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Red Pill "Bitterness" - Kaii - 02-28-2013

Hello all,

I was wondering, for those who have been "red pill" living for a bit, do you still find a bit of bitterness from learning the true nature of women? Do you ever feel like just living single the rest of your days?

For me, I like the idea of living alone and never having to deal with crazy women.


Red Pill "Bitterness" - RCron - 02-28-2013

Being a natural introvert I'll go through phases where I feel emotionally drained from women's BS and am just happy being alone but quickly the desire of getting laid becomes too much and I go back on the hunt. I also think it's directly proportional to the amount of success you've been having. If you're pulling regularly and racking up notches the game is obviously funner. On the other hand, if success is few and far between it's easy to become bitter and withdraw into solitude.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - bojangles - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:52 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Hello all,

I was wondering, for those who have been "red pill" living for a bit, do you still find a bit of bitterness from learning the true nature of women? Do you ever feel like just living single the rest of your days?

For me, I like the idea of living alone and never having to deal with crazy women.

I think it affects some guys very negatively and they have an irrational hate for women.

I love women, I just don't like fatties.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Kaii - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 10:18 AM)RCron Wrote:  

Being a natural introvert I'll go through phases where I feel emotionally drained from women's BS and am just happy being alone but quickly the desire of getting laid becomes too much and I go back on the hunt. I also think it's directly proportional to the amount of success you've been having. If you're pulling regularly and racking up notches the game is obviously funner. On the other hand, if success is few and far between it's easy to become bitter and withdraw into solitude.

I can totally relate to that, I am the same way. Its cool to know I'm not the only one.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Kaii - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 10:20 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:52 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Hello all,

I was wondering, for those who have been "red pill" living for a bit, do you still find a bit of bitterness from learning the true nature of women? Do you ever feel like just living single the rest of your days?

For me, I like the idea of living alone and never having to deal with crazy women.

I think it affects some guys very negatively and they have an irrational hate for women.

I love women, I just don't like fatties.

Lol, yes, death to fattitude!

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Menace - 02-28-2013

What is there to be bitter about? How can you feel bitter about the truth? Why should you? Maybe you should be angry that society, your family, and friends have led you to believe one thing when reality is something else. I think bitterness is really anger & frustration that women do not and cannot live up to some mythical ideal you have in your head about how they should behave.

As for craziness, I used to complain about it too, but now I almost welcome and revel in it because a) I recognize it for what it is and b) I know how to deal with it. Women can be hating you one minute and going insane and the next day they love you again and want your dick. Hell, that happened to me just last weekend. Mind you, I don't think I'm into dealing with elite crazies like some of the guys here, but some of it is kind of fun.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - TheIslander829 - 02-28-2013

Nothing bitter about it, it's the truth. Like when I found out about Santa Claus and Jesus.

I'm personally just gonna fuck around for the rest of my life. Either that or move to Ukraine or Poland or something.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - reino341 - 02-28-2013

I love women too. I guess bitterness comes from having a past of societally conditioned blue pill thinking and getting screwed over by some girl you thought was the one.

But I see no reason to be bitter once you accept and thoroughly understand the true nature of women. Sure I'm biased but when a girl with a chump bf comes over I don't regard her as a slut. To me her behavior makes perfect sense in the light of [pseudo-]scientific evidence from evo biology / psychology.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Kaii - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 10:35 AM)Menace Wrote:  

What is there to be bitter about? How can you feel bitter about the truth? Why should you? Maybe you should be angry that society, your family, and friends have led you to believe one thing when reality is something else. I think bitterness is really anger & frustration that women do not and cannot live up to some mythical ideal you have in your head about how they should behave.

As for craziness, I used to complain about it too, but now I almost welcome and revel in it because a) I recognize it for what it is and b) I know how to deal with it. Women can be hating you one minute and going insane and the next day they love you again and want your dick. Hell, that happened to me just last weekend. Mind you, I don't think I'm into dealing with elite crazies like some of the guys here, but some of it is kind of fun.

Interesting take on it. You ask some good questions. Definitely something to think more about. I don't feel like bitterness and anger is helping at all.


Red Pill "Bitterness" - VUBBS - 02-28-2013

Just keep all that info as a reminder of what you are dealing with so you don't get deceived.
There are good women, bad women and sometimes those roles get inverted.

I love them and I love to fuck them, but I don't trust them. IF I trust them they have to constantly be proving that shit to me if they want my respect. But respect has to be given in small doses, to keep 'em coming back, and to keep yourself sane just in case.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - EasyMoney - 02-28-2013

When the sweet princess fallacy starts to unravel it can cause some bitterness. But if you stick with it you'll see how damn true the core concepts of game are and then you'll probably come to see it as the best thing that ever happened to you. It was painful at first for me to accept this stuff, but since I took the red pill on a lot of other issues before taking it vis-a-vis women (our political system, modern living, political correctness, violence, etc) it wasn't indigestible. I can see how it would be for some.

I'd rather understand the true nature of something and accept it for what it is, then never have taken the red pill and continue being undersexed and frustrated. I'm a huge pervert and I got into the game/red pill because what I was doing wasn't helping me get the freaky sex with hot women that I've been craving since my balls dropped.

I think at first, its normal for the adjustment to red pill thinking to make you feel bitter. You'll say "damn, I don't want to play all these games just to get laid - I know there's a girl out there who will like me for being me." Yes there is a girl out there like that; she's just ugly.

If sex with attractive women is what floats your boat - whether you aspire to a triple digit notch count or just want a steady girl friend - you have to let go of the bitterness and make the pledge to learn as much as you can by reading what the bloggers like Roosh, Heartiste, Rolo and others have learned from their own experiences and then more importantly - getting off your ass and doing the approaches and going on the dates. You have to be fearless. Fortune favors the bold.

Living a hermetic life of no pussy isn't for me. I'm not a sperg. Now that I'm back in touch with my masculinity (thanks to the manosphere) I've almost completely reconceptualized my identity as a man - and it feels great.

Don't be afraid to approach a different way of thinking. Variety is the spice of life. Be open minded. If you're unhappy, experiment with other modes of relating to the world and see what fits.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Aer - 02-28-2013

Women shouldn't be the main motivation in your life. Who cares if they're fickle, so are you.

Seems like you're in the U.S.

Move abroad and see if that's the TRUE nature of women then. And I'm not talking Barcelona abroad.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - WestIndianArchie - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:52 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Hello all,

I was wondering, for those who have been "red pill" living for a bit, do you still find a bit of bitterness from learning the true nature of women? Do you ever feel like just living single the rest of your days?

I think understanding women and what their motivations are helps you to enjoy them.

It's a lot like the pleasure of watching small children play or puppies trying to walk down carpeted stairways.

To me the loss that comes with the red pill, is that you never get that swept up all encompassing feeling that you used to get back in the day.


Red Pill "Bitterness" - Giovonny - 02-28-2013

My opinion,

If you are "bitter" then you are still blue pill.

Being "bitter" means being uncomfortable with the reality of the situation.

Being "bitter" means not wanting to accept the truth.

When you accept and embrace the truth you become red pill.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - DVY - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 01:36 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:52 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Hello all,

To me the loss that comes with the red pill, is that you never get that swept up all encompassing feeling that you used to get back in the day.


This. Nostalgia is brutal.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Lemmo - 02-28-2013

I like the idea of living alone too and am a confirmed bachelor. I don't see this as bitterness. I can't understand how any man over 30 would consider marriage. You need the double barrels of high hormones and romantic delusions to make a decision that is so obviously counter to your own happiness.

I came to the red pill from a more tradcon background so the inferiority and dependence of women was always something I accepted and I didn't have to make the huge readjustment of those who had dreams of "an equal life partner." Still, it was a bit scary when I realized the magnitude of women's inferiority. It made my relationships with them much easier but it really creeped me out when I thought about the implications of letting them vote, work, etc.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Lemmo - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 02:33 PM)DVY Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 01:36 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:52 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Hello all,

To me the loss that comes with the red pill, is that you never get that swept up all encompassing feeling that you used to get back in the day.


This. Nostalgia is brutal.

Very true, but I think that is more about getting older than swallowing the red pill. It was nice to be able to get oneitis and think a female is going to change your life for the better. But it doesn't survive life experience. I'm not running down to the Christmas tree in the morning any more either, thinking the plastic baubles there are treasures and were left by a benevolent magic man. These are all things men outgrow (and should outgrow).

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Nomad77 - 02-28-2013

I love women. Like BoJangles I just don't like fatties and women with bad attitudes.

The Red Pill is ultimately about accept the world as it is NOT as we would like it to be or imagined it was.

Initially, you become disillusioned because you are breaking your existing reality BUT once you accept the true nature of the world you live in then that's no longer an issue.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - cardguy - 02-28-2013

For any atheists out there...

It is funny that giving up your 'belief' in women and questioning all you have being taught. Is somehow more of a mind fuck than giving up your belief in God.

That is because over the past 100 years - the west has tried to replace the religion of God with the religion of love.

Next time you see a preise tell him you are an atheist. I guarantee he won't give a shit. But tell him you don't believe in romantic love either and you may as well be speaking in tongues.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - cardguy - 02-28-2013

For what is worth. I love being single and I love not having any fairytales to help delude me from the reality of women's BS.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Barron - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 02:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

My opinion,

If you are "bitter" then you are still blue pill.

Being "bitter" means being uncomfortable with the reality of the situation.

Being "bitter" means not wanting to accept the truth.

When you accept and embrace the truth you become red pill.

I've only recently gotten over the bitterness, but it was replaced by a loss of respect for American women. I game them much better when I don't respect them any way. I don't disrespect them, but I would never ever entertain the notion of a serious relationship with any American woman.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Grit - 02-28-2013

Not bitter, but i get agitated easily.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - theoogabear - 02-28-2013

"Bitterness is the lowest sin
A bitter man rots from within
I've seen his smile
Yellow and brown
The bitterness has brought him down"

my attitude on it, simple, really.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Apollo - 02-28-2013

I was feeling some of this in the Everything Else thread last night.

This mentality is perfectly illustrated by Cypher, played by Joe Pantoliano, in the Matrix. He saw reality and he couldn't handle it, so he sold out everyone so that he could be reinserted into a blue pill lifestyle.

There's also a line earlier in the movie saying, "Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

Stop believing in the fairy tales that have been told to you, and realize that your goals and dreams can only be actualized by accepting the truth and utilizing it to your advantage. There is no going back now! Even if there was, how is that going to help you? What's done is done. You will find no solace in denying what you know to be true.

Red Pill "Bitterness" - Ensam - 03-01-2013

The red pill made me less bitter.

My ex cheated on me then dumped me a few months after I found out and forgave her. That made me bitter. I didn't learn how to see her for who and what she was until I fully took the red pill. Now I just kind of feel bad for her.

I love women. I love them more now that I know how to find the crazy shit they do amusing rather than frustrating.

Whenever shit gets crazy I just picture

in my head and chuckle.