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Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Indyone - 12-21-2012

So I've been subscribing to Simplepickup's monthly ProjectGo thing and they close a lot of numbers using a VERY direct approach during the day time. "Excuse me, I thought you were cute and had to meet you" etc.

On the forums, I'm reading a lot of indirect day game. I personally thinks both works, but what do you guys think of their approach methods?

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Virtus - 12-21-2012

its an edited show filmed for gathering as many views on youtube as possible as they get paid for ads. It doesnt actually need to lead to anything. i bet they get laid like champs still

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Parlay44 - 12-21-2012

Number collecting doesn't make you a player. Women publicly post their numbers on dating site these days. Number closing on a cold approach is meaningless. Call me after you hit it.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Indyone - 12-21-2012

Their monthly subscription (the uncut version) shows them makeout closing on these direct approaches (at night only) and driving off with the girls in their cars. They also show text message exchanges after getting the number, it's unbelievable. My suspicion is that they just do it for hours on end and I'm sure they can get at least a few lays throughout the entire course.

My main question is, who are the experts on direct approach on this forum and how have their results been?

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - MrXY - 12-22-2012

Direct approach videos have entertainment value and so they are better as part of a marketing strategy than indirect approaches.

I think a disservice is done to beginners when this is sold to them as THE method to use- direct is far more difficult to succeed with than indirect.

Can direct work? Yes- if you have rock solid inner game, can demonstrate high value and have good game skills, and are willing to do a lot of approaches, you could get a reasonable approach to bang ratio. But newbies by definition don't have this skill level yet

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Sargon of Akkad - 12-22-2012

These websites promoting directness always act as though getting a woman's number meant the approach worked.

Getting numbers from direct approaches is easy. Getting those numbers to turn into dates, not to meantion sex, is another matter entirely.

Try it yourself.
- Be direct with 10 girls and indirect with another 10.
- right down how many of those girls gave you their number, how many ended up dating you, and how many you eventually ended up having sex with.

I predict you'll notice all the numbers are much higher among the girls you were indirect with.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Doulos2Game - 12-22-2012

When I am day gaming in my community college campus I collect dozens of numbers. When I get home 1 out of 12 turns into something. I used to think what these guys did was a big deal. It really isn't. The only thing is that they look more relax doing it because of the hundreds of hours they have put in.
A lot of those numbers, they themselves have said, turn into nothing. But that doesn't mean that they get laid on the regular. They have a status already. These guys are plowing through pussy. Most girls see themselves on youtube and instantly get there pussies wet. At one point in my career I would like to do something similar to this.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-23-2012

Guys should experiment with both styles and find a method that works for them. Like most of these "debates", there is no "right or "wrong" answer.

I have used both methods alot and I think there is a time to use each of them. It all depends on the type of girl and the type of situation. The art form is knowing when to use each style. Some environments are better for indirect, some are better for direct. Some girls react better to direct, some indirect. After a while, you sort of get a sense for it. You look at the girl, her look, her vibe, her clothes, and then you try to present the style of game that you think she will best react to.

Newbies should practice both styles. Direct is really not that difficult.

"Excuse me, I thought you were cute and had to meet you"

Whats the worst that can happen? She says--"thanks but i have a boyfriend".

Beginners should do this just as an inner game boosting exercise.

Getting laid is not about direct vs indirect. Getting laid is about everything you do after the opener.

Check these threads:

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Sargon of Akkad - 12-23-2012

I also wouldn't recommend using too much direct daygame in small university towns or on a small campus. Do that too often and you'll inevitably become known as "that guy", which may make things harder for you in the long run.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-23-2012

Quote: (12-23-2012 08:24 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I also wouldn't recommend using too much direct daygame in small university towns or on a small campus. Do that too often and you'll inevitably become known as "that guy", which may make things harder for you in the long run.

Agreed. We have to be aware of our environment at all times. If you are gonna see the girl again, you probably should go indirect. If you know you will never see her again, its easier to go direct.

This is why I prefer large universities. I also game at various junior colleges and small colleges but I rotate between them every week or so to stay off peoples radar.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-23-2012

More threads on this topic..

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Sargon of Akkad - 12-23-2012


Try it yourself.
- Be direct with 10 girls and indirect with another 10.
- right down how many of those girls gave you their number, how many ended up dating you, and how many you eventually ended up having sex with.

sorry, I meant "write down"

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - thegmanifesto - 12-23-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 09:08 PM)Indyone Wrote:  

Their monthly subscription (the uncut version) shows them makeout closing on these direct approaches (at night only) and driving off with the girls in their cars. They also show text message exchanges after getting the number, it's unbelievable. My suspicion is that they just do it for hours on end and I'm sure they can get at least a few lays throughout the entire course.

My main question is, who are the experts on direct approach on this forum and how have their results been?

What's so "unbelievable" about that?

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - soup - 12-23-2012

You have to know when to use the right tool for the job.

There are times when going in-direct will make you seem like a pussy, and there are times when going direct will have you coming off as a douche bag.


Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Johnny Football - 12-23-2012

Well I think they do have solid game minus Jesse who only goes direct 24/7, when he tries to pick up it's always direct which I don't think is write in most situations. Jason definitely pulls however.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - bojangles - 12-24-2012

calibration, i use direct but that's because i won't get steamrolled in a set.

"Can direct work? Yes- if you have rock solid inner game, can demonstrate high value and have good game skills, and are willing to do a lot of approaches, you could get a reasonable approach to bang ratio. But newbies by definition don't have this skill level yet "

This says it all, you need the skills for it but its a catch 22 as you can only learn these skills by approaching. I don't know who simplepickup are, but I'm skeptical of many PUA 'pay services'. London has been notorious for scam artists.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - RouteBackwards - 12-24-2012

Quote: (12-24-2012 05:58 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

calibration, i use direct but that's because i won't get steamrolled in a set.

"Can direct work? Yes- if you have rock solid inner game, can demonstrate high value and have good game skills, and are willing to do a lot of approaches, you could get a reasonable approach to bang ratio. But newbies by definition don't have this skill level yet "

This says it all, you need the skills for it but its a catch 22 as you can only learn these skills by approaching. I don't know who simplepickup are, but I'm skeptical of many PUA 'pay services'. London has been notorious for scam artists.
I definitely agree, it is all about calibration.

Direct game, like MANY game concepts, has started to become touted as a magic pill approach for skipping all elements of seduction and bringing you right to the lay. That is true, if your target is sexually primed (ovulating) that night and you have rock solid confidence.

I use direct game mostly in night time situations and only if the women I approach are showing a lot of skin.

If I use it in a day time setting It is in the vein of "You are absolutely gorgeous, I had to come and meet you" type of shit, but I always shift it right into indirect game regardless.

I do not believe you can have success only with direct game, indirect game has to come into play at some point.

In other words, direct game is a tool, just like indirect game, and you have to learn when to use one or the other.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Indyone - 12-24-2012

Went to a night club last night. In those high energy environments, direct is definitely way better for me. It keeps the conversation stimulation and interesting. The most indirect I would go is saying something along the lines "you look so bored" to strike the conversation...

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Sargon of Akkad - 12-25-2012

Quote: (12-24-2012 08:00 PM)Indyone Wrote:  

Went to a night club last night. In those high energy environments, direct is definitely way better for me. It keeps the conversation stimulation and interesting. The most indirect I would go is saying something along the lines "you look so bored" to strike the conversation...

Yeah, clubs and bars are good places to go direct, but these direct advocates normally only shoot videos of approaches on the street during the daytime, which, as already said, has the following disadvantages.

1. They require a lot more approaches and a lot more number collecting to get a bite.

2. They only make sense in relatively big cities, as doing something like this in a small university town too often (which you'll inevitably have to do to get consistent results) can earn you an unwanted reputation.

All in all, directness during the daytime requires more work for less.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-25-2012

Quote: (12-25-2012 06:45 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

All in all, directness during the daytime requires more work for less.

I disagree. Going direct during the day is not any more work then going indirect. In fact, it might be less work because you don't have to make small talk and ramble about bullshit. You can get right to the point.

As far as results, dates and bangs can come from direct just as easily as they do from indirect.

Gong direct is a good way to screen for girls who are interested in you and filter out girls who don't match your personality.

Once you get over approach anxiety, I think direct can actually be easier then indirect because... well, its, more direct!

Getting to the point is no more diffucult then beating round the bush.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - HiFlo - 12-25-2012

You know, I don't know how successful the Simple Pickup guys are in terms of closing, they do seem kinda nerdy and lacking in sexuality. That being said, I find their confidence inspirational. I watched their picking up girls with moms vid yesterday. Then when I was at a store to buy some christmas chocolates, there was this hottie with her mom. I woulda normally chickened out, but I went up and chatted with her. The mom actually faded away till I was done, LOL!. Girl said she was engaged so nothing happened, but the video was inspirational.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-25-2012

Quote: (12-25-2012 01:38 PM)HiFlo Wrote:  

I watched their picking up girls with moms vid yesterday.

Gotta link for that?

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - HiFlo - 12-25-2012

PM sent

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Sargon of Akkad - 12-26-2012

Quote: (12-25-2012 01:34 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2012 06:45 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

All in all, directness during the daytime requires more work for less.

I disagree. Going direct during the day is not any more work then going indirect. In fact, it might be less work because you don't have to make small talk and ramble about bullshit. You can get right to the point.

As far as results, dates and bangs can come from direct just as easily as they do from indirect.

Gong direct is a good way to screen for girls who are interested in you and filter out girls who don't match your personality.

Once you get over approach anxiety, I think direct can actually be easier then indirect because... well, its, more direct!

Getting to the point is no more diffucult then beating round the bush.

I may have made my post unclear. I didn't mean directness was more difficult, only that you have to do a lot more approaches before you end up in bed with a girl (at least in my experience).

I aggree that, short term, direct approaches are much easier to pull off, since you don't have to bother thinking of a bullshit exuse to come talk to her.

However, since direct approaches during the day less often result in solid leads than indirect approaches, you have to invest a lot more time and energy approaching women than you would while going indirect. When I'm indirect, most (8/10, 9/10) will result in a number, while about half of those numbers will result in a date, and about a third or a fourth of the girls I date I can generally expect to end up in bed with (roughly speaking, of course! These are just averages). I don't get anywhere near those numbers with directness, however (at least not during the day).

So, short term, yes, directness requires much less work, but in the long run, they require a lot more time and energy for less payoff.

Simplepickup Direct Day Game - Giovonny - 12-26-2012

Quote: (12-26-2012 05:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

directness requires much less work, but in the long run, they require a lot more time and energy for less payoff.

I still disagree. I don't think going direct requires any more time and energy to get laid. In my experience, going direct often speeds up and simplifies the seduction. Yes, you might have to approach more girls, but, the ones you hook know what your intentions are.

You make your intentions clear, you get right to the point, you sexualize the interaction earlier, the girl has to decide if she likes you are not earlier in the process.

In my experience, going direct produces solid leads just as much as indirect produces solid leads.

I'm trying to understand your point? Can you give an example of how going direct has caused you to do more work..?