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Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 06-02-2010

FUCKKKKKKK I was perusing a euro singles site. I saw one hottie on there from Romania, so I decided to search just romania. Every 4th girl was Maxin magazine hot. Holy shit. My buddy has been telling me for years Romanian girls are the hottest he has ever seen but DAMN. At least to my tastes they sure look amazing.

Anyone been there? I am thinking about shipping out to there in the next few days now hahahaha

Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 06-02-2010

ok I signed up for a free site and spent the last hour sending messages to tons of smoking hot chicks, I will let you guys know how it goes. I might seriously have to head to romania if they look half as good as they do on there. DAMN.

Is Romania Heaven? - Global Baller - 06-02-2010

Quote: (06-02-2010 09:14 AM)clr Wrote:  

ok I signed up for a free site and spent the last hour sending messages to tons of smoking hot chicks, I will let you guys know how it goes. I might seriously have to head to romania if they look half as good as they do on there. DAMN.

Is the free dating site in Romanian? Would you mind sharing the name/URL of the site? Thanks

Is Romania Heaven? - mangadooza - 06-02-2010

Quote: (06-02-2010 11:16 AM)Global Baller Wrote:  

[quote='clr' pid='20118' dateline='1275488072']
ok I signed up for a free site and spent the last hour sending messages to tons of smoking hot chicks, I will let you guys know how it goes. I might seriously have to head to romania if they look half as good as they do on there. DAMN.

They're definitely top notch. Tons of Romanian girls work the streets of Madrid at night. I shored one last time I was down there. She told me, "The current state of my country makes me very sad." Given the vast economic disparity between the US and Romania, I imagine your status as an American would go far with most.

Is Romania Heaven? - oldnemesis - 06-02-2010

Quote: (06-02-2010 07:45 AM)clr Wrote:  

FUCKKKKKKK I was perusing a euro singles site. I saw one hottie on there from Romania, so I decided to search just romania. Every 4th girl was Maxin magazine hot. Holy shit. My buddy has been telling me for years Romanian girls are the hottest he has ever seen but DAMN. At least to my tastes they sure look amazing.

They are very cute indeed. The only issue I may think about is gene variance. What this means, if you're into cure brunettes with brown eyes, small boobs and nicely shaped legs, this is your country. If you're into DD size natural blonds with huge asses, bad luck.

A note about online dating though: Romania is one of the top countries in Europe (together with Ukraine) where most online scams come from. Beware.


Anyone been there? I am thinking about shipping out to there in the next few days now hahahaha

Now it is not probably a good time to go. Student crowd is taking exams, and the climate is Florida-like (i.e. hot and humid). For all clubs I've been in the AC/vent system was not adequate to combat the heat even in March (when it was quite cold). July-Aug a lot of people go to seaside (Constanta) which is quite expensive (80+ EUR a night) and a sausage fest. Oct to May are good months to visit, except probably Jan/Feb when it can be really cold/windy there. I've been to Bucharest, Brasov, Timisoara and Cluj, they're all nice cities with friendly young student crowds. Suggest to start from Bucharest as it is more tourist-friendly in terms of getting maps, guides and accommodations, and more options for nightlife. Flights can be expensive too as there are not too many flights to Bucharest comparing to, like, Amsterdam. If you're in US, be ready for $1000+ airfare.

Note that the girls behave differently, and if you use your regular game which works on American chicks, you'll likely to bomb. One of the strategies so far was to go to a club, dance a lot (I'm pretty good) and befriend some guys who are also good dancers (they're typically part of large mixed group). Talk to them, present yourself as a cool dude with a lot of experience to talk, and they'll introduce you to the group, and - more important - invite to a house party next day or next week, which will likely to have several chicks coming just to look at you and listen to you. Much better chance to get laid in this environment. Don't worry to end up on a gay party - the Romanian culture is very anti-gay, and it is very unlikely to happen.

Is Romania Heaven? - kindredspirit - 06-02-2010

Thanks for the photos. Would be great if you could post a bunch street shots like this to sample the girls.

Is Romania Heaven? - oldnemesis - 06-02-2010

Quote: (06-02-2010 03:21 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

Thanks for the photos. Would be great if you could post a bunch street shots like this to sample the girls.

Sure. Note those are ordinary people on streets when I had my camera with me, not something I spent days to take a picture of.

Is Romania Heaven? - K-man - 06-03-2010

Re: that big-shot American dude thing, this is so 1990's. In EE, people then were being paid $100 or so per month, so any American or Western European was very rich by their standards. But now it is normal, at least in the larger cities, for middle class people to make > EUR 1000/mo. (which equals $1,300 or so, depending on the FX rate). So if you are a backpacker/hostel guy, you are probably not richer than them.
Plus, if you are looking for gold-diggers, how will you compete with the local rich guys rolling to the club in their Benz's, and believe me, there are lots of people like that in all EE countries - drug dealers, pimps, politicians, real estate tycoons, etc. Do you have a flashy car and are you staying in a 5-star hotel?
Better to rely on your game than just on being an American.

Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 06-03-2010

woah! who said gold digger girls......

Is Romania Heaven? - familydude - 06-03-2010


Is Romania Heaven? - Shaman - 06-03-2010

$1300 a month is NOT middle class by any first-world (U.S., W. Europe, etc.) standards, it's dirt-fucking-poor (or at least very close to it).

Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 06-03-2010

I am not the backpacker type guy, and I sure hope the girls look better then in your pictures. tho there were a few nice asses! I am on my way to riga right now but... definitely heading to bucha and the rest of romania. Even here in estonia, my normal pimp game didnt get the same responses I am used to. Its ok, its all a learning curve [Image: smile.gif]

Is Romania Heaven? - K-man - 06-03-2010

I did not say they are rich - I said there is an emerging middle class, and waving around a $100 bill will not make you seem like a big spender, as it used to in the 1990's. Or it still may elsewhere in the world, just not in EE anymore.

Is Romania Heaven? - hydrogonian - 06-03-2010

re: the girls in those pics

oh boy... yikes

Is Romania Heaven? - naughtynomad - 06-03-2010

Those pics do no justice for Romanian girls.
Take the same pics at 1am.

Romanian girls are wet![Image: heart.gif]

Like everything in life, you just got to go and see for yourself.
You won't be dissapointed.

Is Romania Heaven? - Whoremonger - 06-03-2010

The women in those pictures are not an accurate reflection of the women there.

They are gorgeous. Im not quite sure about them being predominantly blonde though. Sure, the Balkan influence means that some are blonde, but there are just as many brunettes. These are Dacians. They have been invaded by the Greeks, then Romans, then Byzantines, then Mongols, then Ottomans who dominated the region for centuries. So the women are of darker complexion than most Eastern European women, looking closer to Turkish than Polish.

Then there is the native Gypsy women too, who while hit and miss, produce some absolute knockouts. Without a doubt some of the most beautiful women I have seen in my life. Thing is, people tell you to avoid the Gypsies and they have a reputation.

Also, western game is going to get you no where. Just like it tends to get you no where in most of Eastern Europe. Asshole game comes naturally to the men there, and believe it or not the women actually like a man who treats them a little better. Dont be a doormat, just dont play games. You dont have to, there is so much competition for eligible men there its scary. Anyone who says you need "A Game" in Eastern Europe or Russia is spewing shit. Also, be under no illusions as to why they like you. Money. They think you have more of it.

Its a great place to visit if you like history. Transylvania in particular is worth getting out to. Saying that, Romania is corrupt as hell. It always feels like people are trying to fleece you, and chances are its because they probably did. They dont tend to be the friendliest people either sometimes. These are hard people and Romania is one of the countries that suffered quite a bit when they were part of the USSR. So its not an easy trip like Croatia or Poland, thats for sure.

Is Romania Heaven? - oldnemesis - 06-03-2010

Quote: (06-03-2010 07:14 AM)Shaman Wrote:  

$1300 a month is NOT middle class by any first-world (U.S., W. Europe, etc.) standards, it's dirt-fucking-poor (or at least very close to it).

This is a take-home amount, with all taxes AND medical/retirement already paid (that's the way the salaries are in Europe - you typically negotiate your after-tax salary, and generally have no idea what it looks like before tax). You're also getting a shitload of free holidays, at least three weeks (often four) of vacation time and paid sick days. There are generally no student loans as the university education is free. Public transportation is good enough so most people do not need/have a car there, meaning no gas or insurance. So it is not quite fucking-poor as it would be in USA.

Is Romania Heaven? - oldnemesis - 06-03-2010

Quote: (06-03-2010 12:27 PM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

The women in those pictures are not an accurate reflection of the women there.

Agree. As I said, this is basically random sample selection, not photoshopped "cream of the crop".


They are gorgeous. Im not quite sure about them being predominantly blonde though. Sure, the Balkan influence means that some are blonde, but there are just as many brunettes.

In my experience they're mostly brunettes, I've seen very few natural blonds. Saying that, it's 20+ million people country, so some variation is definitely expected.


Also, western game is going to get you no where. Just like it tends to get you no where in most of Eastern Europe. Asshole game comes naturally to the men there, and believe it or not the women actually like a man who treats them a little better.

In my opinion, "asshole game" naturally comes from having a lot of women available around. This is a case for pretty much every EE/Russian guy, we are used to treat girls like commodity because they ARE commodity there. And the girls are used to be treated like a commodity. Be different, but do not throw dollars in her face. Buy her a single drink if she asks after spending some time with you (my cutoff is 45-60 minutes) as she may be trying to see whether you're interested in her or just entertaining yourself.


Saying that, Romania is corrupt as hell. It always feels like people are trying to fleece you, and chances are its because they probably did. They dont tend to be the friendliest people either sometimes.

Myself I found Romanians of both sexes very friendly (but I'm not American, so maybe it is different culture thing and different definition of "friendly"). Also I wouldn't worry too much about corruption - it is there, but unless you're going to start a business or do something illegal, it won't affect you. Unlike Moscow, the authorities in Romania does not try to extort money from you (no passport checks on the street with $20 cash-only "fines"). Pickpocketing and taxi scams are typical as everywhere, and the protection is the same as everywhere - watch out your belongings, use reputable taxi companies and stay away from dangerous places in your city (ask your hotel receptionist where you should not go).

Is Romania Heaven? - familydude - 08-20-2010

Just stumbled onto :

Ahaha! I wouldn't have thought the scam made it over here.

The best entry : "40 year old learns Hot Romanian Women Seduction"

Is Romania Heaven? - OGNorCal707 - 08-20-2010

I haven't read through the posts on these threads, but I will say that a "friend" of mine got scammed by a Romanian girl that he met "online." I'm not sure what the details of the situation were, this guy is not a total retard, had some luck with women, but at the same time isn't the most "on it" guy if you know what I mean. He claims the Romanian girl hit him up on myspace, which I think was total bullshit, he probably met her off some dating site, (he mostly pulls girls from online dating here in the U.S.) To make a long story short, she was pretty attractive, but not my style so much (probably a 7-8, but had a real distinctive EE look I wasn't feeling). My friend comes from a wealthy fam and has a trust fund, so he travels to Europe a couple times a year, he flew out and toured Romania with this girl, then took her traveling all over the rest of Europe a few times. Ultimately he thought he was going to marry her, he put her up and more or less paid for her to live in London, his Aunt who had an apartment there, after 6 months he moved to London to be with her and go to grad school, upon arrival a few days later she tells him that she is a "lesbian", needless to say my friend was pissed, kicked her to the curb, and that was that. Moral of the story don't fall for or trust, random women you meet off the internet from poor or developing countries, that have every incentive in the book to hustle you. I almost forgot to mention that at a certain point, in their "relationship", this girl discovered she was "sick" with a lung problem, and my friend started sending her money, for "treatments", and "medication", etc. I saw all of this coming, and so did everyone else who knows this guy, but sometimes people need to learn shit the hard way.

Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 08-20-2010

sounds like an even trade, I dont see that as a scam, thats normal, guy with money wants a hot girl on his arm, hot girls wants to travel the world even exchange type thing. Hopefully he was shagging her the whole time. Besides, I bet you she found some other wealthy guy in London, which is why she left him. Kind of his fault for leaving her there alone for 6 months IMO. She upgraded him. [Image: smile.gif]

Is Romania Heaven? - Langas - 11-16-2010

Quote: (06-02-2010 11:38 AM)mangadooza Wrote:  

[quote] (06-02-2010 11:16 AM)Global Baller Wrote:  

(06-02-2010, 02:14 PM)clr Wrote:  ok I signed up for a free site and spent the last hour sending messages to tons of smoking hot chicks, I will let you guys know how it goes. I might seriously have to head to romania if they look half as good as they do on there. DAMN.

They're definitely top notch. Tons of Romanian girls work the streets of Madrid at night. I shored one last time I was down there. She told me, "The current state of my country makes me very sad." Given the vast economic disparity between the US and Romania, I imagine your status as an American would go far with most.

hey what does shored mean?

Is Romania Heaven? - Badstuber - 11-16-2010

Quote: (11-16-2010 03:39 AM)Langas Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2010 11:38 AM)mangadooza Wrote:  

[quote] (06-02-2010 11:16 AM)Global Baller Wrote:  

(06-02-2010, 02:14 PM)clr Wrote:  ok I signed up for a free site and spent the last hour sending messages to tons of smoking hot chicks, I will let you guys know how it goes. I might seriously have to head to romania if they look half as good as they do on there. DAMN.

They're definitely top notch. Tons of Romanian girls work the streets of Madrid at night. I shored one last time I was down there. She told me, "The current state of my country makes me very sad." Given the vast economic disparity between the US and Romania, I imagine your status as an American would go far with most.

hey what does shored mean?

Trying to get free sex from prostitutes.

Is Romania Heaven? - MiXX - 11-16-2010

Quote: (08-20-2010 01:36 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I haven't read through the posts on these threads, but I will say that a "friend" of mine got scammed by a Romanian girl that he met "online." I'm not sure what the details of the situation were, this guy is not a total retard, had some luck with women, but at the same time isn't the most "on it" guy if you know what I mean. He claims the Romanian girl hit him up on myspace, which I think was total bullshit, he probably met her off some dating site, (he mostly pulls girls from online dating here in the U.S.) To make a long story short, she was pretty attractive, but not my style so much (probably a 7-8, but had a real distinctive EE look I wasn't feeling). My friend comes from a wealthy fam and has a trust fund, so he travels to Europe a couple times a year, he flew out and toured Romania with this girl, then took her traveling all over the rest of Europe a few times. Ultimately he thought he was going to marry her, he put her up and more or less paid for her to live in London, his Aunt who had an apartment there, after 6 months he moved to London to be with her and go to grad school, upon arrival a few days later she tells him that she is a "lesbian", needless to say my friend was pissed, kicked her to the curb, and that was that. Moral of the story don't fall for or trust, random women you meet off the internet from poor or developing countries, that have every incentive in the book to hustle you. I almost forgot to mention that at a certain point, in their "relationship", this girl discovered she was "sick" with a lung problem, and my friend started sending her money, for "treatments", and "medication", etc. I saw all of this coming, and so did everyone else who knows this guy, but sometimes people need to learn shit the hard way.

Why would any man pay for a girl to travel the world and move to a new location alone?

And he did not see this coming? I don't think she was a lesbo, I just think she found another richer sucker who is within arms reach, and used the lesbo tactic to ease the pain or avoid a more sinister fight.

Real lesbos will not fuck men, period!


Is Romania Heaven? - clr - 11-16-2010

gotta disagree with ya Mixx, real lesbos will fuck men, real gay guys with fuck women, but IMO real straight men/women will not fuck the same sex.

People do all sorts of things for money..... or power, or you name it.

Sorry guys, I looked and I am not sure what the website was, my bad, I should have posted it.