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The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-01-2012

I haven't had sex in over 4 years...Bush was still in office.The economy was wonderful...Yada yada yada.At this point Im over it.Im reasonably attractive, intelligent and well employed. I need to break this dry spell and Im giving SERIOUS consideration to visiting a hoefessional.Is this a good idea??? The reasons for this drought and others that weren't so long, is my complete and utter INNER BETTA.I know it.I need to change that.I understand that it's gonna be a long and potentially painful process but in the mean time I just wanna do some nasty things to a hot chick.The reason for my sudden urge to do this is because I've lost one high paying job due to ABSOLUTE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION and Im on my way to losing another.I've alienated my self from friends and family because I've become a complete woman hating asshole.I'm trying to be proactive here but Im sorta affraid I might get used to just buying pussy instead of actually going out and gaming women. Is there any of the more experienced members here that have gone thru this??? What in the hell am I supposed to do???

The Drought(2008-???) - iknowexactly - 11-01-2012

Quote: (11-01-2012 08:27 PM)TheMachinist Wrote:  

I haven't had sex in over 4 years...Bush was still in office.The economy was wonderful...Yada yada yada.At this point Im over it.Im reasonably attractive, intelligent and well employed. Is there any of the more experienced members here that have gone thru this??? What in the hell am I supposed to do???

If you are that pissed off at women it goes deeper than not having had sex.
There's probably some kind of maladaptive thought you've got stuck in your head, some kind of personality trait that's too inflexible. Women are always right, or truly believe they are which is the same thing. You don't have to accept it but you have to be able to ignore it. If you are too controlling and perfectionistic, you will always be in conflict with them and not able to enjoy them.

I would guess not having sex was a RESULT, not a CAUSE of you being angry at women.

It's faster to get help, but you can waste years of your life instead like I did.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-01-2012

I've got some deep seeded issues with women. I don't dispute that. At this point I just wanna have one at least pretend to like me if only for an hour or so. Being lonely fucking sucks but even saying that I still don't want anything from a woman other than some sex. 99% of my female interactions usually end with me having thoughts of where to hide her remains (Im joking... But not really). Im sick of feeling like that so rather than have those thoughts I've just stayed away from them and in the process denied myself the most basic part of human existance...SEX. Things have gotten bad enough that my mom has picked up on my utter hatred of women.The few women that I've interacted with in the last 4 years have all picked up on it too. I'd go see a shrink but Im not sure what that would do for me other than make me angrier towards women...That brings me back to just paying for the pussy...

The Drought(2008-???) - iknowexactly - 11-01-2012

Quote: (11-01-2012 09:35 PM)TheMachinist Wrote:  

I've got some deep seeded issues with women. I don't dispute that. At this point I just wanna have one at least pretend to like me if only for an hour or so. Being lonely fucking sucks but even saying that I still don't want anything from a woman other than some sex. 99% of my female interactions usually end with me having thoughts of where to hide her remains (Im joking... But not really). Im sick of feeling like that so rather than have those thoughts I've just stayed away from them and in the process denied myself the most basic part of human existance...SEX. Things have gotten bad enough that my mom has picked up on my utter hatred of women.The few women that I've interacted with in the last 4 years have all picked up on it too. I'd go see a shrink but Im not sure what that would do for me other than make me angrier towards women...That brings me back to just paying for the pussy...

That kind of thinking ( real venomous hatred and wishing someone ill who you don't even really know) is a pretty bad symptom, and pretty unpleasant to be experiencing.

You may have some neurochemical screw up, like bipolar developing-- who knows-- which sets you on edge. Better to get it looked at, it doesn't prove you're OK if you refuse to see a [preferably male] doctor.

Maybe you have some unrealistic expectation you have that keeps getting not met. No one can "make" you angry outside of direct physical assault, often there's some unrealistic idea you have that the world doesn't live up to-- you probably don't really know what it is.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-01-2012

The banging the hooker part is doable. It's the professional help I have a problem with. I don't even know where to begin to look for such a thing. My mom made me see a shrink when I was in high school but I really didn't get anything out of it that I can remember.I don't mind paying money for a shrink but for my hard earned money I expect RESULTS. Not some uppity doctor without a clue stringing me along trying to seperate me from my money week after week.Mental health isn't often discussed openly so knowing who gets the job done and who doesn't is a fucking crap shoot.Hookers I can just go online and read the reviews and see who's delivering and who aint.

The Drought(2008-???) - iknowexactly - 11-02-2012

Well, first question is do you like being the way you are. It's funny, you sound angry at your potential shrink already!! You want "RESULTS!" Yikes.

But you've got guts for sure, to admit women have gotten to you like that takes courage, so maybe you can change some things so you're not so pissed off at them.

Change is work, like getting a fucking degree or something. Most people don't really want to do it; it's way easier to stay the same and complain while doing nothing. Or, sometimes it takes decades to get to where you feel you really want to change. It's not a crime to wait.

Maybe you can , say, be content hiring hookers from now on, viewing women as distasteful parasites whose vaginas you need from time to time. I have no idea, I'm sure there are people like that.

If/when you DO want to try something out, here's my ideas:
Most shrinks aren't that good, it's true. You can try a few for a trial session, if they protest they're hacks. Good shrinks know you need a good match patient/doctor.

Ask for a referral from a health care provider you like; someone competent. In general I'd go with an [much] older male psychiatrist, they've seen everything 100 times, the weedout process is a little stricter than other professions and they aren't as dumb as women.

Yelp has reviews now so you get some feel for who has a mentality you like. A lot of Jungian analysts will do a session for free because they take compatibility seriously and they have tons, like over a decade of training, at least 5 beyond grad school/med school. You can google "jung institute " in your nearest major city to find a list of their graduates.

Only the most brilliant woman will be able to sympathize with what it's like to deal with women for men ( the irresponsibility, fakeness, narcissism) -- most will be feminist apologists. Therapy takes time and a sharp male shrink will have seen someone very much like you with a similar problem. None of us are really that unique, although we tend to think we are.

Trying to work through serious discomfort on your own is like trying to replace your own transmission with no experience, you just don't have the professional experience to see what's going wrong. When it comes to psychotherapy, when the patient thinks it's the transmission it's more frequently the clutch, if you see what I mean. If there wasn't some kind of blind spot you can't get to, you would be able to fix yourself.

The car metaphor is good-- a patient who has persistent conflict with others is convinced they are "making" him do things. It's like a driver who keeps getting in accidents, and says it's because "all the other drivers out there are crazy." But then how come most drivers don't frequently get in accidents? You must in some way be part of the problem, if you deem it a problem.

On the other hand, like I said, maybe you can be happy hiring whores and not seriously relating to women. Many in the PUA community advocate or practice this. Women are objects, who cares what they think or feel. For much of history this was a much more acceptable attitude than now.

You are not a car, an object to be fixed-- you've got to try things out, learn different ways to deal with/think about people so you don't hate them...Ultimately YOU do the work, shrinks are just sort of guides.
Do you want to cross the Rocky Mountains on foot on your own with a compass or have someone who's already done the trip 20 times with you? Like going across the Rockies, the guide doesn't pick up your feet for you at each step, he just says "this is the way" for YOU to work to move forward. Except for medication stuff, but they still need a lot of info from you.

I used to get in conflicts with every boss I had, it took two years of my analyst pointing how I was sabotaging myself before I actually started "getting" what he was saying in terms of realizing in the actual situations how I was steering things wrong.

There's always a risk to change, you may prefer to stay the way you are. It's your choice, but you do not sound happy from your posts.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-02-2012

Good info.Im gonna spend some time this weekend looking into the shrink angle some more. The weird part about all this is that minus the aforementioned BETA tendencies Im not shy or introverted around good looking broads. I can carry a convo with the best of them and if it wasn't for my mentality I'd probably fuck broads on the regular. I used to be some what high profile in the local club/music scene and I've had more 7+'s throw them selves at me then your average Joe.I've seriously giving the coldest of shoulders to broads that I really wanted to fuck.WEIRD...I KNOW...My physical attraction to broads is thru the fucking roof.It's the bullshit and lies pre and post orgasm that I DO NOT DEAL WITH WELL.Thats why just paying for sex with a mutual understanding of what's what seems so appealing. I know game WORKS. It's all math and simple psychology and I'd really like to get to a point where I could talk a bitch clean out of her panties, bust a big ol' nut on her face and then leave without any BS.Maybe on the other side of all this I'll become some sorta SUPER MACK or some shit.

The Drought(2008-???) - Avarence - 11-02-2012

No pussy during the Obama administration?
Another example of how that stimulus didn't do shit.

Romney 2012

The Drought(2008-???) - NoBalls - 11-02-2012

Quote: (11-01-2012 08:27 PM)TheMachinist Wrote:  

I haven't had sex in over 4 years...

How often do you cold approach?

If you've been cold approaching the entire four years I would be worried. If not the solution is to cold approach women until you do get laid.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-02-2012

Quote: (11-02-2012 06:03 PM)NoBalls Wrote:  

[quote='TheMachinist' pid='299094' dateline='1351819647']
I haven't had sex in over 4 years...

How often do you cold approach?

If you've been cold approaching the entire four years I would be worried. If not the solution is to cold approach women until you do get laid.

In 4 years time...ZERO COLD APPROACHES. Just never feel like dealing with all the lies and bullshit that comes with it.I have ZERO INTEREST IN WOMEN OTHER THAN PUSSY!!! I just wanna fuck em and forget em.It's the BS leading up to fucking and shortly there after that I could do without.

The Drought(2008-???) - HiFlo - 11-02-2012

Quote: (11-02-2012 08:44 PM)TheMachinist Wrote:  

In 4 years time...ZERO COLD APPROACHES. Just never feel like dealing with all the lies and bullshit that comes with it.I have ZERO INTEREST IN WOMEN OTHER THAN PUSSY!!! I just wanna fuck em and forget em.It's the BS leading up to fucking and shortly there after that I could do without.

well then u haven't been playin "the game," fool

dont hate the player, hate the game.

you might wanna consider going to a cool club or shit and taking some good XTC man to remind me of the joys that can be had socializing with strangers, and with the good that IS there in people. if you're introspective about the experience afterward it can be pretty therapeutic. some may call it cheating, but hell, u gotta fake it till you make it.

The Drought(2008-???) - teh_skeeze - 11-03-2012

In my unprofessional opinion it seems to me that you need to learn to eliminate your desires and expectations. You are expecting something from women that they can't provide, and that's what is making you angry. I understand, I go through it myself. The difference between you and I is that since I have had a bit of sex during The Messiah's term, I can appreciate women for what they are during that very moment, whether we are having sex or not.

I assume that you are like most men in the middle and just want a decent looking wife that will take care of things while you are out bringing home the bacon. Those days are in hibernation, you need to adjust. Paying for pussy will help with getting the monkey off of your back. However, in your case, I could see it doing more harm than good because you have some deep seated issues you need to resolve. Otherwise your money will end up going to many hookers instead of one (child support and vaginamony).

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-03-2012

Nope.Not looking to marry.Not now not ever.I walked that line.Not for me.

The Drought(2008-???) - teh_skeeze - 11-03-2012

What do you mean you walked down that line? Have you been married, or are you saying that you had the desire to get married in the past?

The Drought(2008-???) - Matt3B - 11-03-2012

You sound more bitter to me than angry. Bitterness for how women act, the lies, the frustrations and all that shit and maybe bitter than not one of them has taken time out of their lives to get to know you. No sex for 4 years, no relationship, no intimacy and overworking will take its toll on you.

Going by what you've said so far, you're rationalising why women should date you.

"Im reasonably attractive, intelligent and well employed"

"I've lost one high paying job due to ABSOLUTE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION and Im on my way to losing another"

"for my hard earned money I expect RESULTS"

"Im not shy or introverted around good looking broads. I can carry a convo with the best of them and if it wasn't for my mentality I'd probably fuck broads on the regular. I used to be some what high profile in the local club/music scene and I've had more 7+'s throw them selves at me then your average Joe"

The fact that they're not has got to you. I used to be like this before I took the red pill. "Why's she with him? I could treat her so much better. I'm a nice guy, I know how to treat women, why isn't she interested? I've got all these qualities that women (supposedly) want, why aren't I dating anyone?"

You realising your inner beta is fucking you up is good so don't underestimate that you've recognised that problem. Most men don't have a fucking clue about that. You have work to do and you know that, and luckily for you there is a shitload of information in the manosphere to help you.

"Just never feel like dealing with all the lies and bullshit that comes with it.I have ZERO INTEREST IN WOMEN OTHER THAN PUSSY!!! I just wanna fuck em and forget em.It's the BS leading up to fucking and shortly there after that I could do without."

What you've said there, I will say this in response: fucking deal with it. We all are, it's part of the process. Even AFCs deal with that process, even the most alpha of guys have to deal with it. If you want pussy, you have to deal with that bullshit. Training yourself to be less emotional about the bullshit women bring and learning game is the key to making the process of meeting a girl, gaming her, and fucking her much more effortless.

You have to put the effort in now to get results in the future. Honestly, coming on here and saying you just want to fuck girls and not have to bother with all the stuff leading up to that point is stupid. You don't think every guy on here wants that? That doesn't exist otherwise this forum wouldn't be here. As I said mate, just fucking deal with it.

Go and fuck a whore mate. Get that sexual frustration out of your system because you're portraying to every girl you meet that you've not had sex in a long time and this won't help you fuck anyone in the future. Just get it out of the way, you'll feel better for it but don't keep doing it. Realise why you're doing it.

The Drought(2008-???) - Avarence - 11-04-2012

You aren't approaching enough. It's that simple.
But good on you for finding this site.

The Drought(2008-???) - Insignia - 11-09-2012

Start appoarching, go out and talk to everyone, be social and stop fearing rejection! If you get rejected, go and appoarch another girl, you will learn. Charm and personality is not something that can be bought, it is something that has to be earned thorugh experience, so start going out tonight and go out for a month straight, I garuntee you your inner beta will die.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-09-2012

I've decided against seeing a "Hoefessional" for the time being although I may at some point in the future after I get some legit pussy.I've been reading all the info on the "Game" I can find and Im giving Roosh's program a go. So far I've been in the Gym daily and the excersise has been good for me.I need to tweek my wardrobe abit and then Im gonna start my 100 approaches.Hopefully I can report back soon on my progress.

The Drought(2008-???) - Avarence - 11-09-2012

Awesome. Don't give up.

The Drought(2008-???) - Johnny Football - 11-10-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 10:57 PM)TheMachinist Wrote:  

I've decided against seeing a "Hoefessional" for the time being although I may at some point in the future after I get some legit pussy.I've been reading all the info on the "Game" I can find and Im giving Roosh's program a go. So far I've been in the Gym daily and the excersise has been good for me.I need to tweek my wardrobe abit and then Im gonna start my 100 approaches.Hopefully I can report back soon on my progress.

Your on the right track. Also try and find some like minded members and have daily chats, just too shoot the shit etc. Helped tons with my game.

The Drought(2008-???) - blackglasses - 11-10-2012

Not sure what to say. But I know it is unhealthy for men to go too long without pussy

The Drought(2008-???) - Nineteen84 - 11-10-2012

Well you've come to the right place. Forget the P4P, get the fuck out of the house and get approaching. And read the bang books. Paying will make you feel worse, you need to get back in the game and away from the morbid thoughts. Once you start interacting with women you might find you enjoy it. or not. Depends what country you're in [Image: smile.gif]

In fact why don't you set a goal like 50 approaches and put your judgements aside until you complete the mission. You will in all likelihood feel very different by the end.

p.s. probably best if you keep your hide her remains 'joke' to yourself from now on... [Image: lol.gif]

The Drought(2008-???) - kosko - 11-10-2012

Just get it out of the way. Breaking a cold streak like that on a regular female will be a train wreak. I had a year drought and nutted within the first 10 Seconds with the feline and it did more harm to my confidence. Yes I had to go out and approach for it, but the broad was wack and it came tooo easy.

Just get the initial frustration out the way. Trust.

Go to some massage spot and get a Korean broad to rub you out. Then go approach like a mad man with that weight of your shoulders.

Banging out a hoefessional is wack (done it twice). At least with the rub down it meets your basic requirement while still making you hunger for legit sex.

The Drought(2008-???) - Beyond Borders - 11-10-2012

I never do P4P.

But a 4-year drought; I'd go get it out of my system, Man.

After that, start working on your attitude. Find a suitable therapist. And start approaching - if you can't even bring yourself to try, you can't really get upset about results. It'd do you a lot of good to not take women and life so seriously. They call it a game because it's fun - make it fun. It really seems like you need to get in touch with your playful side again.

Also, do you work out? If not, it might do you some wonders. Make you look better. Great for your emotional being. Relieve some of that stress and resentment.

I want to commend you on your post though. I can really sense your frustration, but it takes a lot of courage to post something like this and be as honest as you are. That's a great first step towards improvement. Now that you've got all the bullshit out of the way, have admitted the problem, and have asked for help, there's nowhere to go but up.

Now you just need to harness your position and find the motivation to make small, incremental improvements in your life.

Meanwhile, get some P4P - just don't use it as a crutch for too long. In and out to "sow your royal oats." lol

I personally find strip clubs are a great place to remind yourself of the playful, feminine side of women - many strippers are indeed very playful and very feminine. Just ignore the bullshit that goes with it and remind yourself what it's like to have a good time. Never, ever take those bitches seriously, especially if you have no game.

The Drought(2008-???) - TheMachinist - 11-10-2012

The reason I've decided against seeing a "Hoefessional" has more to do with me getting tired of taking the path of least resistance.Paying for it would probably do more harm to me mentally than good so Im trying to avoid that situation after giving it some serious thought.Im not rich or anything but paying $400-$500 to bang a bad bitch is ALOT easier to do then actually facing rejection dozens of times while trying to score some free pussy.
My issue with women is two fold.One I've always "settled" for whatever woman paid me any attention versus PURSUING the women that I was really attracted to.And secondly I've always felt like I've been unable thus far to make a women feel the same way about me as I do them.Thus a string of VERY one sided "relationships" if they can even be called that.Im sure the feeling of "Why won't she love me like she did so and so" has been felt by all Bitch Ass Betas (myself included) at least once in life.I just got tired of being with sub par women that I couldn't make really "Love" me like they would an Alpha male.After 15+years of these situations and the breakups to come with em I'd just had enough.I figured it was easier to just go without female companionship then it would be to look inside and change myself.I've always known the diffrence between an Alpha Male and a Beta but I just figured either you were born lucky or you weren't.I have some SERIOUS Alpha males as friends and broaching the subject of " How do You Do It?" always ends with them saying "I just do." Naturals even though they may be willing to shed some insight are typically not able to articulate just what it is that allows them to have their way with women.So here I am trying to "UnBetta and UnBitter" myself.Thus far it's been humbling and has provided more questions than answers but I promise Im gonna keep on pushing ahead...