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Game Works - Faust - 12-22-2012

Hi guys-

I've got the sinus infection from hell, and so I'm stuck at home in front of a computer when everybody else is out having Christmas parties. I've long run out of useful things to do with my time, so I've decided to write down the story of the craziest example of Game landing somebody a hot chick that I've ever seen, or even read about. The next time your opener gets shot down, or some screechy land whale tells you that "Game doesn't work and is for losers!" just think back to this.

Every year, like most of the rest of the country, I fly back to my home in the midwest for Christmas. Last year, as I was flying back to the west coast after New Years, I was seated next to one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. A 9, incredibly close to a 10. 20 years old, and a sophomore in a community college. Perfect face, long blonde hair, dazzling smile, and a decent rack to boot. Dressed in a way that perfectly complemented her figure, and made her look fun, pixie-ish, and sexy.

I'm not the type to chat people up on airplanes, but a few minutes into the flight she actually opened a conversation with me. She was playing a word puzzle game on her iPhone and wanted to know if I'd play with her. It was a three hour flight, and so as we played we got to talking. Besides her appearance, this is what I learned about her:

-Personality wise, she was open and engaging. She was funny in a GOOD way (Not a sarcastic, cutting way, but a clever and happy way that made you laugh)

-She was respectful and a good listener. We've all had women prattle on about their boring lives for hours on end. She actually listened when you said something.

-She had a part-time job as a sex advice columnist. (She showed me the website when the plane landed. The top column was "How to give a woman an orgasm - Part 5")

-She was flying out to the west coast to meet her boyfriend. She lived on the east coast, and had spent most of her savings to buy the plane ticket.

So what was this boyfriend like? He must be a tall, dark, millionaire like that guy in 50 shades, right? This girl was as close to the ideal woman as I've ever met in my life, and I'm sure she couldn't go down to the grocery store without having 10 guys throw themselves at her. Well, she was more than eager to tell me about him, because she was obviously smitten with this guy.

-Her boyfriend was Mexican. She was white.
-He was 5-6 years older than her.
-She had only ever talked to him on Skype, and this was the first time they were meeting in person.
-He lived in a small farming town in the middle of nowhere.
-He was an unemployed fruit picker who lived with his family.
-He couldn't get a job because he lost his license in a drunk driving conviction, and now couldn't get around without a family member driving him somewhere. (It was totally unfair, she assured me.)
-She didn't say outright, but I got the sense from the conversation that he was likely illegal.
-She was going to be staying for 2-3 weeks. If it went well, she would stay there permanently to be with him.
-She had brought a 100 pack box of condoms for the occasion, as he couldn't afford them.
-When I asked how he would support her if he didn't have a job, she said, "Oh, well I'll get a job and support him!"

By the time the plane landed I was starting to wonder if this was some kind of elaborate practical joke, and that Roissy or Roosh was paying hot models to run pranks on planes to see how people would react. I mean, I'd been reading Roissy for years, and even he would laugh at the idea of an unemployed illegal gaming a 9 from across the continent. I walk with her to the gate, and by the time we're back through the security checkpoint I've convinced myself that if nothing else she was joking, and trying to mess with the guy next to her to make a long plane flight more interesting.

Then just as we reach the baggage area, she drops her bags, breaks into a run and leaps into the arms of one of the many Hispanics standing there, and starts making out with him right in the terminal. I can't get a good look at the guy, 'cause her face is literally jammed into his, but I can see from the side that he's no more than 5'6, and pretty ugly. I was clear out to the parking lot before I managed to pick my jaw up off the ground.

I never saw her again, of course, so I don't know what happened to them after that. I don't know if she stayed with him, or if she got to use her box of 100 condoms. I don't know what the hell kind of Game he ran on her. Maybe he took advantage of the fact that she was rebelling against her parents. Maybe in 2 weeks the spell he had over her would break, and she'd go rushing back to New Jersey to find a nice college student to date. I have no idea. But I do know that at one point last year, an unemployed fruit picker with a suspended driver's license and without a dime to his name persuaded an HB9 to buy her own plane ticket and her own condoms to go fuck him, and potentially work to support him, just by talking to her on Skype. This I know for a fact.

What's your craziest "Game Works" story?

Game Works - RevolutionaryCause - 12-22-2012

Dont underestimate the power of the illegal immigrant jedi game

Game Works - Don - 12-22-2012

thanks for sharing the story, more fuel for my pro-game arguments with my close friends.

Game Works - Screwston - 12-24-2012

Brian after reading this thread -

[Image: Angry-man-001.jpg][Image: startrek_freakout.gif][Image: 1472967_o.gif]

Game Works - Manystyles - 12-25-2012

[Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif]
Quote: (12-22-2012 08:39 AM)Faust Wrote:  

Hi guys-

I've got the sinus infection from hell, and so I'm stuck at home in front of a computer when everybody else is out having Christmas parties. I've long run out of useful things to do with my time, so I've decided to write down the story of the craziest example of Game landing somebody a hot chick that I've ever seen, or even read about. The next time your opener gets shot down, or some screechy land whale tells you that "Game doesn't work and is for losers!" just think back to this.

Every year, like most of the rest of the country, I fly back to my home in the midwest for Christmas. Last year, as I was flying back to the west coast after New Years, I was seated next to one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. A 9, incredibly close to a 10. 20 years old, and a sophomore in a community college. Perfect face, long blonde hair, dazzling smile, and a decent rack to boot. Dressed in a way that perfectly complemented her figure, and made her look fun, pixie-ish, and sexy.

I'm not the type to chat people up on airplanes, but a few minutes into the flight she actually opened a conversation with me. She was playing a word puzzle game on her iPhone and wanted to know if I'd play with her. It was a three hour flight, and so as we played we got to talking. Besides her appearance, this is what I learned about her:

-Personality wise, she was open and engaging. She was funny in a GOOD way (Not a sarcastic, cutting way, but a clever and happy way that made you laugh)

-She was respectful and a good listener. We've all had women prattle on about their boring lives for hours on end. She actually listened when you said something.

-She had a part-time job as a sex advice columnist. (She showed me the website when the plane landed. The top column was "How to give a woman an orgasm - Part 5")

-She was flying out to the west coast to meet her boyfriend. She lived on the east coast, and had spent most of her savings to buy the plane ticket.

So what was this boyfriend like? He must be a tall, dark, millionaire like that guy in 50 shades, right? This girl was as close to the ideal woman as I've ever met in my life, and I'm sure she couldn't go down to the grocery store without having 10 guys throw themselves at her. Well, she was more than eager to tell me about him, because she was obviously smitten with this guy.

-Her boyfriend was Mexican. She was white.
-He was 5-6 years older than her.
-She had only ever talked to him on Skype, and this was the first time they were meeting in person.
-He lived in a small farming town in the middle of nowhere.
-He was an unemployed fruit picker who lived with his family.
-He couldn't get a job because he lost his license in a drunk driving conviction, and now couldn't get around without a family member driving him somewhere. (It was totally unfair, she assured me.)
-She didn't say outright, but I got the sense from the conversation that he was likely illegal.
-She was going to be staying for 2-3 weeks. If it went well, she would stay there permanently to be with him.
-She had brought a 100 pack box of condoms for the occasion, as he couldn't afford them.
-When I asked how he would support her if he didn't have a job, she said, "Oh, well I'll get a job and support him!"

By the time the plane landed I was starting to wonder if this was some kind of elaborate practical joke, and that Roissy or Roosh was paying hot models to run pranks on planes to see how people would react. I mean, I'd been reading Roissy for years, and even he would laugh at the idea of an unemployed illegal gaming a 9 from across the continent. I walk with her to the gate, and by the time we're back through the security checkpoint I've convinced myself that if nothing else she was joking, and trying to mess with the guy next to her to make a long plane flight more interesting.

Then just as we reach the baggage area, she drops her bags, breaks into a run and leaps into the arms of one of the many Hispanics standing there, and starts making out with him right in the terminal. I can't get a good look at the guy, 'cause her face is literally jammed into his, but I can see from the side that he's no more than 5'6, and pretty ugly. I was clear out to the parking lot before I managed to pick my jaw up off the ground.

I never saw her again, of course, so I don't know what happened to them after that. I don't know if she stayed with him, or if she got to use her box of 100 condoms. I don't know what the hell kind of Game he ran on her. Maybe he took advantage of the fact that she was rebelling against her parents. Maybe in 2 weeks the spell he had over her would break, and she'd go rushing back to New Jersey to find a nice college student to date. I have no idea. But I do know that at one point last year, an unemployed fruit picker with a suspended driver's license and without a dime to his name persuaded an HB9 to buy her own plane ticket and her own condoms to go fuck him, and potentially work to support him, just by talking to her on Skype. This I know for a fact.

What's your craziest "Game Works" story?

[Image: troll.gif]

Game Works - PhilE - 12-25-2012

Manystyles how is he trolling? I understand the story is fantastical but that is the point of the thread in the first place. he never said that he pulled a almost 10 he said a Mexican did and he was curious to how he did it if anything this story sound extremely believable to me because I have seen unbelievable men pull gorgeous women all the time and 1 of them is my closest cousin

Game Works - speakeasy - 12-25-2012

How many poor Mexican fruit-pickers living with their parents have game? Without observing him nobody has any idea if he has game or not. But from what I know of that demographic their "game" consists of making catcalls at women as they walk past a construction site. People with that kind of social savvy would probably be working in sales or something making good money at the very least. I'm not saying the story is made up necessarily, but I'm not sure there's much to learn here. It just may be one of those 1 in a million "man bites dog" stories. Sometimes strange shit happens and there's no good explanation for it. Just like there are stories of millionaires that are so desperate they have to put up billboards to find a girlfriend. There is just strange shit out there that defies the norms.

[Image: Billboard1.jpg]

Game Works - chochemonger1 - 12-25-2012

It had to be with videocalls on skype, where the dude must have shown perfect body language, gaming and comforting skills mixed with asshole/aloof. The fact that he is telling her to do everything for him and he does jackshit, shows how you have to treat these 9´s.
It is a very difficult thing to pull off, but with an American 9 I believe it.

Game Works - Faust - 12-26-2012


I totally understand if you don't believe it. Hell, I barely believe it and I was standing there as she made out with this guy in the middle of an airport. It sounds completely insane. But I swear that it happened exactly as I related it, at least as best I can remember for something that happened a year ago.


That's my theory. She mentioned Skype and video chat a lot. And I got the impression that her parents absolutely hated this guy, so it was an act of rebellion and independence for her to be going out to see him. I think that played a big part of it too. So a perfect confluence of game and factors on her side.

Game Works - Giovonny - 12-26-2012

Obviously, he used mexican vodoo..

[Image: santamuerte.jpg]

Game Works - Enigma - 12-26-2012

Was he a light-skinned latino?

Game Works - Faust - 12-26-2012

Memory's a little hazy on that point, but I think he was like a shade darker than the guy in the post above yours.

Game Works - esperar - 12-26-2012

I am very skeptical. I am unemployed and live with my parents, and while I do get attention from hot women, it's because of my looks and the fact I try to say as little about myself as possible.