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Half of me feels like.... - Printable Version

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Half of me feels like.... - pitt - 02-21-2013

Let me just quote this post, it's a classic post in my opinion:

Quote: (12-05-2011 05:36 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

You can travel broke, and be working for a long term wealthy future, if you are willing to gamble that your talents will pay off in the long run.

I'm a terrible entrepreneur, with failures stacked upon failures, who nonetheless always had unreasonable confidence that I was actually a brilliant ideas man predestined to wealth. I lived hand to mouth for years, with occasional bouts of great income, before moving to SE Asia, where I again mostly lived hand to mouth. However in Asia you can live on very little, so being poor doesn't mean you need to get a real job. You can still keep plugging away with irrationally self confidence on your various projects.

And if you do that, eventually you'll stumble upon a winning formula. And even if you are not yet wise enough to know to focus on that forumula, time and more failures will teach you focus.

And an entrepreneur can make more than a wage earner.

Life as a permanent traveller can be more fun, adventurous, less stressful, and yield more sexual rewards than a life aimed at securely securing resources. You risk poverty and live in poverty year after decade. But it may turn out that those decades were a training that you can't get in any school, and you'll eventually find a venture that quickly stocks your safe with bullion.

I feel like going back on travelling (in the americas). I cant live in a city where i need to see more than 5000 women to see one that i like. Where the weather just sucks 98% of the time. Where young people dont like each other, its like we want to kill each other.

The other half of me wants to work, save money, plan carefully my next move for a good job (maybe Canada, maybe middle east, maybe Africa, maybe Asia, etc). Because even though im way happier when im travelling, i find myself lacking a sense of responsibility when travelling and i feel the need to be making money and increasing my finances.

I congratulate you guys that were able to travel and make money online. For real.

Half of me feels like.... - lilseezie - 02-21-2013

It's the constant dilemma for people like us with wanderlust. Do I stay put and continue doing the safe, smart corporate thing...dropping a handsome and consistent paycheck in the bank? Or do I say fuck it, ditch the job, roll the dice, hit the road to travel, do what I really WANT to be doing, and hope for the best? It's a daily battle for me, too. Obviously the best approach is to start an online side gig and wait for it to start pulling in good money before hitting the road, but that's way easier said than done. I, too, congratulate anyone who's been able to pull it off. I'm still trying.

Half of me feels like.... - juice - 02-21-2013

Had the same feeling... I'm about to finish grad school (MS Finance) in May but I'm an entrepreneur at heart. I trade options and picked-up a job as a stock writer for a website that pays $15 per post. I have been doing 4 posts per day which takes about 4 hours. That with my trading income may be enough for me to get out of here.

Half of me feels like.... - johnwu - 03-04-2013

Men don't make topics that say "half of me feels like..."

Blow off some steam, then figure your life out.
Maybe the opportunity to travel, or combine work and travel won't pop up right away, but it will if you focus on your strengths and build on those. Keep your dreams in mind, but don't live in your dreams.

The fact is anyone with determination and drive can build themselves up into someone respectable.

Half of me feels like.... - solo - 03-06-2013

I have decided to focus on traveling (and learning languages) the next few years ahead of advancing a career and saving up more money. I have already postponed traveling to some countries for a long time and there has been a lot of threads lately about the decline of some places. You can't take anything for granted and the thought of putting of traveling for 5-10 years (which it would take to establish myself in a white collar job) is unbearable.

I will still work on making money and building skills but it won't be my main focus (except for learning languages) and I don't want to sacrifice traveling for it. Basically my plan is to minimize expenditure, get blue collar type of jobs for 6 months at a time and then try to get some type of income while on the road to supplement my savings and make them last longer. Then rinse and repeat.

It's very possible that in 5 years or so I will go back and focus more on a career and money again but I will probably still live abroad. It all depends where you are in life right now.

Half of me feels like.... - bacon - 03-06-2013

pitt you need to completely unplug

go with your gut and if your gut says travel do it

oppertunities will follow