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Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - Printable Version

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Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - jsmith198328 - 01-01-2013

First and foremost. it's my general feeling that most men aesthetically find attractive/pretty Latino women to be desirable.

Not all latino women however have the same asthetic as we probably already know and undestand. there are black latinas, dark skin latinas, medium brown latinas, light-skin latinas and almost white looking latinas too. and i left out brazillians too. they're in the mix too and fall under all of those categories.

And I guess it can be relative to the region of Latin America a girl is from and her ancestry/mix too. Have A Look A This Video:

But I would say that the more desired sought after look here in the USA would be the pretty lighter brown skin attractive (Italian) looking light-brown Latinas that get the most attention/respect.

[Image: 13691384_ori.jpg]

But do you ever notice the certain types of Latino women, indian-american, native-American and light skin black women have very similar looks. They do - basically they're all light brown-ish / high yellow-ish women who have similar looks.

[Image: NewPicture4-2_zps57e34cd4.png]

I notice that women who have this beautiful type of mixed light skin brown aesthetic tend to have allot of mobility dating wise because white men, Asian men, black men and all types ethnicities of men lust after that aesthetic.

And being a black American man, I know for a fact that Black American Men find this look to be very EXOTIC/erotic.
The light brown skin, the long hair, the semi-white looking facial features.

[Image: NewPicture5-2_zps852f8893.png][Image: NewPicture6-2_zpsef44225a.png]

And at least for black men it's a PLUS if she has big tits and a phat ass too.
[Image: NewPicture8-2_zps4d00b24c.png]

now I guess in a country like Columbia, brazil, certain places in Latin America pretty women aren't a big deal and there's nothing exotic about all that because they everywhere

[Image: brazil+sexy.jpg]

But if she's here in the USA or a westernized region this puts a woman (depending on how she was brought up) to be all of the things that American-Women are known to be. Materialstic, Selfish, egotistical, impatient, cruel, conceited, evil, mean-spirited, untrustworthy, has a gold digger mentality, money-minded, snobbish, feels she is entitled, angry feminist, scandalous, Promiscuous, easily gets jealous of other attractive in the room etc.,

I notice the 2nd gen Latinas born here in the USA are a huge waste. And being that in certain areas of the USA – latin men are struggling to support their families – latino girls become materialistic and try to fuck their way out of their situation.
[Image: 9Qp0FEm56_zpsf390a47d.jpg][Image: 619-00763858w_zpsdf5253d1.jpg]

And because they are so used to being fought over, they become super bitches who feel they can flirt their way to get the things they want in life. And they usually do. They don't believe they should have to wait in line or work hard because they can't use their looks to get thru the situation. A horny man is glad to help out when they have a flat tire. But does it work the other way around, would she stop for that average looking man who has the flat? No?

I have encountered beautiful foreign born Latino women before who were grounded and had good character, humble, caring and all that but my life experience has been with the Americanized-materialistic Latina. And I’m hearing places like Brazil and other areas of south america are becoming more westernized every year because of tourism.

And thanks to the internet. Any pretty woman with an enough hits on her social media page will have an ego and be materialistic regardless of how she was brought up in her latin culture.

[Image: 9952889-beautiful-happy-young-latina-his...r-sofa.jpg][Image: amigos.com_medium.jpg]

And that negative experience has really put a bitter taste in my mouth towards all of them because I know what evil they’re capable of when their egos get too big. I know I should not generalize but I once had the latina fetish as a teenager but now at age 30, i know better now. I am almost not attracted to them because of just seeing how men will fight and kill over them and how arrogant/awful women they can potentially be. And many men (especially black men) have a “I don’t care if she’s married “ mentality towards these girls and they get so arrogant/materialistic.
In some ways its not their fault because society / culture sometimes turns them into these premadonnas because of the asthetic they have.

Sometimes I say “it’s not their fault. society turns these girls into these bitches”

When I see them I feel turned on at first physically and then I get a headache seeing all the drama I would face. Me personally, if I ever hooked up with an attractive latino chick, she would have to somehow convince me that she has no drama queen antics in her and no ego. She would have to convince me.

And I would have to live in Europe/Canada with her or something with her. Because, I refuse to have a woman like the ones pictured above and live around American black men because I would end up having to fight somebody eventually and I truly don’t want to live like that. How do I know that I end up fighting somebody? Because I see men who date/marry these beautiful Latinas and see what those men go thru. I don’t want to up saying to the police “officer it was self-defense.” Because that’s the truth .

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - _DC_ - 01-01-2013

I really think location matters. Here in Miami hot latinas are a dime a dozen.

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - PhilE - 01-01-2013

Dealing with Latinas here in Philly is almost a completely waste of time! I am considered a pretty boy (hazel eyes, curly hair, lighter..etc) in the urban community and Latinas usually go for that type, so i dont have it AS BAD...but it is still VERY VERY VERY FRUSTRATING and HARD dealing with Latinas because of the pedestal they are put on by Urban Media (Music Videos, Magazines, Websites, Clubs, etc etc) and Urban Men.

I still say pursue them...everything is a numbers game. Never forget that..EVERYTHING IS A NUMBERS GAME. I will say that if your game is strong enough they'll gravitate towards it, I am sure of that. But just be prepared that your closing ratios for exotic looking women you posted are going to be very small.

Also be mindful of posting race related thread on here if they don't have any substantive value in relations to gaming women, thats the quickest way to get banned on here.

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - Screwston - 01-01-2013

What's the point of this thread?

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - tomtud - 01-01-2013

The best part of the Middle East is that no men will be talking to your woman while you are with her...... If you have men being disrespectful well, let them. No point to be all macho just tell her to hit the road. Let her chase you. If they cross the line well, you defend your catch. If she's worth it she will respect you.

Your last paragraph dude of not dating a hot latina because you live around American blacks shows that you have no BALLS. Sorry dude, but you should not care what other jealous dudes think. If its that troublesome, yes just move out. Ignore them as best you can. Work out more, take some boxing classes etc, then you won't be scared to throw....... In truth these idiots who are disrespectful of another dude with his broad are all losers plain and simple. If your girl sees value n these disrespectful losers, well find someone who doesn't find those men and behaviour hot.

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - Octane - 01-07-2013

I can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes reading this rant with clip art and stolen watermarked pictures

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - thegmanifesto - 01-07-2013

Who cares?

In the words of the great Big Pun:

"I don't discriminate, I regulate every shade of the (ass)
Long as you show class, and pass my test
Fat (ass and) breasts, highly intelligent bachlorettes
That's the best, I won't settle for less".

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - rationalize_this - 01-07-2013

The [Image: troll.gif] on the forum are evolving and becoming increasingly more subtle.

No shortage of latinas down here. Just screen for the ones not worth your time.

Usually the smaller the dog, the higher maintenance or more annoying...

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - WestCoast - 01-07-2013

[Image: gay.gif] LatinAs.

Girls are practically all the same, if you want a wife this forum is becoming less useful. A good thing.

The only wasted time was the time you took to post up all your complaints.

Fuck just wasted some time myself, thx.

Foreign-born Latino Women vs. Americanized Latino Women? (Both of waste of time?) - jsmith198328 - 01-08-2013

First i apologize if i caused offense to anyone here about starting this thread. I won't make anymore race threads.. But i really felt i asked a relevant comparison question. I just want to make one last point and I won’t post about this anymore. Please mods don’t issue me any warnings for what I’m about to say. And again if anyone here has any relevant info comparing the two types of latins please share.

I was just posing a question if foreign born latinas are better than americanized latinas.

I saw another thread about “how long does it take for women to be westernized” thread. So I figured mine would be relevant.

i hear alot of stories about men going down to latin america and then once their latina wife is exposed to america she changes 6 months later. she looses her culture very quickly.

But i think i answered my own question already. I just wanted to discuss the issue. I keep hearing how tourism/feminism mainstream media / pop culure as well as hip hop is creeping into these areas of south america / brazil and the women there are just a bad as the 9's and 10's here in the USA as a result.

I was hoping somebody who's been all around in south america who has experienced (central america, brazil, columbia etc.,) could tell me

"hey jsmith -- don't let that affect you -- foreign born latinas are still better,yes some have big egos but the majority still have the feminine qualities we all want in an ideal woman it's just that nowadays you have to put more effort into finding that type of woman"

and maybe

“yes you have to be careful about how you expose her to american culture because she could change and loose her qualities very quickly thanks to feminism"

but apparently a lot of people here feel uncomfortable talking about issues like this or can't relate because they are latin or they in reality have a latina fetish themselves (like I once did) and don't care to discuss these issues no matter how relevant those issues may be.


Your last paragraph dude of not dating a hot latina because you live around American blacks shows that you have no BALLS. Sorry dude, but you should not care what other jealous dudes think. If its that troublesome, yes just move out. Ignore them as best you can. Work out more, take some boxing classes etc, then you won't be scared to throw....... In truth these idiots who are disrespectful of another dude with his broad are all losers plain and simple. If your girl sees value n these disrespectful losers, well find someone who doesn't find those men and behaviour hot.

As far as me not having balls comment. have the right to your opinon. But let me tell you 3 stories and then let me know if you still think i don't have balls

Story 1
Just yesterday - i was at 7-11 getting a sandwich and while i was waiting in-line in front of me was a thug rapper looking black man
[Image: tgc-hot_black_thug_thumb1.jpg]

and In front of the black thug guy was a latino couple. The latino girl had a tight black yoga pants on with her ass hanging out like this:

[Image: G8T63_zps14b19202.jpg]

The black thug guy was stairing at the girls ass and the latino bf was looking back at the thug black guy and i got worried because a fight was about go down. And luckily nothing happend and the shit was diffused real quick because there were some little kids and soccer moms around in line too.

Story 2

i have a close friend who has a sister who looks alittle like Kim Kardashian and they're from India. But she looks like a Latina. She often has Spanish dudes trying to talk Spanish to her. She's married to a white man

[Image: indian-women-dating-white-men.jpg]

they were at a hip hop night club last year and was waiting in line to get into the club and this thug rapper black guy tries to approach my friends sister and her white husband tried say "hey man that's my wife...see her wedding ring!" and

then this thug guy had his posse with him
[Image: black-thugs.jpg]

and there was a huge melee / brawl at the door of the club. luckily my friend and his white brother-in law got away with only a few bruises.

Story 3

I remember last month. A latino couple was at the local giant where i shop at and it was about closing time. And the store butcher guy was pushing a meat cart in the back near the meat section where the latin couple was looking at meats. and this cart the butcher guy was pushing had blood dripping off of it too. He stops his dripping meat cart to look at the beautiful latin woman with her guy standing next to her and he goes

"Yo Yo Shortay!!! i swear to god I think i saw you at the club last be lookin' sexy gurrl!!"

this guy was real disrespectful too to the latino boyfriend. I could tell he was upset too.

And I have a dozen other stories where it’s attractive Latinas and drama along with unnecessary violence over her.

And I live in a nice middle-class area in silver spring, Maryland. But there are some situations where having a beautiful latina in the vacinity becomes a safety issue – especially after dark when the sun goes down because of the threat of just your average-everyday knuckleheads that prowl at night.

And i see the beautiful latinas that are from south america who now live in my area of maryland -- and i see them pushing baby strollers during the daytime at times.and even though they can't speak english real well – its obvious by the looks on their face that they know that men (espeically black men) have a huge sexual fetish for them. They can see it and they know what the deal is and they have huge egos because of it – now that they live in the land of milk and honey and all that “good woman” cultural stuff goes out the window. She can now get her freak on now and enjoy the benefits of feminism.

And in each of these scenarios had the beautiful women been white or asian the whole violence factor goes down significantly or it doesn't even exist as it concerns the men around them. it just doesn't happen.

And have a look at this clip here this is an old film about Hispanics that aired in the 90’s. But just the violence and the hostility over a Spanish chick watch this innocent dude get a beatdown.

have a look at this one too.

These may just be films but I see this happen all the time even with middle class dudes who are professional men not just thug guys.

So I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live my life where I have to engage in mortal kombat with the men around me because I have a beautiful Latina on my arm. It’s not worth it to me. I need peace in my life.

it would be different if i was filthy rich. But i'm a regular middle class dude. and this is the burden i would have to bear if i live in an environment like the one i'm now with a pretty latina. i'm just being honest about what i see other men going thru who date them.

Yes. Hip hop media is partially to blame because of this complexion obsession people of color tend to have. Thugs and even many upscale black men will fight-kill over these women.

[Image: lil-wayne-girlfriend-dhea.jpg]

Beautiful Latinas used to turn me on and they still do to some extent but now they don’t because of what I’m describing.

So hopefully somebody here can convince me otherwise. But then again maybe nobody cares and want to discuss this issue which is also okay too.

Either way…I didn’t mean to offend or break the rules. I just feel greatful that there are lots of types of men here from all over the world who have traveled to South America and everything and whom maybe have a more positive outlook In comparison to my pessimistic view which is why I posed the question.

Because I have been approached by some attractive Latinas recently from overseas and American born ones too and to be honest they physically look good to me. But I say to myself

“do I want the drama of going out with them?”

“do I want to fight a bunch of thugs at 7-11 or at nightclubs?”

“do I want to always have to look over my shoulder and wonder?”

“should I apply for a gun permit or step up my boxing – mma training after I start dating her?”