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Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Printable Version

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Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Chewbacon - 01-13-2013

I'm conversationally fluent in mandarin but I have a fairly small reading/writing vocabulary. For those who have done it, for mandarin, what is the best way to expand written/reading vocab? When I was little, I attended Chinese school and basically the teacher made us write out new words ten times in a row each. Is that still the best way?

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Architekt - 01-13-2013

Try something like either Anki or Memrise for spaced repetition. The only way you're really going to learn something like that is through constant exposure. Also, your teacher should have taught you a bit more about the characters, things like stroke order and stuff so you can potentially look them up in the dictionary should you come across something you don't recognise and can't get it from context.

My recommendation is just gather as many resources as you can for characters and put them all into Anki.

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Alpharius - 01-14-2013

I just started trying out the simplified hanzi, it might be worth a shot.

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - clever alias - 01-14-2013

writing is not as necessary as reading. i cant write more than a couple thousand words, and i learned those through wrote. after a while yoi hey the hang of.the.radical/pronunciation aspect without really.trying, but its still a.super ineffecient super system of writing and reading. if youre talking about increasing your reading level, just read more.
like most things, theres no easy way

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - nmmoooreland20 - 09-11-2013

Memrise has been great for learning individual characters. I've completed the Read a Chinese Menu and Mandarin Reading Survival courses and am mostly through HSK level one.

However, I'd like to find some sources where I can supplement my character memorization with actual textual reading.

Does anyone have any recomendations for beginner's reading material?

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Arado - 09-11-2013

Just started the Pleco app - seems promising.

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - FretDancer - 09-15-2013

Buy bilingual books in Chinese and whatever other language you are natural at. If you are conversationally fluent like you say you will be able to deduce the words you can't read out of pure context.

Good luck!

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - clever alias - 09-15-2013

reading comprehension and vocabulary are less related than people think. knowing fundamental grammar can boost reading comprehension incredibly fast if you know what to look for.

Expanding Mandarin Literacy - Wutang - 09-16-2013

Use the flashcards here: