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Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 02-27-2010

So mid April until June I get laid off. I plan on going back home to Vegas for 2 weeks. After or before that, I am planing on taking maybe a month vacation. Does anyone have any good places to recommend? I will have somewhere around $2500-3000 to play with. I just got back from living in Brazil for 4 months, so I'm only really looking to go have fun, not necissarily to explore the culture. I would like the flight to be cheap, so basically the estern hemesphere is off limits. Do you guys think I would be able to pull off a trip to Colombia with this much money, still needing to buy plane tickets as well or know anywhere I can get cheap tickets to Colombia? Any other suggestions? Some examples I was thinking of were maybe, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic. Any input would help.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - Kona - 02-28-2010

First off, Costa Rica's been done.

As far as Hawaii goes, you can fly here for about $500 from the west coast. You may face some budgetary issues after that, though.

The hostels here on the North Shore are still pretty booked. The ones in town are $40 a night.

The tourist population right now is mainly older folks and Asian families. It's only local girls out at the bars, and an American tourist is going to have a hard time with them. Plus, the only bars worth going to right now are the ones that charge $30 to get in and $10 for a beer, unless you're local.

There is an overall attitude of resentment for all things mainland setting in here.

Unfortunately, unless you have major dollars, now just isn't a good time to come out here.

Go to Cuba.


Ideas on short, budget trips... - Lumiere - 02-28-2010

In cuba you will get non stop hassle from the cops for even walking down the street with a local girl

the hassle will be directed at the girl not u as they will assume she is a hooker

dr is cool but only if you like black chicks

go to colombia or mexico

flights from miami to colombia are super cheap

Ideas on short, budget trips... - thegmanifesto - 02-28-2010

"There is an overall attitude of resentment for all things mainland setting in here. "

More than normal?

I would go DR or Colombia.

Both are epic.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 02-28-2010

Do ya'll think I could get by in Columbia and still have a good time with $3000 total, before plane ticket and all for one month, maybe a month and a week? And as far as Colombia goes, it sounds like Medellin is the spot correct? I had a buddy who has been basically everywhere in SA and says he wants to live in Medellin. He says it's by far the best city in SA. He speaks fully fluent spanish and no Portuguese, so I tell him he missed out a little in Brazil.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - Lumiere - 02-28-2010

You would have a lot of trouble burning through that amount of cash unless you went totally baller style

Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 02-28-2010

Yeah just checked. Flights to Colombia from Miami are cheap. Too bad the flight from Denver to Miami is almost as expensive as the flight to Colombia. It will end up costing about $700 in total.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 02-28-2010

I think I would have a good time in Hawaii though because my cousin is a local and used to be a lifeguard on North Shore. He's a pretty crazy guy. I'm sure he would show me a good time.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - Lumiere - 02-28-2010

i am gonna be in hawaii in a few weeks

introduce me

Ideas on short, budget trips... - Kona - 03-01-2010

Quote: (02-28-2010 07:10 PM)Brandon E Wrote:  

I think I would have a good time in Hawaii though because my cousin is a local and used to be a lifeguard on North Shore. He's a pretty crazy guy. I'm sure he would show me a good time.

If you have a place to stay then your budget is perfect.

The lifeguard will be able to show you a good time. On top of doing a fantastic job keeping kooks alive in some of the most dangerous waters on the planet, chicks throw themselves at those brothers like they're movie stars.

Check and sign up for the unadvertised fare alerts and see what they send you over the next few days. They sent me one about flights to LAX tomorrow and Tuesday for $109 each way, and that didn't include my miles.


Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 03-02-2010

Word Kona, I checked that out. I'm thinking about Colombia more and more now though. How well can I get by in Colombia with English or Portuguese? I know very minimal spanish. Mostly just things I know are the same or similar in Portuguese. I was reading up and one legitimate website I get some info off of said that it can be pretty seedy and may not be a great idea if you don't know spanish. I kinda figured it was probably around the same danger level as Brazil, but these guys didn't really make Brazil sound as dangerous as Colombia.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - thegmanifesto - 03-02-2010


Aren't you leaving in a couple of months?

I would crash course Espanol in the meantime.

Best investment you can make.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - Lumiere - 03-02-2010

You will need spanish there for sure

medellin is way safer than any city in brazil and many us cities

Ideas on short, budget trips... - InternationPlayboy - 03-02-2010

G, only about a month and a half. That doesn't give me much time to learn. I'm also still learning Portuguese and feel like I will start to loose my portuguese if I try and learn Spanish. I will eventually learn someday though.

Lumiere, don't you think I could get by with shitty spanish and mixing my portuguese? I'm sure if Medellin is safer than some US cities, It's probably safer than Vegas. I'm pretty street smart, I'm thinking I would probably be alright, but do you really think Spanish is that necissary? I mean you made it just fine in Brazil without really speaking Portuguese, right?

Ideas on short, budget trips... - thegmanifesto - 03-02-2010


Honestly, I would just rush it.

Before going to Cartagena, I studied and read Spanish for an hour a day. (I already spoke decent before) And now I can actually say I am pretty damn fluent.

Get on it tomorrow. Look at it this way, you are going to have to learn it sooner or later.

Better make it sooner.

And learn salsa while you are at it.

Ideas on short, budget trips... - dlmelvin86 - 03-02-2010

brandon, you will only get by without knowing portuguess with working grls and rich chicks that you will only find at 100 dollar entry fee events and parties. (i found these chicks alil snoby and hard to game)

you go to a regular club or just out in the town most chicks you meet will not speak english.