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Healthcare, aging, and traveling - Printable Version

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Healthcare, aging, and traveling - weblinks - 04-09-2010

My body is starting to fall apart a little. I am not even 40 and I have already lost a tooth, my hair has started falling out, my eyes sometimes don’t focus so fast, my ears ring, and I have eye/ear infections, diarrhea, sore ankles, depression, and dandruff. Sometimes I wake up and wonder what will be the health problem of the day.

I know is aging is natural, but I think some of my illnesses like tooth loss, infections, and diarrhea are due to traveling in the 3rd world. Healthcare, safety, and hygiene are not so good in developing countries and usually there is no fluoride.

I would advise everyone to work hard when they are young and carefully consider the risks of travelling abroad. I know you can get sick anywhere, but I wonder if my health would be better if I had just stayed home.

Healthcare, aging, and traveling - speakeasy - 04-09-2010

Think you need an HIV test.

Healthcare, aging, and traveling - OGNorCal707 - 04-09-2010

As my good old friend Jon would say, "Ah boyz!"... Anyways on a more serious note are you a hypocondriac (sp/?)? Dude it sounds like you got some issues, maybe start by brushing your teeth, eating healthy food, drinking water (no soda), exercise and go see a doctor and maybe a psychologist too while you're at it.