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Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Printable Version

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Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - east and west - 12-20-2012

Hi All.
Just finished my trip to Latin America which lasted 2 months, and combined with previous extensive travels in Europe, US, Mexico, and Asia, I would like to list some destinations which are good for Chinese and other asian dudes. I myself is quite international, so i am not the guy from fresh of the boat from Mainland china who speaks no english who may find going to places difficult, I am somewhat international and lived in UK. So below are the destinations which I have found good and bad

1. South America- Brazil, Colombia.
Brazil- Big country and very varied in terms of geography, and different receptiveness to chinos/ Asians. In the south i found they more prefer germans and are abit cold. Rio is great, many parties and easy to chat with girls, try go to local parties, and dont stay in hostels if you can afford other places.

Colombia- good, however you need to speak spanish and understand the local culture as people go out in groups. Best is to mingle in the local circle once you master some spanish. I learnt to dance abit salsa too. Girls are beautiful in my opinion and dont have bitchy attitudes.

2. FSU
I know this covers alot of geographical area but generally find girls are receptive in dating chinos and quite interesting to talk to. Maybe because i grew up in the communist era. I found them very interesting. have not been to Ukraine but i heared the people there are abit racist, so not sure about that one. Also not sure about Poland, but the polish girls in London did not give me good impression. Romanians i would stay WAY CLEAR as they are not reliable, and some may want to scam you.

3. inside China
Yes, China is a massive country and domestic travel, will give you many opportunities. If you speak chinese, i assume you do, and at least lived in china for sometime, you will meet nice girls. They are found through social circle, clubs, bars, etc.

4. Other Asian countries
thailand- seems quite easy, but not sure about how to get them without paying.
Philipines- girls quite genuine and feminene

5. US
US encourage a kind of individualism so people are free to pursue what they want. i find girls here, (mainly latinas and black girls) quite friendly and easy going. So shouldnt be that hard i think.

1. Scandinavian countries
Difficult to hook up with these, as they may prefer the mediterran type. They also lack humor and affection in my opinion when compared to Latin girls. Alot of guys have been hyping Swedish chicks, saying they are beautiful, bla bla bla...
These countries are too cold to travel to as well, and expensive. I would not recommend.

2. Spain, France, Portugal, UK, Central european countries, Greece
Many countries listed here, but generally have average girls who got bitchy attitudes and way too arrogant for their appearance/ level. I can find a 10 in colombia who has much better attitudes than a 6 in france. Greek girls are too conservative.`UK- this is the place where i lived 1 and half years without a girl friend, maybe i was too busy working, haha.

4. Australia (maybe)
Reason why i say maybe is that whilst the aussie girls are loud and abnotious, and drink way too much, there are many chinese and asian girls in australia, due to it being a popular immigration destination. These girls, whilst grew up in australia, some may still preserve the good qualities of a asian girl. For aussie girls, you gota use a different game, eg. teasing, etc.

Kind of in the middle

1. Peru
Whilst many girls wanted to take photos with my while i was visiting macu piccu and other touristic sights, and often staring at me on the streets, When it actually come to coming home with me and hooking up, these girls are quite shy. I had good conversations and they certainly were curious about my face though. Lima is better than staying in cusco which is a backpacker heaven and girls are quite ugly there, although many said its easy there. Maybe i havent stayed in Cusco long enough, but i wouldnt recommend.

2. Chile
Girls are generally bad looking, although online dating is widely used here, more so than other places in SA. |Beware that as santiago is a big city, alot of girls will waste time chatting to you but will NOT come to meet you. you should say bye bye in 10 min if you sense this.

There are other numerous small countries, but i will not list them here as their population is too small and too time consuming to list them all.

I will be creating my blog on my travels in South america, so will keep you guys updated.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Brosemite - 12-20-2012

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - HollowEarth - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - _Samo_ - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - genjuro - 12-20-2012

Colombia is good for sure, specially if you speak a bit of Spanish and you can dance. I've been there three times. No problem with girls at 7 or 8. Maybe one day when I'm older I'll go back there. Colombianas don't seem to care about large age gap as much as girls from many other countries. I had a beautiful girl 15 years younger than me and she is a truly great person. We still talk sometimes.

About European girls, I dated Polish, Romanian and Hungarian before. I met most of them through Salsa dancing. Polish girls are open to foreigners in my experience. I've seen a skinny FOB Indian guy with a rather good looking Polish girl who is taller than him. And he isn't rich or anything. Romanian girls don't have bad attitude. If anything they have some sort of inferiority-complex because Romanians are looked down in Europe due to Gypsy issues. If you tell a Romanian girl that Romanians are not Roma people , show respect to their culture and be warm to her, she will appreciate it for sure.

I'll relocate to Warsaw in Jan, 2013. Should get the work permit in a month or so. I'll see how Warsaw is. Already found dancing lessons and Polish lessons. Prices are very cheap. Unlimited lessons at dancing studios only cost $50~60 or so per month. I'm a decent dancer and dance better than most of my Latino friends (bar pros). When I was in Colombia, my Colombian friends were really surprised because I dance better than them, lol. Anyway dancing is probably the easiest way to meet girls. That works for me in Toronto and I imagine would be similar in Poland as well. I'm also doing online pipelining and been chatting with a few girls in Poland. Almost all of them speak English fairly well.

One thing about Poland : K-pop is kinda popular there, especially among young girls, 20 or younger.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - HollowEarth - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:09 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - pozdnyshev - 12-20-2012

HollowEarth, have you been to ANY of these countries? Do you speak the language? Do you know ANYTHING about their culture???

"Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced" - exactly - now please Google for Виктор Цой (Victor Tsoi). I personally know many Russians of Asian descent who pull amazing tail. I'd post photos, except that they're friends of mine, but rest assured, the girls would be considered 8 or 9s in the US.

Asians are often valued precisely because they play the beta provider game well.

You don't have to believe me, search for the term русско-китайские браки. Google translate this article:

(unfortunately the photos are of an American couple, but it talks about just how Chinese men and Russian women couples are not a new phenomenon). Hell, even the now deceased ROC president Jiang Qing-guo had a Russian wife - yes, the Republic of China had a Soviet first lady for decades!

But don't believe me, here's a quote from Olga Makhovkaya in the article above; she is the senior researcher of social psychology from the Russian Instittute of Science (Российская академия наук) and is a often quoted expert on Russian women and their marriages:


по исследованиям Ольги Маховской, очень удачны русско-китайские браки. 'В Приморье их уже десятки тысяч. Китайские мужчины очень много работают, не пьют, приносят домой деньги и по контрасту обладают преимуществами перед русскими женихами'.


according to Olga Makhovskaya, Russian Chinese marriages are very successful. 'In the Primore oblast there are already 10s of thousands. Chinese men work hard, don't drink, bring home money, and has a lot of advantages when contrasted to Russian men.'

But she is a simple researcher. Here, read this forum for Russian girls who married Chinese men.

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:47 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Brosemite - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:47 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:09 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Where exactly are you from btw? What parts of the world have you traveled to?

This is quite hilarious stuff. The chick I visited in Poland from my past last dated some skinny Arab dude as the guy before that looks like a skinny gypsy as she is easily an 8-9. That next week, I went home with another chick in Wroclaw.

When I was also in Wroclaw, I met quite a few other Asian guys from Korea/Japan who relocated to work for Samsung, LG, etc only to end up with Polish girlfriends or wives. Even local Polish dudes both in Poznan/Wroclaw tried playing or actually initially insisted to play wingman for me at bars. I'd say the coolest/most fashionable local men were also in Wroclaw but I didn't feel like I was competing against them..but rather my look blended in well as the women there had a true appreciation for quality whether local/ jealousy amongst us at all during my visit.

If I was making up bullshit, I wouldn't come clean on striking out miserably in Belgrade or Budapest in other threads bc I did. But whatever. Have fun with your over aggressive troll posting, haha

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - pozdnyshev - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:38 PM)genjuro Wrote:  

One thing about Poland : K-pop is kinda popular there, especially among young girls, 20 or younger.

Koreans in general are stereotyped as very talented and creative in the former Soviet Union. I'll quote my own post

In the US, having a last name like Tsoi/Choi marks you as a beta nerd and more recently, a potential pyscho-killer. In Russia, a girl would be more likely to ask if a Tsoi is related to the famous Viktor Tsoi - a Korean-Russian rocker whose early death gave him the fame of John Lennon. So much so that the über babe Oksana Akinshina - this girl - starred in a movie called Sisters (Syostry or Сестры) which is a 83 minute tribute to Tsoi - this from the late Sergey Bodrov Jr., who is otherwise known for directing Russian nationalist themed movies filled with anti-Caucasian stereotypes. Anyway, Koreans in particular, if anything are stereotyped as very creative musically.

As for other stereotypes: in the movie A Woman in Berlin, an Asian of unknown ethnic origin from the Russian Far East, is stereotyped as the strong, silent type - a real man compared to the often drunken Russians around him. In others (Gruz 200, Tochka for example), the Vietnamese are portrayed as the only moral characters in a sea of Slavic corruption.

As far as I can tell, there is no Russian cinematic negative stereotypes of East Asians ala Sixteen Candles or Fargo.

Negative stereotypes of Asians in Russia exist mostly for Central Asians, often stereotyped as gastarbeiter (German, both singular and plural, literally meaning guest-worker). A good example would be the characters Ravshan and Dzhamshut, from Nasha Russia.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - _Samo_ - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:47 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:09 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Sounds like you have never visited the place to me, see what the other guys are saying.

Racism from guys will generally just be dirty looks or the odd rude comment in Polish, no big deal. Another factor is allot of Polish guys will just be jealous because a foreigner is taking ''their'' women, particularly if he is not white.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - genjuro - 12-20-2012

About exotic factor, I sure got that in Colombia and Romania. When I was in Baia Mare, Romania which is close to Ukraine and has a fair share of Hungarian people, the hotel receptionist a 18 years old cute blonde girl was so curious about me. To my surprise she even invited me to stay over at her apartment. She was from a small village, and worked/lived in the city alone. But I had to turned down the offer since I had to catch the train to Brasov the same day.
She was nice. I remember we went out to buy food and drink and she insisted to pay for herself even though she made very little money.

They are very poor. Many people in Romania only make $300~400 net per month. It's a bit better in Poland where most common salary is about $600~700 net. Lublin is probably the poorest area in Poland, $500 net is common salary there. The girl I know who lives in Lublin makes 1500 pln , equivalent to less than $500, and she told me 5000 pln salary would make her in heaven. That's even less than the minimum wage in Toronto! I guess when you make 10 times or more money , the local guys will find it very hard to compete against you. In the end money talks.

I had good impressions about Romania overall. The first night I flew into Baia Mare from Bucharest, the city was dead quiet and it felt a bit skechy in the old city center. I walked alone into a pub. There were a bunch of guys drinking. They invited me to join them and we drank together. They were very clear about two things : first their country is poor, second their women are beautiful. [Image: biggrin.gif] They actually tried to introduce a girl to me as tour guide for the next day but I turned it down. In the next three days I rented a car and drove alone in the moutains. More than once the people I met in the villages jokingly asked me if I wanted to marry a Romanian girl. Of course it wasn't serious but I don't see they would have problems if their women are to marry Asians. Actually I had a date with a local girl, a cute petite brunette, whom I met when I got lost in the city and asked for direction.

I'm planning to go to Iasi in Romania to see a friend somewhere next year. It's a university town, former capital of Moldovan area and close to Chisinau, Moldova. English is widely spoken in Romania among young people unlike in Moldova. I guess I will have to learn a bit of Russian or Romanian before visit Moldova.

About Moldova, I can't believe my eyes when I saw a hiring post on a Moldovan job web site : for an office worker, the salary is $125 a month. I know it is a poor country, but never though it is that bad. Anyway I came across this video of girls in Chisinau dancing Salsa on street in summer, really a nice scene. Would love to go there sometime and have fun! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Good thing is that Cuban Salsa is popular there, not the bore-your-ass-to-death LA style which I hate but can still fool around if the girl can only dance that style.

Look at that guy in the video : completely and utterly clueless! LMAO.
Do they all dance that bad??? Although I'm not a pro or a Mixx, but chances are that I'm gonna rock with my Afro-Cuban Rumba and Cuban-Salsa moves, LOL.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - HollowEarth - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 07:20 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:47 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:09 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Where exactly are you from btw? What parts of the world have you traveled to?

This is quite hilarious stuff. The chick I visited in Poland from my past last dated some skinny Arab dude as the guy before that looks like a skinny gypsy as she is easily an 8-9. That next week, I went home with another chick in Wroclaw.

When I was also in Wroclaw, I met quite a few other Asian guys from Korea/Japan who relocated to work for Samsung, LG, etc only to end up with Polish girlfriends or wives. Even local Polish dudes both in Poznan/Wroclaw tried playing or actually initially insisted to play wingman for me at bars. I'd say the coolest/most fashionable local men were also in Wroclaw but I didn't feel like I was competing against them..but rather my look blended in well as the women there had a true appreciation for quality whether local/ jealousy amongst us at all during my visit.

If I was making up bullshit, I wouldn't come clean on striking out miserably in Belgrade or Budapest in other threads bc I did. But whatever. Have fun with your over aggressive troll posting, haha

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Dude don't make me laugh because I was near damaging my laptop screen after almost spitting out the food in my mouth. Do you have any pictures or actual evidence to prove this stuff? And don't give me bull shit that you don't have to do anything. I bet these hypothetical women that the said probable imaginary friends of yours were either again not the most top tiered women of their respective races, probably didn't happen or doesn't actually except in extreme rare occasions. Why would a women, who's preconceived notions of male attractiveness does not involve Asian men, and who has no idea about them show interest in them? It makes no logical sense and you are going to have to provide extensive proof to disregard the fact that it's a country historically known to have racial inferiority complexes toward other European countries, especially Northern European ones.

Is there any Polish celebrity girl or model that has ever shown interest in an Asian? No, likely the girl in question was a 8-9 to you since you really can't pull slop intra-racially or again is completely made-up which is likely the case. Do Polish women see bill boards with male models of Asian ancestry instead of Euro ones when traveling to Western European countries or through the European media? No

It's ok, if we are going to bring up jealousy as a feeling, well we can always bring up the fact that that delusions and fantasies are also feelings to cover up personal inadequacies as facts of life, especially for some demographics of people that aren't known or sought out for anything. What's the matter? Is the mythical Asian race factor not working out for you anywhere else and the Western world? No need to be trollish by posting random masturbatory fantasies of yours combined with improper grammar, of the beta underdog Asian somehow getting that "whrrrite wrromen". No big deal saying your own women are not attractive at all and then posting pseudo stories of getting a chance with top tier women of another race since by that logic, the girl in question through would just rationalize picking and pick the best man of another race or her own that fits the maximum mold of the commonly universally admired male Eurocentric standards of beauty racially. Given that functioning, I have a hard time believing these miraculous stories.

I mean there is a huge polish community where I live here (Chicago), probably the biggest Polish community outside of continental Europe alongside several large communities of Asians, yet NOT ONCE did I ever see them expressing interest in Asians despite there being large numbers of them near them. How did the magical Asian machismo not work here man?

I am not jealous but really amused whenever these semi-triumphant cheap skate selling stories come floating on the interwebs. Keep being hilarious dude, you people (race trolls) are always good for giving such cheap laughs!! It's good that you live delusionally but then it's pretty bad when you trick others into believing lies and making them go into them in a Pavlonian fashion LOL!

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - HollowEarth - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 07:40 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:47 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:09 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:03 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2012 05:04 PM)yb13 Wrote:  

Already a thread:

But good stuff.

Coming from an Asian guy, GO TO POLAND. It's a fact Polish chicks in the UK aren't good looking, but go to Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and I hear Katowice is good too for very attractive women that dig Asian dudes. Unsure about Krakow, but avoid Lodz unless you have university friends there who will introduce you to more females. Met some very nice people in Lodz as I was visiting a girl from my past there, but a lot of strangers in suburbs can be depressed racist poor ppl.

Avoid Hungary/Serbia however..though Serbia is still very fun as people are overly friendly nevertheless

Spain is also good if you're an Asian guy that speaks Spanish.

Brazil - As for the south, Portuguese is a must for any race really. The only chicks in the south who go for foreigners are ones who speak English while relocating to North America or any other country. My Brazilian flag was in Porto Alegre in Dec 2011 as there's even a Confucious School for people to learn more about Chinese culture. The locals in POA really get involved in that too.

This sounds like bullshit, I have heard the exact opposite about Polish girls liking Asian men, every account I have heard of Polish girls indicate that they are racist and generally don't want foreigners as much. Either you got left-overs that you thought were top-caliber girls or you are exaggerating. I REALLY have a hard time believing Polish girls would ever show interest in Asian guys; real guys have told me they are racist and don't really find anyone else besides other Euro's or Blacks, they especially don't like Asians because they just don't fit their preconceived likes of a guy they would find attractive.

I don't know where you heard that they don't like foreign guys from, but that's completely wrong. I'd say a foreign guy has a much better chance in Poland compared to any other central/east European country.

The racism is not that bad in Poland at all and if you do get some racism it will 99% be from other guys rather than women, I'm pretty sure any guy can score with Polish women regardless of race, there is no excuse, its nothing like Russia/FSU in regards to racism.

Again bullshit, Poland was part of the Warsaw pact and is heavily Soviet influenced, why would the GUYS be racist towards and not girls? That makes no sense AT ALL. There is nothing exotic about being Asian at all to European girls, this is some sort big fantastical lie. Why would a Polish girl go for an Asian, let alone any decent attractive one, when they aren't at all the ideal men in any Polish girl's mind. Taking into account that Polish men are not horrible looking at all, sometimes fit into the Nordic phenotype, are on average MUCH better built and taller then Asians? Why would a country where girls prefer men with rough masculine faces, proven through studies, EVER go out with men that are stereotypically the least masculine race of men? Why would a country known historically to have all sorts of racial inferiority complexes pertaining to how they got dominated by Russians, Germans, other European countries suddenly show interest in foreigners and other races, and especially a race of men without any representation in the western media and are physically lesser without fitting any preconceived molds of a Polish girls mind? This is considering a country that is not underdeveloped at all and women have the choice of having enough to live and the options to choose the men that they like?

This all sounds like a bunch of poppy cock horse crap to me.

Sounds like you have never visited the place to me, see what the other guys are saying.

Racism from guys will generally just be dirty looks or the odd rude comment in Polish, no big deal. Another factor is allot of Polish guys will just be jealous because a foreigner is taking ''their'' women, particularly if he is not white.

Sounds like you are just trying to avoid some realities bro, at least in a hamster wheel fashion. Yes racism is not going to be a big deal in Europe, great logic lol!! BTW the guy posting stories about Romania sound extremely trollish out of some sort made up story. Yeah a random girl is going to ask an ASIAN male, without having any sort of asset that would catch anyone's eye, and randomly buy and spend money on a COMPLETE STRANGER when they don't have much money in the first place, and particularly a foreigner/tourist that is completely alien to her and is not from her country. YEAH REAL BELIEVABLE MAN LOL!!!!! There is absolutely NOTHING exotic about Asian males or being Asian, especially from the perspective from a Euro girl. They all generally look the same and have no real features that would catch the eye; in short they look pretty bland and don't have the diversity of eye colors as Europeans do.

Do you people really think that these hypothetical pseudo-hip trendy useless studies, which are completely not objective at all, a real study of actual realities? No, I would regard these hilarious garbage studies with the same level of analysis and interest as the bullshit "research" that psychology and sociology "experts" come out with in the U.S in newspapers and popular magazines.

Keep being hilarious race trolls!!! Let your blind lead the blind and make the sheep follow while reality hits you in the face while me and everyone else in the real world laugh our asses off!! You race trolls are always good for cheap daily internet laughs!!

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - genjuro - 12-20-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 08:59 PM)HollowEarth Wrote:  

Sounds like you are just trying to avoid some realities bro, at least in a hamster wheel fashion. Yes racism is not going to be a big deal in Europe, great logic lol!! BTW the guy posting stories about Romania sound extremely trollish out of some sort made up story. Yeah a random girl is going to ask an ASIAN male, without having any sort of asset that would catch anyone's eye, and randomly buy and spend money on a COMPLETE stranger when they don't have much money in the first place, and particularly a foreigner/tourist that is completely alien to her and is not from her country. YEAH REAL BELIEVABLE MAN LOL!!!!!

Can you read? I said she she paid for herself. Where did I say that she paid for me?

Your mom must have been fucked by a donkey so that she gave birth to an imbecile like you.

You have NO money, can NOT afford to travel or live the life style you'd like , like other guys on the forum.

You said it yourself : "you are a nobody or won't get anywhere in life." [Image: biggrin.gif]

you're DUMB and you're a FAILURE.


Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - speakeasy - 12-21-2012

Hallowearth, I'm a black dude so I don't have a horse in this race here and I'm just reading this thread for amusement only. But you are really coming across as a hater. I don't know if the Asian guy's claims are real or not. But you act like there's no such thing as an Asian guy doing well with white girls. I don't see it every day, but I've certainly seen examples of Asians guys with decent looking white chics. Now they tend to not be the fresh off the boat looking Asian guys. They tend to be the taller ones that have a more hip style to them and a good understanding of Western culture. If he's got game plus these things, I think there will be opportunities available to them. Of course you are in part right as well, I'm sure the *average* Polish girl is not jumping at the chance to date Asian men, but there are always going to be a few outliers that are attracted to something outside the norm. Why are you giving the guy such a hard time? It seems to me you are primarily angered by the fact that a non-white guy may be banging Eastern European women.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - temujin - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 12:51 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

It seems to me you are primarily angered by the fact that a non-white guy may be banging Eastern European women.

Pretty much. The Angry White Race Troll.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Kabal - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 12:55 AM)temujin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2012 12:51 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

It seems to me you are primarily angered by the fact that a non-white guy may be banging Eastern European women.

Pretty much. The Angry White Race Troll.

HollowEarth may be obnoxiously and annoyingly wrong here, but we can do better than by poisoning the well with the much tiresome "Angry White [Man]" ad hominem that we hear so often from feminists.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Beyond Borders - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 01:18 AM)Kabal Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2012 12:55 AM)temujin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2012 12:51 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

It seems to me you are primarily angered by the fact that a non-white guy may be banging Eastern European women.

Pretty much. The Angry White Race Troll.

HollowEarth may be obnoxiously and annoyingly wrong here, but we can do better than by poisoning the well with the much tiresome "Angry White [Man]" ad hominem that we hear so often from feminists.

Oh, give me a break. With all the liberties white guys (and others) take with Indian Race Troll, etc, on here?

I get what you're saying about how easy it is to use "white man" as a scapegoat in our society, but it's a bit late to get sensitive about race on this forum, in my honest opinion, and that's coming from a fellow white boy.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Virtus - 12-21-2012

Born a Russian in US for half my life and I have yet to meet a Russian/Ukrainian/Polish/Latvilituestonian / EE girl that dated an asian man of any origin kazakh / kirghyz or any other minority and would actually keep eye contact with anyone when they would be out. Eyes cast downward because of judging looks. These unions did not last. Granted I've met total of 3-5 couples of such configurations out of a hundred or so acquaintance but this is just not done. I know precisely one russian girl that exclusively dates latino and black men but that is about it. Most Russians I've met will consider any other race as sub standard and not an adequate choice as far as their social circle would be concerned. Turks/arabs/armenians/persians are considered slimy and dirty. Asiatics, well, mongoloid and african origin with the skin color to prove it are not an adequate choice anyhow. I have gotten into heaps of derision for dating a girl from the bahamas briefly and almost got disowned for dating an asian girl. Even white american men are considered rather uncouth. Anyhow. Take it as you wish.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - temujin - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 03:53 AM)calihunter Wrote:  

Born a Russian in US for half my life and I have yet to meet a Russian/Ukrainian/Polish/Latvilituestonian / EE girl that dated an asian man of any origin kazakh / kirghyz or any other minority and would actually keep eye contact with anyone when they would be out.


I just met three different Estonian girls who are in relationships with black, Japanese, and Indian guys. They all live in Estonia, and in fact, have babies with them.

I also know several Lithuanian, Polish, and Czech women who are also dating the color rainbow and live together, with their men, back in their home countries.

Granted, the stigma against a black-white couple may be higher in EE than it is for Asian-White couples or Asian-Latino/Arab couples -- and it may be a harsher environment in Russia itself given Russia's infamous intolerance -- but that doesn't mean they don't exist in other EE countries.

I've lived and travelled EE for 11 years and I'll call bullshit on statements like this when I see it.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - Virtus - 12-21-2012

Talking about Russians in the US. I left before there was an influx of foreigners in the FSU. So your experience in EE is much more valid than mine there.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - pozdnyshev - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-21-2012 03:53 AM)calihunter Wrote:  

Born a Russian in US for half my life and I have yet to meet a Russian/Ukrainian/Polish/Latvilituestonian / EE girl that dated an asian man of any origin kazakh / kirghyz or any other minority and would actually keep eye contact with anyone when they would be out. Eyes cast downward because of judging looks. These unions did not last. Granted I've met total of 3-5 couples of such configurations out of a hundred or so acquaintance but this is just not done. I know precisely one russian girl that exclusively dates latino and black men but that is about it. Most Russians I've met will consider any other race as sub standard and not an adequate choice as far as their social circle would be concerned. Turks/arabs/armenians/persians are considered slimy and dirty. Asiatics, well, mongoloid and african origin with the skin color to prove it are not an adequate choice anyhow. I have gotten into heaps of derision for dating a girl from the bahamas briefly and almost got disowned for dating an asian girl. Even white american men are considered rather uncouth. Anyhow. Take it as you wish.

So you're no longer Russian - you're Russian American. You no longer know what's going on in your country of origin. If you came before the collapse of the Soviet Union, your nationality (i.e., ethnic origin) is probably not Russian, but Jewish.

Did you know that sushi restaurants are the rage, even in small towns like Ivanovo? Did you know that there is a stupid trend among Russian girls who dream of adopting Chinese babies? (Don't ask - I'm not a girl - I can't explain it...) Did you know that Chinese films, and the status of China in general is on the rise? Putin again praised China yesterday at the press conference.

There's a popular joke going around in the Ukraine about Ukrainian vocational education consisting of teaching the children how to make moon-shine, ostensibly for the teachers, and Chinese vocational education consisting of teaching the kids how to make iPhones.

Girls are impressionable, and media in Russia right now paints China in a very popular light...

Japan has always had the halo effect of making all the cool gadgets and animes - but that affects guys perception rather than girls. The only popular cultural reference to Japan (aside from sushi) is Interdevochka - where a rich Japanese businessman pays for a high cost Russian prostitute.

Remember, women of all countries are hypergamous in nature. If a guy is from what the girl perceives as a higher social class -- or simply from the first world instead of the second world, then the girl will consider him. You're going to see far more Russian-Asian couplings, than say, Russian-African couplings.

Anyway, for you Asian travelers, if you're so afraid of racism, just skip all other cities and head straight for Kazan (a Russian city on the Volga, and capital of Tatarstan) - half of the guys there will look like you, and no one will bat an eyelash if you're walking around with an lithe blonde girl.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - east and west - 12-21-2012

Guys. Lets not make this into a racism thread.

It's good to share great personal experiences but please don't put any other bad stuff into this.

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - east and west - 12-21-2012

Quote: (12-20-2012 06:38 PM)genjuro Wrote:  

Colombia is good for sure, specially if you speak a bit of Spanish and you can dance. I've been there three times. No problem with girls at 7 or 8. Maybe one day when I'm older I'll go back there. Colombianas don't seem to care about large age gap as much as girls from many other countries. I had a beautiful girl 15 years younger than me and she is a truly great person. We still talk sometimes.

About European girls, I dated Polish, Romanian and Hungarian before. I met most of them through Salsa dancing. Polish girls are open to foreigners in my experience. I've seen a skinny FOB Indian guy with a rather good looking Polish girl who is taller than him. And he isn't rich or anything. Romanian girls don't have bad attitude. If anything they have some sort of inferiority-complex because Romanians are looked down in Europe due to Gypsy issues. If you tell a Romanian girl that Romanians are not Roma people , show respect to their culture and be warm to her, she will appreciate it for sure.

I'll relocate to Warsaw in Jan, 2013. Should get the work permit in a month or so. I'll see how Warsaw is. Already found dancing lessons and Polish lessons. Prices are very cheap. Unlimited lessons at dancing studios only cost $50~60 or so per month. I'm a decent dancer and dance better than most of my Latino friends (bar pros). When I was in Colombia, my Colombian friends were really surprised because I dance better than them, lol. Anyway dancing is probably the easiest way to meet girls. That works for me in Toronto and I imagine would be similar in Poland as well. I'm also doing online pipelining and been chatting with a few girls in Poland. Almost all of them speak English fairly well.

One thing about Poland : K-pop is kinda popular there, especially among young girls, 20 or younger.

Interesting about Poland. Maybe I haven't been to they right places, last time I went there was like 7 years ago to kracow and it was cold. I went to the bars but didn't really find many polish girls but there were full of English and Swedish girls.

How many months it takes to learn salsa well?

I heated k pop is also big in Peru. The local indigenous people really like it there

Bang travel guide for Chinese dudes (and others of asian origin) - nomis69 - 12-21-2012

This HollowEarth is the old "Ohiogang" [Image: lol.gif]

Dude can't get over his hate and insecurity over Asian dudes, LMAO!