't live with the thought of that dismal reality.

Yeah, for some ignorance is bliss. More power to em' I suppose. For me, the existentialist view is the most mature no nonsense red pill approach: "Life is tough shit. The second you accept this basic fact the easier and less shitty life becomes."

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - tenderman100 - 04-25-2013

Quote: (04-12-2013 10:11 PM)A War You Cannot Win Wrote:  

For the dying/physically impaired:

I have a double herniated disc and some other medical issues going on right now. I walk with a limp and bring a cane with me when I go out to help with getting around. I also have a very muscular body and dress pretty sharp to accentuate my body type (nice jeans, v necks, blazers, chinos, polos etc...). The contrast a muscular body + limp/cane presents drives girls crazy. I always get approached because they want to get the story of why i'm hurt. Once I tell them it's an old war wound acting up again and i'm waiting for the military to fix it their hamster goes nuclear. Mystery + danger + nurture instinct + sick puppy dog = poon

My, nephew, 24, came back from a tour of Afghanistan after he took some shrapnel in the face. He's a good looking kid, but when the girls ask him about the scars (a gash on his jawline), he says "A piece of shrapnel sliced the side of my face."

The girls get wetter than a thunderstorm.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - tenderman100 - 04-25-2013


Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Purple Urkle - 05-04-2013

Quote: (04-25-2013 06:53 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  


Are you name calling again? Explain yourself please.

Bang On: Game for the Ugly, Broke, and Dying - Samseau - 05-04-2013

Quote: (05-04-2013 11:39 AM)Purple Urkle Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2013 06:53 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  


Are you name calling again? Explain yourself please.

dupe is short for "duplicate"

He double-posted by accident