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Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Printable Version

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Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - bacon - 03-07-2013

Joe Rogan had a guest on eddie huang who talked about his experience with the TED talks and he described them as a cult like scientology

some talking points:

he recieved no financial compensation even though attendies paid 7k each

he was required to attend all events all day long (12hrs of events each day)

he was required to stay with a roommate for the 6 days of his stay

he was unable to leave for the afternoon to do the podcast with joe rogan and when he did he was kicked out of the TED

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Atlantic - 03-07-2013

Wow. Ive always like TED talks but thats crazy. 16 Million and they are treated like cattle.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Emancipator - 03-07-2013

The TED Talks are coming to Vancouver, at first I was interested but at 7K FOR ONE TICKET!
That's absurd considering the fact that the speeches are posted online afterwards.

I'm not surprised at the cult status though, I know hordes of "social justice" kids that volounteered for TEDX, and they were all "social justice" drones.


Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Ensam - 03-07-2013

Great blog on the HBR site today shitting on TED talks:


Imagine I invented an Orgasm Machine. Press the button, and poof!! Effortless, instantaneous climax. Sounds great, right? But my machine would also rob you. Perhaps not of pleasure; but of the tension of love, the challenge of desire, and the drama of sex. TED is like an Orgasm Machine for the human mind. It gives us the climax of epiphany, without the challenge and tension of thought.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - germanico - 03-07-2013

Quote: (03-07-2013 05:17 PM)Ensam Wrote:  


TED is like an Orgasm Machine for the human mind. It gives us the climax of epiphany, without the challenge and tension of thought.

I dont think ill ever again listen to a TED talk and think "mmm, thats interesting"

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Idlenations - 03-07-2013

The only issue i have with that interview is that they both seem to be swearing just for the sake of it, sounds so fucking forced.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - ElBorrachoInfamoso - 03-07-2013

I never liked TED talks. It's the same type of shit I heard at university talks except the speakers are even more narcissistic than average professors.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Volk - 03-07-2013

TED was good back when it was 9 innovators and 1 activist. Now it's like 9 activists for 1 innovators. All of those trying to jam a cause I don't give a shit about right down my throat.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Sourcecode - 03-08-2013

Personally..I like TED talks.
While a lot of shit it super over the top intellectual bullshit..they have some awesome speakers.
Anyone that says they have never found a TED talk interesting is full of themselves or has no concept of knowledge.

But at the same time..big intellectual programs and shit like these are full of people that dont really have social lives. they are so smart that they cant relate to normal people and feel like normal people are under them.

Same with Mensa..A bunch of super smart people with no social skills. They dont understand how people actually work..thus they try to make these irate plans and schedules

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - cardguy - 03-08-2013

MENSA is bullshit:

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Fredster - 03-08-2013

TED talk is so full of PC and feminism that I avoid it like the plague. Even the " your brain on porn ' talk has mangina fingerprints all over it.

They are intellectual though, but you have to make peace with PC if you are going not listen to them. Also the arrogance coming off from them is unbelievable, they are so narcissistic that it becomes very hard to tolerate after awhile.

Better off rocking up to a university, and listening to their talks or looking up journal articles on Pubmed or Medline. Even gong ot a uni library and looking up their books is very useful. [/php]

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - iknowexactly - 03-08-2013

Some of those people are fucking brilliant. There's one guy that was a hedgie and invented an FREE online learning system that helps students all over the world, millions of them. Bill Gates was there saying it was an "amazing" idea.

When Bill Gates is calling your ideas amazing, and you're helping millions of people, then maybe someone should listen to your complaints of stuff being "PC."

Until then, you just sound like jealous people who aren't smart enough to be giving TED talks. I'm not, I admit it.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Wutang - 03-08-2013

What happened to just reading books?

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - EisenBarde - 03-08-2013

Most of the big fans of Ted talks I know are your average run of the mill American college graduates who got their degrees sitting in a room for five years pretending to have read books.

Same thing as the NPR crowd.

Funny enough, I'm honestly interested in a lot of the subjects that these things breach, but I have ZERO patience for the East Coast Pennsylvania Dutch patronizing tone explaining the pretense of facts at a glacial pace.

I can find the actual research browsing a couple of aggregators and posting the link to a google search will usually find some sort of criticisms to temper the findings. Hell, 10 minutes on the forum will expose you to more nuanced and detailed examinations of society.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Lemmo - 03-08-2013

I thought TED was a great site for about 5 days. After that the self-congratulatory douchiness of it got to be too much.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-08-2013

I have no clue what this TED is. I think I've seen it once on that yourbrainonporn webpage, but I liked the arguments there because they were thoughtful and well-explained, not because it's some kind of famous franchise.

The idea of someone paying $7k for any kind of conference, even a mega-successful investment one, it just ludicrous though.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - FitAsFuck - 03-08-2013

Does anyone know of alternatives to TED? Sites with talks by interesting people, on different topics?

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - reino341 - 03-08-2013

Quote: (03-08-2013 06:26 AM)FitAsFuck Wrote:  

Does anyone know of alternatives to TED? Sites with talks by interesting people, on different topics? comes to mind.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-08-2013

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Emancipator - 03-08-2013

Quote: (03-08-2013 01:54 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Some of those people are fucking brilliant. There's one guy that was a hedgie and invented an FREE online learning system that helps students all over the world, millions of them. Bill Gates was there saying it was an "amazing" idea.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - The Pumpkin King - 03-08-2013

Quote: (03-08-2013 01:54 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Some of those people are fucking brilliant. There's one guy that was a hedgie and invented an FREE online learning system that helps students all over the world, millions of them. Bill Gates was there saying it was an "amazing" idea.

When Bill Gates is calling your ideas amazing, and you're helping millions of people, then maybe someone should listen to your complaints of stuff being "PC."

Until then, you just sound like jealous people who aren't smart enough to be giving TED talks. I'm not, I admit it.

The fuck? You sound like my sociology teacher whenever I disagreed with his worldview of something. For every few legit talks, there are a multitude (which I don't feel like linking) that push a feminist agenda. So no, TED can suck dong until they publish a talk discussing how men are shamed out of feeling their natural selves.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - DarkTriad - 03-08-2013

It's nothing but a microcosm of Academia everywhere. They mix in a bunch of genuinely insightful, brilliant people with a bunch of people who just THINK they're smarter than everyone else, and have a burning desire to tell everyone how to live because they "know better".

No, your Women's Studies Professor is NOT on the same level as the brilliant physicist that actually teaches shit about the fabric of the universe that we can actually use to make shit, but they're hoping you fall for the patter and think so.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - le prince perdu - 03-08-2013

what is the purpose of Ted talks?
Is it to teach, to inform, or to advertise?

Ted talks do not teach you how to do things
they are not lectures, they are not even talks.

A talk happens when a group of people agree upon a subject and discuss about it, Ted Talks are based on people presenting their inventions/ ideas.

As a member of the audience, you don't learn how to build a robot,how to program, the basics of astronomy, quantum physics, mechanics or anything like that.

I'd rather learn how to to make a super conductor levitates, so that I can reproduce it myself than just watch somebody do it and be "amazed".

Ted talks are interesting, but $7,000 for a ticket is way too much.

I don't see how I get my money's worth here.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - FitAsFuck - 03-08-2013

Quote: (03-08-2013 06:31 AM)reino341 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2013 06:26 AM)FitAsFuck Wrote:  

Does anyone know of alternatives to TED? Sites with talks by interesting people, on different topics? comes to mind.

Thanks. Looks quite interesting.

Exposed: the cult of the TED Talks - Menace - 03-08-2013

Anyone else like Eddie Huang? He has a bunch of little episodes on Vice (YouTube) channel. He seems like a real chill dude.